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1、Stolen IdentityActive Reading One.1.Read the first two paragraphs and get to know the story of the movie.2.Watch the movie clip and imitate the pronunciation.3.Role play with your partners.Who is he?.TitanicHave you seen the films?TitanicRomeo&JulietCatch me if you can.Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo was

2、 born in _,California on November 11,1974.He attended Seeds University Elementary School at UCLA where he also took summer _ in performance art before moving on to the Center for Enriched Studies in Los Angeles.After CES,the _ was to enroll at John Marshall High School in the Los Feliz area of Los A

3、ngeles.Always drawn towards _,he started auditioning for parts in 1988 at the age of _ and appeared in a series of commercials and _ films.From that point he navigated a gradual hill up of the _ chain.He is known for his _ in This Boys Life,Titanic,Romeo and Juliet,Blood Diamond,Catch me if You Can

4、and others.Hollywoodcoursesnext stepperformingfourteeneducationalactingrolesListen to the passage and fill in the blanks.Tom HanksWho is he?.TitanicHave you seen the films?.Tom Hanks Born in California,Tom Hanks grew up in what he calls a“fractured”family.His parents were _ in the development of mar

5、riage dissolution law in that state,and Tom _ a lot,living with a succession of step-families.No problems,no abuse,just a confused _.He had no acting experience in _ and,in fact,credits the fact that he couldnt get cast in a college play with actually starting his _ he went downtown,auditioned for a

6、 _ theater play,was invited by the director of that play to go to Cleveland,and there his _ career started.Hanks is known for his _ in Forrest Gump,Saving Private Ryan,Cast Away,Road to Perdition,Catch Me if You Can and others.pioneersmoved aroundchildhoodcareercollegecommunityrolesactingListen to t

7、he passage and fill in the blanks.Summarising Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.Identity theft refers to stealing information about someone that makes it possible to use their bank account or _.With an informal and conversational tone the author persuades readers into actions against the

8、threats of _ in our daily life.According to the author we make the thieves job easy by leaving our _ unprotected,using ball pens for _,throwing documents containing our personal information in the _,leaving our computer on.Summarisingand so on.So we should look for different ways to_ ourselves and c

9、hange our _.Identity crime is very likely to happen at any time,to any of us.We can take _ to improvethe chances of avoiding this _,though it will never go away.Summarising Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.Identity theft refers to stealing information about someone that makes it possible

10、 to use their bank account or _.With an informal and conversational tone the author persuades readers into actions against the threats of _ in our daily life.According to the author we make the thieves job easy by leaving our _ unprotected,using ball pens for _,throwing documents containing our pers

11、onal information in the _,leaving our computer oncredit cardidentity fraud mailschecks and formstrash.Summarisingand so on.So we should look for different ways to_ ourselves and change our _.Identity crime is very likely to happen at any time,to any of us.We can take _ to improvethe chances of avoid

12、ing this _,though it will never go away.protectmindsetprecautionscrime.Text ComprehensionMultiple choices on Page 32.Text OrganizationA film of identity theftIdentity theft has become increasingly commonSome examplesCheck fraudIdentity forgery OnlineRobbed credit cardWhat can the thief do with it?Wh

13、at precautions can we take?Conclusion.Find out the words related to crime.deception n.the action of deceiving someoneTranslate the following sentences into Chinese:The man obtained property by deception.这人靠欺骗获得财产。This is a range of elaborate deception.这是一个精心设计的圈套。TransTrans.fraud n.C,U wrongful or c

14、riminal deception intended for result in financial or personal gainTranslate the following sentences into Chinese:He was convicted of fraud.他被判定犯有诈骗罪。He told people he was a doctor,but he was a fraud really.他告诉人们他是医生,实际上他是个骗子。TransTrans.fraudster n.someone obtains money by deceiving.Translate the fo

15、llowing sentence into Chinese:New measures are needed to prevent fraudsters opening bank accounts with stolen identity.需要制定新的措施以防止诈骗犯冒用身份在银行开户。Trans.forge v.forgery n.to make illegal copy of something to deceive.The student forged his supervisors signature on the dissertation.这个学生在论文上伪造他导师的签字。He inc

16、rease his income by forgery.他靠假冒伪造增加收入。These banknotes are forgeries.这些钞票是假币。Translate the following sentence into Chinese:TransTransTrans.deception:It has the widest range of uses of deceiving.Fraud:It often suggests financial dishonesty.Word comparison:deception fraud forge forge:Illegally copy st

17、h.,esp.printed or written.deception fraud forge fraudster forgery Fill in the blanks with proper words:1.She is guilty of tax _.He obtained a lot of money by _.He will face trial on _ charges for _ credit cards.He is a _.The old lady was a victim of a cruel _.deception/forgeryfraudfraud/fraudsterdec

18、eptionforgingfraud.custody n.A.someone to be arrested and kept in prison until they can be tried in the court B.legal right to keep or look after Figure out the meaning of the underlined words.Put the letter“A”or“B”in the brackets.(1)The father is going to court to get custody of()the child.But chil

19、d custody()is normally given to the mother.So there will be a bitter custody()battle.(2)The suspect has been taken into custody().(3)The man was held/kept in custody()in the police station for 24 hours.ABBBA.consultancy n.Fill in the blanks with the words above(1)If you are in any doubt,_ your finan

20、cial advisor.(2)The plan was drawn up _ some doctors(在磋商中逐渐形成的在磋商中逐渐形成的).(3)He was a _ before he ran a _.(4)The project provides both _ and training.consultconsultationconsultantconsultancyconsultin consultation withconsultantconsultancyconsultancy.precaution n.C An action taken to prevent something

21、 dangerous or unpleasant happening.Match the two columns with proper letters putting in the brackets:1.advocate precaution ()2.neglect precaution ()3.adequate precautions()4.fire precaution ()5.exercise precaution ()6.omit precaution ()7.throw all precautions to the winds ()8.do as a precaution ()A.

22、A.A.A.毫无警惕毫无警惕毫无警惕毫无警惕B.B.B.B.提倡预防提倡预防提倡预防提倡预防C.C.C.C.火警火警火警火警D.D.D.D.充分的预防措施充分的预防措施充分的预防措施充分的预防措施E.E.E.E.实施预防实施预防实施预防实施预防F.F.F.F.放松预防放松预防放松预防放松预防G.G.G.G.为了保险起见为了保险起见为了保险起见为了保险起见H.H.H.H.忽视预防忽视预防忽视预防忽视预防BHDCEFAG.precaution n.Choose the appropriate expressions from the box to complete the sentences.(1

23、)He had _ seeking legal advice.做好了寻求法律援助的准备做好了寻求法律援助的准备(2)Carrying a map is _ to avoid being lost in travelling.明智的预防手段明智的预防手段 (3)We should _.采取预防措施采取预防措施take the precaution of doing sth.;take precautionswise/sensible precaution;taken precaution ofa wise/sensible precautiontake precautions.(1)We are

24、 _ the days to the end of this tour.(2)With luck,you can cover your cost,but dont _ it.(3)We didnt _ so many people coming to the party.(4)When the game gets started,you can _ Tom.(5)If you are going to gossip,_ me _.counting downcount on/uponcount oncount incountout.Difficult sentences1.Few people

25、could imagine how important things like taking mail to the post office and not leaving it in the mailbox for pickup,shredding documents instead of throwing them out with the trash,even using a pen costing a couple of bucks,have become to avoid life-changing crimes.(Para 4,Sentence 2)全句主干:主语+谓语+“how”

26、引导的宾语从句:Few people could imagine how important things have become.目的状语:目的状语:to avoid life-changing crimes翻译时将目的状语提前:“为了做什么事变得很重要”结构 Trans很少有人会想象到,为了预防这种改变人生的犯罪,采取一些预防措施有多么重要,比如把邮件拿到邮局去寄而不是丢在信箱里等人来取、把文件切碎而不是把它们连同垃圾一道扔出去,甚至使用几美元一支的(特效)笔等等。Trans.Difficult sentencesTranlate this sentence into English.这些

27、文件很重要,内容要绝对保密。如果要处理掉的话,应先把他们切碎或撕碎,而不是直接当垃圾扔掉。These are important documents,the content These are important documents,the content of which should be kept strictly confidential.If of which should be kept strictly confidential.If you need to dispose of them,you must shred you need to dispose of them,yo

28、u must shred them or tear them up instead of throwing them or tear them up instead of throwing them out with the trash.them out with the trash.Trans.Difficult sentences2.If you havent had your identity stolen,its only because they havent got to you yet.(Para 11,Sentence 3)如果你的身份尚未失窃,那只是因为他们还没有对你动手。T

29、ransHave something done:negative senseHave something unfortunate happen to you by someone you dont knowTrans.Difficult sentencesDecide which of the following sentence has a Decide which of the following sentence has a negative sense:negative sense:(1)If you have all the household done,you will go(2)

30、out and see the film this evening.(2)You can have your money removed from your bank account without your knowledge for months.(3)If you have your computer hacked into,you will have your bank details known.(4)After she had her hair cut,she tried to pay for it,and only to find that she had her pocket

31、picked.click(2)(3)(4).Difficult sentences3.There is no escaping the fact that right now fraudsters are finding identity crime all too easy.(Para 11,Sentence 2)一个无法回避的事实是:一个无法回避的事实是:现在的诈骗者觉得身份犯罪现在的诈骗者觉得身份犯罪简直是太容易了。简直是太容易了。TransThere is no escaping that:Something is definitely true or important,even i

32、f you may prefer to think it is not.Trans.Difficult sentencesTranslate the following sentence.地震已经过去了好几个月,生活恢复了正常。人们与平时一样忙着各自的事情。但一个无法回避的事实是,地震给人们带来的精神创伤也许永远无法抹去。(go about;there is no escaping th fact that;mental trauma;wipe out)It has been several months since the earthquake.Life has returned to normal,and people are busy going about their business.But there is no escaping the fact that the mental trauma the earthquake brought to people will never be wiped out.Trans.

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