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1、牛津上海版四年级上教学大纲Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 Meeting new people (4 课时)发音:-sk desk mask词汇:eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, classmate句型:1. This is 2. See you. 3. -Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.语法:1. 形容词性物主代词 my his her 2. 名词所有格 Peters 3. be Her name is . Shes . 4. 情态动词 canUnit

2、2 Abilities (5 课时)发音:-sp wasp crisps词汇: paint draw read write swim jump fast picture very well fly high句型: 1. Can you ? -Yes, I can. / No, I cant, but 2. Wele to 语法: 1. 情态动词 can 2. can 一般疑问句的肯否定回答Can she? -Yes, she can. / No, she cant 3. can 特殊疑问句: What can you do? 4. 并列连词 andUnit 3 How do you feel

3、it? (5 课时)发音:-st toast postman lamp post词汇:happy hungry thirsty sad full tired new back biscuit then句型:1. Are you hungry? 2. Have some -Thank you. 3. How do you feel it? 4. What does she / he want? 5. Sorry. 6. I have an idea.语法:1. 特殊疑问句:How do you feel it? 2. 表示感觉的形容词:happy,sad 3. beIm Were. Hes 4.

4、 名词所有格 Gingers 5. There be 句型:There is / are 6. be 一般疑问句 Are you ? 7. 祈使句 e in, please. 8. 情态动词 canModule 2 Me, my family and friendsUnit 1 Jins family (5 课时)发音:-sh dish fish wash词汇:uncle anut cousin police officer句型:1. Who is that man? 2. Do you have brothers and sisters? 3. How many in your family

5、? 4. How old is he? 5. Lets have语法:1. have 一般疑问句 Do you have ? -Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 2. 特殊疑问句 Whos that man? How old is .? 3. have 肯定句 I have 4. 情态动词 can 5. 转折连词 butUnit 2 Jobs (5 课时)发音:dr- dress pr-princess词汇:doctor nurse teacher student firefighter cook bus driver句型:1. Whats he / she? Hes / Sh

6、es 2. What does your father / mother do? Hes / Shes a/ an 3. Youre wele.语法:1. 特殊疑问句 What does do ? 2. beHe / She is 3. be 一般疑问句 Is he / she .?Unit 3 I have a friend (5课时)发音:brbread crice cream词汇:coat skirt blouse T-shirt shirt sweater jeans shorts pink friend句型:1. I have a friend. 2. She has a dress

7、. Its red and white.语法:1. have 肯定句 I have He has . 2. beHes . Shes . 3. 情态动词 canModule 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In our school (5 课时)发音: frfruit grgrandpa trtree词汇: canteen puter lab office gym behind in front of building lesson lunch句型: 1. There is / are 2. How many语法: 1. be- This is Thats . It

8、s . 2. There be: There is / are 3. 情态动词 can 4. 地点介词 on in in front of behindUnit 2 Around my home ( 5课时)发音: slslide snsnake swswing词汇: around bakery between centre city corner hotel light postcard pleasure restaurant road show snake stay street supermarket watch weather句型: 1. Where is your home, Jil

9、l? 2. Nanjing Road is in the centre of Shanghai.语法: 1. 特殊疑问句 Where is ? 2. 地点名称 supermarket post office restaurant bakeryUnit 3 In the shop ( 5课时)发音:smsmoke spspide ststar词汇: a packet of sweets a loaf of bread a bowl of noodles a bar of chocolate a packet of biscuits a bottle of water句型: 1. How much

10、 is it / are they? 2. May I have?语法: 1. 特殊疑问句How much is it / are they? 2. 量词的用法Module 4 The natural worldUnit 1 A visit to a farm (5 课时)发音:scscarf skskateboard词汇:farm bin corn cow feed grass hay hen litter meat pick rubbish stone swing throw visit句型:1. 掌握祈使句的否定句, 要求对方不要做某事 Dont pick flowers. 2. 请对方

11、应该做某事的句型 Please put the rubbish in the rubbish bin. 3. 能用特殊疑问句询问某些动物通常吃什么类型的食物,并会回答。What do the hens and ducks like eating? They all like corn.语法:1. 不定代词 some 2. 特殊疑问句: What do like eating? 3. 倒装句 Heres 4. 祈使句 DontUnit 2 At century Park ( 5 课时)发音:ththis that词汇:park camera cap fountain map pond sketc

12、hbook sleep take watch beside句型: 1. 表示在什么里面装有什么东西的句型 Whats in the picnic basket? There is / are . 2. 表示对方和自己一起去干某事的句型 Lets go to Century Park and have a picnic 3. 表示问对方准备情况的句型 Are you ready, boys and girls?语法: 1. 特殊疑问句 Whats . in ? There is / are 2. 祈使句 Dont Lets Look at .3. 介词 in on underUnit 3 Wea

13、ther (5课时)发音: th- thin -th path词汇: weather always April August Australia China Christmas cloudy e December e-mail fall February hot January July June March November October path rainy receive September shine snowy subject sunny tell warm wet why windy year句型:1. 表示询问天气怎么样的句型,以及如何回答 How is the weather

14、 in Australia now? Its cool and windy. 2. 表示季节的句型 There are four seasons in a year. What are they? Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter.语法:1.表示天气情况的形容词的用法 sunny rainy cloudy windy warm hot wet dry 2.表示月份的词的用法 January February March April May June July August September October November December 3. 表示天气的句型 Its.

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