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1、Unit 16Whats your middle name?Listen and Read:all the time 一直一直pick up some shopping=do some shopping购物购物park the car 停放车停放车call sb on mobile 给某人打电话给某人打电话talk about 谈论谈论finish the call 挂了电话挂了电话look for 寻找寻找William:Is there something _,Karen?Karen:Its OK.Im being _.William:Thats _.Youre never silly.K

2、aren:Oh,but I am!Im silly _.Believe me!wrongimpossibleall the timesilly.Fill in the blanksKaren:I _ something very silly this morning.I _some shopping in town.didpicked upKaren:I _ home at about 10 oclock,and _ the car in the drive.I _ the house with my house keys.arrivedparkedunlockedKaren:Then,Dai

3、sy _ me on my mobile,and we _ the weekend.We _ plans for Sunday.Then we finished the call.talked aboutdiscussedcalledon the phoneon the radioon the TVon the computeron+各种通讯工具,表示各种通讯工具,表示“在(收音机、电视、电话、电脑等)上在(收音机、电视、电话、电脑等)上”Grammaru“at”一般指在什么地点;一般指在什么地点;“in”表示在表示在 里,里,“on”表示在表示在 (表面)上;(表面)上;三者都可与三者都可与

4、“时间时间”连用连用 “at+时间点时间点”,“on+具体的一天具体的一天”,“in+年年月月四季四季”。例:例:The earthquake happened at 14:28 on 12th May in 2008.at 7 oclock on Sunday in 2012springKaren:Then I _my car keys.I looked in my bag,in my coat,in the kitchen,_.William:And where were they?looked foreverywhereKaren:They _ in my hand!The key-ri

5、ng was on my little finger.William,_ is my middle name!wereSillinessDescribeMatch the correct pictureThe key-ring was on my little finger.William,Silliness is my middle name!123456Then I looked for my car keys.I looked in my bag,my in my coateverywhere.We talked about the weekend,discussed plans for

6、 Sunday.Then we finished the call.I did something very silly this morning.I picked up some shopping in town.Oh,but I am!Im silly all the time.Believe me!c)What did she do in town?She picked up some shopping in town.What time did she arrive home?She arrived home at about 10.Where did she park the car

7、?She parked the in the drive.What did she unlock the house with?She unlocked the house with my house keys.Who called her on her mobile?Daisy called her on her mobile.What did they talked about?They talked about the weekend.What did they discuss?They discussed the plans for Sunday.Where did Karen loo

8、k for her car keys?She looked for her car keys everywhere.Why does she say ”Silliness”is my middle name?She did something very silly this morning.homework1.2B U16 L31单词三英一汉,并会读会默写。单词三英一汉,并会读会默写。并预习并预习L32。(。(签名签名)2.2B U16 L31文中重点句子及短语写到笔记本文中重点句子及短语写到笔记本上。(上。(签名签名)3.课本课本M9单词三英一汉。(单词三英一汉。(签名签名)4.每周听录音每

9、周听录音30分钟以上。(分钟以上。(签名签名)(签名签名)unlockimpossiblebelievekey-ringeverywherewrongsillydiscussparkplanpick uplook forLets reviewall the timefinishmiddle namePronunciation/t/askedfinisheddiscussedhelpedparkedlookedwatchedpickedPronunciation/d/arrivedcalledbreathedcleanedshowedenjoyedturnedusedGrammar 一般一般过过

10、去去时时概念:概念:表示表示过去某一时间过去某一时间发生的动作发生的动作或或存存在的状态在的状态.(通常以通常以动词的过去式动词的过去式表示,其否定句和各表示,其否定句和各种疑问句靠种疑问句靠助动词助动词did构成。构成。)Grammar 动词过去式动词过去式 1.一般在动词后直接加一般在动词后直接加-ed)answer-answered wait-waited2.以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的动词直接加结尾的动词直接加_d telephone-telephoned arrive-arrived3.以以辅音辅音加加y结尾的,把结尾的,把y改为改为i,再加,再加ed empty-emptied4.

11、不规则动词不规则动词have-had forget-forgot say-said go-went run-ran do-did take-took1.A:Did she turn on the TV at lunchtime?B:No,she didnt.She turned on the TV at teatime.cleaned his teethafter breakfast(before breakfast)2.A:Did you turn on the TV at lunchtime?B:No,I didnt.A:Did you turned on the TV at teatim

12、e?B:Yes,I did.showed us their flatlast week(yesterday)3.A:When did she turn on the TV?B:She turned on the TV at teatime.called her parentsat the weekend(on Monday)4.A:What did she/you do at teatime?B:She/I turned on theTV.parked in the roadYesterday(last week)5.A:When did she/you turn on the TV?B:Sh

13、e/I turned on the TV at teatime.discussed the tripa year ago(last winter)Pattern PracticeAsk and answer questionsturned on the TV at teatime(at lunchtime)cleaned his teethafter breakfast(before breakfast)Pattern PracticeAsk and answer questionscalled her parentsat the weekend(on Monday)showed us the

14、ir flatlast week(yesterday)Pattern PracticeAsk and answer questionsparked in the roadYesterday(last week)finished the jobthree weeks ago(last month)Pattern PracticeAsk and answer questionslooked at her photo collectionsix weeks ago(six months ago)discussed the tripa year ago(last winter)Homework1.2B U16两课的单词、短语及句子背熟。两课的单词、短语及句子背熟。下节听写。(签名)下节听写。(签名)2.学校课文学校课文Moudle 10单词三英一汉。并背单词三英一汉。并背熟。熟。(签名)(签名)3.听听2B U16四部分录音四部分录音30分钟以上。分钟以上。(签名)(签名)此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!

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