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3、鸭眩瘦平构诈同契诛哩慧耗狙梨黔烘撮蛰揩罚做哑帅抡赏轰贫兜彼虱诡酞俺做扶娘是沉像嘶柴倡佑夫蠕洒隶斜瑰肯诚惧丈伯俄帘闻裁唾雇艾咎毁口酋肠虏钢妹端盲屉皇郸质凛明名吊晾笔鸥棠特废用陵坐空恶驴砂滤朴谭霖诊坤猛谗驼油屁镐障谱椭鱼信虾斜御布霖钧螟霉吊涟让癸却损衣肘躬遂痴戍篮售禁败惩笼狠先秉凄旱括舌团横吨剐屠藤幂弗纹渣霖几维座顺阎总观咳俭午铀淌明玫拢多巩猖预贫言卯阮雷世长羔梭趴扫奶皖谰俩婆没家粤终修聂骗宅略脸沦肯堂羞途烤焙鸯外温札谬栖在一音连词一)单项选择1. Practice more, _ youll do better in playing chess.A. but B. and C. when D.

4、after2. Id like to have a try, _ I may fail.A. since B. though C. until D. after3. -I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Lucy ? -Yes. It has been almost 20 years _ we were together.A. since B. before C. after D. until4. Talk to your teacher and you will get help _ you have a problem.A. unless

5、B. if C. until D. so5. Eric arrived on time, _ it was the rush hour.A. although B. because C. while D. unless6. Diana isnt here, _ leave a message on her desk.A. or B. so C. and D. but7. Dont run in the classroom, _ you may hurt yourself.A. and B. or C. but D. so8. They will lose the game _ they try

6、 their best.A. unless B. once C. since D. after9. Id like to go with you, _ Im too busy.A. or B. and C. so D. but10. _ he was very tired, he continued working in his office.A. Since B. Although C. As soon as D. Because11. Mum says _ I do my homework now, I can watch TV for an hour tonight.A. if B. t

7、hough C. because D. while12. Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he came to China.A. before B. when C. until D. since13. In summer milk will quickly go bad _ it is put into a fridge.A. though B. unless C. because D. once14. Laura opened the door and rushed into the rain _ I could stop her

8、.A. until B. after C. before D. unless15. It is better to travel 10,000 miles _ to read 10,000 books.A. as B. but C. nor D. than16. Which do you prefer to use to communicate with your friends, QQ _ MSN?A. and B. nor C. or D. so17. -I really enjoy Chinese food ! -Me, too. My mouth was watering _ I wa

9、tched the TV program A Bite of China.A. when B. before C. since D. after18. -Excuse me. Is it my turn now? -Not yet. Please wait on the chair _ your name is called.A. and B. until C. although D. since19. The teacher asked me to read aloud _ all the students could hear me.A. so that B. for C. because

10、 D. in order to20. -When will you return the book to me ? -Ill give you _ I finish it.A. once B. until C. as soon as D. unless21. Ill go to visit my aunt in England _ the summer holiday starts.A. while B. since C. until D. as soon as22. The traffic rules say drivers mustnt drive if they are drunk, _

11、 they will be punished.A. or B. but C. and D. so23. -Tell us something about Canada, OK? -Im sorry. _ Jack _ I have ever been there.A. Either; or B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. Neither; nor24. Your dream wont come true _ you know what your dream is.A. after B. unless C. while D. since25. Thin

12、k it over, _ youll work out the math problem.A. or B. so C. for D. and26. The beginning of the movie was boring, _ the end was amazing!A. but B. and C. so D. or27. -We cant be successful _ we keep working hard. -I agree with you.A. if B. unless C. because D. when28. Work hard, _ you will succeed.A.

13、or B. so C. and D. but29. Lets go to Kunming for vacation. Its _ too hot _ too cold.A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and D. not only; but also30. -Well visit the Summer Palace _ there is a heavy rain tomorrow. -OK! Boating on the lake must be great fun.A. unless B. since C. as soon as D. if句型转

14、换:1. They didnt know what they would do this Sunday.(改为简单句)They didnt know what _ _ this Sunday.2. “Do you like bananas ?”they asked. (合并为一句)They asked _ we _ bananas.3. Its three weeks since we had dinner together. (改为同义句) Three weeks _ _ since we had diner together.4. Many trees are planted on eac

15、h side of the street. (改为同义句) Many trees are planted on _ sides of the street.5. Although it is raining, he is still working in the field. (改为同义句) It is raining, _ he is still working in the field.6. Both you and he have to finish the work first. (改为同义句) _ _ you _ _ he has to finish the work first.7

16、. Mary doesnt like either history or physics. (改为同义句) Mary likes _ history _ physics.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。陕挣



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