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1、小学五年级下册期末英语模拟模拟试卷(带答案)一、单项选择1Mothers Day is a festival for _. ()AchildrenBold peopleCmothers2Excuse me, how do I get to Happy Cinema _ Shanghai Street? ()Walk along this street. You can find it _ a metro station.Aat; nearBon; next toCin; on3Turn right _ the traffic lights. The shop is _ your left. (

2、)Aon; onBat; onCat; inDon; at4Peters ears hurt. He cant _ well. ()AeatBseeChearDsmell5How can I _ Peters home? ()You can _ there by taxi.Aget; getBget to; getCget; get to6Whats wrong with _? ()AheBhimChis7What _ the children doing? ()_ reading books.Ais; HesBare; TheyreCare; They8Lucy is _ her book,

3、 but she cant _ it. ()Alooking; findBlooking for; findCfinding; look for9Good ladybirds have _ spots. ()AtenBsevenCno10Excuse me. Wheres the bookshop? ()Take Bus No.8. Get off _ Park Station, and then you can see it _ your left.Aat; onBin; atCto; nearDat; to11We are too late. The film is _. ()AinBat

4、CoffDover12That girl _ so sad. Her hand _. ()Alook; hurtBlooks; hurtsClooks; hurtDlook; hurts13You have a bad cough, you shouldnt _ so much cola now. ()AdrinkingBdrinkCdrinks14Whats Liu Tao _ in the fridge? ()Alook forBlooking forClooks for15The park is near my home. So I often go there _. ()Aby pla

5、neBby trainCon footDby metro二、用单词适当形式填空16Mum is _ (sweep) the floor now. Let us help her.17Where is your granddaughter?She _ (listen) to music in her bedroom.18Wang Bing usually _ (climb) mountains and _ (eat) rice cakes at this festival.19The soup is ready!Wow, it _ (smell) nice.20Whats wrong with

6、_ (he)?He _ (have) a bad cough.21She wants _ (wash) dishes for her parents.22What _ (be) your uncle?Hes a bus _ (drive).23The twin sister often _ (listen) to the music at night.24Whats wrong with _ (they)?They have a stomach ache.25Mike should brush _ (he) teeth in the morning and before bedtime.26O

7、ur school has five floors. The Music room is on the _ (five) floor.27_ (be) there any bread in the fridge?28Li Xins parents work in Yancheng. They are both taxi _ (drive).29Tim usually _ (brush) his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.30Its Chongyang Festival. The children _ (chat) with the old

8、people in the room now.三、完成句子31My mother is a cook. She likes c_. My mother grows flowers in the g_.32There are four seasons in a y _.33His neck hurts. He wants to see the d_.34We cant find a_ in the fridge. We should go shopping this afternoon.35The Spring Festival of 2022 is on the first of F_36Is

9、 he _ _ (寻找) his new kite in the _ (花园)?Yes, he is.37Bob has a bad toothache so he cant eat a_.38They want to see a new _ (电影) in the cinema.39Whos _ _ (洗蔬菜) in the kitchen?Mum is.40There are many tall buildings in our _ (城市).四、阅读判断阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Lets see what my

10、friends are going to do during the three-day holiday.Peter: Im going to visit my uncle and aunt with my parents during the three days. They live in the countryside. It is far from our city, Beijing. Were going to take the train there. I am going fishing there with my cousin.Eliza: Im going to visit

11、my grandparents with my parents on the first day. They live in a small town. It is going to take us one hour to get there by car. On the second day, Im going to have a party with my friends. On the third day, I have to do my homework and study for a Maths test.Gina: My cousin is visiting us. He live

12、s in Tianjin. He is coming by bus. On the first day, Im going to play ping-pong with him. On the second day, Im going to take him to Elizas party. On the third day, my cousin is going back and I am going to do some shopping with my parents.1、Peter is staying in Beijing during the three-day holiday.

13、( )2、Eliza is going to her grandparents home by car. ( )3、Gina is playing ping-pong on the third day. ( )4、Peter, Gina and their cousins are going to Elizas party. ( )5、All three of them have no homework during the three days. ( )五、阅读判断Aunt Liu is ill. She is in the Peoples Hospital. Xiao Mings moth

14、er tells him to take a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu. But Xiao Ming doesnt know the way. Xiao Ming sees an old man on the way. The old man walks in front of him. He goes up and says, Hi, old fellow But the old man doesnt answer him and walks on. Xiao Ming gets puzzled (迷惑的). Suddenly he knows why. It i

15、s not polite (有礼貌的) to say old fellow to an old man. Now he goes up to the old man again and asks, Excuse me. grandpa, would you please tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital? This time the old man answers, Well, go along this street, then turn left. Its just behind the park.Xiao Ming thanks the ol

16、d man and walks on. Soon he finds the hospital.46、Aunt Liu _ in a hospital. ()Ais illBworksCsees Xiao Ming47、Xiao Mings mother wants him to _. ()Asee an old grandpaBgo to Aunt Lius homeCtake some eggs to Aunt Liu48、Xiao Ming asks the old man _. ()Ato tell him the wayBto go to a hospitalCto walk in f

17、ront of him49、The park is _ the hospital. ()AbehindBfar fromCin front of50、It is polite (有礼貌的) to say _ to an old man. ()Aold fellowBHi, old fellowCgrandpa六、阅读理解Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor checks and says, Medicine cant help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a mon

18、th, go to bed early, drink some milk and walk a lot. Thank you very much, says Old John, I will do everything you say. A month later, Old John comes to the doctor again. Well, says the doctor, Im glad to see you. You look much younger. Oh, Doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good

19、rest, I go to bed early, I drink a lot of milk, and I walk a lot. You help me. Thank you. 51、The doctor _. ()Aasks Old John to take some medicineBdoesnt ask Old John to take any medicineCsay many words about medicine52、Old John _ after a month. ()Adoesnt get wellBgets wellCis young53、Which one is TR

20、UE? ()AOld John go to bed early after seeing doctor.BOld John doesnt walk a lot.COld John is sad after a months rest.54、When Old John is ill, he looks _. ()AoldBhappyCyounger55、The best title (题目) for this passage should he _ . ()AOld JohnBOld John is illCThe doctors advice七、阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确答案。One morn

21、ing, Bill said he was ill. His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor. The doctor asked Bill, “Whats the matter, young man?” Bill answered, “Im feeling sick. I am having a headache. I cant go to school today, Im afraid.”The doctor looked him over carefully, and then asked his mother, “What

22、did he have for breakfast?” His mother said, “Well, he had some bread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.” The doctor smiled, “Dont worry. Its nothing serious. The boy will be all right after the football match.” The mother said, “I dont understand, Doctor.”The doctor smiled again, “This afte

23、rnoon, the biggest(最大的) football game of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss(错过) it. I think he will be fine after the game. You wait and see.”56、Bill and his mother went to see the doctor _. ()Aby busBby taxiCon foot57、Bill had _ for his breakfast. ()Asome noodlesBsome orangesCa lo

24、t of food58、The doctor didnt give Bill any medicine, because _. ()Ahe didnt think Bill was illBBill didnt like having medicineCBills mother didnt have enough(足够的) money59、There was _ on TV. ()Aa volleyball gameBan English playCa football match60、In fact(事实上), _. ()ABill was illBBill liked watching f

25、ootball matchesCBill was an honest(诚实的) boy【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:母亲节是_的节日。A孩子们,B老年人,C妈妈。根据常识可知母亲节是妈妈的节日,故选C。2B解析:B【详解】句意:劳驾,请问去上海街快乐电影院怎么走?沿着这条街走。你可以在地铁站附近找到它。在某条街道上用地点方位介词on,排除选项AC,next to在旁边,故选B。3B解析:B【详解】句意:在红绿灯那右转。商店在你的左边。in在里面,在红绿灯处at the traffic lights,在你的左边on your left,介词词组,选项B符合题意,故选B。4C解

26、析:C【详解】句意:彼得耳朵受伤了。他不能_很好。eat吃,see看见,hear听见,smell闻到,根据句意,可知耳朵受伤了不能听的很好,故选C。【点睛】5B解析:B【详解】句意:我怎么能_彼得的家呢?你能乘出租车_那里。根据句意及所给选项可知该句考查动词短语get to(到达)的用法:get to后加地点名词,如果后面是地点副词,就省略to。第一空:Peters home为名词词组,要用get to,get to Peters home到彼得的家;第二空:there为地点副词,省略to,get there到那里;故选B。【点睛】6B解析:B【详解】句意:他怎么了?with是介词,后面用人称

27、代词的宾格,he是主格,him宾格,his物主代词。故选B。7B解析:B【详解】句意:孩子们正在做什么?_正在读书。问句和答句都是现在进行时,主语the children是复数,be动词用are,答句主语用人称代词they代替,they是复数,be动词用are,They are=Theyre,故选B。【点睛】8B解析:B【详解】句意:露西正在_她的书,但是她不能_它。look for寻找,强调找的动作或过程;find发现,强调找的结果。故选B。9B解析:B【详解】句意:好的瓢虫有七个斑点。A十,B七,C没有,根据常识可知好的瓢虫有七个斑点,故选B。10A解析:A【详解】句意:打扰了。书店在哪里

28、?乘坐8路公共汽车,在公园车站下车,然后在你的左边你就会看到它。在某地at + 地点,在左边on the left。故选A。11D解析:D【详解】句意:我们晚了。这个电影_。A在里;B在;C关闭;D结束;根据句意可知题干表达的是我们晚了,电影结束了。D符合语境,故选D。12B解析:B【详解】句意:那个女孩看起来如此难过。她的手受伤了。第一句中主语是that girl第三人称单数,看起来用第三人称单数looks,第二句中主语是her hand她的手,单数,动词受伤hurt也用第三人称单数hurts,故选B。13B解析:B【详解】句意:你咳嗽得很厉害,现在不应该喝那么多可乐。情态动词should后

29、跟动词原形,故选B。14B解析:B【详解】句意:刘涛正在冰箱里找什么?横线处的动词用现在分词形式,与is构成现在进行时,looking是look的现在分词,故选B。15C解析:C【详解】句意:公园离我家很近。所以我经常_去那。A坐飞机,B坐火车,C步行,D坐地铁,选项C符合题意,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16sweeping【详解】句意:妈妈现在正在扫地。让我们帮助她吧。根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,sweep的现在分词是sweeping,故答案为sweeping。17is listening【详解】句意:你的孙女在哪儿?她在卧室听音乐。根据句意

30、可知该句表达的是正在做的事情,故时态应为现在进行时,其句型结构为be+动词的现在分词,根据主语she可知be动词用is,listen的现在分词是listening,故答案为is listening。18B解析: climbs eats【详解】句意:在这个节日王兵通常爬山和吃年糕。climb爬,eat吃,根据usually可知该句是一般现在时,主语Wang Bing是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故答案为climbs;eats。19smells【详解】句意:汤准备好了!哇,它闻起来很好。smell闻起来,该句是一般现在时,主语it是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式smel

31、ls。故答案为smells。20H解析: him has【详解】句意:他怎么了?他咳嗽得很厉害。he他,该空做with的宾语,用宾格形式him;have a bad cough咳嗽的很厉害,该句是一般现在时,主语He是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式has。故答案为him;has。21to wash【详解】句意:她想要为她的父母洗碗。本题考查want用法,想要做某事want+to+动词原形。故所给动词洗wash用不定式to wash,故答案为to wash。22 is driver【详解】句意:你叔叔是干什么的?他是一名公共汽车司机。根据答语可知时态是一般现在时,主语是your un

32、cle,系词用is,根据句意可知是问职业,第二空是词组公共汽车司机bus driver,故答案为is;driver。23listens【详解】句意:双胞胎姐姐经常在晚上听音乐。由句子中often可知时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,所以动词用第三人称单数形式,故答案为listens。24them【详解】句意:他们怎么了?他们胃痛。they他们,是人称代词主格,with是介词,后面的人称代词用宾格,they对应的宾格是them,故答案为them。25his【详解】句意:迈克应该在早上和睡觉前刷牙。刷牙用brush ones teeth固定短语,teeth是名词横线上he用形容词性物主代词hi


34、据句中的usually,可知句子是一般现在时,主语Tim是第三人称单数,谓语动词用动词第三人称单数,brush teeth刷牙,brush第三人称单数为brushes,故答案为brushes。【点睛】30are chatting【详解】句意:今天是重阳节。孩子们正在房间里和老人们聊天。由句中now可知句子时态为现在进行时,其构成为be+现在分词,句中主语为the children,因此be动词应用are,chat的现在分词为chatting,故答案为are chatting。【点睛】三、完成句子31 cooking garden【详解】句意:我的妈妈是一名厨师。她喜欢_。我的妈妈在_里种花。l

35、ike doing/to do sth喜欢做某事,根据首字母提示,考查单词烹饪cook,动名词是cooking,garden花园,故答案为cooking;garden。32year#ear【详解】句意:这里有四个季节在_。根据常识可知,一年有四个季节,又根据首字母提示单词为年year,故答案为year。33doctor#octor【详解】句意:他的脖子受伤了。他想去看医生。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词doctor医生,see the doctor看医生,故答案为doctor。34anything#nything【详解】句意:我们在冰箱里找不到_。我们今天下午应该去购物。根据语境和字母提示可知

36、,anything任何东西,符合题意,故答案为anything。35F解析:February#ebruary【详解】句意:2022年的春节是在_一日。根据语境和字母提示可知,February二月,符合题意,故答案为February。36 looking for garden【详解】句意:他正在花园里找他的风筝吗?是的,他是。由句中be动词is可知后应加动词现在分词构成现在进行时,寻找looking for,在花园in the garden,故答案为looking;for;garden。【点睛】37anything【详解】句意:鲍勃牙痛得厉害,所以不能吃_。结合句意和首字母提示,此处应用不定代词

37、anything,用于否定句中,意为任何东西,故答案为anything。38film【详解】句意:他们想在这家电影院看一部新电影。电影film,前面有a修饰,故用单数形式,故答案为film。39 washing vegetables【详解】句意:谁在厨房里洗蔬菜?是妈妈。洗蔬菜wash vegetables,由Whos可知句子是现在进行时,故动词用现在分词,wash的现在分词是washing。故答案为washing;vegetables。40city【详解】句意:我们城市里有很多高楼。city城市,in our city在我们的城市里,介词短语,故答案为city。四、阅读判断41F解析:1、F

38、2、T3、F4、F5、F【分析】短文大意:三天中秋节假期期间Peter,Eliza和Gina要做的事情。1、句意:Peter在三天假期期间一直呆在北京。根据Peter: Im going to visit my uncle and aunt with my parents during the three days. They live in the countryside.可知他呆在农村了,故该句是错误的,故答案为F。2、句意:Eliza打算乘小汽车去他祖父母家。根据Eliza: Im going to visit my grandparents with my parents on the

39、 first day. They live in a small town. It is going to take us one hour to get there by car.可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。3、句意:第三天Gina在打乒乓球。根据On the third day, my cousin is going back and I am going to do some shopping with my parents.可知她第三天要去购物,故该句是错误的,故答案为F。4、句意:Peter, Gina和他们的堂兄妹打算去参加Eliza的聚会。根据On the second day

40、, Im going to take him to Elizas party.可知是Gina打算带着她的堂妹去参加Eliza的聚会,故该句是错误的,故答案为F。5、句意:他们三个在三天假期期间都没有作业。根据On the third day, I have to do my homework and study for a Maths test.可知在第三天,我要写作业并为数学考试学习。故该句是错误的,故答案为F。五、阅读判断解析:46、A47、C48、A49、C50、C【导语】本文介绍了刘阿姨生病住院了,小明的妈妈让小明去医院给刘阿姨带一些鸡蛋,小明不知道去医院的路,向一位老人问路的事情。4

41、6、句意:刘阿姨_住院了。A生病,B工作,C看小明,根据Aunt Liu is ill. She is in the Peoples Hospital.可知刘阿姨生病住院了,故选A。47、句意:小明的妈妈想让他_。A看一位老爷爷,B去刘阿姨家,C给刘阿姨带一些鸡蛋,根据Xiao Mings mother tells him to take a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu.可知小明的妈妈想让他给刘阿姨带一些鸡蛋,故选C。48、句意:小明让老人_。A告诉他怎么走,B去医院,C走在他前面,根据Excuse me. grandpa, would you please tell

42、 me the way to the Peoples Hospital?可知小明让老人告诉他怎么走,故选A。49、句意:公园在医院_。A在后面,B离远,C在前面,根据Well, go along this street, then turn left. Its just behind the park.可知医院在公园的后面,即公园在医院的前面,故选C。50、句意:对老人说_是有礼貌的。A老头,B嗨,老头,C爷爷,根据It is not polite (有礼貌的) to say old fellow to an old man. 可知对老人说“老头”是不礼貌的,应该说爷爷,故选C。六、阅读理解解

43、析:51、B52、B53、A54、A55、C【导语】本文主要讲述了老人约翰去看医生。医生告诉他药物治不了他,养成良好的作息和饮食习惯才能使他健康。最后约翰按照医生建议去做,看起来更年轻了。51、句意:医生_。A让老约翰吃药。B不让老约翰吃药。C说了许多关于药的话。根据文中The doctor checks and says, Medicine cant help you. 可知医生不让约翰吃药。故选B。52、句意:老约翰 _ 一个月后。A没有好转;B变好了;C年轻了。根据文中A month later, Old John comes to the doctor again. Well, say

44、s the doctor, Im glad to see you. You look much younger. 可知一个月后约翰好转了。故选B。53、句意:哪个是正确的?A老约翰看过医生后早睡觉。B老约翰没有走很多路。C休息一个月后老约翰很难过。根据文中Oh, Doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good rest, I go to bed early, I drink a lot of milk, and I walk a lot. 可知约翰看完医生后早睡觉,多走路。故选A。54、句意:当老约翰生病的时候,他看起来_。A老;B开心;C更年轻。根据文章大意可知他生病时候看起来老。病好了之后看起来年轻。故选A。55、句意:这篇文章的最好的标题是_。A老约翰;B老约翰生病了;C医生的建议。通过文章大意可知本文主

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