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1、19BUnit1 短语汇总一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish在许多方面in many ways1在某些方面in some ways照顾;照料care for=take care of=look after2被照顾;照料be cared for=be taken care of=be looked after3火星上的生活life on Mars4够到我的食物get to my food5能够做某事be able to do sth.6帮助某人做某事help sb.with sth.=help sb.(to)do sth.7呈现药片的形状in the form of pills8使某

2、人感到非常难受make sb.feel very ill9使某人镇定下来make sb.calm down10使这人梦想成为现实make this dream become true11提供某物给某人provide sb.with sth.=provide sth.for sb.12变得越来越拥挤become more and more crowded 13目前;现在at present=at the moment=now以.速度at the speed of 14以光速的一半运行travel at half the speed of light15首先first of all16许多larg

3、e numbers of=a number of=many17漂入太空中float away into space18飘浮在空中float in the air19因住在那里而生病get ill from living there将 A 连接到 B 上面connect A to B20将 A 和 B 相连接connect A with B21被连接到be connected to 22进行考试take exams23和.一样美味as tasty as 24压缩食品;干缩食品dried food25数码相机digital camera伤害某人do harm to sb.=harm sb.26损伤

4、某物do harm to sth.=harm sth.27去火星的旅行the journey to Mars28太空睡袋space sleeping bag29准备做某事prepare to do sth.30愿意做某事be willing to do sth.31在太空旅行travel in space32在地球的表面on the surface of Earth33在电脑的控制下under the control of computers34以.开始start with=begin with35搬到地球之外move out of Earth36第一个住在火星上的人the first to

5、live on Mars让某人做某事have/make/let sb.do sth.37请某人做某事(让某事被做)have sth.doneworry about(doing)sth.38担心(做某事)=be worried about(doing)sth.39某事让某人担心sth.worry sb.40害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth.=be afraid to do sth.41让某人远离.keep sb.away from.42花费某人一些时间做某事It takes sb.some time to do sth.43阻止某人做某事keep/stop/prevent

6、sb.from doing sth.44防止飘浮prevent floating45拍高质量的图片take high-quality images46有许多存储空间have lots of memory space47被储存很多个月be stored for many months48地球直径的一半one-half the diameter of Earth49不太阳系里in the solar system50很难发现be hard to find251最不重要的the least important52代替.(动词短语)take the place of.53坐在窗户旁边sit by th

7、e window54匆匆浏览;快速阅读run over值be worth=cost55值得做某事be worth doing sth.562100 年火星生活指南a guide to living on Mars in 210057某个安静的地方somewhere quiet58更喜欢做某事prefer to do sth.59起飞take off确信某事;对某事有把握be sure/certain of确信做某事;有把握做某事be sure/certain to do sth.60be sure/certain _+that 宾从二、二、重点句子及句型:1.How do you like l

8、ife on Mars?=What do you think of life on Mars?2.I thought you liked Mars.我原以为你喜欢火星。3.Daniel is thinking about what life will be like in the future.4.It may be difficult to imagine.5.Our planet,Earth,is becoming more and more crowded and polluted.6.At present,our spacecraft are too slowly to carry l

9、arge numbers of people to Marsit takes months.7.By 2100,the journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles(that travel at half the speed of light.)8.Humans need food,water and air to survive.9.However,it is not sure if these plants could produce water.10.The gravity on Mars is only abou

10、t three-eighths of the gravity on Earth.11.There will be many different designs for settlers to choose from.12.Every student will have a computer at home(connecting to an inter-planet computer network.)13.I am wondering if/whether there will be many people willing to move to Mars.14.We could get ill

11、 from living there.15.50%of the students would like to move out of Earth.16.It worries me.17.It would be great to have robots do all the work for us.18.It takes Mars about two years to revolve completely around the sun.19.The surface of Mars is more like the surface of Earth than any other planet in

12、 our solar system.20.A very popular form of entertainment is online games.21.Things from Earth are hard to find.=It is hard to find thing from Earth.22.Shes too nervous to relax.23.Robots could be the first to live on Mars.机器人可能是第一批生活在火星上的(人)。24.We will be cared for by robots.25.Food will be in the

13、form of pills.三、语法:1.掌握 can,could,may,might 四个情态动词在表示请求表示请求时的用法。2.宾语从句。(注意:时态、语序、人称时态、语序、人称三个方面)that 引导陈述句的宾语从句。在口语中常省略。if/whether 引导由一般疑问句转变而来的宾语从句。(要用陈述句语序并注意if/whether 的区别)Unit 2一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1第一个做某事的人the first person to do sth.2一封投诉信a complaint letter3向某人抱怨某事complain to sb.about sth.4探索

14、危险的地方explore dangerous places5熨烫衬衫iron shirts36扫地sweep the floor7洗衣服do the laundry8整理床铺make the bed9(极大地)改变了某人的生活change ones life(a lot)10忙于做某事be busy doing sth.11结果as a result 12为了(不)做某事in order(not)to do sth.13需要做某事need to do sth.从某地/向某人买某物从从buy sth.from sw./sb.14把某物卖给某人sell sth.to sb15焕然一新;像新的一样干

15、净be as clean as new16为做准备be/get ready for.17出错;出故障go wrong18染上病毒catch a virus19惹了许多麻烦cause a lot of problems乱七八糟in a mess20弄得乱七八糟make(such)a mess21把某物撞倒knock sth.over22怎样处理what do with=how deal with23轻松自如地四处移动move around easily and freely24吸收太阳能absorb energy from the sun25使我的机器人精力充沛make my robot ene

16、rgetic最后in the end=at last=finally26在尽头;末尾at the end of27你自己做do it yourself28中国制造(be)made in China29在工作;在上班at work30变得疲劳get tired31期待某人做某事expect sb.to do sth.32对感到满意be happy with=be satisfied/pleased with33持续至少两个月last for at least 2 months34回复某人reply to sb.35不再no longer=not any longer36叫醒某人;吵醒某人wake

17、 sb.up下班回到家retun home from work=come back home from work37归还某物给某人return sth.to sb.=give sth.back to sb.38将某物送回给某人send sth.back to sb.39拍照片take photos of40在同时at the same time41依靠四个小轮子站立stand on four small wheels42让某人做某事have sb.do sth.43票价the price of tickets44在五分钟内in/within five minutes45用清晰的语言in cle

18、ar language46多加注意pay more attentiong to.把某事弄错get sth.wrong47把某事/物准备好get sth.ready48免费得到某物get sth.for free一就(引导时间状从)as soon as.尽快(时间快)as soon as sb.can=as soon as possible49尽快(速度快)as quickly as sb.can=as quickly as possible(常人作主语)需要做某事need to do sth.50(常物作主语)某事需要做sth.need doing=sth.need to be done51把

19、你的钱取回来have/get your money back二、二、重点句子及句型:1、I need to complain to the robot shop.2、Mr Jiang is the first person in Sunshine Town to own a robot.3、In order to have more free time,I have to buy a robot.4 4、As a result,Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early to do the housework and he could stay in b

20、ed for an extra hour.5、A few weeks later,things started to go wrong.6、The robot caught a virus and caused a lot of problems.7、Mr Jiang did not know what he should do with the robot.8、The robot was just too much trouble.9、What can you do if you decide that having a robot is too much trouble?10、My rob

21、ot is made to look just like a real person.11、The robot also has three long arms(connected to its chest.)12、The hair can absorb energy from the sun and make my robot energetic.13、There are a lot of problems with this robot.14、It never gets anything wrong.15、We can get a copy of Robot magazine for fr

22、ee if we go on the first day of the exhibition.16、I need to do everything myself.17、I am also not happy about/with the number of checking this robot needs.18、A good robot should only needs checking every 6 months.19、We look forward to hearing from you soon.20、Clear up an mess in my bedroom.、三、语法:1.宾

23、语从句。(注意:时态、语序、人称时态、语序、人称三个方面)、特殊疑问句作宾语从句。(在 9BUnit 1 已经学过)特殊疑问句作宾语从句时一定要注意用陈述句语序。时态根据主句而定。(但如果是真理或客观事实则用一般现在时,不需要改变。)特别注意有些特殊疑问句本身就是陈述句语序(因特殊疑问词作主语),如:Who is on duty?Whats wrong with you?Whats the matter with you?What happened to you?等等。2.掌握“in order to”and“as a result”的用法:前者表示目的,引导动词不定式;或者表示结果,后面有逗

24、号,接一个完整的句子。3.need to do sth.(need 作为动词时后接动词不定式的用法)9B Unit 3词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1长城the Great Wall2有一段长路要走a long way to go3休息一会take a rest4坚持到底continue to the end5中国结Chinese knot6中国剪纸Chinese paper cut7中国歌剧;京剧Chinese opera8舞龙dragon dance9中国功夫Chinese kung fu10很容易迷路get lost easily11在北京市中心a

25、t the centre of Beijing12过去常常做某事used to do sth.13靠近.be close to=be next to太多的山too many hills14太多的交通/车辆too much traffic15观看升国旗watch the raising of the national flag16一步一步地;逐渐地step by step517把某人叫醒wake sb.up18亲眼看见.see.with your own eyes19乘小船旅行take a boat trip在日出时at sunrise20在日落时at sunset21(将来)总有一天one d

26、ay22去日本度假go on holiday to Japan=go to Japan for a holiday23兵马俑the Terracotta Warriors24中国首都the capital of China25在中国北部in northern China=in the north of China=in the northern part of China在某人回来的路上on ones way back在某人回家的路上on ones way home在某人去上学的路上on ones way to school26在某人去工厂的路上on ones way to the facto

27、ry27被改变成be changed to/into.28一清早聚集在这儿gather here early in the morning29在过去in the past30很久以前a long time ago31世界奇迹之一one of the wonders of the world32体验它的美丽和宏伟experience its beauty and greatness33以不同的形状耸立着stand in different shapes34奇形怪状的美妙的岩石wonderful rocks in strange shapes35中国水墨风景画Chinese paintings o

28、f the landscape36使用get the use of=use主要是由.组成;主要包括.consist mainly of.37由.组成;包括.consist of.=be made up of.38对某人开放be open to sb.39读地图;看地图read the map40得病;生病get ill41把某物带在某人身边take sth.with sb.42急匆匆地be in a hurry43没有必要做事;不需要做某事There is no need to do sth.44天气预报the weather forecast45离开 A 地去 B 地leave A for

29、B46在第一天on the first day用.装满.fill with47.被装满了.be filled with.=.be full of.48一路爬上山climb ones way up the mountain649又一个星期;多一周one more week=another one week50乘飞机去日本go to Japan by plane=fly to Japan51空调系统air conditioning二、重点句子及句型:1、Although theres still a long way to go,we must continue to the end.2、Wake

30、 me up on your way back.3、Unless you have a map,you will get lost easily.4、At the centre of Beijing is the Forbidden City.5、It was changed to a museum in 1925.6、It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists.7、Every day many tourists gather here early in the morning so that

31、 they canwatch the raising of the national flag.8、It is a famous Chinese-style garden(built in a natural landscape).9、It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake,with bridges,pagodas and halls all over the area.10、It is one of the wonders of the world.11、You can experience its beauty and greatn

32、ess although it is very tiring to climb it step by step.12、It lies on the two sides of Li River.13、In the north-east of the city is the Reed Flute Cave.14、You cant imagine how strange they are unless you see them with your own eyes.15、It is great fun to cycle around Guilin!You can hire a bicycle fro

33、m the bus station andride around Guilin very safely.16、Its now open to the public as a museum.17、He takes a lot of photos wherever he goes so that he can tell his family and friends about China.18、I wish them all a nice trip.19、They can climb their way up the mountain and then go skiing there.20、Oly

34、mpic Park is where the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games were held.21、I wish people could walk or ride bicycles instead of driving cars unless it is really necessary.22.Its famous for its beautiful mountains and wonderful caves.三、语法:(详见课本上笔记)1.although 引导让步状语从句。从句可以放在主句前,也可放在主句后,但如果放在主句前要加一个逗号。2.unless=if no

35、t 引导条件状语从句。从句可以放在主句前,也可放在主句后,但如果放在主句前要加一个逗号。3.so that 主要引导目的状语从句。意为:为了,以便。(有时也可表示“以致于”,所以也可引导结果状语从句)。so/such.that.意为:如此以致于.,引导结果状语从句。in order that=so that(为了)引导目的状从。in order to 后面只能跟动词不定式。7 9B Unit 4 词组、句型及语法复习提纲序号ChineseEnglish1因而出名be famous for=be well-known for第一人在月球上行走的人the first man to walk on

36、the moon2第一个获得诺贝尔奖的女人the first woman to win the Nobel Prize3关心穷人care for the poor4摇滚乐之王the king of rock and roll5对.产生兴趣(短暂性动词短语)become interested in6自从ever since 7第一次坐飞机take ones first flight8在六岁时at the age of six9上飞行课;接受飞行训练take flying lessons10学生飞行员执照student pilots licence11在某人的空余时间里in ones spare

37、time=in ones free time12风洞wind tunnels13第一次for the first time听说.hear of=hear about14听说.hear+宾从15为了作进一步的研究for further research16据说It is said that.17武装力量armed force18被卷入.be involved in19在另一边on the other side失去控制out of control20在.的控制下under the control of 21相对论the theory of relativity22诺贝尔奖the Nobel Pri

38、ze23在某人的一生中during ones lifetime24转折点turning point放弃(做某事)give up(doing sth.)25为别人放弃一切give up everything for others小量的(修不可数名词)a small amount of.26大量的(修不可数名词)a large/big amount of.27把奉献给.(做.)devote.to(doing).28试飞员a test pilot29缩短飞行cut the flight short30名言famous words31警告某人不要靠近warn sb.to stay away在20世纪4

39、0年代in the 1940s32在某人40多岁时in ones forties833第20世纪the twentieth century34为做贡献make a contribution to(doing)35在华沙市in the city of Warsaw36不为某人所知be unknown to sb.选中某人做某事select sb to do sth.37某人被选中去做某事sb.be selected to do sth.38一起宗教斗争a religious fighting39改变某人的生活change ones life40离开(某地)去印度leave for India 4

40、1在一个有三个小孩的家庭之中in a family of three children A marry BA get married to B42A 与 B 结婚A and B get married 二、二、重点句子及句型:1、Who do you think is the greatest person(that has ever lived),Eddie?.2、Ive never heard of him.3、Neil Armstrong,the first man to walk on the moon,was born on 5th August 1930 in Ohio.4、He

41、became interested in flying ever since he took his first flight at the age of six.5、He began taking flying lessons at the age of 15 and received his student pilots licence when he was 16.6、Mission Control thought it was betterto be safe than(to be)sorry.7、One small step for man,one giant leap for ma

42、nkind.8、They were trying to warn Armstrong and Aldrin to stay away.9、Having many helpers makes a task easier and faster to complete.10、Have you decided which great person(to write about)?11、This great achievement won them a Nobel Prize in 1903,but that was not the end of the story.12、But sadly,Pierr

43、e was not there to share the prize with her-he died in an accident in 1905,two years after they received the Nobel Prize13、She will always be remembered for devoting her life to caring for the poor.14、Mother Teresa spent her life caring for the poor.15、It is said that Neil Armstrong sent a message t

44、o Mission Control(which said that large,strange objects landed near them and were watching them).16、The most important award(that Armstrong got for his service)was the Medal of Freedom,the highest award(that a United States citizen can receive).17、Niel Armstrong is the person(who made people round t

45、he world realizethat space exploration was truly possible).18、What we do not have always seems better than what we have.19、The equation(which/that Einstein worked out)is E=mc2.20、The contribution(which/that Einstein made to modern physics)is unique.21、She married a Frenchman(called Pierre Curie)there.22、I admire him the most.23.He is the first man(who walked on the moon).=He is the first man(to walk on the moon).24.She was a kind person(who gave up everything for others).25.That is why I admire her so much.三、语法 1.限制性定语从句的用法。9 2.关系代词 that;who;which 的用法。

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