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1、KB1Lesson 1Unit 7 Wild animalsSunny精品课件Hello!Welcome to Sunnys Class.精品课件noseeyefacemouthMeet our friends精品课件Lets Go to the zoo!精品课件Match1.snake2.elephant3.giraffe4.hippo5.monkey6.tiger精品课件 hand arm leg tail foot feet精品课件 Ive got an animal.Its brown.Theyve got long arms and long tails.They live in h

2、ot countries.It can climb to the top of the tree.It can swing on the rope.精品课件Presentationmonkey精品课件 Theyre big and grey.They ve got a long nose.Would you like to ride on it?精品课件Presentationelephant精品课件 It is a very large animal.It has got a big mouth and small tail.It can swim and lives in the rive

3、r.Would you like to touch it?Africa精品课件Presentationhippo精品课件They are very tall.Theyve got a long neck.Theyve got long,thin legs.They can eat leaves from tall trees.Have you ever seen it?Africa精品课件Presentation giraffe精品课件Some of them are very long.Some of them are small.They havent got legs and arms.

4、They can move quickly.Do you like it?精品课件Presentationsnake精品课件They live in the jungle.Theyre black and orange.Theyve got four legs and a long tails.They can climb trees.They can run fast.They are very strong animals.Africa精品课件Presentationtiger精品课件Practice 精品课件Practice Open your Pupils Book,and turn

5、to P40.Listen,point and repeat.精品课件Production:Name the Animals.精品课件Look and Think!精品课件精品课件Look and Think!精品课件ConclusionWe have to animals.精品课件About“have got”and”has got”Have/Has got:have got=have has got=has Eg:I have got a pen.She has not got a pencil.精品课件SencencesI have got a new pen.You have got

6、a new skirt.We have got a bright classroom.They have got a nice house.He has got two sisters.She has got a beautiful mother.It has got a long tail.Tom and Jerry have got long legs.Tom has got a toy car.Ive Youve Its TheyveWeve ShesHes精品课件Choose have gotand has got1.We a new teacher.2.Her mother two

7、big eyes and long hair.3.Lisa a beautiful mother.4.Bruce and Jerry long arms.5.My grandpa a big bedroom.6.They three pencils.7.The cat two small ears.8.You a nice house.have got has gothas gothave got have got have got has gothas gothas gothas gothas gothas got精品课件Homework1.Draw your favourite anima

8、l and give a name to it,then introduce it to your friends.2.Tell people the importance of protecting animals.精品课件Class is over.精品课件此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!

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