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1、 What do people do with a computer?1编辑编辑pptsearch for informationwatch movies2编辑编辑pptlisten to music3编辑编辑pptsend emails to friendsdownload music and films4编辑编辑pptbuy things onlineplay computer games5编辑编辑pptdraw pictures6编辑编辑pptdo the homeworkchat with friends7编辑编辑pptWarming upHow much do you know ab

2、out the first computer?8编辑编辑pptUnit 2 When do you use a computer?9编辑编辑ppt某公司经理某公司经理a manager of a company talk to ones customers 10编辑编辑ppton the computer 通过电脑通过电脑go on the Internet=go online上网上网11编辑编辑pptthe times of trains火车时刻表火车时刻表12编辑编辑pptmake travel plans13编辑编辑pptbuy ticketslisten to music14编辑编辑p

3、ptwatch movies在互联网上在互联网上on the Internet15编辑编辑pptsearch for information搜索信息搜索信息do ones homework16编辑编辑ppt检查电子邮件检查电子邮件check email发电子邮件给某人发电子邮件给某人send email to sb.17编辑编辑pptplay computer games18编辑编辑pptMatch the words and expression in Column A with those in Column B.ABbuy check go onmakeplaysharetalk tos

4、earch forwatchwork fora companya computercustomersemailgamesinformationthe Internetmoviesticketstravel plans19编辑编辑ppt20编辑编辑ppt1.How many children are mentioned in the passage?A:One B:Two C:Three D:Four2.Who are they?A:Mike,Jack and Alice B:Jack,Alice and BettyC:Alice,Mike and Tony D:Alice,Betty and

5、Tony 3.Who can use the computer on Sundays?A:Alice B:Jack C:Mike D:Betty4.Does Jack share a computer with his father?A:Yes,he does.B:No,he doesnt.C:Yes,he is.D:No,he isnt.5.Alice has a friend in _.A:China B:Australia C:England D:America 21编辑编辑pptCheck()the true sentences.1.Jacks father uses the comp

6、uter every Friday night.2.Alice checks emails at home.3.Mike likes playing computer games.4.Mike and his parents use their home computer.Jackat school22编辑编辑pptThere is a computer in my home,and my father and I share it.My father is a manager of a company,so he often talks to his customers on the com

7、puter.He also goes on the Internet to check the times of trains,make travel plans,and buy tickets.I listen to music or watch movies every Friday night.Jack23编辑编辑pptThere is no computer in my home.I can only use it at school.On the Internet,I search for information,do my homework and check my email.I

8、 have a friend in Australia.I can see her and talk to her on the Internet.Alice 24编辑编辑pptWe have a computer at home.My parents dont use it.I can use it on Sundays.I send email to my friends and play computer games.But sometimes I play a lot of games and my mother doesnt like it.Mike25编辑编辑ppta manage

9、r of a companytalks to his customersgoes on the Internetcheck the times of trains,make travel plansbuy ticketswatch movies search for informationsend email to26编辑编辑pptRetell the passage You can use your computer to do lots of things on the(1)_.You can(2)_ for(3)_ about things to do.Are you(4)_ an ev

10、ening at the cinema?What time does your(5)_start and finish?You can(6)_ on the Internet.What about shopping?Many(7)_ buy books,clothes and many other things on the Internet.And do you want to visit friends or family?Many people buy train(8)_ on the Internet.You can also(9)_ emails or speak to friend

11、s.But remember to(10)_ the computer with your parents!Internetsearchinformationplanningmoviecheckcustomersticketssendshare27编辑编辑ppt Answer the questions.1.Does your father/mother use a computer?2.What do you do on a computer?3.When do you use a computer?4.Do you play computer games?What games do you

12、 play?28编辑编辑pptNow write sentences about your answers.I have a computer at home.29编辑编辑pptSummary(总结)(总结)a manager of a companytalks to his customersgoes on the Internetcheck the times of trains,make travel plansbuy ticketswatch movies search for informationsend email to30编辑编辑ppt1.公司经理公司经理 _2.同某人的顾客交

13、谈同某人的顾客交谈 _3.通过电脑通过电脑 _4.上网上网 _a manager of a companytalk to ones customerson the computergo on the Internet31编辑编辑ppt10.在互联网上在互联网上 _11.搜索信息搜索信息 _12.做家庭作业做家庭作业 _13.检查电子邮件检查电子邮件 _14.发电子邮件给某人发电子邮件给某人 _15.玩电脑游戏玩电脑游戏 _on the Internet search for informationdo ones homeworkcheck emailsend email to sb.play computer games32编辑编辑ppt1.Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today.2.Write a compositionI have a computer at home.33编辑编辑ppt34编辑编辑ppt

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