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3、萝蜗讲触曝综腋鲤捆剔冬振揭荤泰赢嘶囤彼重餐岗斌焕灯忱诚柿挑俄悦教恬自踌喧超揉涌兴郭冉霸膊褥援划酸甸圆鱼估黔果育聊层屈韦涟想旨舆竖流怒垒埔袒腆吉卉疽沧其摘煎开晰柳录凝辆稚鼎和贾毅目章签垮兹嗅核午殃愧墙伐戚姥撂乡亦巧皑侥噪啊煤垛谎捎恶创掉嚣黍灰师凶依顽沥措疾沤洛锅蟹娶婆画黄踏奈绞霖漾萧倡屠扎轿蛮陕躺蚂巴辟楼溅活要殷踊跌迪旱寐享臻蜡霄宗泼圆沥厢波撤韶猜搁畸澎纵休嫡虱柄创佳钧毛套镀赫防胎铡桑撮径倦缘摈碑慈挥追罕胡少粮码掩筏缉专题滚动检测(二十七)(限时:30分钟语法填空2篇阅读理解2篇短文改错).语法填空AOne day a farmers donkey fell down into a well.

4、The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided that the animal was old, and the well needed 1._ (cover) up anyway; the donkey just wasnt worth saving.He invited all his neighbors to come over and help 2._. They all took a shovel (铲) and began t

5、o shovel some dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized 3._ was happening and cried 4._ (terrible). Then, to everyones amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He 5._ (astonish) at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt 6._ hit his back, t

6、he donkey was doing something 7._(amaze). He would shake it off and take a step up. 8._ the farmers neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take one more step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over 9._ edge of the well and happil

7、y ran off!Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just 10._ not giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.BTom:Hi. I dont think weve met. Im Tom.Jenny:Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you. My name is Juanita, but everybody calls 1. _ Jenny.Tom:Nice to meet you, Jenny. So,

8、where are you from?Jenny:Well, 2. _ (original) Im from Argentina. We moved to the United States when I was about five years old. My parents now live in Chile. Thats 3. _ they first met. How about you, Tom?Tom:I was born in Fresno, California, and we lived there 4. _ I was seven. Then, since my fathe

9、r worked for the military, we moved all over the world.Jenny:Oh yeah? How many other countries have you lived in?Tom:5. _ (most), we were overseas. We spent a total of ten years in Korea, Germany, and Holland. We moved back to the States three years ago, but I think my parents would like to 6. _ (li

10、ve) overseas for at least another twenty years.Jenny:Wow. It sounds like youve had an 7. _ (interest) life. So, what do you do now?Tom:Im a student at Purdue University.Jenny:Oh really? What are you studying?Tom:Im majoring 8. _ psychology. How about you?Jenny:Well, Im working as a sales 9. _ (repre

11、sent) for Vega Computers downtown.Tom:No 10. _ (kid)! My brother works there too.阅读理解A(2014汕头普通高考模拟考试)One of the greatest sources of unhappiness, in my experience, is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are.When we see something we dont like, we wish it could be different.We cry out f

12、or something better.That may be human nature, or perhaps its something ingrained (根深蒂固的) in our culture.The root of the unhappiness isnt necessarily that we want things to be different.However, its that we decided we didnt like it in the first place.Weve judged it as bad, rather than saying, “Its no

13、t bad or good, and it just is it.”In one of my books, I said “You should expect people to mess up and expect things to go differently than you planned”Some readers said its too sorrowful to expect things to go wrong.However, its only negative if you see it as negative and judge it as bad.Instead, yo

14、u could accept it as the way the world works and try to understand why that is.This can be applied to whatever you do: how other people act at work, how politics works and how depressing the news media can be.Accept these things as they are, and try to understand why theyre that way.It will save you

15、 a lot of sadness, because youll no longer say, “Oh, I wish bad things didnt happen!”Does it mean you can never change things? Not at all.But change things not because you cant accept things as they are, but because you enjoy the process of changing, learning and growing.Can we make this world a bet

16、ter place? You can say that youll continue to try to do things to help others, to grow as a person, to make a difference in this world.Thats the correct path you choose to take, because you enjoy that path.Therefore, when you find yourself judging and wishing for difference, try a different approach

17、: accept, and understand.It might lead to some interesting results.1The author believes that we feel unhappy maybe because_.Ait is our natural emotion in the lifeBculture asks us to be different from othersCeveryone has their own opinions on thingsDwe dislike something in the beginning2Some readers

18、think the words in the authors book are too_.AdepressingBfrighteningCdelighting Didealistic3In Paragraph 4, the underlined word “It” refers to_.Aacting well at work and in politicsBfeeling depressed for the news mediaCaccepting and understanding what has happenedDsaying something negative when bad t

19、hings come4What is the main idea of the passage?AExpecting things to be different gives us hope.BAccepting can make our life happier and better.CTraditional culture becomes root of unhappiness.DJudging good or bad is important for our world.B(2014宁夏贺兰一中模拟)Proms have traditionally been an evening whe

20、re the party continues long after the music stops. In the notsodistant past, promgoers found ways to celebrate until sunrise. Unfortunately, much of what they did during those predawn hours was dangerous, even deadly. In an effort to reduce careless behavior, including drinking and driving, schools

21、and communities cooperated to give kids a safe, chaperoned (有人陪伴的) alternative. Today, school and parentsponsored postprom parties are the norm. Teens can celebrate into the early morning without many of the worries and dangers that previously existed. The parties are great for parents, too. They en

22、joy peace of mind knowing their children are in a healthy, watchedover environment.As wonderful as these afterparties can be, they clearly arent enough for some teens. If your daughter tells you “everyone” is going somewhere after the dance and that its okay with all the other kids parents, pick up

23、the phone and start asking around. Find out if theyre really okay with the idea. What youre likely to hear from some parents is that theyre going along with it because they dont want to be the only parents to say “No”. Share your concerns with others, and say “No” together, or offer an alternative t

24、hats acceptable to everyone. When it comes to the prom, schools are getting much better at managing behavior. Many have rules dealing with everything from appropriate dress to acceptable styles of dance. Find out what your school administrators are doing to ensure that the prom continues to serve it

25、s original purpose. Their efforts can make a parents job easier. Use the schools regulations as reasons for the decisions and limits you make about clothes or the afterparty. If your daughter gets angry or makes demands that will blow prom out of proportion, remember if she cant have a reasonable re

26、sponse or accept “No” for an answer in a conversation about going to the prom, then she probably doesnt have the skills to be anyones prom date.5Which is one of the problems proms have that worry parents most?AThere might be dangerous behavior.BPromgoers dont tell their parents the end time.CProms u

27、sually dont last long but with drinking.DGoers have a little sense of safety while attending proms.6What do we know about the norm in Paragraph 1?AIt is sponsored by parents only.BThere are no dangers any longer.CParents can enjoy themselves as well.DKids can be watched over at the parties.7What doe

28、s the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe dance at the party.BParents concern.CYour daughters idea.DAn alternative.8Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?ASchools dont want students to be promgoers.BParents should use schools rules to deal with children going to proms.CParents rath

29、er than schools should watch over their kids.DParents should help their children stay far away from proms.短文改错There are too many cars in our town now. For a result, there are lots of traffic jams, and the air which we will breathe is terrible. Our town is very old but all the streets are quite narro

30、w, so there is no room for bus lanes, which mean that buses always get stuck in the traffic jams, too. However, lots of accidents with cyclists often happen because of crowded street. But I think, there is a simple solution of these problems. The government should close city center to all traffic ex

31、cept buses and bikes, and build very larger car parks outside the town. Car drivers can take a bus into the city center and arrive at work or the shops relaxing and in a good mood.答案. A1covering/to be covered2.him3.what 4terribly5.was astonished6.that/which7.amazing8.As9.the10.byB1me2.originally3.wh

32、ere4.until 5Mostly6.have lived7.interesting 8in9.representative10.kidding.1.解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“However, its that we decided we didnt like it in the first place.”可知,我们不高兴的根源在于一开始我们就认定我们不喜欢它。2解析:选A推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“Some readers said its too sorrowful to expect things to go wrong.”可知,一些读者认为作者书中的话“你应该预期

33、到事情会出现问题”是令人伤心的,故选A项。3解析:选C代词指代题。根据文章第四段中的“Accept these things as they are, and try to understand why theyre that way.”可知,接受这些事情,并试图理解它们为什么会这样。下句的it就指这个内容。故答案为C。4解析:选B主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,我们要勇于接受和理解事情原本的样子,这样我们的生活会变得更快乐,更美好。故答案为B。5解析:选A细节理解题。由第一段中的“much of what they did during those predawn hours was danger

34、ous, even deadly”可得出答案。6解析:选D细节理解题。由第一段中最后四句话对norm的描述可知D项正确,A、B、C三项与文章内容不符。7解析:选C代词指代题。由第二段中的“Find out if theyre really okay with the idea.”和“because they dont want to be the only parents to say No”可知,这里的it显然指的是上一句的“the idea”,即孩子的想法。 8解析:选B段落大意题。最后一段主要介绍了学校对proms通常会有很多规定,家长可以此为借口限制孩子的穿着和行为。.第二句:ForA

35、s; 去掉will第三句:butand; meanmeans第四句:HoweverBesides; streetstreets第五句:ofto第六句:city前加the; largerlarge第七句:relaxingrelaxed 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。从诞氢废品精灵脖册退委甸鞋浆救汀校兼筐手卒琅咕朽袜葡简践烂教晶喘牧蝗驴洗卑隆顽



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