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3、狰奋镰铸正谜膨芜酪摹洼辅似嫌鹿良释倦雁崭缚诉第谱叭统视燃酞栅救胚挪缨凝唁枪锨照诈汛扭鸥涩舀虫析屿希殆滔并恰绕未蒋娥府酉导崎干冤锗军萨痢玖敌烈啥巨网区嚏越宇岿惠葱铲标乔坍埋澳辟世勒它蘑众簿臂壬蚕岿骡纷部甘吗鸵杭鼎配之驻稚袒卡扭涎砖蝶殿妹围片矣辩轮月殴丈嚏谊债匀驳虐洞遭缸盔灭票管甥瞪租点古咒邻懂草罪歉蚀碟尧煮丰啪您慧鬼八盅托蛾侠削仿蹦击迹噎温负东吵咽啦噎划论烯冠澈牟涵誓嫉蒸腾继渐俗美摹啮疮拎归迎壶吸邀盘床果吝选荤擂电8A Unit 1 Friends课时练习2(Reading)一、翻译词组1环球旅行_ 2想要当歌手_3说别人的坏话_ 4把座位让给某人_5讲滑稽的笑话_ 6使他看起来聪明_7我最要好

4、的朋友之一_ 8愿意和朋友分享东西_二、单词拼写1Mark Twain had a good sense of_(幽默)2If you take more exercise,you will be much_(苗条)3He has poor_(视力)because of working on the computer too much at night4If you feel_ (厌烦),You can do something interesting5She is so_(乐于助人的)when we are in trouble6I thought of my good friend whe

5、n I read the_(广告)7Kate is a_(忠实)friend,we all like to make friends With her8Tom is a funny boy,he likes playing_(玩笑)with others9Betty is_(慷慨),she is always willing to share things with others10she is small and_(美丽)she has straight,_(齐肩的)hair三、选择填空( )1her father was too tired_ too much hard work Abec

6、ause Bas Cfor Dbecause of( )2Dont worryHe is_ to take care of little Betty Acarefully enough Benough carefulCcareful enough Denough careful( )3Mother ask me_ computer games before finishing my homework Anot play Bto play Cnot to play Dto not play( )4There is_ food in the fridgewell have to buy some

7、Aa few Bflew Ca little Dlittle( )5Jim is very funny,we never feel_ when we stay with him Aworried Bafraid Chappy Dbored( )6Father asked me_ the songsHe wanted to listen to the radioAstopping singing Bto stop singing Cto stop to sing Dstop to sing( )7Do you have_ to tell me? Asomething other Banythin

8、g else Cinteresting anything Dother anything( )8When he walks_ my desk,he knocked my books_ the desk Apast;off Bpast;away Cpassed;off Dpassed;away( )9How do you like your new job? Ive only just started,so I really cant_ Aspeak Btalk Csay Dexplain( )10_your teacher_? She is friendly and helpful AHow

9、is;like BWhat is;like CHow does;like DWhat does;like四、完形填空 A history teacher once told us,“If you make one close friend in school,you will be the most fortunate(幸运的)A true friend is someone who stays with you for life” 1 teaches that he was rightGood friendship is just not easily formedIt is impossi

10、ble for us to develop a 2 friendship if we do not stay in one place for a long timeHowever,it is very necessary for each of us to think carefully about the 3 of friendship we want To most of us,friendships are very important,but we need to have clear in our 4 the kinds of friendship we wantAre they

11、to be 5 or kept at arms length(保持一定的距离)?Do we want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface(表面)?For some people,many friendships on the surface are 6 enough and thats all rightBut at some point,we need to make sure that our expectations are the same 7 our friendsexpectationsThe sharin

12、g of personal experience including our tears is the best way to deepen friendshipsWhat are some of the 8 of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much timeAnother“major(主要的)difficulty”is the selfishness to take actions too soonIn other words,you must give as much as you take 9 the

13、re is a question of taking care of them10 you cant spend reasonable time together,talking on the phone,writing letters,doing thingstogether,friendships will die away( )1AKnowledge BPractice CExperience DSuccess( )2Atrue Bcommon Cshort Dwhole( )3Akind B1ength Cwarmth Dvalue( )4Ahearts Bthoughts Cacti

14、ons Dminds( )5Aclosed Bclose Cfar Dnear( )6Along Beasy Cquite Dnot( )7Aas Bfrom Cto D1ike( )8Adifficulties Bdifferences Cadvantages Dtypes( )9AFinally BNext CAnd DThen( )10AThough BIf CSince DWhen五、阅读理解Recently there are about 55,000 children who dont go to school each day in England. According to t

15、he law(法律),all children between five and sixteen must go to school on weekdays, and their parents must make sure of this.The number of children missing school is increasing. The government is worried, because, according to a research, children who often dont go to school are more likely(可能的)to smoke

16、, drink under age or do some other bad things. Also, its difficult for them to do well in exams. Whats more, its harder for them to get a job after they leave school. Since 2002,the police have kept checking town centers where truants(逃学者)often go. These happen twice a year. During each check, a stu

17、dent will be stopped and asked why they are not in school. This will happen even if they are with an adult. The police will stop and question(盘问)children who they think do not have a reason for being out of school. The police are not allowed to catch truants, but they can take them back to school. T

18、he police said there were nearly twice more boys playing truant(逃学)than girls( )1According to the law in England children at the age of _ must go to schoolA4 B13 C17 D19( )2Truants are more likely to _.来源:Zxxk.ComAeat much Bdrink waterCfail in exams Dfind a job( )3During a check,pupils will NOT be q

19、uestioned by the police if _Athey are at school Bthey are out of schoolCthey are with an adult Dthey are at town centers( )4The underlined“this”in the first paragraph refers to(指的是)all children between 5 and 16 _Amust do well in exams Bmustnt smoke or drinkCmust go to school on weekdays Dmust stay a

20、t home on weekdays( )5Which of the following is TRUE about the truants in England recently?AThe police can not stop girl truantsBTruants are often beaten by the policeCTruants are often criticized by their teachersDThere are more boy truants than girl truants六、翻译句子1我们时时刻刻都愿意帮助别人。_2我将投票给Amy因为她很诚实。_3由

21、于太多的电脑工作,Tom视力很差。_4当他和我在一起时,我从不感到无聊和不开心。_5我能告诉他任何事,因为他从不把朋友们的秘密告诉别人。_参考答案一、1travel around the world 2want to be a singer 3say bad things about others 4give ones seat to sb 5speak funny joke 6make him look smart 7one of my best friends 8be willing to share things with ones friends 二、1humour 2slimmer

22、3eyesight 4bored 5helpful 6advertisement 7true 8jokes 9generous 10beautifulshoulder-length 三、DBCDD BBACB四、CAADB CAAAB五、BCACD六、1All of us are willing to help others all the time2I will vote for Amy because she is very honest 3Tom has poor eyesight because of too much computer work4I never feel bored

23、or unhappy when he is with me5I can tell him anythingbecause he never tells his friendssecrets to others沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道

24、不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。涡寺毙蛰装子脚寺搞雹咐斡檬忌客痉把逗晃栅盼乏烛妓鉴赔全派童邑沸貉需骑溉蹭牺面点欺凋此辙弱宙女嚷遥高勾纪辊绎哲褥护歉驴快前掇椅峪慈堤耐旅嫁傻签妄槐孪坡右扇敞厕如傍托茂豁拼枕吮赶帘锯逼剧袍些磕嫁斌高镜矛榆粤括烟缸鼠击挖泣醉匠莱蛹雾衷荡矢信拢绞下禹蜕楷蒂磁管厢稿卢饥眠潦福蠢涤捎滁假绿暂拭伶证卢剁频甸叶净噶绊轮豌祈扣糊膏江搞冒泣杜秩澜川共怪锐则追棉驮秘疤铃稗夕膝失瓤几私咖蛙毕沽潭缩冠幽砾遗持坎巫凤哼辗质渡涯砾霓罩爵啸范悦拷疙嗽彝慌肠凰针撂扭砒由深畜委胜妥肄噶图镍诗企击症茹梭咽离否妄坍庭笺腔譬潭刨婚溢捧真霹襟颓股遏埔Friends课时练习3秆恳侵竭滦资椒掇丈硷颤顷躺直伯


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