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1、Unit 1 Great scientists复习一 单词拼写1. The enemy was _ ( 打败 ) in a decisive battle.2. The doctors did everything they could to _ ( 治愈 ) her.3. A government spokesman _ ( 宣布 ) that more than 55 thousand people were killed in the big earthquake.4. The baby was left _ ( 暴露 ) to the sun.5. New evidence might

2、 lead to the _ (结论) that we are wrong.6. This job offers me a real _ ( 挑战 ) .7. We _( 结束 ) the meeting at 8 o clock .8. We _ ( 拒绝 ) his idea for a music club.9. Courage is one of his _ ( 特点 ).10. They finished the work as _ (指示)。11. His dream is to be a _(内科医生).12. We should adopt a _ (科学的) method t

3、o _ (处理) the problem .13. _ (污染了的) air and water are harmful to people s health.14. Many thousands of _ (害怕的) people died every time there was an outbreak.15. He was invited to the party but didn t _(参加).二 完成句子1. 这个句子讲不通。 This sentence doesnt _ _.1. 这条路与那个村子连在一起。 The road _ _ _ the village.2. 他们怀疑他杀

4、了那个女孩。 They _ him _ _ that girl .3. 他捐出一些钱给遭受水灾的灾民。He _ some money _ the flood victims.4. 这很难得出结论。 It s hard to _ _ _ .5. 除了几个缺点之外, 他是个值得信赖的老师。_ _ a few faults, he is a trustworthy teacher.6. 只有用这种方法你才能学好英语。Only in this way _ _ _ English well.7. 老师在书写方面对我们很严格。The teacher _ _ _ us _ handwriting.8. 那个

5、男孩正在专心致志地读书,突然有人敲门。The boy _ _ _ _ a book when someone knocked at the door.9. 他是一个古典音乐迷。 He _ _ _ classical music.10. 谁该为这件事受到责备? Who _ _ _ _ it?11. 她对一切都小心谨慎。 She _ _ _ everything.12. 每次见到她时,我总忘记她的名字。I always forget her name _ _ I meet her.Unit2 the United Kingdom复习一.单词拼写:1. During the summer holid

6、ay, they did a lot of _(观光) in Guilin.2. I wrote him that I would have a talk with him at his_(方便).3. The young policemen look more handsome in _(制服).4. In the park there is a _(雕塑) of a king, made of stone, not of metal.5. She was t_ with terror when she saw the scene of the murder.6. The mittee c_

7、 of ten members.7. They married last month but their parents didnt attend their w_.8. The painting es from his private _(收藏).9. To our _ (高兴), he passed the entrance examination.10. Can you _(安排) for a car to collect them from the airport?11.There is an e_(错误) in your calculation.12.The situation su

8、ddenly became t_ (紧张的)13.You can easily c_(阐明) the problems if you study British history.14.The second Childrens Palace of Guangzhou sits in s_(极好的)location by the side of Pearl River.15.The three countries found themselves u_ (联合,团结)peacefully instead of by war. 二. 完成句子:1. You have _ _ the most imp

9、ortant word in the sentence.(你遗漏了句子里最重要的一个词。)2. The thief _ _ _ the policeman and escaped.(那个小偷挣脱了警察逃跑了。)3. His advantage _ _ his height.(他的优势主要在于他的身高。)4. Our class _ _ _ many groups in English class.(在英语课上我们班被分成了多个小组。)5. His car _ _ on half way.(他的车半路上抛锚了。)6.They _ _ the map and was ready to set ou

10、t.(他们折起地图,准备好出发。)7. Who will _ _ _ _the president when he retires?(当总统退休时,谁将代替他的位置。)8. The group _ _ four Americans and two Canadians.(这个队由四个美国人和两个加拿大人组成。)9. Do you know how they managed to _ gold _ sand?(你知道他们是如何把金子从沙子中分离出来。)10. Who was he _ _ when he said someone was to blame?(当他说有人要被责备时他指的是谁?)Uni

11、t 3 life in the futureI 单词拼写1. The carton series Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf喜洋洋与灰太狼made a good _ (印象) on all the boys and girls.2. Though r_(提醒) several times, the men still forgot to attend the meeting.3. We cant travel to the United States for _(缺少) of money.4. After a long journey, I felt e_(筋

12、疲力尽的) 5. These days he is feeling _(乐观的) and excited.6. I dont like this radio play. Lets _(切换到) to another programme.7. If you _(按) the button, the machine will start.8. She caught his eye for an _(瞬间)9. The machine requires c_(持续的) repairs。10. Life is always _(对比) to stage in life.11. Foxes starte

13、d in from the _(周边的) countryside.12. Her strength of will is e_(非凡的)II. 补全句子1. He worked hard and _ _ _(结果), he won the first place in the exam.2. He didnt enter college because of _ _ _(缺少) money in his family.3. Well prepared, Bob _ _ _(对.乐观) the ing exam.4. Are you going to _ _(接受) the challenge

14、of holding a great party?5. After having followed the thief for half an hour, they _ _ _(看不见) him in a large store.6. _ _ _ _ _ _(在看起来仿佛许多年后) he came back to life.7. I saw a patient _ _ _ (需要)help.8. He will be back _ _ _(立刻).9. Please _ _ _ _(列出) things you want to buy.10. He couldnt finish the wor

15、k _ _ _ _(作为.的结果) her laziness.Unit 4 making the news 复习单词拼写1. _(记者) should have the courage to write according to the truth.2. Lei Fengs _(令人钦佩的) virtue of taking delight in helping others has influenced people form generation to generation.3. He started as an _(助理) for a pany before being a CEO.4.

16、 Lily has an _(约会) to meet her friends at that coffee shop in the afternoon.5. The young man was _ (指控)of killing the millionaire.6. This application shall be _(呈递,递交) to relevant government offices for approval.7. Although she is an _(业余的) chess player, her skills are no worse than a professional.8

17、. The _(过程) of overing a difficulty is not as easy as one would wish.9. Although he didnt offend you _(故意地), he definitely should apologize.10. He _(协助) his father in cleaning the car.11. I managed to _ (获得)two tickets for the concert.12. He hasnt yet _ (告知)me of his plans for holidays.13. The docto

18、r will see you again next week. _(期间), you must rest as much as possible.14. The customer _(要求) a reasonable explanation.15. The city council _(批准) the building plans.16. youll have a _(专业的) photographer with you to take photographs.17. its difficult to _(评估、评定) the effects of these changes.补全句子1. I

19、 _ _ _(因而高兴) the news of your success.2. everyone _ _ _ success.(渴望)3. I cant _ _ (全神贯注于)my studies with all that noise going on.4. he _ _ _(被控告) murder by the police.5. mother doesnt _ _ (赞成,同意)her smoking.6. I finished the work several days _ _ (在 之前) the deadline.7. he decided to work harder _ _

20、_ (以便)catch up with others.8. health _ _ (取决于) good food, fresh air and enough sleep.9. _ _ _ _(虽然他是个孩子), he knows a lot. (用as)10. _ _ _ _ (只有以这种方式)can you learn from your friend.Unit 5 first aid复习一、单词拼写1. The soldiers were awarded for their _(勇敢) in the battle.2. I will always remember what he old

21、headmaster said at the graduation c_ .3. Cough is an obvious s_ of cold.4. He _(挤压) an orange to get the juice out.5. There is a _(复杂的) network of roads round the city.6. The police put a _(路障) across the road to stop the traffic.7. Regular exercise is (重要的) for your health.8. The weather is m_ toda

22、y; it is neither hot nor cold.9. Even though they were much younger, we _(对待) them as equals.10. He c_ to death on a fish bone.11. While playing football, he got a sprained _(脚踝)12. Dont lift that tool-box-youll do yourself an _(伤害)13. Your arm is _(流血).Put a bandage on it at once.14. He tried to ki

23、ll himself by taking p_. Luckily he was saved at last.15. The earthquake caused serious d_ to the countrys economy.16. Her eyes were red and _(肿胀的)with weeping.17. Their constant arguments were _(难以忍受的)18. They could not put up with the _(压力)of the work, so they left the pany.19. My _(喉咙)hurts when

24、I swallow something ,Doctor.20. The a_ was carrying some wounded soldiers.二翻译句子1. Through the speech, all the students present learned something about _ _(急救)2. Last night ,he _ _ _(突然生病了)and was sent to the nearest hospital at once.3. What you said just now doesnt _ _ _(没有意义) to me.4. His father _

25、_ _ _(找了一些,拿了一些) some bandages to help the burned.5. The climate in Australia is different _ _(取决于)the area.6. Alan _ _(申请)the post of the secretary in the pany.7. We _ _ _(向他祝贺) his passing the exam successfully.8.Take down the telephone number _ _( 以防 ) you forget.9.Just make a decision and _ _( 坚持 ) it.

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