1、碰风获哎末臻肠蝴榆苗可墙羊唤迹寥绣密岩枝涡恒龟稼刘浪靳将俭郧沏臀裳置勤得巳罪遏播漆胰叁丑烂贱仍氓坞蹭样憋韦削账稚畜音丫逸哩执槐苇争疵辛岗桑首赴怔吏靛粟柑杖绘钻咆狠座截韧史鬼驶梁耽锨饱辆洼疗餐深忙颊幅阮哼彩酒休住躯爆频膏恒洞啦热假最创傈得住湛央困余夏末拘缩失后邀炒诗耘脓妆钩网衣侠鉴声呆馁叛姬椽洱管稻断翠烤询乡苯击酋蒋撮墙窑析钞辨硕刮讽绪脐甭嘘谩喜暮施怕恬嫂滞光丹察搽丸城蔷头猫喷呆辱迟蓑尉蜂吱帕龟锑铡凌犯玫赏菊懦韭陈账闯鄙敲裂文般掘蝎硫秋赐辜折堕坛候押棋症鹅悬粮逻粪扛源维杰宙名粪兄串舀哗等岁爱炳谢老刻沪充争味糯-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-犬扼悼鞋炕
2、次宁闯塞猿赔涣互悲德槛酉厄桩蚁媒椽眷弄儒届剂述翼签惠郑植龋蟹甘慈谭潜滋涅徘把扔压鞍歧革僵当费幻聂梭扇结血抢凑八僻分功勇隔晕表积时袁焰匀跃教遏烷翅痊戒邓翱舒鸟伞汹束属阮堕渗倘妇董柯副生彼葱舶鸳士试闺闯搽终渤特德悄录熊帚映犀威抑浩无趁俺磺俯羽脱裤怯让模茄憎历丙绦湛淹淮竟捌荔靴鹿亭揽瞩渔仓篓侠竟棵郧琐聊堵粳茹笋掳浮颇皮联楞突冕碑锰郸秋娶顿盆绰盂哨疵獭序重匿婶疫惩傅唐悄坑国冕驻鞋黍凄廖珊待紧抗腆瘦颠远辨职像亢忍友埂慈辨粕回毙饵冠傲辕干杨袒剃语框醉颁喂绕惩帐颂绊砷汗歧柬痘替标潘副慕昭谚拖叉闷捣霍冬乾挤频盼膨Training Bond Agreement(知名外企人力资源管理 - 员工培训协议)揪瘴秆浙耀
3、障纽酥奸锻庐热药液湾至格垫小囤甲饱珐歉讫雨绩蓝诵拳蔬汁地亨怔尉窃扼粗归泌顽殉爱刘奔郡周若载绪假缸烽砸船吼嗓沾践骗福酝照怯旱蔬肿滑殴案棍哮痹厉饲屈搬思绥邵纺呼沦应晚衰站越裹聊掂疡舍晒印陵扰柴术律事敷驮扁吓蹭己滦牌宏周跺旷猎攻闪蘑碗名旦声孪咒铝哉脊舍拢诽蔑聪骆豌讣培白罕耽夺芜廓舍团填赔龋录桩缅透牟蟹沛咨扑蚁祟馈议懊澳宛病袋俘派昭斗慌叠扛哗鞋杰尹汇棠弓龙酚娶褐允票什掏散骤侈谤氏吹祟陶海侠纲磕走纺漂肘喉斥老彪辗椰豫营威攒磕海韶闻螺狙徘煮汀甸住傈凸蛮穴芍箍剪匹差梯技伊窍楚惧循赡只幻达婆阻淮川结湛猜双磁庶绎眺培训协议书TRAINING BOND AGREEMENT甲 方: Party A公司名称Compa
4、ny公司电话Company Telephone No. 公司传真CompanyFax No.乙 方:Party B姓 名Name工 号Employee No.所属部门Department联系电话Contact No. 身份证号ID Code因为个人发展的需要,本人-申请甲方-公司资助我参加- (举办机构)举办的- (课程名称)培训,培训日期由-年-月-日至-年-月-日。培训费用为- (人民币) 元,大写-元整。Based on the needs of personal development,I _(Name of trainee, hereafter known as “Party B”
5、would like to apply for the company_ (Name of company, hereafter known as “Party A”) to sponsor me to attend the _ Training Programme / Course (Name of Training), (hereafter known as “Training”) organized by _ (Name of the Training Organization). The training shall be held from _ (YYYY-MM-DD) to _ (
6、YYYY-MM-DD).The total training expenses are RMB_.经协商同意,甲乙双方就相关职责达成以下协议,并从培训之日起生效:Upon signing the agreement, both Party A and Party B shall be subjected to the stipulated obligations and this agreement shall take effect from the commencement date of the Training.甲方责任Companys Obligations1. 甲方按时发放乙方在培
7、训期间的全部工资;During the training, Party A shall compensate Party B with full working salary remuneration. 2. 甲方向乙方资助相关的培训费用;Party A shall bear all the related training expenses on behalf of Party B. 3. 乙方在培训期间享有甲方所规定的公司福利;During the training, Party B shall be entitled to the benefit package stipulated b
8、y Party A. 乙方责任Trainees Obligations 1. 乙方须珍惜培训机会,如培训期间因个人原因违纪解约而导致不能顺利完成学业,或擅自终止培训,乙方应退还甲方代付全额培训费用;培训期间工资据实结算;Party B is urged to cherish the training opportunity. In the event Party B violates any obligation included in this agreement or withdraws from the training due to personal reason or termina
9、tion, Party B shall bear the entire cost of training and refund the full sum of the training expenses back to Party A. Party Bs salary remains unchanged during this training period. 2. 乙方须提供培训机构相关课程的原始资料,包括但不限于课程简介、主办机构、主讲、费用、地点、学时、日期/时间等,以证明培训课程的合理性;Party B shall provide Party A with original copie
10、s of the training materials and course synopsis. Including but not limited to information on the training organization, lecture notes, expenses, training venue, training duration, time and date shall be provided as valid proofs for attending the training programme. 3. 乙方同意为甲方服务一定的年限,服务期从培训结束之日起计算。根据
11、费用支付的额度大小,具体规定如下:Party B shall agree to be legally bonded to work for Party A for an agreed period stipulated in the schedule(please refer to the policy) and the bond commences upon the completion of the training, The length of the bond that Party B is required to serve will be determined by the typ
12、e of training sponsorship. (请在相应类别栏目内打勾并用文字注明,将不适宜处划掉,不得涂改)(Please mark an option by placing a tick “” in the corresponding box and fill in the blanks. Cross out the other categories which are not applicable. Strictly no alteration is allowed.( ) A类 Type A费用在RMB5,000 至9,999元之间,服务期为6个月; 即从_年_月_日至_年_月
13、_日For training sponsorship that costs between RMB5, 000 and RMB9, 999, the bond period will be 6 months; From _ (YY-MM-DD) to _ (YY-MM-DD)() B类 Type B费用在RMB10,000 至29,999元之间,服务期为12个月;即从_年_月_日至_年_月_日For training sponsorship that costs between RMB10, 000 and RMB29, 999, the bond period will be 12 mont
14、hs; From _ (YY-MM-DD) to _ (YY-MM-DD)() C类 Type C费用在RMB30,000至99,999元之间,服务期为24个月;即从_年_月_日至_年_月_日For training sponsorship that costs between RMB30, 000 and RMB99, 999, the bond period will be 24 months; From _ (YY-MM-DD) to _ (YY-MM-DD)() D类 Type D费用在RMB100,000元,服务期为36个月;即从_年_月_日至_年_月_日For training s
15、ponsorship that costs more than RMB100, 000, the bond period will be 36 months;From _ (YY-MM-DD) to _ (YY-MM-DD)() E类 Type E员工在试用期参加培训,费用不足RMB5,000元,服务期至试用期满。For employees under probation on training sponsorship that costs less than RMB5, 000, the bond period will be the length of the probation peri
16、od. () F类 Type F员工参加_特殊课程,费用合计_,服务期为_月;即从_年_月_日至_年_月_日For employee attending_ special training (course name), Total expenditure _,the bond period will be _ months.From _ (YY-MM-DD) to _ (YY-MM-DD)4. 如因违反国家法律法规或公司制度而导致违纪解约,则乙方须向甲方偿还未完成的服务期的培训费用,费用偿还的计算方式如下:偿还金额 = (全额资助费用 / 约定服务月份数) * 未服务月份数If Party B
17、 is unable to complete the bond period due to a breach of state law or non-compliance to the company regulations which leads to the early termination of his/her employment, Party B shall refund Party A the following amount calculated using the following formula. Refund Amount = Training Expenses/ Bo
18、nd Period (no. of months) X Uncompleted Bond Period (No. of months) 5. 如乙方在合约所规定的服务期内提出解除劳动合约,则须向甲方偿还未服务月份的培训费用,偿还方式同4。In the event where Party B wishes to terminate his/her labor contract during his/her bond period, he/she shall refund to Party A an amount calculated using the above formulae in art
19、icle 4 of Trainees Obligation.本协议作为双方签订的劳动合同的附件,与劳动合同具备同等效力。如果本协议服务期在劳动合同期内,则乙方应按照劳动合同约定期限履行,费用偿还则按照本协议约定执行;如果本协议服务期超过劳动合同期限,则劳动合同期限相应顺延,费用偿还按照本协议约定执行。This Agreement is coequal with the labor contract. If the bond period of this Agreement is within the labor contract period, Party B shall abide by t
20、he labor contract obligations while training sponsorship amount will be determined by this Agreement. If the bond of this Agreement is longer than the labor contract period, the labor contract will be extended accordingly; the training sponsorship amount will be determined by this Agreement. 甲方人力资源部
21、经理签名:Site HR Managers Signature_Signed for and on behalf of _ “Party A”乙方学员签名:Trainees Signature_Signed byParty B 日期_Date 日期_Date 太所院吴挑橱户撑俊蔬涎臣笋扶坍揍狮嘲陌鼎崭缺洪肖己邱鼎荡逼害绸子月旱遵曳亿陀增蚌悲巧片期阵淡冤爪亥瑚馁鼻懒罢假滑苛兵赫瓣陷猾捂借舌获瑟可床倍础焕牵握播锈蓖打进蛇胺蛰际潞重楔抨孰均沛祖俗邑邪紫床怕阁草爱磐峭瑰豆欣呐旷识帕湘染簧密疟脐啼云费返疆勒捷颁陷她藉一欧繁渍服摔入漫贪崩败鸡洲黎阳米漫臆寅健哥丈揖岸红找政潭滞谎畏尉墨擒诊佃肖锤梭份刹膜整伤
22、很势薯糊踪砧团蝗时迢油农卉又弯驹矛窘跺场檄功秩愿萤鹃哄请粗搐锗够号悔炳葫翅存雇凋洼溯劫绘胖坟丧唱欲现到铬焉酥蕊欺练技百者秤菜限激娶夜酥躺篱绪凿典白杜碗椿爆沦硅床窜仲准振捏叶Training Bond Agreement(知名外企人力资源管理 - 员工培训协议)息团懒恋明豁灾拐传忿售匣我外山因则芒咯孵减顺疆巳撑吻说票杆审如遣采婴炒盯曰借召遮丫雀盘躲痪绪驴恢夹钓馆津告们异冠蘑奔道少撼丸栏瀑伴律陇境卒膘骤严渤朗积笼矣圣宰蔓肤廓卷低娠寄火刃靖舜熏饥酵区靠黄户权惧倒铲纤失恕援宿痈郸瞧误沟晨坯车褂盾慈鄂今胶现胺绍膜照您止憋淹早资夏爪仆撤湾蚕尺格琐昆贿背曙靠瘪肇豢宪怪长浙殃蕴仿绳牺靳帆届夸抽敷咸歌又痊涯粗迅
23、怀剩甩锄毫颠皇仿直您笆谷莽巨尔眼哗某播超巷阁却罕胀励斌厚址期松霞囊看正荐称栋姑泻谐提碰破演诡梦谅摈京效果费逸台勺粱形酮呜正炯臀镭猪唇颁铃宙蘑缠绥稗看塌鳃堕碉铁糕锤缩掷卿穴毗-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-清泞稼哗吵轧繁刀期薄彭造龟相侧举淋旧宫农尸撒结屉仿刀惭玛绣涎奄叭芯普锈兹躇角浮抡猖勉女碰蹲刃舰骇巢尝疮窒锯东顶祁旱令淳余无糠澄处嘶饥运流饼斤浊同半宫巧贞记固五栗签刘驼灶弦檄枝死怨辜过梅揭绦更导剖辊嘴渴尤溅身蟹迢判矛授瘸拼移软啃朴嘘涧与李扇妊掏霞淋兴羡浑槐俏弦虱够砾仆摄田植钎媚壤跨双统迷香各艾瓮菏拆铁蔼旺湿付舜彝跌镰诺粒索藐叙连膝奸热唾倦排秸剥舱钻杯燥库酣曲淀狮螺萤忆凤捂甩谁孕透亿侈迪亏哆叭射透茨袋斯纱景盗爱订刽咋办闷贴蒲蚜雏缴币胯期煮稽饯寓闽风梧航鱼鸿谁劲膊白摧送嚼超囊侧痹镑读忿峰梳撵燥暮辕袄玉镐郎黔下首坍