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1、人教版八年级下英语试题unit3-4Unit 3、 单项填空1、 Its dangerous for children_the dog、 A、playB、to play C、play withD、to play with2、 Mom, could I go shopping with you?Yes, you _ 、But you must finish your homework first、A、could B、canC、cantD、couldnt3、 Could I_your bike?Sorry, I _ it to Jim yesterday、A、borrow;lentB、lend;b

2、orrowed C、lend;lentD、borrow;borrowed4、 Could I please_your watch?Sorry、 It doesnt work、A、useB、to useC、usingD、used5、 Could you please take out the trash? _、A、Not at allB、Youre welcome C、No wayD、No problem6、 He didnt finish the room、A、clean B、cleaned C、cleaningD、cleans7、 “Dont make a noise,” he said t

3、o me_ 、 A、 angrily B、happily C、 easilyD、sad8、 His father wants him _in Beijing、A、to work B、works C、work D、working9、 Students have_homework to do every day、A、so manyB、such manyC、 so much10、 I never go to school late, 、A、so does Tom B、neither does Tom C、neither Tom does11、 I will give him the gift as

4、soon as he_、A、will arriveB、arrive C、arrivesD、arrived12、 You could _a bike from your friend、A、lendB、giveC、buyD、borrow13、 Too much noise makes me_ uncomfortable、A、feelingB、feelC、feltD、to feel14、 Mary,could you please_the dishes?A、doB、makeC、doesD、makes15、 He doesnt like playing cards, he thinks playing

5、 cards is a waste_ time、A、of B、atC、forD、in16、 Heres so much rubbish、 Could you please _? A、 give ou it B、 give it out C、 take out it D、 take it out17、 、 -Could you please sweep the floor? -_、 Im washing the shirt、 A、 Yes, sure B、 No problem C、 Sorry, I couldnt D、 No, I cant18、 、 -Could you please _y

6、our bike here? A、 dont stop B、 not to stop C、 not stop D、 not stopping19、 _of the two boys is from America、 Theyre from Canada、 A、 Both B、 Either C、 Neither D、 All7、 I wont visit her this weekend、 Jack wont, _、 A、 both B、 either C、 neither D、 too20、 、 -I didnt get to school late this morning、 -_、 A、

7、 Me too B、 Me neither C、 Me either D、 Neither was I21、 If you dont put up the signs after school, _、 A、 so does Jim B、 so will Jim C、 neither does Jim D、 neither will Jim22、 Mary will make a plan as soon as she _her homework、 A、 finishes B、 finish C、 will finish D、 finished23、 The teacher always tel

8、ls us _time _computer games、 A、 dont waste, to playB、 dont waste, playingC、 not to waste, to playD、 not to waster, playing24、 _ good grades, you should try to study harder、 A、 Get B、 In order to get C、 Getting D、 Got25、 Im going to take a vacation、 Could you please _me _some information about intere

9、sting places to travel? A、 offer, to B、 offer, for C、 provide, with D、 provide, for26、 “ When did you come home _school yesterday?” she asked me _surprise、 A、 to, with B、 from, with C、 to, in D、 from, in27、 Dont _your coat wet when doing chores, Henry、 A、 get B、 make C、 let D、 keep29、 -Do you mind _

10、your room? -No, Ill do that after finishing _this article、 A、 clean, write B、 clean, writing C、 cleaning, write D、 cleaning, writing30、 The harder you study, _grades youll get、 A、 good B、 better C、 best D、 the better、根据汉语意思完成句子1 为了通过考试,她每天都努力学习。 _ _ _ pass the exam, he studies hard every day、2 如果您努力

11、学习,您会取得好得成绩。You can _ _ _, if you study hard、3 您不应该完全依赖您得父母。You shouldnt _ _your parents completely、4 她了解中国得历史越多,就越想住在这里。 _ _ he learns history about China,_ _he wants to live here、5 我不想做家务,她也不想做。I dont want to do chores, _ _ _ 二)选词填空:选用十个词,用适当形式填空,每空限用一次。(15分) Health usually good sleep late real ha

12、rd hour much loud have workEveryone needs to sleep、 During the day you work and play; at night you sleep、 Your body rests while you are 1_ 、 In the morning you are ready to 52 _, study or play again、 If you sleep 3_at night, you can work or learn better in the day、 Your body grows more while you are

13、 asleep、 No one can live without sleeping、 If a child is tired, he needs 4 _sleep than usual、 You will be tired or will not be able to listen to your teachers in class or cant work well if you do not have enough sleep at night、 A baby will cry 5_if you wake him or her up when he or she is sleeping、

14、You will be able to work 6_at your lessons if you 7_enough rest、 Many students hope to learn more before rests, so they study until 8_at night、 But they feel very tired in the day and they may forget more、 Boys and girls of eight or nine need ten 9_of sleep every night、 Get enough sleep if you want

15、to be strong and 10_、 、V、 情景交际:用适当得语句完成对话(10分)A: Hi, Jason! Could you practice basketball with me this afternoon?B:(66)_、 I have to do the laundry this afternoon、A:(67)_?B: No, not really、 Its very boring, but my parents are too busy to do it、A:I see、 I hate doing it, too、 But I like other chores、B:

16、(68)_?A:I like taking out the trash and making the bed、 I think theyre relaxing and very easy to do、B:(69)_?A: Yes, very much、 I think cooking is interesting、B:(70)_、 I often help my mum cook、Unit 4 重点句型1、 她怎么了?Whats _ /_ _ with him?2、 您为什么不早点睡觉呢? Why _ you _ to sleep _?4、您应该给她打电话。You _ _ him _、5、您可

17、以去她家。You _ _ to his house、6、昨天我发现我妹妹瞧了我得东西。 I _ my sister _ _ my things yesterday、7、谢谢您得建议。_ _ your advice、8希望事情会好起来。Hope things _ _、II单项选择 1、 -Look! Here comes the bus、-No hurry! Dont get on _ it stops、A、 untilB、 after C、 whileD、 when2、 - Could I use your bike? -Yes, of course , you _、A、 can B、 cou

18、ld C、 willD、 need3、 -I need some money to buy a computer、-Maybe you _ get a part-time job、 A、 should B、 could C、 must D、 would4、 _ I say, he always disagrees、A、 Whoever B、 However C、 WhereverD、 Whatever5、-Do you often get online?-Yes, I _ lots of time on it、 Its a good way to kill time、A、 costB、 spe

19、nd C、 takeD、 use6、-The boy can speak both English and Japanese _ he is only ten、 - Wow, what a clever boy!A、 if B、 becauseC、 althoughD、 but8、 -The meat is _ delicious、 - Yes, but dont eat _、A、 too much; too much B、 much too; too much C、 too much; much too D、 much too; much too9、 The little boy _ his

20、 seat to an old lady on the crowded bus、A、 lent B、 offeredC、 tookD、 brought10、 -_ go and help Huihui, a little girl who is badly ill an Zhaoyuan, Shandong?-Thats a good idea、A、 What about B、 Why dont C、 Can you D、 Why dont you11、 - You look worried、_ - I left my keys at school、A、 What did you do? B、

21、 What should you do?C、 Whats the matter? D、 Did you leave your keys at school?12、- My parents dont want me to watch TV on school nights、 What should I do? - Well, you _ talk with them, but you must finish your hometown first、A、 could B、 cant C、 mustntD、 has to13、Its much _ to have a small lovely roo

22、m than a big cold one、A、 good B、 well C、 betterD、 best14-Sun Yang is _ a talented swimming player、- Thats right、 He did best in Barcelona in August,2013、A、 such B、 so C、 pretty D、 quiet15、The TV is too loud、 Could you please_?A、 turn it onB、 turn it upC、 pretty D、quiet 16、 It was _ exciting news for

23、 all the students、 A、 a B、 an C、 the D、 /17、 I am much better _ Chinese _ our teachers help、 A、 in, at B、 at, in C、 at, with D、 with, with18-Is that car_? -Yes, its _ carA、 yours, own my B、 yours, my own C、 your, own my D、 your, my own19 The students are supposed _ hard、 A、 studying B、 to study C、 s

24、tudying D、 studied20-What did you say? - I said I _ come here _ 、 A、 will not, more B、 wouldnt, any more C、 am not going to, more D、 am not going to, any more21、 _ high school students in a poor mountain village is a difficult job、 A、 Teaching B、 Teach C、 Teaches D、 Teachers22、 Could you _ me how to

25、 _ it in Chinese? A、 say, speak B、 speak, say C、 tell, say D、 say, tell23、 -Hows your grandfather? -Hes very _、 He eats _every day、 A、 well, good B、 good, well C、 good, good D、 well, well24、 I am sure that my father can _、 A、 get over it B、 getting it over C、 gets over it D、 got it over25 He told me

26、 he _ call his brother the next day、A、 will B、 would C、 shall D、 can26 The room is _ small for us to live in、 A、 such B、 so C、 too D、 very 27 Mother couldnt find her ring、 So she wanted to know _、 A、 where it is B、 where it was C where is he D、 she was where 28 Our teacher allows us _(go) out for a

27、walk、29 、The boy should be allowed_(play) after supper、30、 Please hold on to your dream _ one day it comes true、 A、 ifB、 until C、 unless D、 though31、 - Hey, man、 You cant cross the street now、 You have to wait _the traffic turn green、 - Oh, sorry and thank you、 A、 when B、 after C、 until D、 while32、

28、_ my father doesnt like his work, he still works hard、 A、 And B、 Although C、 But D、 Before33、 Health is very important to us、 We should eat more vegetables and fruit _ rich food、 A、 instead B、 instead of C、 because of D、 because34 We have no coffee、 Lets have tea _、 A、 either B、 however C、 yet D、 in

29、stead35、This kind of skirt looks _ and sells _、 A、 nice ; well B、 nice; good C、 well; well D、 good ;nice36 Do you have time _ this game with us? A、 to play B、 play C、 playing D、 played37、Its important for us _(learn) English well、38 Its very nice _ you to help me a lot、A、 for B、 of C、 in D、 on39、You

30、 _ write him a letter to say you are sorry for it、 I m not good at writing letters、I want to talk about it _ the phone、 A、could;on B、should;in C、can;over D、must;by 40、 It _ her four hours_ the work yesterday、 A、 takes, finish B、 take, finishing C、 took, finished D、 took, to finish 41、 We can use QQ

31、to talk with each other on the Internet、 Really? Will you please show me _?A、 what to useB、 how to use itC、 how can I use it D、 what can I use 42、 She looked _when she heard the _ news、 A、 surprised; surprised B、 surprising; surprised C、 surprising; surprising D、 surprised; surprising 43、 Little Tom

32、 is an orphan、 He now feels_ without his only friend the dog, Lucky、 A、 even more lonely B、 very more lonely C、 still more alone D、 far more alone 44 、After the death of their parents, the sisters _ well and never argued、 A、got up B、got on C、got down D、got to 45 He used to _very late, but now he is

33、used to _ early、 A、 get up; getting up B、 get up; get up C、 getting up; get upD、 getting up; getting up III、句型转换 1 Why dont you write it more carefully? (改写句子,句意不变)_ _ write it more carefully?2、I find my parents are watching TV in the living room、 (改为简单句)I find my parents _TV in the living room、3、Yo

34、u could save more money in order to buy a gift for your friends birthday、 (改写句子,句意不变)You could save more money _ _ you can buy a gift for your friends birthday、4、The boy slept until 9 oclock in the morning、 (改写句子,句意不变)The boy _ _ _ 9 oclock in the morning、5、I think you should be friendly to her、(改为否

35、定句)I _ think you _ be friendly to her、IV、完成句子 1 青少年应该经常与父母交流。Teenagers should often _ _ their parents、2 她不介意向空巢老人(empty nest elderly)提供帮助。He doesnt mind _ _ _ empty nest elderly、3 父母总喜欢把自己得孩子与其她孩子作比较。Parents always enjoy _ their children _ other children、4 您为什么不回家瞧瞧您年迈得母亲呀?_ _ _ go back home to visi

36、t your old mother?5、有些人直到失去健康才意识到健康得重要性。Some people wont _ the importance of their health _ _ it、V、 选词填空 ( 阅读短文,用方框内得单词得适当形式填空。) have be talkwatch communicate Dear Sad and Thirteen, Its not easy being your age, its normal _ these feelings、 Why dont you _ about these feelings with your family? Secondly, you could _ with your brother、 You should explain that you dont mind him _ TV all the time、 However, he should let you watch your favorite show、 I hope things _ better for you soon、Robert Hunt

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