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1、华为ISC项目文档状态: 草案 X 批准主题: 华为集成供应链KPI文档责任人: ISC项目组文档号: MDL-WP-01 秘级: 秘密版本号: Final V2.1华为集成供应链KPI华为ISC项目组日期: 2003年9月10日1、Preface序言: This document describes key performance indicators for evaluating the performance of to-be integrated supply chain processes of Huawei.本文所描述的KPI是基于华为未来集成供应链流程的关键绩效指标。 2、Doc

2、ument revision record文件修订记录:Rev date修订日期Revision points修订摘要Changes made是否有修改(Y/N)2003/06/12ISC流程在2003年2月13日落地后,经过几个月的运行大部分流程趋于固化。各个推行组结合流程在业务部门的实际运行情况,根据KPI的可用性和可统计性,对于ISC项目发明阶段制定的KPI及其目标进行了重新审视。2003年6月12日ISC项目组召开了针对KPI审视的CRB会议,对于各个组提交的KPI CR进行了评审。本次文档修订就是依据CRB会议评审结论进行的。相对于第一版,做了如下修改:1、 销售KPI:对于“OE

3、Entry Cycle Time”的获取点改为了Book Order。2、 计调KPI:根据APS系统实施,对于所有KPI进行了重新修改。3、 采购KPI:由于数据收集困难,取消了一个功能优秀指标“合格Sourcing方法使用率”。4、 制造KPI:取消了三个功能优秀指标“工序准确率、BOM准确率、Item准确率”,调整了一个功能优秀指标“工艺路线准确率”的定义。5、 物流KPI:结合华为的实际业务情况,取消了一个支持供应链可靠性方面的ISC KPI指标“货物完好率”。Y2003/08/21根据2003年7月29日ISC月度推行例会的决定:FDL将KPI的统计方法、定义、目标与FDM再做一次沟

4、通,优化后,由FDL和FDM以推行承诺书的形式签署,并在述职报告中体现。各个FDL就各领域KPI与各自的FDM进行了沟通,并在2003年8月21日的ISC CRB会议上把要进行变更的KPI进行了评审。本次文档修订就是依据该次CRB会议评审结论进行的。相对于第二版,做了如下修改:1、 在原来的KPI指标体系中,增加“供应链成本”维度的KPI。各个领域能增加的本次增加,不能增加的留出空间,以后增加。2、 销售KPI:内部订单更改率仍保留原来的定义,增加一个小的指标来反映报价、工勘、成套、业务支持原因导致的订单更改。3、 采购 KPI:1)把原来采购功能优秀指标“PCA”调整为供应链层面的KPI,并

5、作为供应链成本维度的指标;2)供应链层面增加“按计划到货率”指标,把原来供应链层面的“准时交货率”指标调整为采购功能优秀指标;3)取消“单货不符率”。Y3、Distribution approval record发布批准记录:This document needs to be endorsed before distribution by本文件发布前需要以下人员会签:Name姓名Sign签名Dept部门Title职位Date of Approval批准日期李扬销售推行引导组组长张文彬采购推行引导组组长马学杰采购推行引导组副组长金 涛制造推行引导组组长单康宁物流推行引导组组长张勇维计调推行引导组

6、组长邱生雨预测推行引导组组长孙 铭销售推行组组长王皖晋采购推行组组长李建国制造推行组组长郗爱青物流推行组组长吴涉丹计调推行组组长许安东预测推行组组长4、Distritution record文件发放记录: This document is distributed to本文件已经发至以下人员/部门:Name姓名Sign签名Dept部门Title职位Date of Distribution下发日期5、Approved by Senior mgmt高层领导审批:Name姓名Sign签名Dept部门Title职位Date日期邢宪杰ISC推行第2阶段项目组项目经理梁 华供应链管理部部长6、This do

7、cument is prepared by文件拟订:Name姓名Sign签名Dept部门Title职位Date日期钟效培ISC项目组集成组成员2003/06/21(V2.0)钟效培ISC项目组集成组成员2003/09/10(V2.1)7、Text正文:Huawei ISC KPI华为集成供应链KPI7.1 What is KPI KPI是什么: A standardized common language established for evaluating business performance (with the potential of becoming an industry sta

8、ndard). KPI是通过对业务绩效衡量的标准化,建立起一套衡量业务绩效的共同语言(在有些情况下,这些标准化的指标可能成为业界标准)。 Huawei ISC KPIs are a set of standard criteria for understanding supply chain performance developed in reference to Supply Chain Operation Reference Model. 华为集成供应链的KPI是参照供应链流程参考模型(SCOR),制定的衡量华为供应链绩效的标准 。7.2 What are the objectives

9、of KPIs KPI的作用是什么: 1、 Develop a common language for evaluating business performance, based on which to depict a best practice vision and the course of action to approach it. 制定公司衡量业务绩效的“共同语言”,并在此基础上勾画公司关于“最佳实践”的愿景,以及实现这一愿景的途径。 2 、Help understand the gap of as-is practice versus to-be vision and pinp

10、oint areas to be focused on in supply chain management with continuous improvement actions taken together with collaborative partners. 帮助公司了解供应链现状和愿景之间的差异,并在供应链的管理中,挑选出需要优先关注的领域,以便与合作伙伴一起,及时采取行动并持续改进。 3 、Provide a comparison between business performance and industry benchmarking to help identify an

11、organizations advantages and improvement opportunities in supply chain operation. 提供业务绩效与业界基准的比较,藉以识别公司供应链优势和改进机会。 4 、Analyze by means of KPI comparison characteristics of other supply chains with competing strategies to assist an organisation in measuring how successful they are in achieving their

12、desired positioning within the competitive market space. 通过KPI可以将我司供应链与其它具有竞争性策略的供应链进行比较分析和评估,协助企业衡量它们在多大程度上实现了其在竞争性市场中期望的目标定位。7.3 How are the KPIs structured KPI及其结构: KPIs are structured into two layers, viz. 4 supply chain level KPIs with 29 underlying function level KPIs supporting them. KPI从结构上可

13、以分为两个层次,即4个“供应链层面KPI”是通过29个下层“功能层面KPI”来支持的。7.3.1 At supply chain level the 4 KPIs are categorized into 3 major dimensions: supply chain reliability, supply chain flexibility & responsiveness and asset utilization . 供应链层面的4个KPI可以分为三个主要维度:供应链可靠性、供应链柔性及响应能力、资产利用。 l Supply Chain Reliability供应链可靠性: the p

14、erformance of the supply chain in delivering: the correct product, at the correct time, in the correct condition and packaging, in the correct quantity, with the correct documentation, to the correct customer. 1 KPIs are identified in this area: On Time Complete Delivery.即供应链在交货方面的表现,是指正确的货物、在正确的时间、

15、正确的条件及包装、具有正确的数量、附带正确的文档,发给正确的客户。在这个方面有1个KPI对应:“ 合同及时齐套到货率 ” ;l Supply Chain Flexibility & Responsivenss供应链柔性及响应能力:the velocity at which a supply chain provides products to the customer and the agility of a supply chain in responding to marketplace changes to gain or maintain competitive advantage.

16、2 KPIs are identified here: Order Fill Cycle Time and Supply Chain Response Cycle Time. 是指供应链为获得或保持竞争性优势而对市场变化响应的灵敏度,及将产品提供给客户的速度。这里有2个KPI对应它:“订单履行周期”、“供应链响应周期”。l Asset Utilization资产利用:the effectiveness of an organisation in managing assets to support demand satisfaction. This includes the managemen

17、t of all assets : fixed and working capital. 1 KPI is identified for this dimension:Inventory Turns/Inventory Days On Hand; 是指一个企业在管理资产以支持满足需求方面的效率。它包括所有资产的管理:固定资产和流动资产。 有1个KPI对应这个维度:“库存周转天数/库存周转率”。l In SCOR model, first level supply chain performance indicators also include supply chain cost or per

18、centage of SCM cost against total sales revenue. In view of the complexity of cost measurement and the fact that it is not an area of priority in current Huawei so cost is excluded out of the supply chain KPI set. 在SCOR模型中,第一层供应链指标还包括“供应链成本”,即:供应链管理成本占总销售额的比例。考虑到成本衡量标准比较复杂,而且,它不是目前华为最关注的领域,故本次不考虑。(备

19、注:我们虽然现在还没有确定出第一层“供应链成本”维度的指标,但是本次我们在供应链KPI指标体系中增加这一维度,待以后确定出指标后再补充。)7.3.2 At function level the 29 KPIs are function specific and each contribute to one or more than one supply chain level KPIs, among which ,功能层面的29个KPI是功能特定的,同时每一个KPI又支持一个或多个供应链层面的KPI,它们之中,l 10 are linked to Supply Chain Reliabilit

20、y(On Time Complete Delivery); 与供应链可靠性(及时齐套到货率)关联的有10个;l 10 are linked to Supply Chain Flexibility & Responsivenss(Order Fill Cycle Time and Supply Chain Response Cycle Time); 与供应链柔性及响应能力(订单履行周期、供应链响应周期)关联的有10个;l 8 are linked to Asset Utilization(Inventory Turns/Inventory DOH); 与资产利用(库存周转天率/库存周转天数)关联

21、的有8个;l 1 is linked to Supply Chain Costs;与供应链成本的关联的有1个;l 22 dont have a direct impact on supply chain level KPIs but play significant role in achieving function excellence. 另外,有22个KPI对供应链层面的KPI没有直接影响,但它们在促进业务层取得“功能优秀”上扮演着相当重要的角色。7.4 Further elaboration on the KPIs KPI详述7.4.0 Supply chain KPIs供应链KPI:

22、NumberKPIDescriptionFormulaDate SourceCollection FrequencyOwner(Measure & Monitor)Current Value(JanDec,2001)To-Be TargetISC-01AOn time Complete Delivery(FCD) 合同及时齐套到货率 (FCD)% of orders received in full and meet FCD (First Committed Date) 齐套并且满足FCD的订单数量(FCD:首次承诺日期)(D1/D2)*100%D1=number of orders rece

23、ived by customer on or before FCD客户准时接收或比FCD日期提前接收的订单数D2=total orders received by customer during the measured month. 在统计月内客户接收的总订单数 OracleMonthlySCM82%ISC-01BOn time Complete Delivery(CRD)合同及时齐套到货率(CRD)% of orders received in full and meet CRD (Customer Requested Date)齐套并且满足CRD的订单数量(CRD:客户需求日期)(D1/

24、D2)*100%D1=number of orders received by customer on or before CRD 客户准时接收或比CRD日期提前接收的订单数D2=total orders received by customer during the measured month. 在统计月内客户接收的总订单数 OracleMonthlySCMNo statistics availableISC-02Inv Turns 库存周转率Inventory turns库存周转率(D1/D2)*12D1=cost of goods sold based on monthly sales

25、月度销售的货物成本D2=average current inventory value当前平均的库存价值Notes:Average=Sum of Inv. per working day / No. of working day in a month. “平均”= 一个月内 每个工作日的库存之和/一个月内的工作日天数。OracleMonthlySCM2.04Times per yearISC-03SC Response Cycle Time供应链响应周期Cumulative cycle time from procurement through delivery. 从采购到发货累积的周期D1+

26、D2+D3D1=procurement cycle time =PG-SC-04(Procurement Standard LT)+PG-SC-03.1(PR/PO cycle time) +PG-SC-03.2(PO approval cycle time) D2=manufacturing cycle time = KM-SC-(02+03+04) (Sub-assembly manufacturing work order cycle time + ATO manufacturing work order cycle time + Final assembly staging cycle

27、 time )D3=shipping cycle time=ML-SC-05(Ship cycle time )OracleMonthlySCM68daysISC-04Order Fill Cycle Time 订单履行周期Aggregated cycle time(from formal contract signing through order processing, manufacturing and delivery). 总计的周期(从正式合同签定开始,经过订单履行、制造,到收货)Calculate order fill cycle time per order =(D2D1) an

28、d get the average cycle time先计算出每一个订单的订单履行周期(D2-D1),然后计算出平均值D1=time when formal contract is signed正式合同签定时的时间D2=time when order is received by customer客户“接收”订单的时间 OracleMonthlySCM38days7.4.1 Sell Goods KPI销售KPI: Table 1: Table 2:NumberKPIDescriptionFormulaDate SourceCollection FrequencyOwner(Measure

29、& Monitor)Current Value(JanDec,2001)To-Be TargetSG-SC-01Internal/External Customer Complaints due to Inaccurat Contract Mgmt.合同履行错误引起的内、外部客户投诉(%)Percentage of both customers complaints on contract errors and internally found contract errors in whole process from making proposol to Initial Acceptance

30、 Testing. Time division: from shipment to Initial Acceptance Testing (external);from contract signed to shipment (internal). 从制作建议书到初验整个周期内,因合同管理、订单管理导致合同错误而受到客户投诉率及内部发现的合同错误率。时间划分:外部投诉,从发货到初验期间发生的投诉;内部投诉,从合同签订到发货期间的投诉。Contract error refers to any contract configuration related mistakes. 合同“错误”的定义为任

31、何有关合同配置的错误。包括客户投诉及工勘、成套、制造部门各环节发现的上游业务的错误.(customer complaints on contracts+internal mistakes occured before Initial Acceptance Testing) / CCP shiping contracts (客户对合同错误的投诉华为内部直到初验期间发现的错误) / CCP发货合同数Call Center, issue feedback from OE upstream,Engineering Design business monthly sheet. MonthlyBiddin

32、g Office Manager, Engineering Mgnt Dept. Manager, Contract Mgnt Dept. Manager29.5%3%SG-SC-02(Internal) Order Changes Ratio (内部)订单更改率(%)No. of internal order changes to total amount of order changes. 由于内部原因导致更改订单的次数占同期订单总数的比率它包括除客户需求原因以外的所有公司的内部原因造成的订单更改,既包含销售原因,也包含欠料、BOM、ECO、采购等原因。ISC-SC-02-01销售内部订单

33、更改率:对于由于报价、工勘、成套、业务支持等销售原因造成的订单更改。No. of internal order changes / total No. of orders change refers to changes caused by ECO or other internal reasons.因内部原因导致更改订单的次数/同期订单数。 “更改”可定义为因ECO和其他内部原因导致的更改。Oracle, Order change work flowMonthlySales Mgnt. Dept. Manage r14%8.5%SG-SC-03Orders Meeting Customer

34、Requirements订单可达客户要求的比率(%)Percentage of scheduled order dates that meet CRD. 排产期可满足客户要求日期的比率 No.of orders with FCD earlier than CRD/ total No. of orders(statistics can be made to different customer tiers in to-be process) 已排产订单日期等于或早于客户要求日期的数目/ 同期所发订单总数(将来可按不同客户层次来统计)MonthlySales Mgnt. Dept. Manager

35、No statistics available.90%SG-SC-04OE Entry Cycle Time订单录入周期From contract signed to configuration completed (see OE cycle time detail description). 从合同签订后到成套完成为止的时间(见订单录入周期详细描述)TOE=Date of confirm Availability Date of Contract sign详细配置完成时间点减去合同签订时间点 (see OE cycle time detail description见订单录入周期详细描述)C

36、apture Point获取点:Book order,date from OM and CM 订单预订,date from OM and CMOM, Contract Mgnt. systemMonthlyContract Management Dept. Manager17days3daysSG-SC-05Loan Goods Inventory DOH 借货库存周转天数(d)Days on hand of loan goods in RSO warehouses. 办事处借货库存在库天数DOH(average inventory/consumption)*(365/12)DOH(平均库存量

37、/用量)*(365/12)* DOH:Days on Hand在库天数Capture Point获取点:Monthly from ERP system每月从ERP系统中提取OracleMonthlySales Management Dept. Manager95days92daysSG-SC-06Finished Goods & POC Inventory DOH成品及POC库存周转天数(d)Finished goods inventory days on hand caused by customer canceling, delay or postponed ATP testing. 合同

38、签订前未进行ATP检查及客户取消或延迟发货导致的成品库存;POC库存中按客户需求定制的部分。Time division: Elapsed time from finished goods entering storage to customer receipt (eliminate average shipping time). 时间划分:从成品入成品库开始到客户签收截至,减去平均运输时间。 DOH(average inventory/consumption)*(365/12)DOH(平均库存量/用量)*(365/12)* DOH:Days on Hand在库天数Capture Point获取

39、点:Monthly from ERP system.每月从ERP系统中提取OracleMonthlySales Management Dept. Manager4.8days(Including all finished goods.Not onlythe finished goods by the customer reason created.)3daysSG-FE-01Undetected Opportunities突发的机会点比率(%)No. of unexpected opportunities to all established projects within 1 week. 在

40、短于1周之内,突发的机会点数目占立项数目的比率。No.of unexpected opportunies/No.of established projects突发机会点数目/同期立项数目 unexpected opportunity refers to projects required to have the bidding document within one week “突发机会点”指短于一周之内要递交标书的项目Technical & Business ApprovalMonthlySales Management Dept. ManagerNo statistics availabl

41、e.the KPI will be measured until oppty system has been implemented(暂不统计)SG-FE-02Win Rate投标成功率(%)Percentage of win-bids. 获胜投标项目占同期投标项目的比率Win-bid projects /total bidding projects 获胜投标项目/同期投标项目Oppty Mgnt SystemMonthly65%the KPI will be measured until oppty system has been implmentedSG-FE-03Sales Proces

42、s Violations 销售过程中的违规事件Violations found by Approval Reviewers during his/her monitoring of SG process established projects without opportunity assessment. 项目经理在对销售过程的监控中发现的违规事件。包括未经机会点评估即立项等违规行为。Total amount of violations found by contract audit during statistical period in project. 统计期内合同审计发现的违规事件总

43、数。Approval WorkflowMonthlySales Management Dept. ManagerNo statistics available.1%7.4.2 Forecast KPI预测 KPI :Table 1Table 2 NumberKPIDescriptionFormulaDate SourceCollection FrequencyOwner(Measure & Monitor)Current Value(JanDec,2001)To-Be TargetDF-SC-01Weighted Demand Forecast Error -WDFE加权要货预测偏差率WDFE

44、 Measure of weighted average of the last five time Demand Forecast for the period compare to actual demand. 近5次要货预测加权值相对实际需求偏差程度WDFE =(Dw-Da)/Dw)*100%Dw=Di * wi , i=1,2,3,4,5Di: the ith time demand Forecast for the computing period 对需测评月的的第i次要货预测值Da: Actual Demand实际需求 wi=1, i=1,2,3,4,5 wi: Weight of

45、 the ith time Demand Forecast 第i次预测所占权重the approved DF and the real demand data from operation dept. 要货预测文件及生产统计的实际需求值MonthlyOverall marketing plan dept. managers20%15%DF-FE-01Average Sales Forecast Error -ASFE平均销售预测偏差率ASFEMeasure of the last three time Sales Forecast for the period compared to actual sales. 近3次销售预测与实际销售值的平均偏差程度ASFE= (|Fi-Sa|/Fi)/n i=1,.,n, n=3,Fi: the ith time Sales Forecast,需测评月销售量的第i次预测值Sa: Actual sales for the computing period 需测评月的实际销售值the reviewed SF and the real sales data from brunch offi. 销售预测评审会通

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