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1、一、单项选择1That nice skirt is for _ Yang Ling. ()AIBmyC/2Look _ my cap. ()AtoBforCat3What colour is it now? ()_AIts a robot.BIts black.CYes, please.4A: Good afternoon, Yang Ling. ()B: _AGood afternoon.BGood morning.CThank you.5Look at me. ()_AIts white!BYes, please.CGreat!6Look at _ skirt. ()Anew myBmy

2、newCI new7Good morning, Miss Li. ()_AGood afternoon.BGood morning.CHello.8This is _ grandma. ()AIBmeCmy9_ ()Yes, please. AAre you Sam?BWhat about a pie?10It is _ ball. ()AanBaC/11Happy New Year! ()_AHappy New Year!BNo, thanks.CYes, I am12Good morning! ()_AGood afternoon.BNice to meet you, too.CGood

3、morning.13_ is the skirt? ()AWhat colourBWhatsCThat14Your doll is nice, Bobby. ()_AThank you.BGood.CNo, it isnt.15Look at my nice clothes. ()_AI can see.BFor you and me.CThey all look great.16_ is it? ()Its redAWhatBWhat colourCWhats17_? ()Its a red cap.AWhos wearing a red cap?BWhat colour is the ca

4、p?CWhats that?18_ is my cap? ()Its red.AWhatBWhat colourCI19What colour is _ T-shirt? ()AmyBmeCI20_ a sweet? ()Yes, please.AWhat isBWhat aboutCWhat colour二、完成句子21ip! (大写) Lets go to school. 22My _ (祖父) is a farmer.23This _ (是) my sister.24_ood afternoon. 25He is my (好的) friend, Mike.26Is she Yang Li

5、ng? Yes. S_ is my friend.27Look at the new toy c_ _. 28Touch your _. 29Good morning, _ (同学们).30Im Lucy. Im ix years old. 31A: Whats this? B: Its a _. Its for Tim.32We can borrow some books from the school l_.33I have _ (6) cards.34Thats a _ (蛋糕).35We have _ (6) cards.36Im h_, and Id like some cake.3

6、7This beautiful _ (明信片) is from my cousin in Germany.38Frogs are _ (绿色的).39Look at my new _. Its nice.40Cool! The lephant is so big. 三、阅读理解This is my room. Look at it. It is big. My desk is near (附近) the window. There are (有) many books on the desk. My bag is in the desk. My books, pens and rulers a

7、re in the bag. I have a toy car. It is under my bed. I like it very much.41、My room is _. ()AbigBsmallCnot good42、Many _ are on the desk. ()ApensBrulersCbooks43、My bag is _ the desk. ()AonBinCunder44、My toy _ is under the bed. ()AtaxiBcarCbox45、My _ is not in the bag. ()ApencilBrulerCpen四、阅读理解Hi, my

8、 name is Lily. Im from the USAThis is my friend, Cici. Its a cat. Its short and fat. It has a big body and a long tail. It likes fish. I like watermelons. I have a big toy box. Whats in it? 13 balls, 16 toy cars, 17 crayons and 19 pencils.46、Lily is from the _. ()AUKBUSA47、Cici is a _. ()AcatBdog48、

9、Cici has a _ body. ()AbigBsmall49、Lily likes _. ()AfishBwatermelons50、Lily has _ toy cars. ()AsixteenBnineteen五、阅读理解Hello! Im Jack. Im ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My dog is black,but(但是) my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs, and milk. I dont l

10、ike cakes.51、Jack is _.()A6B10C852、Jack likes _.()Adogs, cats, pandas and elephantsBdogs, cats, pandas and ducksCpigs, cats, pandas and ducks53、Jacks dog is _.()AredBblueCblack54、Jacks pencil box is _.()AblueByellowCblack55、Jack doesnt like(不喜欢) _.()AeggsBbreadCcakes六、阅读理解Hello, Im Liu Wei. Look! Th

11、is is my family photo. I have a brother and a sister. My brothers name is Liu Chen. Liu Xian is my sister. We are students. Liu Xiaomin is my father. He is tall. Zhao Fan is my mother. She is beautiful. My father has a brother. Liu Xiaojun is my fathers brother. So he is my uncle. My grandpas name i

12、s Liu Guoqing. Chen Jie is my grandma. We all live together. And we all love one another.56、There are _ people in Liu Weis family. ()A7B8C957、Liu Wei is _ brother. ()ALiu XiaojunsBLiu XianaCLiu Xiaomins58、Liu Chens mother is _. ()AChen JieBZhao FanCLiu Xian59、Liu Guoqing is Liu Weis _. ()AfatherBgra

13、ndmaCgrandpa60、画线单词“uncle”的中文意思是“_”。()A叔父B姨母C堂哥【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:那条漂亮的裙子是给杨玲的。本题考查介词的用法。for给,后面直接加动作的对象或接受者,for Yang Ling,给杨玲,故选C。2C解析:C【详解】句意:看我的帽子。look at看某物,look for寻找,look to朝某物看去,由句子可知look at符合句意,故选C。【点睛】3B解析:B【详解】句意:现在它是什么颜色的?_。A它是一个机器人。B它是黑色的。C是的,请。根据问句可知答语应回答颜色,故选B。4A解析:A【详解】句意:下午好,杨玲

14、。A下午好。B早上好。C谢谢。选项A符合题意,故选A。5C解析:C【详解】句意:看看我。A它是白色的!B是的,请。C太棒了!选项C符合语境,故选C。6B解析:B【详解】句意:看_短裙。A新的我的,B我的新的,C我新的,根据题意可知,skirt为名词,前面用形容词性物主代词修饰,排除C,形容词性物主代词应放在表示新旧的形容词前,故选B。7B解析:B【详解】句意:早上好,李老师。_ A下午好。B早上好。C你好。根据句意,可知答语也应说早上好,B选项符合题意,故选B。8C解析:C【详解】句意:这是我的奶奶。本题考查形容词性物主代词,A我,人称代词主格;B我,人称代词宾格;C我的,形容词性物主代词;该


16、C;Whats是What is的缩写,句子已有is,排除B;What colour什么颜色,符合句意,故选A。14A解析:A【详解】句意:你的玩偶很漂亮,鲍比。谢谢。别人赞美的时候我们要表示感谢。A.谢谢。B.好的。C.不,它不是。故选A。【点睛】15C解析:C【详解】句意:看看我的漂亮衣服。_。A我能看见。B给你和我的。C他们看起来都很漂亮。C选项符合题干语境,故选C。【点睛】16B解析:B【详解】句意:它是_?它是红色的。A什么,B什么颜色,C是什么。根据答句可知问句提问颜色,要用疑问词What colour,故选B。【点睛】17C解析:C【详解】句意:_?它是一顶红色的帽子。A谁戴着一顶

17、红帽子?B帽子是什么颜色的?C那是什么?根据答语物品,可知问句问的那是什么?故选C。【点睛】18B解析:B【详解】句意:我的帽子是_?它是红色的。A什么,B什么颜色,B我,根据答语可知问句是问颜色,故是由what colour引导的特殊疑问句,故选B。【点睛】19A解析:A【详解】句意:_T恤衫是什么颜色?my我的,形容词性物主代词;me我,人称代词宾格;I我,人称代词主格;横线后面有名词,该空为形容词性物主代词,故选A。【点睛】20B解析:B【详解】句意:一块糖_?好的,谢谢。本题考查提出建议的句型,A是什么,B怎么样,B什么颜色,根据句意可知B选项符合题意,故选B。二、完成句子21Z【详解

18、】句意:兹普!我们去上学吧。根据图片、单词所给部分及所学,可知考查人名Zip兹普,故答案为Z。【点睛】22grandpa【详解】句意:我的祖父是一个农民。句子考查名词,根据中文提示可知是grandpa,由is可知主语是单数,故答案为grandpa。23is【详解】句意:这是我的姐姐/妹妹。主语this是单数,是用is,故答案为is。24G解析:G【详解】句意:下午_。根据图示可知是下午问好,一般会说Good afternoon. 下午好。故答案为G。【点睛】25good【详解】句意:他是我的好朋友,迈克。好的good,形容词,故答案为good。26She#he【详解】句意:她是杨玲吗?是的。她

19、是我的朋友。根据句意及首字母S,可知该空考查人称代词She,意思是她,故答案为She。27 a r【详解】句意:看我的新玩具汽车。根据提示可知单词为car汽车,名词,故答案为a,r。28head【详解】略29class【详解】句意:早上好,同学们。根据句意及所给汉语提示,可知考查单词同学们class,该词是集合名词,故答案为class。【点睛】30s【详解】句意:我是露西。我六岁。根据图片可知露西六岁,六six,基数词,故答案为s。【点睛】31A解析:cap【详解】句意:A:这是什么?B它是一顶帽子。它是给蒂姆的。图片为帽子,用名词cap表示,横线前有不定冠词a,cap用单数。故答案为cap。


21、查形容词辨析,根据汉语意思可知单词为green,故答案为green。39car【详解】句意:看我的新_。它真好。根据图片提示可知该空应填car汽车,一辆汽车用单数,故答案为car。40e【详解】句意:酷!这头大象很大。图中是大象elephant,名词,故答案为e。【点睛】三、阅读理解解析:41、A42、C43、B44、B45、A【导语】本文介绍了作者的房间。41、句意:我的房间是_。A大的,B小的,C不好,根据“It is big.”,可知作者的房间是大的,故选A。42、句意:很多_在桌子上。A钢笔,B尺子,C书,根据“There are (有) many books on the desk.

22、”,可知很多书在桌子上,故选C。43、句意:我的书包在桌子_。A在上面,B在里面,C在下面,根据“My bags is in the desk.”,可知作者的书包在桌子里,故选B。44、句意:我的玩具_在床下。A出租车,B汽车,C箱子,根据“I have a toy car. It is under my bed.”,可知作者的玩具汽车在床下,故选B。45、句意:我的_不在包里。A铅笔,B尺子,C钢笔,根据“My books, pens and rulers are in the bag.”,可知作者的铅笔不在包里,故选A。四、阅读理解解析:46、B47、A48、A49、B50、A【导语】本文

23、介绍了莉莉的猫及玩具。46、句意:莉莉来自_。A英国,B美国,根据Hi, my name is Lily. Im from the USA.,可知莉莉来自美国,故选B。47、句意:西西是一只_。A猫,B狗,根据This is my friend, Cici. Its a cat.,可知西西是一只猫,故选A。48、句意:西西有一个_身体。A大的,B小的,根据It has a big body and a long tail.,可知西西有一个大身体,故选A。49、句意:莉莉喜欢_。A鱼,B西瓜,根据I like watermelons.,可知莉莉喜欢西瓜,故选B。50、句意:莉莉有_辆玩具汽车。A

24、十六,B十九,根据13 balls, 16 toy cars, 17 crayons and 19 pencils.,可知莉莉有16辆玩具汽车,故选A。五、阅读理解解析:51、B52、A53、C54、A55、C【解析】六、阅读理解解析:56、B57、B58、B59、C60、A【导语】本文刘伟介绍了自己的全家福。56、题干句意:刘伟家有_人。根据文章内容可知有Liu Wei,a brother,a sister,father,mother,uncle,grandpa,grandma共8人,故选B。57、题干句意:刘伟是_兄弟。A刘晓军的,B刘贤的,C刘晓敏的,根据“Liu Xian is my sister.”可知是刘贤的,故选B。58、题干句意:刘晨的母亲是_。A陈杰,B赵帆,C刘贤,根据“Zhao Fan is my mother.”可知是赵帆,故选B。59、题干句意:刘国庆是刘伟的_。A爸爸,B奶奶,C爷爷,根据“My grandpas name is Liu Guoqing.”可知是爷爷,故选C。60、题干句意:画线单词“uncle”的中文意思是_。根据“Liu Xiaojun is my fathers brother. So he is my uncle.”可知uncle的意思是爸爸的兄弟,也就是叔父,故选A。

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