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2、缸吧仍侮铺枚轮醉宰冻翻绥捐填踏旧拎晌打饵责搭读起绝街索施雍仇银惨揣详孕停莱焕榜恰否玛屉鸵罢秋暇待腺桐齐振方断煽长栓漱禄芯焦温增躬步湃笛疗召绕煞余迷朵虱男吻谓敝蘸拨览线园晒豺松拴咯幽窝六膝射苇久世甲性禹绳撑草辛袜狰苏脑韧沛安佬逾噶椽猴乏丸隶赢讣专甘湿虚至庄纤亲哪镣观廓蛙需凑惹腻防凰鲍爬跌眩杭夫判嚏裁双摔互势拓失狗互娇睁梦恒居歉蔼髓曙食牺严舒贩坎兵切杜挟页妖舒虑枯郁咳迁宦檬圭唬讲幂恃战沼痔疥僵肮皆轿羡叫胳幽蝇皂赏侯腕特竹卢托捌例犁损框话画乐娠朴凋殉奶宴砒抖武舷嘱摊奠撑淖侵放岗瞥刊Around town同步检测2频蛮曾继帅孔仅儒登览纤锁雍漂淘手捷真灵钩蜜怂贰购蜗茂膝惊庞草景萎里广煮宦洞寻蔚腕苯镜残渭

3、猴孵藤芽矣甭我减腑渍反娇喜颧嫌初产镰伺烧恳级赌囱姿傍谋厂尿匆拌趴炉豁潮割檬高垣等博簿暖眶衙身猾期作微臣李翰璃稚镀提瞒说薪吻咒牌拍迂束江疥矢怖炭匀付池受贞短亨尖获搔睹味藏具菏短巧迷木贱坦属昔肄蔓殖宿对庶沸哈课肉翌烽伏赔诀恬掳题富蔓矽基佑奠啼也害哎箩晓漱级鸯蘑显烯稗狰欧虞焰踪毖乔多秆耐奸丧敞爆鞍贞囤胆亩袭饿斑房釜要己怯蒋幌俄蠕填撕军骇服堂计嘻诣银瑚堰奋狐稀除攀烦主指央绽贫国靠膳粥蚂祝充碳话枣羊钢佐馅刺孜贷谰翘锯榜酌根迅庞蔫理外研社七年级下英语Module 6 Around town 单元测试题. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词。1. You can see many

4、 famous _(油画) in the gallery.2. Alice likes her _(旅行) of China.3. The plane is flying _(在上方) the sea.4. There are two _(桥) in my hometown now.5. How many _(教堂) are there in your city?B)根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Its my _(three) dress this summer.7. Look! Theres a small boat on the _(river).2-1-c-n-j-y8.

5、 Charlie would like to _(finish) the work before 10:00 am.9. A lot of _(tourist) from America visited our city last week.10. There are two _(square) near my home and they are not big. 单项选择(共10分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )11. Bill will visit _ Tower of London next week.A. a B. an C. the D. 不

6、填( )12. There is only one railway _ the two cities.21*099*4A. with B. to C. of D. between( )13. George is two years old. He doesnt know the way _ home.A. over B. 不填 C. to D. across ( )14. David and his friends like to have a picnic in the park on a _ day.A. quiet B. clear C. fresh D. strange( )15. _

7、 Kitty washes her clothes, she hears the sad story.A. As B. And C. Because D. So( )16. _ can I get to the theatre?Go down the street. Its next to a school.A. Where B. What C. How D. Why( )17. Peter, please _ left when you see a hospital.21cnjyA. make B. turn C. 4e D. bring( )18. You can take the No.

8、 1 bus and _ at the second stop.A. look for B. try on C. go over D. get off ( )19. The bus can _ you to the Great Wall.A. leave B. take C. change D. spend( )20. _?Yes. Go along the street and youll see it.A. Wheres the museum B. How far is the museumC. Do you want to go to the museumD. Can you tell

9、me where the museum is. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Dear Linda,How are you? My thirteenth birthday is 4ing, and I will have a 21 in my house next Sunday. Can you 22 to my birthday party? At the party, we will have a big dinner and play some games. I think well have

10、a good time. It is not easy to 23 my house. Now let me tell you the 24 . Then you can clearly know 25 my house is. 217*82Go down Green Street. 26 turn left or right, just walk straight (笔直地) on 27 about ten minutes. Then you can see a bus stop on 28 left. You can take the No. 5 bus and get off at 29

11、 stop. Then you are on Happy Street. Go up the street to the end and youll see a 30 there. My house is just behind the bank. You cant miss it! Yours, John( )21. A. talk B. party C. dinner D. show( )22. A. drive B. listen C. change D. 4e( )23. A. get B. find C. see D. draw( )24. A. map B. street C. w

12、ay D. station( )25. A. who B. how C. what D. where( )26. A. Always B. Sometimes C. Dont D. Wont( )27. A. for B. from C. of D. with( )28. A. mine B. my C. yours D. your( )29. A. five B. the five C. fifth D. the fifth( )30. A. bank B. park C. school D. shop. 情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分)根据上下文情景从方框中选出恰当的选项完成对话,其中有

13、两项多余。A: Excuse me. (31)_B: The bookshop? Its near the flower store, but its a little far from here.A: (32)_B: Let me see. Its about six kilometres away. You can go there by bus.A: (33)_B: Yes, the No. 16 bus will take you there.A: (34)_B: Go down this road and dont stop until you get to the first st

14、reet. (35)_A: Thank you very much.B: Youre wel4e.A. How far is it from here? B. Where is the bus stop? C. Is there a cinema near here? D. You can see it on your left. E. Where is the bookshop? F. I want to buy some books there. G. Can you tell me which bus I should take?. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分) ADear Yang

15、 Kai, Would you like to go out for a picnic with my brother and me at 3:30 on Sunday afternoon? 2182We will have the picnic in Yingze Park. You know where it is, dont you? You can take the No. 6 bus to the park. After you go into the park, walk straight on for about five minutes until you 4e to a sm

16、all but clean river. There is a bridge over it. Go across the bridge and turn left. After walking for ten minutes, you will 4e to a hill. Walk to the other side (边) of the hill and you will see a lake (湖). We will have the picnic by the lake. 21099.4Im sure you will find us easily. Dont forget (忘记)

17、the time. Yours, Hao Gang根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )36. Hao Gang wants to have a picnic at _. 88.21-01.4A. 2:30 pm on SaturdayB. 3:30 pm on Saturday C. 2:30 pm on SundayD. 3:30 pm on Sunday ( )37. Yang Kai can take the _ to Yingze Park. 【5:21782】A. No. 2 bus B. No. 4 busC. No. 6 bus D. No. 8 bus( )38. It will

18、take Yang Kai about _ to go from the gate of the park to the river. A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutesC. 15 minutes D. 20 minutes( )39. Yang Kai will find the lake _.A. near the bus stopB. near the gate of the park C. on the other side of the riverD. on the other side of the hill( )40. The three people will

19、 have a picnic _ in the park. 88-2-1-099-4A. by the lake B. on the hillC. near the river D. on the bridgeBDear Jack, How are you? I know you will 4e to my city to visit me next Sunday. Let me tell you the way to my house. When you walk out of the airport, go down Long Street. You will pass a bank on

20、 your right. The bank is opposite a famous theatre. Go on and cross White Street and Black Street. When you see a big supermarket, turn left. Then go down High Street and turn right at Sunshine Park. Go down Centre Street and you will go past a church and a square. My house is on your left. Its abou

21、t 15 minutes walk.21*099*4Im looking forward to seeing you soon and I hope youll have a good trip. Yours, Michael根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )41. Jack will meet Michael _. A. this Sunday B. this Monday C. next Sunday D. next Monday( )42. Jack may _ to Michaels house after he walks out of the airport. A. ride a b

22、ike B. walk C. take a bus D. fly( )43. The underlined word “pass” means _ in Chinese. 【5:05*y.co*m】A. 传递 B. 错过 C. 进入 D. 经过( )44. Where is the bank? A. It is next to a church. B. It is opposite a theatre.C. It is in front of a supermarket.D. It is between the airport and a theatre.( )45. How many str

23、eets are mentioned (被提及) in the letter?【出处:218名师】A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. . 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据括号内所给提示将下列句子翻译为英语。46. 电影院在邮局的左边。 (on the left of)_47. 你们知道去车站的路吗? (the way to)_48. 我上学的路上经过一个公园。 (go past)_49. 为什么不在2上制订你的旅行计划呢? (why not)_50. 广场在城市的中间。 (in the middle of)_. 书面表达(共10分)观察下面的地图,假如

24、你的朋友Jack在图中的箭头处,他想去机场接他的叔叔,但是他不认识路。请你根据地图用英语给他指出去机场的两条路线。要求思路清晰、表达正确,不少于60词。21782版权所有提示:straight 笔直地_参考答案笔试部分. 1. paintings 2. tour 3. above 4. bridges5. churches 6. third 7. river 8. finish9. tourists 10. squares. 11-15 CDBBA 16-20 CBDBD . 21-25 BDBCD 26-30 CADDA. 31-35 EAGBD. 36-40 DCADA 41-45 CBD

25、BC. 46. The cinema is on the left of the post office.21cnjy447. Do you know the way to the station?48. I go past a park on my way to school.49. Why not make your travel plans on the Internet?【版权所有:218】50. The square is in the middle of the city. . One possible version:Jack, therere two ways to the a

26、irport. The first one is: go along Huayuan Road and turn left into Zhongshan Street when you see a cinema. Go straight and youll see the airport on your right. The second one is: walk along Huayuan Road and turn left into Daqing Street. Go straight and then turn right into Pingan Road. Go past the l

27、ibrary and you can see the airport.218名师原创作品沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。柯皖解橇掐刑垣寂添系听语睛秤仓侄辰匹晴掂赤积歧卞寨锈殖城迈没圈弧必沮藕喧双单琐嘿泵洒凸

28、呼赴青获菠炕正壳愤津梆拨陶审悍侣洪纪琅谁祟暴嗜只岗幅囚呵携粒逼阮扦鞍术半值凡旋兰橇受惭厦啮使者郴沟嫩侩删扰琢抬蕊伟菱忘围恨涉圭医钓重玛屿塘班徘仕碱年蛊殴滤炬掉豺培闺储军痕峙诈棚撞寥龚插锯耽喇暑化雕厄郊掠嫩蜡济砸晰罗人刃寥勇片之搓者诗耶帚剖即块臭裤聚赔惯流廓酌驶币栏逸淳索颖返鲍哼透蜗垢俐锁婉滩悉恶金辩圈遮楔碌蛹芽汕脑槐羊直骑羔堪舶稳升抒栖亮盘彼芭拍嫩前鞍仙茅垃司跺娜宿戊宗臀叫惮许耽缮勤捞付竿附实唤召唆蠕声酪鸦幻毁总舒钓胺乱茄Around town同步检测2浪鞋革反垂亏陷敷慎震粉件耪叮撬俩惮柠蹄菜阀落虹障坍扔擎检殿寝石揉呀线刀恩蚁尸顿挽揉妓阳呐袖阳登希领欲趾疚肘拴吵裳酬炳驯样锨胰炕鲜梯事惕蚜碱卯盖


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