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1、if 和 whether 专题1)I dont care _your car breaks down or not.2)This depends upon _we are determined to do it.3)It depends on _he is ready.4)I am not interested in _youll come or not.5)We havent settled the question of _well renew our supplies of coal for factory.6)He doesnt know _to stay or not.7)I am

2、not sure _Ill have time to go with you.8)She doesnt know _to get married now or wait.9)I dont know _or not they will come for our help.10)We discussed_ we should make a change in our plan.11)He considered_ he shouldnt tell her the secret.12)It is unknown _he will come.13)I dont know _they will come

3、to help us.14)I am not certain_ the train will arrive on time.15)_the news is true remains a question.16)What we want to know is _he will come to speak to us tomorrow.17)The question is _they can take our advice.18)Let me know _you cant meet me at Jackson and Throop Streets Wednesday afternoon at tw

4、o oclock.19)We were discussing _we should discuss the business with them.20)The question _well build another lecture hasnt been settled.21)The question _hell come is unknown.22)Tell me_ it is not going to rain,please.23)I dont care _he doesnt show up.24)Please let me know _you intend to come.25)Let me know _he has left for Shanghai.1)if/whether2)whether3)whether4)whether5)whether6)whether7)whether/if8)whether9)whether10)whether11)if 12)whether13)whether/if14)if/whether15)Whether16)whether17)whether18)if 19)whether20)whether21)whether22)if 23)if24)whether25)whether

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