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1、2017年五年级英语上册期末测试卷 (时量:60 分钟 满分100分) 姓名_ 得分_听力部分(40分)一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( )1. A. collect B. storybook C. borrow( ) 2 A. dinner B. breakfast C. rest( )3. A.thin B. jacket C.thick( ) 4. A. pick B. collect stamps C play the violin( ) 5. A. potato B. tomato C photo二 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,按A-E的顺序给下列图片排序。(10分)(

2、) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三.听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答语。(10分)( ) 1. A I like swimming. B. He is tall C. We are running.( ) 2. A At home B. A man C. At 7:00 am( ) 3. A Red B. The blue one C. three yuan( ) 4. A Yes,please B. Yes, I can C No, I dont ( ) 5. A. He is short B. He is my brother. C. He is ten四听音、选词、补全句子

3、。(10分)A. How much B. borrow C. Thank you D.cant E. Do1. A. _ you want some salt? B: yes, please2. A. _ B: You are wele.3. A. Can I have a puppy? B. No, you _4. A. Can I _a pencil? B. Here you are.5. A. _is it? B. Its 20 yuan笔试部分(60分) 一:抄句子。要求书写正确、美观。(16)It means “You can go out from there”What time

4、do you get up?Lingling helps her parents.Im sorry.Can I use your pencil, please?The Spring Festivel二:单项选择(12)( ) 1. Mrs Chen is _. A. cook B. cooking C. cooks.( ) 2. They enjoy _ football. A. playing B. plays C play( ) 3. Tom _ TV every day. A. watch B. watches C. watching( ) 4. A: _ is Alice doing?

5、 B: Shes making the bed.A. What B. Where C How三:情景交际(12)( )1.当你想表达打扰别人一下的时候,你应该说 A. Excuse me B. Yes( ) 2.你想提醒你的同桌上课不要吃东西,这么表达A. You cant eat . B. Dont eat in class( ) 3.你想要一些盐时,你应该说A. I like some salt B. I want some salt( ) 4.你忘记带雨伞时,你想要借同学的,应该怎么说A. Do you have an umbrella,please?B. Can I borrow yo

6、ur umbrella,please? 四:阅读理解。 将正确的选项填在题前的括号里。(20) My name is Sam.I like playing chess. I often get up at 7:15 and go to school at 7:30. My mother is a teacher. Her name is Julia. She is short and has short hair. She likes sandwiches. She often cooks a meal. I help her. My father is a worker. His name

7、is James.He is tall.He like taking photos. He often cleans the windows. I help him.( )1. Sam likes _A. Playing chess B. taking photos C sandwiches( )2. Who often cleans the windowsA. Sam B. Julia C. James( )3. What does my father look like?A. Short B. tall C. thin( )4. What is Sams mother?A. Worker

8、B. teacher c. nurse( )5. A: Is Sam a good boy? B: _A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt C Yes, she is. 试题参考答案听力材料一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(1) borrow ( 2) breakfast ( 3)thick (4)collect stamps ( 5) photo 二听录音,根据你所听到的内容,按A-E的顺序给下列图片排( 1) wash the vegetables ( 2) have puter lesson (3) play the violin ( 4) Do not smoke

9、( 5) firecrackers三 听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答语 (1) Whats your hobby? ( 2) What time do you get up? (3) Which coat do you want,the green one or the blue one? ( 4) Do you want rice? ( 5) What does he look like?四听音、选词、补全句子。(1) Do you want some salt? (2)Thank you ( 3) No, you cant. ( 4) Can I borrow a pencil

10、. ( 5) How much is it?听力答案 一: C B C B C 二:5 2 1 4 3三:A C BAA四:E C D B A一:书写题:重点考查学生(1)26个字母的书写格式,英语句子的书写要求,如两个单词要隔开一点距离。(2) f,r,g,i的书写格式,学生可能会犯错。(3) (3)专有名词的大写。(4)句子开头字母大写及句末的标点符号。二:单项选择。(1) 考察对现在进行时的掌握。(2) (2)enjoy+动名词结构(3) (3)一般现在时主语是单数三人称,谓语要用三单形式。(4) (4)根据上下文推断,确定答案。答案:( 1) B ( 2) A ( 3) B ( 4) A三:情景交际训练学生的应急能力,培养在生活中运用英语的意识和能力。答案:(1)A ( 2) B ( 3) B ( 4) B四:文章与五年级上册课本内容联系紧密。学生阅读难度不大。主要考查学生对文章中出现的人和事的关联的理解。第五小题也包含对学生价值观的考查。答案:( 1) A ( 2) C ( 3) B ( 4) B ( 5) A制卷人:望城区白箬铺镇五里小学 李正武

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