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1、2024/5/9 周四.MenuAppetizerSide DishMain CourseVegetableSweetmeatsCoffeeWineOtherHispanic man ordering food at dinerTwo ladies ordering foodMaking a reservation2024/5/9 周四.Hispanic man ordering food at dinerA man ordering food in a restaurantYoung couple ordering food Group of friends ordering food in

2、 a diner 2024/5/9 周四.Menu2024/5/9 周四.CaviarAppetizerSaladVegetable soupVegetable soup Vegetable soup Vegetable soup The appetizers are generally salad,fore gars,caviar or baked snail.If there is no other appetizers,soups can be used as appetizers(but generally as a side dish),including the four type

3、s of broth,cream soup,vegetable soup,and cold soup.2024/5/9 周四.Usually aquatic products and eggs,bread,cakes dishes are referred to as the side dish.When people eat fish,they often use the special sauce varieties of sauce hollandaise,white cream sauce,Archbishop of sauce and so on.Smoked SalmonBrais

4、ed Goose Liver in Red WineSide DishGratinated Mussels with Hollandaise Sauce2024/5/9 周四.Meat and poultry dishes are main course.One of the most representative is beef or steak,we unusually eat meat dishes with Spain sauce,thick sauce,or mushroom sauce.Poultry dishes are mostly chicken,boiled,fried,g

5、rilled,main sauce curry sauce,cream sauce.Rare 一分熟Medium Rare 三分熟Medium 五分熟Medium Well 七分熟Well Done 全熟Black Pepper SauceSteakMain CourseSteak2024/5/9 周四.We often have vegetables after meat dishes,of course,we can eat meat dishes and vegetables together,vegetable dishes are called salad in Western.It

6、 is made of lettuce,tomato,cucumber,asparagus and other.Another type is made of fish,meat,eggs,which generally do not add the sauce.Vegetable2024/5/9 周四.Dessert We unusually have dessert after the main course,it can be counted as a fifth course.In fact,it should included all food after the main cour

7、ses,such as pudding,ice cream,cheese,fruit and so on.2024/5/9 周四.Coffee Then there is the coffee,of course,you can drink other beverages,coffee usually add a little of other things,like milk and sugar.2024/5/9 周四.WineSherryRed WineBrandyWhiskeyVodkaChampagne2024/5/9 周四.Other2.First wine,then a la carte3.Of course,this is not a good thing.1.Reservation4.And more.2024/5/9 周四.

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