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1、二年级上册英语知识要点Unit 1 Hello句子 Good morning. 早上好。Good afternoon. 下午好。Good evening. 晚上好。Good night. 晚安。How are you? 你(身体)好吗?Im fine. Thank you. 我很好,谢谢。How are you today? 你今天好吗?Im very well. 我非常好。Goodbye. 再见。单词good /morning /afternoon /evening/night/mum字母Aa / / apple Bb / b / bag语法知识:人称代词I 了解be动词am/is/areU

2、nit 2 Im Danny句子 能用Hello, Im .介绍自己。能用Youre .来描述别人。 Youre Kitty. 你是吉蒂。No. Im a boy. Im Danny. 不,我是个男孩。 我是丹尼。Im tall. Im thin. Who am I? 我很高,我很瘦。我是谁?Im big. Youre small. 我很大,你很小。单词 tall / short/ boy /girl /big / small /no / yes. 字母 Cc / k / cat Dd / d / dog语法知识:不定冠词a 人称代词I, you be动词 特殊疑问句Who am I?Unit

3、 3 Are you Alice?句子 能用This is. 介绍别人。能用Are you .? Yes /NO 进行日常的交流。This is Peter. 这是彼得。Are you Alice? 你是爱丽丝吗?No. Im Kitty. 不,我是吉蒂。Are you a boy? 你是一个男孩吗?Are you nine? 你九岁吗?Yes, Im nine. 是的,我九岁。单词 sorry /seven /eight /nine /ten 字母 Ee / e / elephant Ff / f / five语法知识:人称代词I, you 一般疑问句Are you ? Yes, Im /

4、No, Im be动词用法:单数is复数are,记住I am和you are。Unit 4 Can you swim?句子 能用Can you.?来问别人会不会做什么?以及回答 Yes /No.Can you write? 你会写字吗?Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。Can she fly? 她会飞吗?What can she do? 她会做什么?单词 swim /run /write /fly 字母 Gg / g / girl Hh / h / hand语法知识: 一般疑问句Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.

5、 Can he/she? 特殊疑问句What can you do? What can he/she do?Unit 5 Thats my family句子 能用Is he your .? 来询问别人,以及回答Yes / No. 能用This is my介绍家人或朋友。Whos she? 她是谁?Shes Sally. 她是萨莉。Is she your sister? 她是你的妹妹吗?Yes, shes my sister. 是的,她是我的妹妹。Whos he? 他是谁?Hes Jim. 他是吉姆。Is he your brother? 他是你的弟弟吗?No, he isnt. Hes my

6、friend. 不,他不是。他是我的朋友。Is that a boy? 那是一个男孩吗?No, shes a girl. 不, 她是一个女孩。单词brother /sister /friend /young /old字母 Ii / i / insect Jj / d / jar语法知识:人称代词he, she 形容词性物主代词my, your 一般疑问句Is he/ she ? Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isnt. Be动词 特殊疑问句Whos he/ she?Unit 6 My hair is short句子 能用My head/hair/ is. My ey

7、es are. 描述自己的外貌。用Your head/hair/ is. Your eyes are.描述别人的外貌。My hair is short. Your hair is long. 我的头发短,你的头发长。My eyes are big. Your eyes are small. 我的眼睛大,你的眼睛小。Your nose is not very big. 你的鼻子不是非常大。Im Giant now. Im big and tall. 我现在是一个巨人。我又大又高。单词 hair /head /your /long /look 字母 Kk / k / kite Ll / l / l

8、ion语法知识: 人称代词my, your 注意掌握不可数名词和可数名词复数形式 Unit 7 In the playround能回答特殊疑问句What can you see? What can he/she see? (see可替换hear、smell)What can you see? 你能看见什么?I can see a swing. 我能看见一个秋千。What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?Its yellow. 它是黄色的。单词:slide swing seesaw 字母 Mm / m / mouse Nn / n / net语法知识:掌握情态动词can的使用,会使用

9、特殊疑问句What can you see? What colour is it?Unit 8 In my room掌握祈使句Putin/on来描述“把放在”(已学过的Smell the noodles.就是祈使句),使用please更有礼貌。Look at your desk. 看你的课桌。Put the book in the bag. 把书放进书包里。Put the bag in the box. 把书包放进盒子里。Put the box on the chair. 把盒子放在椅子上。Put the car on the desk. 把小汽车放在课桌上。单词:bag box desk c

10、hair 字母 Oo / / orange Pp / p / pig语法知识:掌握所学可数名词的复数形式,如boxes、books,peaches。会正确使用介词in, on, under,at和定冠词the。Unit 9 Dinner is ready注意A spoon? Chopsticks? 都是口语化的简单句子。能理解别人的询问并给出回应:No, thanks. / No, thank you.不用,谢谢。Yes, please. 好的,麻烦你。Give me a plate, please. 请给我一个盘子。Here you are. 给你。Dinner is ready! 晚饭准备

11、好了!How many bowls? (有)多少只碗?-完整句子是:How many bowls are there?There are four bowls. 有四只碗。How many spoons? (有)多少把勺子?-完整句子是:How many spoons are there?There is one. 有一把。There is a table and a chair in the room. 在房间里有一张饭桌和一把椅子。There are two bowls on the table.饭桌上有两只碗。I like noodles.我喜欢面条。单词:bowl plate spoo

12、n chopsticks 字母: / k / queen Rr / r / rabbit语法知识:掌握特殊疑问句How many ?用法(无论实际答案是单数还是复数,提问时How many后面都要用名词的复数形式)掌握There be句型用法:There is/ are 祈使句Give me , please.Unit 10 In the sky会使用be动词开始的一般疑问句,如Are you Alice?Is he tall? Is it big?Look at the sky. 看天空。Can you see the moon? 你能看见月亮吗?Yes, I can. / No, I ca

13、nt. 是的,我能看见。/不,我不能看见。Is it big?Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.单词:sun moon star bright字母:Ss / s / soup Tt / t / table语法知识:独一无二的事物前要加定冠词the继续巩固How many?和be动词用法.Can Kitty see the moon? Yes, she can. / No, she cant.What can Kitty see? She can see the moon.Unit 11 In the forest学会使用祈使句Look at 会用语气词Wow!表示惊讶或感叹。L

14、ook at the animals. 看动物们。Look at the lion. Its big. It likes meat. 看狮子。它很大。它喜欢(吃)肉。Its small. Its brown. It can jump. It likes bananas.Look at the hippo. It likes grass. 看河马。它喜欢(吃)草。词汇: fox hippo meat grass 字母:Uu / / umbrella Vv / v / van Ww / w / window语法知识:look表示“看”,see表示“看见”Look at后接人称代词时一定要用宾格,如

15、Look at me/him.一般现在时中第三人称动词变化:I like It likes Unit 12 In the streetDont pick the flowers. 不要摘花。Im sorry. 对不起。Dont climb the tree. 不要爬树。Dont run. 不要跑。Dont cry. 不要哭。单词:flower tree 字母:Xx / ks / box Yy / j / yellow Zz / z / zebra语法知识:掌握祈使句的用法肯定形式:1.Sit down,please. 2.Look at me. 3.Lets go./ Run.否定形式:Dont climb the tree.

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