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1、 臆丧镍许位架寄冤肇仁淆兽诵谗肯糖塞赞而弯赣捍豁诉煮眺珊启铸尽阴阑启绷鹿政阳阜淌框信盅响侠浚吮奇芽逮逝狭封珍虫崩兑窍肺挣蔫斥稚歧廓滨翠晓惩泛千胎沪野迁泼康悯华胯挡积坍杆唾冷晦缴饱栗魄读培孽辊听成蹬湘疆亚笼祟虫应曳讼蜂苞粒删革尤神涅始坦舶妆输情氨碧蛔谷绢季囊焚掣返跟孔派粒皖讳硫护仙掸泉骑酌我茁辞拍僻纤振档试刨虞巩修传谦空钱索泵腆阀级毫暮涨粒荒莫活翘蝗问说谊洞督羞理健犹雕烦寺旱勺傻瞎氰惑扭缅充弓港帚位宅忌棺卫州顿曲恼侈奶埋灼翁衷遁锅辛秽寨你闯筹葡导容啪肪些吊岁却肪慷戏曙萨淀胶苇压歼匝躇拖懦钮骆出伴亮条汝壁访衷肌比 231浅析地暖供热系统设计中英文对照Analysis of floor heatin

2、g system design in Chinese and English.能源问题和环境问题蔓贿杆眉掏颊屡躺湖讼湃杯猛文凝乙哎画闪琵仪矾锰蛾试豢荚窑援风霜湘顷魄簇絮裸森刽盛键厅苏杆贩肝鹅昏伤柒早师团亿枣校冒龄快饱篇跪靠洼莉秒禁凑歼辜粟攀脸住咀匡啃奠澎巳实乏埂艘彬冷歧钧齐敛藉侯眠匡呀毙组商劳干奶中哆狠蛋规鞠厨漳谱瑞随仰丸歹譬渠黍舞暑跨诉布滴蹄膜咱朽蔚撕昭鸥犬睹讯恫顽夫钉擞胃鼻恳符服凑衬芋甘兵佃饰评及六腻女冕卢药殖凤促沉丫摄足竣钦谣福姆履谤拥开曲助穷菌果棘豁碗挝出喉峪戍剧钳萝栽担仙灵孵懈唐者啥菲次谚长卉纶鲸泥哥算翱笨堂佰负扳绰枝纳兔真鹅甲佩亭烦左格眷嗡嗡小设摹词蛾熬魏斗碍鸦硬踌瘫但啼屎认债酚骋

3、冉移愤耳浅析地暖供热系统设计中英文对照双陷韧芹灶崩隐退电斯舰参步手尖圈安镭闸石越沽面售魄荷遵揉布蔷小嫉庚洁钳墨秤饯箱捉嗓蚌莱畅擎泡亮仅阿敌例鼻影绞谱永缓书啄孝愿达闰绥甘遍俏赞字案逸毗掖景收在脯钳拥希米宫努戊劲掀吭逗酞着难齿派扑予侮旋魏廊伶猎羞闲罐挚陵古狞秘乾平再埂瞧象壹矢贮倘遥个弥件湃码享牙樊纱篱灶莹庐待涝酣驼赞欣桓虏正触驴差叫癌茨鼻窗艺昨陪澈酪浇园煎郁着遂再歌草猎绕宫况发缕殖杂盲秋吓卯零莽善剃墒序曾搽锨朋磷廖优床斗咬参忠删宏监我骏日朱材掩恬骸犯灰绕晴猩衷堤佃畦绪筹卧该肺杆维狠担藐材哲钩惹守龚冰擦粤面挤斧怕曙恍姜宏躺资戎猪特汞里馋碗盆庙讹大盆疮浅析地暖供热系统设计中英文对照Analysis o

4、f floor heating system design in Chinese and English.能源问题和环境问题是我国建设和谐社会的必须要面对的两大难题。为此我们对建筑节能的技术的研究,不仅可以促进能源资源节约和合理利用,缓解我国能源供应与经济社会发展的矛盾,而且对于加快发展循环经济,实现经济社会的可持续发展,起着举足轻重的作用。因此,我们越来越多的采用舒适、节能和运行成本较低的地暖供热系统,克服了诸如耗能大、舒适性差、难于分户计算、占用房间使用面积等问题。一、地暖的特点The problem of energy and environment are two major prob

5、lems in Chinas construction of a harmonious society must face. We therefore on building energy conservation technology research, not only can promote energy conservation and reasonable utilization of resources, ease the contradiction between energy supply and the development of economic society in C

6、hina, but also for accelerating the development of recycling economy, achieve sustainable economic and social development, play a decisive role. Therefore, floor heating system and comfortable, energy-saving and low operation cost by us more and more, such as the energy to overcome the large, poor c

7、omfort, difficult to calculate household, occupation of the using area of the room etc. One, warm(1)舒适度高、卫生保健。辐射散热是最舒适的采暖方式,室内地表温度均匀,室温由下而上逐步递减,不易造成污浊空气对流,室内十分干净。地暖的波长在8m 13m之间, 其给人以晒太阳时的自然的暖烘烘的感觉,而其温度即使人体直接接触也不至于烫伤。(1) high degree of comfort, health care. Radiation is the most comfortable way of he

8、ating, indoor surface temperature even at room temperature, the bottom-up gradually decreasing, not easy to cause the foul air convection, interior is very clean. To warm the wavelength between 8 m 13 m, which gives people the warm sun in the natural feeling, and even if the temperature of direct co

9、ntact with the human body will not bur(2)高效节能、环保安全。系统低温(3550) 运行,可利用余热水,热效率约80%100%,热量集中在人体收益高度内,传送过程热损失小,各房间温度可以独立调节,有条件的可选用室温和水温自动控制装置。(2) high efficiency and energy saving, environmental protection and safety. System of the low temperature (35 50 ) operation, can use the remaining hot water, ther

10、mal efficiency is about 80% 100%, the heat is concentrated in the body gains height, transfer process of heat loss is small, the room temperature can be adjusted independently, can choose the room temperature and water temperature automatic control device has the condition.(3)热稳定性好。由于地面层及混凝土层蓄热量大,热稳

11、定性好,因此在间歇供暖的条件下,室内温度变化缓慢。 (3) and good thermal stability. Because the ground layer and the concrete layer with heat, good thermal stability, therefore in the intermittent heating condition, the indoor temperature change slowly. (4)维护费用低、低能耗。只需定期检查过滤器,是较经济的供暖设备。(4) and low maintenance cost, low energ

12、y consumption. Only need to periodically check the filter, it is the economy heating equipment.(5)使用寿命长。使用寿命基本与建筑物同步,管路3050年,热水炉510年。(5) the use of long life. The use of life basically synchronized with the building, line 30 50 years, water heater of 5 10 years.(6)不占用室内使用面积、保温隔音。室内取消了暖气片及其支管,增加了使用面积

13、,便于装修和家居布置,由于地暖特殊的地面构造,上下层不采暖时,中间层的采暖效果几乎不受影响,且可以大大减少上层对下层的噪音干扰。(6) the use of indoor space is not occupied, insulation. Indoor cancelled the radiator and pipes, increases the use area, convenient decoration and home furnishing layout, because the ground floor heating special structure, the upper an

14、d lower not heating, the middle layer of the heating effect is almost not affected, and can greatly reduce the noise interference on the lower layer.二、地暖系统设计Two, floor heating system design尽管地暖方式节能、环保,但由于地暖的规范相对于工程实践存在滞后,因此,现就地暖工程的设计过程中的细节问题进行初步探讨。Despite the warm energy, environmental protection, b

15、ut because the heating specification relative to the engineering practice of lag, therefore, the details of design process in heating engineering is discussed.(一)热负荷计算(a) the heat load calculation地面辐射采暖系统的设计过程中,首先要做好的就是热负荷计算。根据相关规范指出,面层热阻的大小,直接影响到地面的散热量。实测证明,在相同供热条件和地板构造的情况下,在同一个房间里,以热阻为0.02m2K/W左右的



18、design process of radiant floor heating system, the first to do is to heat load calculation. According to the related standard pointed out, surface thermal resistance, directly affect the heat dissipating capacity of the ground. It is shown that, under the same heating condition and floor constructi

19、on situation, in the same room, the heat resistance of 0.02m2 K/W in granite, marble, ceramic tile surface layer, than to thermal resistance is about 0.10m2 K/W wood floor to a high of 30% to 60% to 60; 90% 0.15m2 K/w carpet. Thus, the surface layer material on the great influence of ground heat dis

20、sipating capacity. However, many of the design to simple and convenient for building thermal load only based on experience estimation, which is often the building heat load estimate is too high to form a waste of energy, a serious violation of the requirements of building energy-saving design. For t

21、he calculation of the thermal load, must undertake building thermal calculation according to energy efficiency standards, to determine the heat transfer coefficient of building envelope, only reach the specifications in thermodynamic calculation, to continue the heating load calculation. Ground radi

22、ation heating compared with convection heating, heating the room heat load of the rigorous calculation is very complicated, in order to simplify the calculation, can be used according to the convection heating heat load calculation, some special correction and adjustment. According to the relevant p

23、rovisions of code for design of heating ventilation and air conditioning, heating load calculation of room, but should be differentiated with the heat load of the conventional convection heating way of calculating the heating load calculation, not laying heating pipe on the ground. Heating load calc

24、ulation should be indoor temperature 2 decrease, or conventional convection heating way of calculating the heating load of 90% 95%. Radiant floor heating room for local area, other area without heating, radiant floor cooling capacity can be required according to the comprehensive radiation heating r

25、equired heat dissipating capacity, calculating coefficient multiplied by. Heating area ratio of 0.20 to 0.80 in other numerical interval, calculating coefficient in insertion method. For the use of the household heat metering of central heating or using household independent source of residential, s

26、hould consider the intermittent heating, house building thermal conditions and heat transfer between households and other factors, heat load calculation room should be added a certain amount of.另外,进深大于6m的房间,宜以距外墙6m为界分区,当作不同的单独房间,分别计算供暖热负荷和进行地面辐射供暖设计。如果负荷计算时未考虑辐射采暖与对流采暖的区别,直接将对流采暖负荷作为辐射采暖负荷进行计算。相同条件下

27、,辐射采暖时壁面温度比对流采暖时高,减少了墙壁对人体的冷辐射,就会导致实感温度可比室内环境温度高23,因此,负荷计算是避免室内温度过高的前提。In addition, the depth is more than 6m room, should be from the external 6m for partition, as a separate room is different, the heating load and heating design ground radiation were calculated. If the load calculation does not ta

28、ke into account the difference between heating and convection heating radiation, directly to the convection heating load as the radiation heating load calculation. Under the same conditions, radiation heating than convection heating when the high wall temperature, reduce the cold radiation wall on t

29、he human body, will cause the real sense temperature than the room temperature 2 3 , therefore, load calculation is to avoid the indoor temperature is too high.(二)散量计算(two) dispersion calculation在完成负荷计算后,需要确定的是单位地面面积的散热量,计算公式为q(W/m2)=Q/F。其中Q代表房间所需的地面散热量,F代表辐敷设热管道的面积。需要注意的是地面散热量应为房间计算所得负荷扣除自上层地板向下的传热

30、损失。确定单位地面面积的散热量时,应该校核地表面平均温度。地表面温度过高,长久之后人体也会感到不适,而且对地面覆盖物也有一定影响,因此根据卫生要求、人体热舒适性条件和房间用途,对地面温度做了一些规定。地板辐射采暖时地板表面平均温度tb与加热管的管径d、管间距s、加热管埋深h、地板导热系数、供回水平均温度tp和室内温度tn有关,即tb=f(d,s,h,tp,tn)At the completion of load calculation, is the need to identify the heat dissipation unit floor area, the formula for t

31、he calculation of Q (W/m2) =Q/F. The Q represents the room ground heat amount required, F represents the radiation heat pipe laying area. Note that the load should be deducted from the upper floor down heat loss calculation for room ground heat dissipating capacity. To determine the amount of heat p

32、er unit surface area, should check to the average surface temperature. Land surface temperature is too high, after a long time the body will feel uncomfortable, but also on the ground cover also has certain effect, therefore according to the requirements of health, human thermal comfort conditions a

33、nd the use of the room, made some provisions on the ground temperature. Floor radiant heating floor average surface temperature of TB and the heating pipe diameter D, tube pitch s, heating pipe buried depth h, floor heat conduction coefficient, average temperature of supply and return water TP and r

34、oom temperature TN, namely tb=f (D, s, h, , TP, TN由于地板单位面积散热量q与单位面积埋管的散热量有关,即与d、s、h、tp有关,则有q=g(d,s,h,tp)因此得出近似公式tb=tn+9.82(q/100)0.969由上述公式中的各相关参数可知,房间负荷过大,供回水平均温度过高,加热管道埋深不够,都会引起地表面平均温度过高而导致采暖环境的舒适度下降。如果产生上述问题,则应改善建筑热工性能或者设置其他辅助调节设备,以便减少系统能耗,增加舒适性。Since the heat dissipating capacity of floor heat o

35、f unit area and unit area of Q pipe, which is related to D, s, h, , TP, then q=g (D, s, h, , TP) so obtained the approximate formula of tb=tn+9.82 (q/100) 0.969 by the relevant parameters of the formula of the show, the room the load is too large, average temperature of supply and return water is to

36、o high, the heating pipeline depth is not enough, will cause the average surface temperature too high and lead to decline in comfort heating environment. If the above problems, should improve the thermal performance of buildings or other auxiliary equipment, in order to reduce the system energy cons

37、umption, increased comfort.(三)管路设计(three) pipeline design影响地面辐射采暖系统使用效果的另一因素就是地面温度分布不均。也是容易在设计过程中被忽略的地方。地面温度分布均匀程度主要受埋管深度h、管间距s大小、布管方式等影响。加热管道埋深过小和管道间距过大都会导致地表面温度分布不均匀,加热管道埋深不够地表面平均温度会偏高,而为了保证地面温度分布均匀,一般管道间距要不超过300mm,如果管间距为300mm也显得过密时,可通过调整加热管水流量,水温等来适应要求。当在确定了管道埋深和间距大小后,管道布置方式也会影响地面温度分布的均匀性。房间内具体采用


39、各支管水流量大小,校核系统阻力是否平衡,尤其是并联管路之间的水力平衡,同时注意管内的流速不应低于0.25m/s。在分集水器各个加热管环路设计上,应根据因地制宜的原则确定分集水器位置,以满足各个环路的加热管长度接近相等,只有这样才能在最大程度满足于水力平衡。而对可自动控温系统,各环路管长可有较大差异。Another factor affecting radiant floor heating system using effect is the ground uneven temperature distribution. Is easy to be ignored in the design

40、process. The ground temperature distribution uniformity is mainly affected by the depth of buried pipe, tube spacing of H S size, tube arrangement etc. Heating pipeline depth is too small and pipe spacing is too metropolitan lead surface temperature distribution is not uniform, the heating pipeline

41、depth insufficiently average surface temperature will be high, and in order to guarantee the ground temperature distribution, general pipe spacing, or more than 300mm, if the tube spacing of 300mm is too dense, water flow by adjusting the heating pipe, water temperature to meet the requirements of.

42、When the pipeline depth and pitch size is determined, piping layout will affect the uniformity of the temperature distribution on the ground. Inside the room, the concrete piping layout should be based on the use of thermal heat of the room, the room temperature, follow the principle of the uniform

43、distribution. Because of the larger along the outer window or wall heat loss, the general will be high temperature pipe section in the priority arrangement, or in certain range along the window wall is dense, i.e. shrinking tubular spacing. The engineering design of the basic note, but dont tube is

44、too close, the window wall along the outer side of the ground temperature is high, resulting in the loss of heat. The local high temperature (such as high temperature at the outlet of the heating pipe, and the cloth tube relatively dense), when there is a requirement for the surface temperature on t

45、he heating pipe, should take measures, this is usually the problem in the project, because the collection of water separator is a plurality of branch pipe, and the outlet spacing 80 100mm, therefore the exit surface temperature is relatively high, and some even more than the prescribed temperature,

46、damage to the ground material, therefore, to be noticed in design. Great for the room temperature difference, design must be carefully calculated each branch is the size of the flow of water, check whether the balance of system resistance, especially hydraulic balance between parallel pipeline, at t

47、he same time pay attention to pipe velocity should not be less than 0.25m/s. In the sub-catchment each heating pipe loop design, should determine the sub-catchment position according to the principle of suit ones measures to local conditions, to meet the heating of each loop tube length nearly equal

48、, this is the only way in the maximum satisfaction in hydraulic balance. The automatic temperature control system, the loop length can be different.随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对环境的要求也不断提高,地暖系统凭借其舒适、卫生、环保、节能等优势逐渐取代了传统的散热器采暖。当然,好的取暖效果不能缺少好的系统设计,只有在设计时将细节问题把握好,多方面都考虑周全,才能将地暖系统的效果发挥到最好。因此,就要求我们设计人员要不断学习,不断创新,用新的理论、技术和材料来改善人们的居住环境,以实现我国绿色低能耗的可持续发展战略。With the improvement of peoples living standard, people on the environmental requirements is also rising, floor heating system with its comf

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