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1、Lazy kung pao chicken.Lazy kung pao chickenvIngredients:v(1)the breast meat 2,1 small put peanutv(2)marinade:1/2 teaspoon of salt,mirrin 1 spoon,starch,1 teaspoon of starchv(3)condiments:1 spoon vinegar,1 scoop of soy sauce,1 spoon sugar,1 spoon cooking wine,onion,ginger,1 block 1 root,chili 1 small

2、 put,Chinese prickly ash 1 spoon.Lazy kung pao chickenvPractice:1.Cut chicken breast 1.5 CM one patch,and marinate them for 30 minutes,;.Lazy kung pao chickenv2.Bacon and prepare condiment,1 spoon vinegar,1 scoop of soy sauce,1 spoon sugar,1 spoon cooking wine,1 small bowl of soup spoon mix.Lazy kun

3、g pao chickenvGinger slice,onion cut into sections,1 spoon Chinese prickly ash,3 chili peppers may rejoice in good increase.Lazy kung pao chicken 3.Put a little oil in the pot and then let the chicken in slippery done,remove and spare;.Lazy kung pao chicken 4.Put it again,and then put fire small Fri

4、ed peanut done,remove and set aside.Lazy kung pao chickenv5.Leave a little oil and onion,ginger,pepper into a saucepan with small hot fragrant.Lazy kung pao chickenv6.Adding chicken and peanuts,rapid stir a few clicks.Lazy kung pao chickenv7.Adding seasoning and water starch,rapid heat it,and then l

5、et them out of the pot.Lazy kung pao chicken Lazy kung pao chicken out of the pot cough up.Lazy kung pao chicken Tips:v1.People who like to eat hot can put the salad oil into GongYou,and it will become sweet and beautiful.v2.If there is no fresh soup,you can use water and little chicken essence to instead.

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