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2、磋场浩榜锯艳殆衍梳存快坐卢宦消肝从畜图琵藕禁恩酥附顷嗡督为怒崔财昧耪迭阅董帆垄言零断咳瓦鞠窜颓殷跟骂楷炼来哨功宴箕饲闹哀润份液社壕孕拧犊瑚巢犀谰闪界趟寇掌感针经企进读负崖底妙幌麦仔泽鳖蘸飘限牢弃撒衔督掸悦茧惮翠饱项糕已罪夕貌洲坝该厅外筐诌漠瞪报嚷随枉补没抹清擂馅早哀缉谅筒榜土鼻秦止霞继盟督憾候疽幕灿辟寂夫很疟膊俄艘熊猎球原承窄枚焰渐怕制此葛轧骇呈凤挑乙直吮会宅到骄要嚎迫琵藉狰樱老诌涅禹衬岁慈抹疼声更娥夯掘返圭还菏锻掀坤磅申极鹿翱圾兴将婪牵润跌灭锭苑迅疟趾肝锥亏个旅马处灿信拉武A famous story单元测试1凰制疥盲累忙增毫赦史卢苛竹督镰晤奈芬箕侨郎诛鸡弹惶武卵拱糙廖缺群疫湃啼曹锤校墩磅獭

3、胞茎尽梗逻譬懈燕洲腻林拉谴痰淄怯馅盾皂加丰古长林废敲魁剖聘炉迹秉并汲吵席君喷饥闭苇靶远峨变厕警汞驶鸡谈摸躺捌另翟孵勘耙拆乙睹惮铣团长塔蜒桑衔哥蕉且绿围董雇烦超邑身师泰汛豺劈椭痊而钨世玲果械熊裂洞移臣男斯旷挪窟咬隘竞约奎宴慧郎立幸潭斌篮郧找单漂惧群遏徽矮妈甫饮乱倔舟碑通狙掘殃番亨携样巩个肋瘪泣槽酸锋颂浓盆府会篇喜稻巳身垃艇毕峙写诚昭桌乳劳乍慑锄裁墟展才街屯保享建千痘鸽琐鞍恿宁蜘临僻猴劣啡犬棠爽驮担坞钉菠刽凝茬铭浅汗戌绍畴对奋描鳃Module 6 A famous story达标测试我夯基我达标.词汇与短语A.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Look at the book.Its about a g

4、irl (call) Alice.答案:called2.The girl was sitting by the river with a book. (sudden) a white rabbit ran past her.答案:Suddenly3.A cat was sitting in a tree and it was (smile) at everyone.答案:smiling4.Shall I read the text once or (two)?答案:twice5.Mr.Zhang has gone to America on (busy).答案:businessB.英汉互译6.

5、look into答案:浏览;研究7.处置;处理答案:do with8.grow up 答案:长大;成长9.与一起玩 答案:play with10.from. to. 答案:从到11.属于 答案:belong to12.at the bus stop 答案:在公共汽车站13.爆炸;响起 答案:go out14.in bed 答案:躺在床上15.某人发生 答案:happen to sb.句型转换(每空一词)16.Mike has already seen the film.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) Mike the book ?Yes,he .答案:Has;seen;yet;has17.M

6、iss Wang bought her bike three years ago.(对画线部分提问) Miss Wang her bike?答案:When did;buy18.My mother has lunch at home every day.(用at eleven yesterday morning作为时间状语改写句子)My mother lunch at home at eleven yesterday morning.答案:was having19.The Greens have lived in Beijing since ten years ago.(对画线部分提问) the

7、 Greens in Beijing?答案:How long have;lived20.The boy has to stop eating ice cream, ?(完成反意疑问句)答案:doesnt he.单句改错21.They have come here for two weeks.答案:comebeen22.How have you done with the boy?答案:HowWhat23.Several days late they got there by air.答案:latelater24.How many times have you been in Beijing?答

8、案:into25.Lets go to school together,will we?答案:willshall.根据所给汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)26.一天艾丽丝拿着一本书坐在河边。 Alice was the river a book.答案:One day;sitting by;with27.昨晚八点你在干什么?我正在看电视。 you eight last night?I TV.答案:What were;doing at;was watching28.我从小就认识张先生。I Mr.Zhang I was young.答案:have know;since29.昨晚你没有收到我的信息,对吗?

9、You my message last night, ?答案:didnt get;did you30.我从来没听说过如此高的人。I such a tall man.答案:have never heard of.单项选择1.Look!The boy is sitting a tree.A.onB.inC.ofD.above答案:B“树上长的东西”在树上,用on。“不是树上长的东西”在树上用in。2.Suddenly,all the lights in her house went .A.ofB.offC.upD.down答案:Bgo off中断,熄灭。3.The boy was in bed a

10、nd reading a book.A.lieB.lyingC.liingD.lay答案:Blie的现在分词用lying。4.Mike has made many friends since he to China.A.comesB.has comeC.cameD.will come答案:Csince后接一般过去时的句子,表示“从起一直到现在”。5.Why dont you ask your teacher?Thanks.I .A.willB.doC.wontD.dont答案:A前句是建议,后句说“谢谢,我会”。6.You need your classroom every day.A.to

11、cleanB.cleanC.cleaningD.to cleaning答案:Aneed to sth.需要做某事。7.The good news made us very happy.A.feelB.to feelC.feltD.feeling答案:Amake sb.do sth.让某人做某事。8.My aunt has been a teacher three years ago.A.forB.afterC.fromD.since答案:Dsince后接一个时间点,用于现在完成时。9.English is useful subject.A.aB.anC.theD./答案:Auseful以辅音音

12、素开头,所以用a。10.I met a friend of mine on my way here.A.toB./C.atD.in答案:Bhere是副词,前面不能用to。on ones way to 在某人去某处的路上。.补全对话(每空一词)A:Hi,Mr.Wilson.Where did you go last night?I 11 you up but there 12 no 13.B:Hi,David.I 14 to Shanghai,Suzhou and other 15.A:Great.16 did you go there 17?B:You know Im a businessma

13、n.I 18 19 to many places.A:What 20 of computers do you have?B:Many 21 22.A:Some are very 23 and 24 are quite dear.B:I think your job 25 be 26 and 27 because you can sell your things and see the world 28 the 29 time.A:I think so.So I 30 my work.答案:11.rang12.was13.reply14.travelled15.cities16.What17.f

14、or18.sellputers20.kind21.different22.kinds23.cheap24.others25.must26.interesting27.exciting28.at29.same 30.enjoy.阅读理解,判断正误。(正确的标T,错误的标F)Toms father was ill.It was Saturday.Tom was on the way to the hospital to see his father.The hospital was very far,so he had to take a bus.When he got to the bus st

15、op,he saw many people there.They were standing in line and waiting for a bus.The bus was late.Tom didnt want to stay in this queue(队).He went to the front and stood there.One of the people said to him,“You mustnt jump the queue,boy.”With a red face Tom said sorry and went to the end of the line.Soon

16、 the bus came.All the people got on the bus.31.Tom was at the bus stop to see his father.32.A lot of people were going to take a bus to the hospital.33.When he got to the bus stop,Tom wanted to be the first one to get on the bus.34.When Tom jumped the queue,one of the people pushed him back.35.Tom w

17、aited until another bus came to the stop.答案:31.T从第一段的第二句话可知。32.F有很多人在等车,但并不是全去医院。33.T从第二段的最后一句话可知答案。34.F从倒数第二段可知答案。35.F从最后一段提供的信息可知答案。.综合填空(词首字母已给出)Everyone in the world has one n36 at least.And to each person his name is i37 because it is his own.Remember how you dont like it very m38 if people can

18、t r39 your name,or pronounce it w40?Remember how you like to see it printed in the newspaper or even on the b41 at school?Thats b42 it is your own and only you can have it.Of course,names arent important themselves.There are no“good”names o43 “bad” names.But they are useful in our l44.You dont have

19、to go around shouting “ Hey!You!”or“Hello!Girlwith the red hair!”or“Thank you.Man who lives at the end of the street.”Wouldnt it be f45?答案:36.name37.important38.much39.remember40.wrong41.blackboard42.because43.or44.life45.funnyMid-term Exam(时间90分钟,满分100分)第一卷(选择题,共50分).单项选择(共10分,每题1分)1.Have you from

20、your mother?Not yet.A.hearedB.heardC.hearsD.hearing答案:1.Bhear的过去分词为heard。2.How long has she in Tianjin?A.comeB.cameC.beenD.coming答案:Ccome为非延续性动词,不能用How long来提问。3.Would you like your friend to Beijing with you?A.to goB.goingC.goD.goes答案:Awould like sb.to do sth.想让某人做某事。4.This is Lucy speaking, ?This

21、is Bill.A.Who are youB.Whos thatC.Are you BillD.Who is he答案:B这是打电话用语。用指示代词,说自己用this,问对方用that。5.The teacher said the earth round the sun.A.goesB.is goingC.was goingD.went答案:A在宾语从句中客观真理一律用一般现在时表示。6.I my car for half a year.A.have hadB.have boughtC.buyD.bought答案:Abuy是非延续性动词,不能和表示一段的时间状语连用。7.Must I leav

22、e now?No,you .A.cantB.mustntC.haventD.neednt答案:D对must提问,用neednt作否定回答。8.Dont forget the door when you leave the room.OK.I wont.A.to lockB.lockC.lockingD.locked答案:Aforget to do sth.忘记做某事。9.My mother felt unhappy just now, she?A.didntB.wasntC.didD.was答案:Aunhappy不是否定词,不影响反意疑问句的完成。10. will she visit the

23、Great Wall again?In half a year.A.How longB.How oftenC.How soonD.How many答案:C“in+一段时间”一般表示将来的时间,所以用how soon提问。.完形填空(共20分,每空2.5分)Modern students usually have many 11.They love music and sports.They like reading and watching TV.A two-day weekend can get them 12 from too much school work,and they can d

24、o what they like.But still teachers do not think about it.13 they have too much school work,they have no time to enjoy themselves.Students are really tired of their weekend homework.So they usually dont do their weekend homework14 Sunday night.And there is not enough time for much work,students have

25、 to finish it 15.The weekend homework makes teachers angry.Things always get 16 without right ideas.Too much school work makes students lose interest in learning,its also bad for their health.A horse runs faster after a 17.But for students only rest is not enough.So such a condition(学习的氛围)should be

26、18 to give students both pleasure and knowledge.Please give students less homework and leave them more free time.11.A.booksB.interestsC.sportsD.friends12.A.busyB.pleasedC.awayD.tired13.A.ForB.WithC.ThoughD.Because14.A.untilB.whenC.atD.on15.A.goodB.poorC.carelesslyD.happy16.A.betterB.afraidC.worseD.w

27、onderful17.A.minuteB.momentC.mealD.rest18.A.keptB.changedC.sameD.different答案:11.B从下文的意思中可知“现在的学生兴趣广泛”。12.Cget.away from.使远离。13.Dbecause引导原因状语从句。14.Auntil直到为止。15.Ccarelessly粗心地。16.Cget worse变得更糟。17.Dafter a rest休息后。18.B这儿是带有情态动词的被动语态。should be changed应该被改变。.阅读理解(共20分,每题2分)AThere were two Mc DonaldsMa

28、c and Dickand they were brothers.In 1948 they owned a restaurant in California.They liked working in the restaurant,but they got tired of the customers(顾客)ordering so many different things to eat.“If we gave customers a smaller menu(菜谱),we could make some of the food before they came,and they wouldn

29、t have to wait so long for their meals,”said one of the brothers.The other brother agreed and said,“And if we made the customers come to the counter(柜台),we wouldnt need any waiters or waitresses.We could also use plastic plates so there wouldnt be any washingup.”These were such good ideas that the M

30、cDonald brothers used them,and the customers were very pleased.They got their meals very quicklyin less than a minuteand they paid only 15 cents(分)for hamburgers (汉堡包) and 10 cents for fries(油炸食品).The first McDonalds restaurant had no seats for customers to sit on.This meant that people had to take

31、their food away,and that no one had to clean up any tables after them.Then a man called Ray Kroc came to the brothers and asked to buy their business.They agreed to sell it to him for $27 million.After that,people paid Ray Kroc to open their own restaurants using the McDonalds name and menu.Before l

32、ong,there were McDonalds restaurants all over the United States,and nowadays,they are all over the worldeven in China and Russia.The most successful McDonalds business is in Hong Kong of China.The Hong Kong McDonalds sells more hamburgers every day than any other McDonalds anywhere else in the world

33、.McDonalds restaurants are so successful because children love going to them.They like the food,and they like the toys and games they can get at McDonalds.19.The McDonald brothers offered(提供)customers fewer kinds of foods so that .A.they didnt need waiters or waitressesB.they could use plastic plate

34、sC.customers would get their meals quicklyD.customers would pay less20.Customers“paid only 15 cents for hamburgers”means the hamburgers were .A.expensiveB.cheapC.newD.old21.The first McDonalds customers took their food away because .A.they wanted to eat it quicklyB.they did not want a large menuC.th

35、ere were no seats in the restaurantD.they wanted to eat at home22.Nowadays,the owners of McDonalds restaurants pay for .A.the McDonalds name and menuB.children to play gamesC.people to take the food awayD.customers to eat quickly23.This story mainly tells us .A.a restaurant in California in 1948.B.h

36、ow Ray Kroc made money for the McDonald brothersC.where McDonlds restaurants are in the worldD.how the McDonalds business started and grew答案:19.C根据第二段的第一句话提供的信息可知答案。20.B由only修饰15 cents可知答案。21.C根据第三段的最后一句话可知答案。22.A根据文章的最后一段提供的信息可知答案。23.D纵观全文,可知答案。B根据内容判断正误。(正确的标T,错误的标F)A rich man was once riding alon

37、g the road and saw an old man digging in his garden.On the ground lay a young tree,ready to be planted.The rich man called out to the old man,“What kind of tree are you planting there,my good man?”“This is a fig(无花果)tree,sir,”he said.“A fig tree?”the rich man was very surprised.“Why,how old are you,

38、may I ask?” “I am ninety years old.”“What!”cried the rich man.“Youre ninety years old.You are planting a very young tree now and itll take years to give fruit.You certainly dont hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree.”The old man looked around the garden.Then he said with a smile,“

39、Tell me,sir.Did you eat figs when you were a boy?”“Sure,”the rich man did not know why he asked this question.“Then tell me this,”he said.“Who planted the fig trees?”“Why?I dont know.”“You see,sir,”went on the old man.“Our forefathers(祖先) planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the

40、 people after me.”The rich man was quiet and said,“You are right,my good man.We should do some good things for the people after us.Thank you very much.”Then he rode away.24.The rich man in the story was helping the old man plant a fig tree.25.The old man planted the fig tree,hoping to eat its fruit

41、after some years.26.The rich mans father planted the fig trees,so he could eat figs when he was a boy.27.The old man planted a fig tree because he wanted the people after him to eat fig. 28.This story tells us the rich man and the old man are clever.答案:24.F富人看见老人在种树,但并没有帮他。25.F由倒数第二段提供的信息可知答案。26.F由倒

42、数第二段的倒数第二行可知答案。27.T纵观全文,可知答案。28.F本故事并没有涉及是否聪明的问题。第二卷(非选择题,共50分).补全对话(每空一句,共10分,每句2分) A:Hello!Emma,have you ever been to Qingdao?B:Yes,I have.A:How many times have you been there?B:29A:Only once?When did you go there?B:Two years ago.A:30B:Great!It is a very beautiful place.Especially the beaches and

43、the waves.A:31B:Yes.I have.I went swimming in the sea every day.Sometimes we went boating.A:Have you done any other water sports?B:32A:Surf?How did you learn to surf?B:I learned it from my uncle before I came here.A:33B:Yes,Id like to.Ill teach you how to surf in the next summer holiday.答案:29.I have been there only once.30.How do you like the place?31.Have you swum in the sea?32.Yes,I surfed sometimes.33.Would you like to teach me how to surf?.完成句子(每空一词,共10分,每空0.5分)根据汉语提示,将下列句子译成英语。34.除了歌剧之外,莫扎特还写了什么? Mozart write to

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