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1、牛津英语4A期末测试卷(时间:40分钟 满分:100分)听力部分(70%)JjPpYy _ am RrSsFf _un XxTtAabo_ KkBbDdsa_ CcOoNn h_me IiUuEe b_ ke JjHhAa f_ce UuFfZz d_ck 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词所缺字母大小写,并把单词补充完整。念两遍。(8%) 二、听录音,选出你听到的单词或短语所对应的图片,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。念两遍。(8%) 1.This is your new_.A.B.2.Theres a _.A.B.3.Heres a gift for you,Peter. Its a _.A.B.4

2、.What does your father do? Hes a _.A. B. 5.What can she do? She can_.A. B. 6.What would you like?Id like some_.A. B. 7.How is the weather, Alice?Its _.A. B.8.There is a cat_ the bottle.A. B.三、听录音,选出你听到的句子,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。念两遍。(10%)1AHer names Jill.BHis names Peter.2AThe bird is very thirsty.BThe bird is

3、 very happy. 3AMy mother is a nurse.BMy mother is a teacher.4AWhat does your uncle do? BWhat does your aunt do?5AHe has a white shirt.BHe has a white T-shirt.6AThere are two triangles.BThere are seven squares7AIts warm and sunny.BIts hot and sunny.8AThere is a restaurant near my home.BThere is a sch

4、ool near my home.9AAre you happy?BAre you thirsty?10. AShe has a green skirt.BShe has a blue skirt.四、听录音问句,选择相应的答句,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。念两遍。(10%)1AYes, it is.BYes, I do. C. Yes, I am.2AYes, I am.BNo, I cant.C. Yes, I can.3AShes a nurse.BHes a teacher.C. Im a doctor.4AIts Sunday.BIts sunny.C. Its yellow.5AYe

5、s, there are.BYes, there is.C. Yes, it is.6AI have some bread.BI like bread.C. I want some bread.7AFine, thank you.BYes, he is.C. No, she isnt.8AId like some tomatoes.BI am a student.C. He is a student. 9ANo, she isnt.BNo, he isnt.C. She is my mother.10.AI like pears.BI want some pears.C. I can see

6、a pear.五、听录音,在答题卡上填写与各形状相对应的数量。念两遍。(10%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、听录音,把A、B、C、D、E填入正确的方框里。念两遍。(5%)supermarketA.1.3.2.restaurantB.fruit shop C.AliceGarden Street schoolD.4.Green Streetbook shopE.5.12七、听录音,判断下列图片是否与所听句子相符,相符的填“A”,不相符的填“B”。念两遍。(10%)345AB八、听录音,根据录音提示,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。念两遍。(4%) 14 23CD九、听录音,填出句子中所缺的单词

7、。写在答题卡上。念两遍。(5%)1. Do you have any _?2. Its warm and _in spring.3. Is there a _ near your home? 4. What would you like? Id like some_.5. My father is a _.笔试部分(30%)一、圈出图片相对应的单词。(6%)tenpensenfishdishtish1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.shopshipshirt5.4.shirtshortskirtmousehouselousenicemicerice6. 1.二、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音,相同

8、的填A,不同的填B。(4%)1.2.writesitrunfun namecakeeggshe4.3. 三、根据下列句子的提示,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。(4%)Spring is green. The weather is warm and rainy. Summer is red. Its hot and sunny. We can play in the beach. Autumn is yellow. Its cool and cloudy. We can see some clouds. Winter is white. Its cold and windy. The childre

9、n can skate in the park.A. hot and sunny B. cool and windy C. warm and rainy D. coldA. Ahot and sunny B.1._4. _3. _2._四、选词填空。把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。(5%)A. fly B. fireman C .his D. under E. meat1. My father is a _.2._ name is Sam.3. The ball is _ the chair.4. The super bird cans _.5. Id like some_.五、情境选择。把答题卡上

10、相应的编号涂黑。(8%)1.-What colour is Marys dress? -_.A .Its a dress B .Its pink and whiteC .what do you have?2. -What does your mother do? -_.A. Shes a teacher. B. Hes a teacher. C. Im a teacher.3. Do you have _ cousin?A. some B. any C. for4. How many _ are there?A. star B. biscuitsC. rectangle5. There is

11、a fish _ the plate.A.in B. onC. under6. -What_ you like? -_ like some meat and rice.A.do, Id B. would, IdC. under7. This is my friend._ names Lucy. _ can dance.A. Her ,SheB. She, Her C. She, She8.-Can you skate? - _ A. No, I can.B. Yes, I am.C. Yes, I can.六、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子,正确的涂A,错误的涂B。 (4%)How to ma

12、ke potato stamps You need a potato, a knife, a pen, a small bowl, some paint and some paper.First cut the potato in half. Be careful! Ask an adult(成年人) to help. Then draw a shape on one half of the potato. You can draw a circle, a square, a triangle or a star.Now cut around the shape. This is your p

13、otato stamp. (印章)Put some paint in the bowl. Put the potato stamp in the bowl of paint.Put the potato stamp on the paper.1. You need a potato, a knife, a pen and some paper.2. You can cut the potato in half by yourself (自己).3. Draw a shape on one half of the potato.4. Put the tomato stamp on the pap

14、er.口试部分(20%)一、口语交际及指令。(5%)从下面提供的句子选择5句(建议口语交际4句,指令1个),每句1分。指 令e here, please.Close the doors, please.Look at the Put the ball on the desk.Show me your finger.Give me a plate, please.Clap your hand.口语交际Good morning/afternoon. What does your mother do?How many are there?How is the weather?What would y

15、ou like?Do you have any.?Is there a park near your home?Can you swim?二、学生自我介绍(5%)至少说4句,每句得1分,另语音语调1分.三、看图说话(5%)可以任意选一组或每组随意挑选一两幅图描述,每句得1分。(老师可以适当提示)第1组:食 物第2组:四 季第4组:形 状第3组:场 所 四、学生自选一首英文歌曲或韵律诗。(5%)老师在测试前让所有孩子预先准备一下。听力材料:一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词所缺字母大小写,并把单词补充完整。念两遍。 1. jam 2.sun 3.box 4.sad 5.home 6.bike 7.f

16、ace 8.duck二、听录音,选出你听到的单词或短语所对应的图片,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。念两遍。 1.This is your new teacher. 2.Theres a library.3.Heres a gift for you,Peter. Its a shirt.4.-What does your father do? -Hes a taxi driver.5.-What can she do? -She can dance.6.-What would you like? -Id like some carrots.7.-How is the weather, Alice?

17、-Its rainy.8.There is a cat in the bottle.三、听录音,选出你听到的句子,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。念两遍。(10%)1Her names Jill2The bird is very thirsty.3My mother is a nurse.4What does your aunt do?5He has a white shirt.6There are seven squares.7Its warm and sunny.8There is a school near my home.9Are you happy?10. She has a blue s

18、kirt.四、听录音问句,选择相应的答句,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。念两遍。(10%)1Do you have any cousins?2Can you fly?3What does your mother do?4Whats the weather like today?5Is there a park near your home?6What do you have?7How are you?8What would you like?9Is she a doctor?10. What do you want?五、听录音,在答题卡上填写与各形状相对应的数量。念两遍。(10%)1. -Happ

19、y birthday, Alice! Here is a card for you! -Wow, four circles. Thank you.2. I have a cake for you. There are two stars.3. Look at my biscuit. Its a square.4. Its a ship. There are six triangles. 5. -How many rectangles are there? -There are twelve rectangles.六、听录音,把A、B、C、D、E填入正确的方框里。念两遍。(5%) My name

20、 is Alice. My home is on Garden Street. There is a supermarket near my home. There is a good restaurant on this street too. We can go and eat nice food there. There is a fruit shop between the supermarket and the restaurant. I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is my classmate. He lives on the

21、Green Street. There is a book shop near his home. We usually read books together. There is a park near his home too. Our school is beside the park.七、听录音,判断下列图片是否与所听句子相符,相符的填“A”,不相符的填“B”。念两遍。(10%)1. - Whats the weather like today?- Its sunny and hot.2. I usually play basketball in the playground.3. T

22、his is my grandpa. Hes a bus driver.4. Look at the white car. Its on the table. 5. I like spring. I can ride a bike in the park.八、听录音,根据录音提示,把答题卡上相应的编号涂黑。念两遍。(4%)1.-What would you like, Dad? -Id like some chickens and milk, please.2. - Would you like some noodles, Joe? -Yes, please. I want some cake

23、s, too. 3. - How about you, Ben? - Id like a hamburger, salad and some orange juice, please.4. Ok, I like fish. I want some rice and ice cream.九、听录音,填出句子中所缺的单词。写在答题卡上。念两遍。(5%)1. Do you have any cousins?2. Its warm and sunny in spring.3. Is there a restaurant near your home? 4. What would you like? I

24、d like some potatoes.5. My father is a fireman.参考答案及评分标准: 听力部分一、JjPpYy jam RrSsFf sun XxTtAabox KkBbDdsad CcOoNn home IiUuEe bike JjHhAa face UuFfZz duck 评分标准:共8分,每小题各2分,“ ”对字母得1分,单词补充字母写对得1分,书写不工整者不给分。二、1 8 BBABB BAA (共8分, 每小题1分)三、110 AAABA BABAB (共10分,每小题1分)四、110 BBABB AAAAB (共10分,每小题1分)五、1 5 four

25、 two one six twelve (共10分,每小题2分)六、1 5 ACBDE (共5分, 每小题1分)七、1 5 BABAA (共10分,每小题2分)八、1 4 BACD (共4分, 每小题1分)九、1 5 cousins sunny restaurant potatoes fireman评分标准:(共5分,每小题1分,cousins, potatoes没有复数形式得0.5)笔试部分一、1 5 pen fish ship rice mouse skirt (共6分,每小题1分)二、1 4 ABAB (共4分,每小题1分)三、1 4 CABD (共4分,每小题1分)四、1 5 BCDA

26、E (共5分,每小题1分)五、1 8 BABBB BAC (共8分,每小题1分)六、1 4 ABAB (共4分,每小题1分)口试部分评分标准:一、口语交际及指令。(5分)从下面提供的句子选择5句(建议口语交际4句,指令1个),每句1分。二、学生自我介绍(5分)至少说4句,每句得1分,另语音语调1分。三、请仔细看图,并用英语描述图中的动物。(5分)1.语音标准、清晰;语调正确、自然。能够正确使用所给的句型,不少于五句,表达自然、连续、流畅,分值为(5分)2.语音比较标准,语调比较正确。能够正确使用所给的句型,不少于四句,表达较自然、流畅,失误较少,分值为(4分) 3.语音基本标准,语调基本正确。能够正确地使用所给句型,不少于三句,表达基本流利,语句基本连贯,无较大失误,分值为(3分)4.语音个别标准,语调个别正确。能使用基本的口语词汇和句型,错误较多,表达不够流利,分值为(2分)5.语音、语调不正确,表达不流利,语句不连贯,语流中断现象频繁,分值为(1分)四、学生自选一首自己喜欢的英文歌曲或韵律诗。 本题考察目的在于培养学生学习英语兴趣,如果学生可以完整表演一首英文歌曲或韵律诗,活泼大方、感染力强,分值为(5分)

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