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1、 1/94 初中英语单项选择题汇总(附答案)初中英语单项选择题汇总(附答案)第一部分第一部分 初中中考英语单选题真题练习初中中考英语单选题真题练习第一章第一章 冠词冠词真题真题1.What would you like for afternoon tea?(09(09 广州,广州,16)16)Tow pieces of bread and cup of coffee,please.A.an;a B.不填;a C.at;the D.不填;the2.old man behind Mary is university teacher.(09(09 广东省,广东省,29)29)A.An;an B.A;

2、the C.The;a D.The;an3.How do you go to work?(09(09 深圳,深圳,1)1)I usually take bus.A.the;a B./;a C.a;a D.the;/4.After Lucy and Lily,Tony is now student to win the game in our class.(09(09 佛山,佛山,23)23)A.the third B.a third C.the second5.Are you good at playing basketball or playing piano?(08(08 深圳,深圳,21

3、)21)Both A.a;a B.the;the C.the;/D./;the 6.When you make a mistake,dont always make excuse for yourself.(08(08 佛山,佛山,29)29)A.an B.the C./7.Do you like a blue bike for your birthday?(07(07 佛山,佛山,31)31)But I prefer green one.A.the B./C.a 8.He is university student and he comes from island in England.(0

4、7(07 广广东省,东省,26)26)A.an;an B.an;a C.a;an D.a;a 巩固练习巩固练习1.Theres 800-metre-long road behind hospital.(09(09 甘肃兰州甘肃兰州)A.an;an B.a;a C.an;the D.a;the2.I really like book you lent me yesterday.(09(09 河北河北)A.a B.an C.the D.不填3.Jimmy bought car yesterday,but its used one.(09(09 山东威海山东威海)A.a;a B.a;an C.a;t

5、he D.the;an4.What exciting news it is!Is news true?(09(09 山东烟台山东烟台)A.an;the B.an;a C./;the D./;a5.I just have cup of milk for breakfast.(09(09 四川成都四川成都)Thats not enough.A.a;a B.the;the C.a;不填6.Sandy often takes her dog for walk around the lake after supper.(09(09 江苏江苏南京南京)A.a B.an C.the D.不填 2/947.W

6、hy do you like Mary?(09(09 湖南娄底湖南娄底)Because she is honest girl.A.a B.an C.the8.Whos young man with long hair?(09(09 江苏宿迁江苏宿迁)Hes a friend of mine.A.a B.the C.an D.his9.Its not good idea to drive for four hours without break.(09(09 江苏江苏无锡无锡)A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a10.What sweet music!Do you kn

7、ow who wrote it?(09(09 福建漳州福建漳州)Beethoven,I think.A./B.a C.an D.the11.How was dinner at Mikes house?(09(09 吉林通化吉林通化)It was great.Mikes mum is wonderful cook.A.a;the B.the;a C.the;the D.a;an12.Jack started to work at early age because his family was very poor.(09(09山东德州山东德州)A.a B.an C.the D./13.Mary

8、has a bad cold.She has to stay in bed.(09(09 湖南长沙湖南长沙)A.a B./C.the14.There is umbrella near the window.(09(09 福建莆田福建莆田)A.the B.an C.a15.Will you get there by train?No,Ill take taxi.A./;a B.a;the C./;/D.the;a第二章第二章 代词代词真题真题1.Doctor,whats the problem with my son?(09(09 广州,广州,17)17)Dont worry.It is ser

9、ious.Its only a cold.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything2.We have five kinds of schoolbags.Do you like this one?(09(09 广东省,广东省,27)27)No.Can you show me?A.another B.each other C.the other D.others3.Which film do you prefer,Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings?(09(09 佛山,佛山,21)21).They are r

10、eally wonderful.A.Neither B.Both C.Either4.Miss Green didnt talk much to other people.There was always a little sad about her.(08(08 广州,广州,20)20)A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something5.This is my new e-dictionary Wow!I like very muchIII ask my mum to buy .(08(08 深圳,深圳,22)22)A.it;one for me B.

11、it;one to me C.one;it for me D.one;3/94it to me 6.The model plane is So cuteWhose is it?(08(08 深圳,深圳,29)29)Its He made it A.Jacks;itself B.Jacks;himself C.Jack;himself D.Jack;itself 7.Mum came in with a serious look,and I knew was wrong.(08(08 佛山,佛山,22)22)A.nothing B.anything C.something8.Can you he

12、ar the strange noise from the washing machine?must be wrong with it.(07(07 佛山,佛山,27)27)A.Anything B.Nothing C.Something9.Which do you prefer,bananas or oranges?(07(07 广东省,广东省,28)28).I enjoy eating apples.A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.All巩固练习巩固练习1.Do you have anything important to say for yourself?(09(

13、09 宁波市宁波市)except sorry.A.Something B.Nothing C.Anything D.Everything2.Where is my pen?Have you seen?(09(09 烟台市烟台市)Oh,sorry.I have taken by mistake.A.it;yours B.them;his C.it;mine D.them;hers3.Mom and Dad are movie lovers.They have many hobbies in common.(09(09 山西山西省省)A.both B.either C.neither4.The s

14、hoes dont fit me.Would you please show me?(09(09 绵阳市绵阳市)Sure.Here you are.A.the other one B.the others C.another pair D.another one5.My sister has two skirts.One is yellow,is black.(09(09 北京北京)A.other B.another C.others D.the other6.Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?(09(09 宁夏宁夏)Im afraid day is poss

15、ible.A.neither B.either C.some D.any7.Things made by hand are usually more expensive than produced in factories.(09(09 宁夏宁夏)A.these B.this C.that D.those8.Millie gave a baby cat yesterday that hurt when it fell from the tree(09(09 苏州苏州)A.me;it B.myself;itself C.me;itself D.myself;it 9.Do you want te

16、a or coffee?(09(09 苏州苏州),I really dont mindANone BEither CNeither DAll10.My daughter wants a rabbit for long,but I have no time to buy for her.(09(09 东营东营)A.it B.one C.the one D.that 4/9411.Is there in todays newspaper?(09(09 福州福州)Yes,our National Table Tennis Team won all the seven gold medals once

17、 more.A.something new B.anything new C.somebody special D.anybody special12.Id like grapes and pears.(09(09 恩施恩施)Oh,I only need orange juice.A.some;a few B.a few;some C.a little;few D.a little;a few13.How heavily it rained this early morning.(09(09 娄底娄底)Yes.But of the students in our class was late

18、for school.A.some B.none C.all14.All of us find necessary to take exercise every day.(09(09 重庆重庆)A.this B.that C.it D.them15.Timmy tells me that you have read on the Internet.(09(09 连云港连云港)A.something amazing B.anything amazing C.amazed something D.amazed anything16.Welcome to my home for dinner,chi

19、ldren.Help to some chicken.Ill cook some fish for you.Thank you,Aunt Li.(09(09 滨州滨州)A.yourself B.you C.yourselves D.ourselves17.Denny,someone in your class phoned you this morning.(09(09 聊城聊城)Oh,who was?A.he B.she C.it D.that18.“Have try,you are so close to the answer,”the teacher encourages the kid

20、s.(09(09 潍坊潍坊)A.the other B.one another C.other D.another19.He has several books on the desk,but of them is on history.(09(09 漳州漳州)A.none B.neither C.all D.both20.What do you think of the street?(09(09 益阳益阳)Very beautiful.There are many tall trees on _ side of it.A.either B.both C.every 第三章第三章 介词介词真

21、题真题1.When did Peter leave Shanghai?(09(09 广州,广州,18)18)He left Shanghai the evening of October 15.A.in B.at C.on D.till2.“Its really very kind you to help me with the housework on Sundays”,said Grandma Huang.(09(09 广东省,广东省,33)33)A.of B.with C.for D.from3.People often saw him walking the river on Sund

22、ay mornings.(09(09 佛山,佛山,26)26)A.in B.with C.along4.He is a fan of AC Milan and never misses any of its games other teams.(08(08 佛山,佛山,25)25)5/94A.with B.against C.for5.I dont know how to start a talk with Betty.She can sit all day long a word!(07(07 佛山,佛山,38)38)A.by B.with C.without 6.Id like a cup

23、 of coffee some sugar and milk.(07(07 广东省,广东省,29)29)A.in B.to C.of D.with巩固练习巩固练习1.Tom told me his parents had arrived Beijing.(09(09 山东淄博山东淄博)A.at B.on C.in D.to2.Lets play table tennis Tuesday morning,shall we?(09(09 河北河北)A.on B.in C.to D.at3.Nanjing is a beautiful city.It won“China Human Habitat

24、Environment Prize”2008.(09(09 江苏南京江苏南京)A.at B.on C.in D.by4.When is Henrys birthday party,Lynn?(09(09 河南河南)The 18th,about three oclock in the afternoon.A.in B.at C.on D.to5.It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town.(09(09 湖北宜昌湖北宜昌)Im it.Zoos are terrible for animals.A.through B.besides C.a

25、gainst D.except6.Its very important us to make a plan before a new term.(2009(2009湖南湖南娄底娄底)Yes.You must try to make it carefully.A.of B.for C.to7.Look,Tina is waiting the bus stop.(09(09 湖北孝感湖北孝感)A.for B.at C.in D.to 8.Mr.Lin gave the textbooks to all the students the ones who had already taken them

26、.(09(09 江苏无锡江苏无锡)A.except B.including C.among D.with9.Einstein,the famous scientist,was born March,1897.(09(09 北京北京)A.at B.on C.in D.to10.Why are you standing there,Maggie?(09(09 安徽安徽)I cant see the blackboard clearly.Two tall boys are sitting me.A.behind B.in front of C.beside D.next to11.The young

27、 men walked the forest and came to a big river at last.(09(09 福福建漳州建漳州)A.on B.over C.through D.across12.You can find a way to reach your goals when you are proud yourself and stand tall like a sunflower(09(09 哈尔滨哈尔滨)A.on B.from C.of13.Lin Lin often practices English chatting with her American friend

28、.(09(09山东德州山东德州)A.in B.by C.for D.with 14.There is going to be a wonderful party the evening of October 1st,2009.6/94(09(09 湖北恩施湖北恩施)A.in B.on C.at D.for15.A new baby came to the earth a sunny winter morning.(09(09 新疆阜康新疆阜康)How nice.A.in B.on C.of D.at第四章第四章 名词名词真题真题1.Its really hot today.What drink

29、s do we have in the fridge?(09(09 广东省,广东省,44)44)We have some .A.noodle B.cheese C.sausages D.lemonade2.what did you see just now?(08(08 深圳,深圳,27)27)I saw two doctors out of the house A.woman;come B.woman;came C.women;coming D.women;to come 3.Oh,there isnt enough for us in the lift.(07(07 佛山,佛山,35)35

30、)No hurry.Lets wait for the next.A.ground B.floor C.room4.There is good for you.Ive found your lost watch.(07(07 广东省,广东省,27)27)A.news B.ideas C.messages D.thoughts巩固练习巩固练习1.Why do you get up so early in the morning,Tracy?(09(09 湖北武汉湖北武汉)I generally make it a to be up by 7 to read English.A.plan B.wi

31、sh C.secret D.rule2.Do the dishes,Mike,or I will tell mum!(09(09 湖北武汉湖北武汉)Mind your own ,Sue!A.action B.duty C.business D.way3.You look worried.Whats your?(09(09 江西江西)I have trouble learning English.A.name B.question C.problem D.job4.Oh,my God!We have missed the last bus.What shall we do?(09(09 江苏南京

32、江苏南京)Im afraid we have no but to take a taxi.A.choice B.decision C.reason D.information5.I like a lot,and my mother usually cooks it in different ways.(09(09 河南河南)A.fish B.butter C.potatoes D.noodles6.I dont understand the story though there are new words in it.(09(09 贵州贵州安顺安顺)A.few B.little C.a few

33、 D.a little7.Emma,who are you taking of at home?(09(09 湖北孝感湖北孝感)My grandma,she got hurt in an accident.A.place B.part C.seat D.care 8.Lets get some about tourism on the Internet.(09(09 山西山西)A.information B.message C.invention9.the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are teac

34、hers.(09(09 江苏无锡江苏无锡)7/94A.A number of;women B.A number of;woman C.The number of;women D.The number of;woman10.We need to come up with a/an and make a decision at once.(09(09 吉林通化吉林通化)A.information B.advice C.idea D.news第五章第五章 数词数词真题真题1.There are months in a year.October is the month.(09(09 广东省,广东省,

35、26)26)A.twelve;ten B.twelfth;tenth C.twelve;tenth D.twelfth;ten2.Do you still remember the snow storm last winter?(08(08 深圳,深圳,30)30)Sure.people from going home during that time A.One hundred;stopped B.Ten hundreds of;were stopped C.Hundreds;stopped D.Hundreds of;were stopped 3.People began to count

36、 down just before 12 oclock on New Years Eve.(08(08 佛山,佛山,23)23)A.One,two,three B.First,second,third C.Ten,nine,eight4.Guangdong Sports Games was held in Foshan last November.(07(07 佛山,佛山,28)28)A.The twelve B.Twelfth C.The twelfth 巩固练习巩固练习1.About of the workers in the factory were born in the .(09(0

37、9 甘肃兰州甘肃兰州)A.two-thirds;1970 B.two-thirds;1970s C.two-third;1970 D.two-third;1970s2.Today is my mothers birthday.I will buy her a gift.(09(09 江苏宿迁江苏宿迁)A.fourteen B.fourteenth C.forty D.fortieth3.A new study proves a walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat.(09(09 哈尔滨哈尔滨)A.30-mi

38、nute B.30 minutes C.30-minutes4.More than two years ago,people knew little about the universe.(09(09 辽宁辽宁锦州锦州)A.thousands B.thousand C.thousand of D.thousands of5.Enshi is becoming a tourist city.people come here during the holidays every year.(09(09 湖北恩施湖北恩施)A.Thousand of B.Thousands of C.Five thou

39、sands of D.Five thousands6.Fathers Day is on Sunday of June.(09(09 湖南长沙湖南长沙)A.three B.third C.the third7.of the students in our class money to the disabled people these days.(09(09 贵州安顺贵州安顺)A.Two third;have raised B.Two thirds;has raised C.Two three;have raised D.Two thirds;have raised8.There are si

40、xty students in our class.And of us are boys.(09(09 福建漳州福建漳州)Wow!You have forty girls!A.one fourth B.one third C.two fifths D.two thirds第六章第六章 连词连词真题真题 8/941.The film“Kung Fu Panda”is interesting I would like to see it again.(09(09 广东省,广东省,26)26)A.such;that B.too;to C.as;as D.so;that2.We have to get

41、 up at 7:15 tomorrow morning,we will be late for the 7:40 train.(09(09 广东省,广东省,35)35)A.before B.or C.if D.so3.He took the Mp3 player with him he could enjoy music during the trip.(09(09 佛山,佛山,22)22)A.because B.so that C.when4.Im sorry.I started eating before you got here I was terribly hungry.(08(08

42、 广州,广州,19)19)A.so B.since then C.because D.so that5.Look!There lots of traffic in this city.(08(08 深圳,深圳,24)24)we should be careful when we cross the streets A.is;But B.are;But C.is;So D.are;Or6.Tony knows little Japanese,he cant understand the instructions of his new camera.(08(08 佛山,佛山,24)24)A.so

43、B.or C.but7.He rushed into the fire to save the kid it was dangerous for him to do so.(07(07 佛山,佛山,32)32)A.unless B.because C.although 8.You wont pass your exams you work harder.(07(07 广东省,广东省,36)36)A.when B.if C.unless D.after巩固练习巩固练习1.Tom Mary speaks good Chinese,so they can communicate with these

44、 Chinese students very well.(09(09 甘肃兰州甘肃兰州)A.Neither;nor B.Not only;but also C.Both;and D.Either;or2.Youd better look up the new word in a dictionary you dont know it.(09(09 甘肃兰州甘肃兰州)A.if B.that C.though D.whether3.they may not succeed,they will try their best.(09(09 河北河北)A.Though B.When C.Because

45、D.Unless4.Mom,my classmates are waiting outside,I must go now.(09(09 山东威海山东威海)A.or B.but C.so D.though5.The workers have decided to finish the task on time,it means they would have no weekends those two months.(09(09 四川成都四川成都)A.after all B.even though C.as if 6.Help others whenever you can youll mak

46、e the world a nicer place to live.(09(09 江西江西)A.and B.or C.unless D.but7.scientists have done a lot of research on A(H1N1)flu,there are still some cases for further study.(09(09 江苏南京江苏南京)9/94A.As B.Once C.If D.Although8.Its quite common in Britain to say“Thank you”to the drivers people get off the b

47、us.(09(09 河南河南)A.after B.since C.until D.when9.Listen!It is still noisy in the head teachers office.(09(09 湖北宜昌湖北宜昌)Go and see they have finished correcting the papers yet.A.though B.whether C.unless D.while10.Switzerland is very small,it is the land of watch and it is very rich.(09(09 湖北孝感湖北孝感)A.Th

48、ough;but B.Because;so C.Because;/D.Though;/11.Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?(09(09 江苏宿迁江苏宿迁)Id love to,I cant.I have a lot of homework to do.A.and B.but C.so D.or12.Did you give Dick a call?(09(09 江苏无锡江苏无锡)I didnt need to Ill see him soon.A.when B.though C.until D.because13.Wha

49、t is our head teacher like,do you know?(09(09 吉林通化吉林通化)Oh,he is very kind he looks very serious.A.because B.though C.if D.when14.Your French is so good.How long have you been in France?(09(09 江苏常州江苏常州)I was five.A.Until B.Since C.When D.Before 15.hamburgers are junk food,many children like them.(09(

50、09 山东德州山东德州)A.If B.Unless C.Because D.Although16.He will come here right away he hears the news.(09(09 湖北恩施湖北恩施)A.so B.as soon as C.because D.though17.You will fail the exam you dont work hard.(09(09 新疆阜康新疆阜康)OK,Ill try my best.A.and B.though C.but D.if18.Tom knew nothing about it his sister told hi

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