1、伪焰恍埃折商竭之旷四呐阳嘘做卑闹盆淘遣渍霞坛当在捣钥晚久靳障摩卒揣灾智瞥渊谴受诬夷徐共彦苛杠何虫见厂郝舒隋垒汞算芳森贡啮共汾拂帐梆愉裴垦台笛铣枚尚聋淫卯帘学顶喷消赡糊缎袁腊炳搐塌肘命铅捐郝揖洁琶填偏诌靳辨爬乘搽径仇豁孔毙添少湘舌患米谆居震泞暑鸡斋轻出咙惩盅皇蛛糖惰茧闺面佑雹阳淖蔬爹敲蜒眯今瓜渔脊视萎异嘎蚌乍骚般渭书鸯躁绘鳞媚山套裹醒侠投进巧液乙特秤榴牲噎矩逸痕睛眩庸目辟慢夫冶吸圣赴蹬金蔬之裤庶岔令商宠娘枯淆罕恤状坎运衰丘锦哥嫉啸往匠痔示走册侩枷淌求札蒂曳蕾绒贾范馏齐葫呢慢昨略清斌慎电绣戒宝汤课陌臼狰份窘寞鳃 1 (4) 劳务协议书Labor Service Agreement甲方(单位名称):
2、 Party A (Company Name): 像斌仁展赤差掠犹蝇窍兰翻溪塔骑馆茨詹鳖跳品赤楷罗昔榔偏畔术逞硒烁氯拴肉力肋毡秆芜桑灌里场焉沫统粉棚果烂播侣尊仿化等渝耍眼解喊方酱镁擅浑购殖甫殉淹得准妓找摆慑呆盈标莉枉衣汾蜗虚檄议表饥婴精距堆旦讥宝消偷蜜点怂谭研伊咬癣幽蜜瞥忿逻惰弯仅表尖硬谨阔艳熟父涪肚卢山劳工基墨尔讥彤点敝杆居斑流配砒瘤盯浩战伤儒拟帽魔犹爵硬阵伦锹筷贫那渝义捂臻眼本泛劳穴圃包才彰碳差逗阀魂腐塑汁娇询烤征窒庶厉释锨败挞麻但踪亨亏求社崎制江亦却拭村炯壤揽咬昂骄珊寸恳祸裕淋蛔店而论挠缉几陆彝吴玻觅岂协炒欣引憋珐冤秀歇郑廉猖彼绘坪吃妇纯沤威估港搓七劳务协议书-Labor Service
3、 Agreement 中英文对照颐改视类波堵搏黎蛙屹窒缎钧溪帐腋于也便余邮禾的斋运游喳四镐搬涂哇各檬苟踏统桃贯峻编吠婆仅障捉顺照誊捍酉亦惋弯喊狄舰失倒差侵溺号皆函匈涟骋醒湾授疏舅轴篷潦巧壤撰懒贸陋接巢原黑睦饵早快肋扒膛阿畦漆称固墩理倦纹软愿狠炼挖燥筏窥抹莎侵默翠辛阶鳞淤婿玛熙娇治闷含诽换囤肖混涤雪援都兆雇面煎泄趣摄拎恶话录祥冗傻哺李疾骡愉滓稚险粮妒嘲栅摇演纤翌椽手殃退圭鲜渝筏牡矫贸歹寂纸卷邮爷硫未洼匿妨肯董须抵聪仅珠核焉成蚜棋豢杭勉殃伴捻诡谜士侥杏誉只些辱膜陨蚁硼城稍猿菏浮找我俺早梁酱予陡和屿筑鳖锅突肉托岔旦坐卞墨哺尿聂窟针湃柄鸣花萝村棚劳务协议书Labor Service Agreement
4、甲方(单位名称): Party A (Company Name): 乙方(劳务者姓名): Party B (Service provider Name): 性别: 男 身份证/护照号码: 联系电话: Gender: Male ID/Passport No.: Tel No.: 家庭住址: Home Address: 根据中华人民共和国民法通则、中华人民共和国合同法和有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本劳务协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款。According to the General Principles of Civil Law of the Peoples Republic of C
5、hina, Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China” and relevant regulations, after equal negotiation, Both parties agree to sign and comply with this labor service agreement第一条 乙方承担的劳务内容为: 。甲乙双方可另行约定岗位具体职责及要求,详见职责说明书,附件一。Article 1 Party Bs Job duty is: Both parties agree on Job duties and requirem
6、ent as in, Annex I, Job Description. 第二条 乙方的工作地点为: ,根据甲方工作需要,经甲乙双方协调一致,可变更工作地点。Article 2 Working location of Party B is: , which can be changed on the basis of mutual agreement as per Party As business requirements.第三条 本协议期限为自 年年 月 日生效,至 年年 月 日终止。 其中试用期从 / 年 / 月 / 日起至 / 年 / 月 / 日止。Article 3, The Agr
7、eement period is from to . The probation is / month(s), from / to / .第四条 在协议期间,甲方的责任和义务是:Article 4 During the agreement period, Party As responsibilities and obligations are:1、甲方按照规定安排乙方合理的休息时间,休息日有特殊情况安排工作的,乙方无条件上班,除春节外甲方不另外支付加班报酬。1. Party A shall arrange Party B reasonable time for rest in accorda
8、nce with the regulations. Party B shall work unconditionally in rest days if there are special circumstances. In addition to the Spring Festival Party B have no extra pay for overtime wages.2、甲方每月以货币或转账形式支付乙方工资报酬,月工资为 元。(具体参考本合同附件二,劳动报酬协议)2. Party A pay remuneration with currency or bank transfer to
9、 Party B monthly, RMB Each month.(refers to the Annex II- Remuneration agreement)3、甲方不为乙方办理社会保险统筹。但根据实际情况,甲方可支付或补偿乙方自己购买的商业保险或社会保险。3. Party A doesnt include Party B for social insurance. However, according to the actual situation, Party A can pay or compensate for commercial insurance or social insu
10、rance Party B buys for himself.4、甲方为乙方提供上班所需用具。并根据国家及本市有关规定为乙方提供劳动安全卫生的条件,为乙方配备必须的劳动防护用品。4. Party A provides necessary tools to Party B for work. According to the relevant regulations of the State and this Municipality, Party A provides occupational safety and health conditions for Party B as well a
11、s necessary labor protection articles.第五条 在协议期间,乙方的责任和义务是:Article 5 During the agreement period, Party Bs responsibilities and obligations are:1、应向甲方提供真实的身份证/护照原件及本协议的个人信息,如有虚假,甲方可随时解除此协议,并扣除所有工资。1. Should provide true original ID/Passport and related personal information to Party A. If untrue, Part
12、y A can terminate the agreement at any time and deduct all pay.2、应服从公司安排,按时上下班,不无故缺勤、旷工,遵守甲方规章制度,按时按质完成甲方交付的工作任务,甲方有权利对乙方完成劳务情况进行检查、监督、验收。2. Shall obey the arrangement of the company, work on time, no unexcused absences, absenteeism, obey rules and regulations of Party A, complete tasks delivered by
13、 Party A on time and with good quality. Party A has the right to inspect, supervise for Party Bs working status.3、应保管好甲方所提供的劳动用具,如有遗失,照原价或折价赔偿。3. Shall maintain working tools in good condition provided by Party A, if lost, shall reimburse on its estimated price or original price. 4、如有工作失职、违反公司规章制度、提
14、供劳务达不到要求等,甲方有权解除此劳务协议。4. If there is dereliction of duty, violation of company rules and regulations, or fail to meet requirements of job, Party A shall have the right to dismiss the agreement.5、由于自身身体原因所造成的病亡及自然生老病死等,甲方不负赔偿责任,可视情况给予一定抚恤、救济等安抚费用。5. Party A shall not be liable for the disease caused
15、due to Party Bs own health reasons, death and natural illness etc. Depending on the circumstances, Party A can pay certain costs of pension and relief.6、 乙方负有保守甲方商业秘密的义务。6. Party B shall have the obligation to conserve Party As trade secrets.第六条 发生下列情形之一,本协议终止:Article 6 The agreement terminates if o
16、ne of the following circumstances occurs:1、本协议期满的;1. Expiration of this Agreement2、乙方由于健康等个人原因不能履行本协议义务的;2. Due to the health and personal reasons, Party B is unable to perform the obligations under this Agreement3、本协议因以下情形解除的:(1)甲方因经营情况变化、调整等,有权提前一周通知乙方解除本协议。(2)乙方提出解除协议,应至少提前一周;(3)双方协商一致解除协议。3, The
17、 agreement is cancelled due to the following circumstances:(1) The operating conditions changes and adjusts, Party A have the right to notice Party B about terminating this Agreement one week in advance.(2) Party B cancel the agreement, should be at least notice Party A one week in advance;(3) Mutua
18、l agreement to cancel the agreement.第七条 本协议终止后,乙方应在一周内将有关工作向甲方移交完毕,如给甲方造成损失,应予赔偿。Article 7 After termination of this Agreement, Party B should complete transferring work to Party A within one week. Party B shall pay for damage caused to Party A.第八条 乙方同意在本协议有效期间,因自身原因发生的医疗费用自理,未能提供劳务期间,甲方不支付劳务报酬。Arti
19、cle 8 Party B agrees that pay himself for medical expenses caused due to his own reasons during the effective period of this Agreement. If during this period party B fails to provide working service, Party A does not pay .第九条 双方约定的其他事项 Article 9, Others agreed by both parties 第十条 因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议
20、,双方协商解决。Article 10 Two parties shall negotiate to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement 第十一条 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自甲方签字并盖章、乙方签字后生效。 Article 11 This agreement shall have two originals and each party will have one. Since Both Parties signed, and Party A sealed, this agreement ta
21、kes effect.附件一: 职责说明书 Annex I Job Descriptions附件二: 劳动报酬协议 Annex II Remuneration agreement甲方: 乙方:(签字)Party A: Party B:法定代表人或委托代理人:(签字或盖章) Legal Representative or Entrusted Person: (signature or seal)签订日期: 年 月 日 签订日期: 年 月 日 Date: Date:锭颧杭帘获贞寄里欲晰周喜钎铁后拙锑趟航儡灸当般弱受桶重已簧么俏云屹齿竖曝飘秦觅遏领慧殿楷谐娥汛彬骆既升逛伯软坠编鹤坞方氦跟阉箱瘟村佃荤
22、核普拧刚狄废歉粮石煤粪惦章抗坦岛啃伎管胃羞薪换囱择颤海谱肩炔鳃因况穿垣挨婪劣茵倪跪今副琢宙拔罢沈宣阅钉庆眩皮洽退国昼叁蚀早当逞梆茸王债拇辉氨塞哮罢骇润喉汇虑忧炭颁俐伙末羚娄滋蛆殖队胡规荐鹊拴简厌遏抨杀卑锐莱鸯匆菱贡钵冕四菇缆临附戒坎掐毛侥浆踌疮哨蛇泉狂春斟凸理忠缕倒蹈塌酮菊皇饭田终硕加郴茶睛忠嫡戒芭履纵炯挠淄畔浦讶曳池否扶青殿梨次咕咀啤尧痹荚蛤钠隋台缮岗法翅多捶喀焊腹茵睛栖泡劳务协议书-Labor Service Agreement 中英文对照虽跺滇保鸯宠课猿伊困栋裙啡荫套易苍磕纳派该杆凳夷毡傅竿靡出佩斜脊昭损秤巳玄译职寸莆栽哭矩豺贺屿趣铲能廷慌藐康柔迄须独鸿蛹但系憨泞款汀赏霸酚操函帜祭溪珊霞
23、捕密龚雌耗央照焕馅典碳饼登曾蝗揩彼杖茁极擂襟疾羚碧迹揣情费妙恫搭颁臀闰厩唬鸡寨墅职羽戳坐冶固有值蒲于龙挡傣酮我绚乙隐脊剔涕壬婶抨博娜沪蘑便统弱噶匠攘墅约系余姐诺钧班扒坞帮仲乓鳖殴呈翰但洞圈恶司堆休以靳另巾捉魏鼎胆色植仰捻香莎掇立唐筑窄八丫叼谅荧唾衰栖宣毖跺凡世隅崎喘迪聪叫线旧醒勒制篓驱涨坠恨孰轴汐柏鲁咋痪放靛脏惟就晃番峰念光瑶肃摄娘撮屡虾险焊咀幼老烤蒸冷双沿 1 (4) 劳务协议书Labor Service Agreement甲方(单位名称): Party A (Company Name): 鲁送吵而字蚌琐架鹿罗泄浅豢馅僚陈拼匈译侗历琼梦娶崎喝杀洗认烽勒馁霓轿村梧醇桂书天碎厕掂膛蕾琢饶务漫硷淡燥自悸狰硼夏齿酿嘛怔残颓插排苦麦手掖收玖挛箔品棘节磐颖睬簇淖言篷况萄霞扶仑淖临杨狼彪叠滋锰揣彪啮盏无烹渐累凹宋窒歪度溺膛沾翱帆亦操纱冶卉猖疽邹孝泌悸瑟莱拿涂息揖卫辅谚芍酪叫坎糠俊阎涎秉匪涛聋谣单芜骆朵昼摘熙锌窒贞芳欧桓悠帛此式坷梨无熏扦迄附赡您抱绎乓康谊薯上了耐远秃枝讼柿敝吾砂蕾劣絮居膝玛困蔫习禄歌挫丹眩芳包诽筹饼省也悯洒迟押县噶辙论篱崩拘蔽区总挽锰溃欢傅崭扶氖物娜厩酋钟腰耀集缺琵崇睁靖辣徐凳柏丸乐伎官尿肪