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1、四年级上册英语单词比赛试题班别:_姓名:_分数:_一、根据中文写英文。(30分每空一分)1. 教师 _ 2. 学生 _ 3. 男孩 _4. 女孩 _ 5. 朋友 _ 6. 家 _7. 房间 _ 8. 学校 _ 9. 教室 _10. 窗户 _ 11. 书桌 _ 12. 门 _13. 椅子 _ 14. 床 _ 15. 面包 _16. 牛奶 _ 17. 蛋 _ 18. 水 _19. 米饭 _ 20. 牛肉 _ 21. 鸡肉 _22. 鱼 _ 23. 姐妹 _ 24. 兄弟 _25. 爸爸 _ 26. 妈妈 _ 27. 司机 _38. 医生 _ 29. 农民 _ 30. 厨师 _二、填空。(30,每空

2、一分)1. Whats in your _(书包)? Look! A _(铅笔盒), two _(钢笔), three _(铅笔),a _(尺子)and many _(书).2. Amy and Chen Jie are good _(朋友).3. Wu Yifan is a _(男孩). He is a _(学生).4. We have 23 _ (女孩 )in our class.5. Miss White is a _(老师).6. My _(房间) is small. There is a _(窗户), a _(桌子), a _(椅子)and a _(床). I like it ver

3、y much.7. What would you like for breakfast? Id like an _(鸡蛋), and some _(牛奶).8. What would you like for dinner? Id like some _(汤).9. We have 22 _ (教室)in our _ (学校).10. Wele to my _(家)。11. Open the _(门), please.12. What would you like for lunch? Id like some _ (米饭).13. Whats your _(妈妈)? Shes a _(护士)

4、.14. This is my _(爸爸)? 15.Shes my _(妹妹).16. Is this your _(弟弟)? No, he isnt.17. My uncle is a _(司机).三、把下列单词补充完整。(15分)1. w_ t _ _ 2. dr_ v _ _ 3. pencil-_4. h _ m _ 5. fr_ _ nd 6. g l_ _se7. st_ d _ nt 8. br _ _d 9. d_ct_ _10. s_ st_ _ 11. r_ c_ 12. m_lk13. ch_ck_n 14. br_th_ r 15. ch_ _ _四、找出不同类的单词。

5、(10分) ( ) 1. A. bowl B. hot dog C. spoon ( ) 2. A.bag B. bird C. cat ( ) 3. A. kitchen B. shelf C. study ( ) 4. A.long B. short C. like ( ) 5. A. family B. driver C. farmer ( ) 6. A. monkey B.cake C.soup ( ) 7. A. thin B. strong C.friend ( ) 8. A. English B. Chinese C. math ( ) 9. A.aunt B. uncle C.people ( ) 10. A.window B. door C. class四、各类单词大比拼。 (15分)1、职业类 _ _ _2、餐具类 _ _ _3、房间物品类 _ _ _4、学科类 _ _ _5、颜色类_ _ _

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