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1、一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 Hi, Im Lucy. Im a girl. Im ten. Look! This is my classroom. Its big(大的). The desks are blue. The chairs are yellow. This is my red bag. Its in the desk. My English book is on the desk. Wheres my pen? Oh, its in the book.31、Lucy is _. ()A8B10C932、Lucys classroom is _. ()AbigBbadCsm

2、all33、The _are blue . ()AchairsBwindowsCdesks34、Her bag is _. ()AredBblueCgreen35、Her pen is in the _. ()AbagBbookCchair2 Hello, Im Sarah. Im from the USAIm eleven years old. This is my family. The man is my father. He likes apples. The woman is my mother. She likes bananas. This is my brother, Sam.

3、 He is nine years old. He likes oranges. But I dont like oranges. I like pears love my family.31、Sarah is from _. ()ABC32、Sarah is _ years old. ()A9B10C1133、Sarah is a _. ()ABC34、Sam likes _. ()ABC35、Sarahs mother likes _. ()ABC3 Im in a zoo. I can see many animals in it. Look! The panda is white an

4、d black. It is a little fat. Its so cute. Look at the giraffe, it is very tall. Look at the horse, its white, its so beautiful! It can run fast. Look! In the tree, there are two monkeys. Oh, no! The small one is a monkey. The big one is a gorilla.31、What colour is the panda? ()AWhite.BWhite and blac

5、k.32、The giraffe is so . ()AcuteBtall33、What animal can run fast? ()AThe horse.BThe panda.34、Are there two monkeys in the tree? (树上有两只猴子吗?) ()AYes.BNo.35、Which one (哪一个) is a monkey ? ()AThe big one.BThe small one.4 Hello! My name is Betty. Im a girl. I am from Canada. I am eleven years old. I like

6、the zoo. I like pigs. Theyre fat and cute. And I have seventeen toy pigs, too. I like grapes. Theyre yummy. I dont like apples. Do you like me? Lets make friends.31、Betty is from _? ()ACanadaBChinaCthe UK32、She is a _? ()AteacherBboyCstudent33、The pigs are _? ()AthinBfatCsmall34、Betty has _ toy pigs

7、. ()A7B11C1735、Do you like grapes, Betty? ()AYes, I do.BNo, I dont.CI like grapes.5 Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the USAWu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sundays and Saturdays. Peter likes China and Chinese f

8、ood. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play ping-pong ball after class.Wu Dong and Peter like making things. Now they are making a model plane. They like flying model planes on Sunday mornings. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They t

9、each each other.31、Where does Wu Dongs friend come from?()AHe comes from the UK.BHe comes from the USACHe comes from China.DHe comes from Canada.32、How many days a week are they at school?()ASix.BSeven.CFive.DFour.33、What do they do after class?()AThey play ping-pong ball at home.BThey play ping-pon

10、g ball at school.CThey make things at home.DThey make things at school.34、What do they teach each other?()AWu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.BWu Dong teaches Peter Chinese and Peter teaches Wu Dong EnglishCWu Dong teaches Peter to play tennis.DPeter teaches Wu Dong to m

11、ake a model plane.35、Which one of the following is NOT true?()APeter doesnt like China and Chinese food.BPeter likes playing ping-pong ball and making things.CPeter speaks good English and Wu Dong speaks good Chinese.DPeter and Wu Dong dont go to school on Sundays or Saturdays.6 Its cold in winter.

12、Ben and I make a snowman. Look, its eyes are big. They are two apples. Its nose is long. Its a banana. Its mouth is big. The snowman is not tall. It is short and fat.31、Ben and I make a snowman in _. ()AspringBautumnCwinter32、Its nose is _. ()AsmallBlongCbig33、Its mouth is _. ()AbigBshortClong34、Its

13、 _ is a banana. ()AmouthBeyeCnose35、The snowman is _. ()AshortBthinCtall7 Peter is an old man. He has a big house. He likes cats very much. He has three cats. One cat is from England. Her name is Coco. One cat is from America. His name is Dodo. One cat is from China. Her name is Mimi. Peter loves hi

14、s cats very much. He has many toys for his cats. Coco has a red toy mouse. It is small and funny. Dodo has a blue toy mouse. It can jump and run. Mimi has a green toy mouse. It has big ears. The cats like their toys and they like Peter too. They like playing with Peter.根据短文内容,选择正确答案.31、Peter has _ c

15、ats. ()AtwoBthreeCfour32、Dodo is from _. ()AEnglandBAmericaCChina33、_ can jump and run. ()ACocos toy mouseBMimis toy mouseCDodos toy mouse34、Mimis toy mouse is _. ()AgreenBblueCred35、Peter is from _. ()AEnglandBAmericaCWe dont know8 Hello! My name is Nancy. I am eleven years old. Im polite and hard

16、working. Salad is my favourite food, because its healthy for me. My favourite day is Monday. We have Chinese. maths, English and computer class on that day. But we dont have English on Wednesdays or Fridays. I like English very much. Miss Sun is my English teacher. Shes clever and funny. Sometimes s

17、hes strict. She has black glasses for short sight. She can sing English songs well. After school I can swim with my good friend, Sam. Hes a shy boy. He likes sweet food. And I can draw very well. I often draw cartoons on Saturdays.31、Nancy is _. ()Aclever and funnyBstrict and shyCpolite and hard- wo

18、rking32、Nancy likes salad, because its _. ()AsweetBfreshChealthy33、Nancy has English class _. ()AWednesdaysBThursdaysCFridays34、She has black glasses for short sight. Here, short sight means(意思是) _. ()A近视B矮个子C目光短浅35、Nancy often _on Saturdays. ()Asings English songsBdraws cartoonsCswims9 This is my r

19、oom (房间). A ball is under the bed. Two books are on the bed. A chair is under the desk. A toy boat is on the desk. A bag is in the desk. Look! Strawberries are on a plate. How many strawberries? One, two, three. Ha! Seventeen strawberries!31、A ball is _ the bed. ()AonBinCunder32、Two books are _ the

20、bed. ()AonBinCunder33、A _ is under the desk. ()AballBbagCchair34、A toy _ is on the desk. ()AboatBcarCdog35、How many strawberries? ()A15、B16.C17.10 Hello, Im Jack. Im 10. I like football. Look at me. Im cool. Look at my football. Its black and white. Look at my T-shirt. Its yellow. Look at my shorts.

21、 They are blue. Look! This is my sister Alice. She is 12、 And that is my brother Ben. Hes 8.31、The writers name is _. ()AJackBAliceCBen32、The writer is _ years old. ()A12B10C833、The writers _ black and white. ()AT-shirt isBshorts areCfootball is34、The writers shorts are _. ()AredByellowCblue35、Alice

22、 is the writers _. ()AfriendBsisterCbrother11 Hello, kids! Here are many gifts (礼物) for you. Theyre in the red bag. Look! Three white erasers, two yellow pens and a green pencil. The pens are for Sarah and John. The pencil is for Sam. How many books? Six. Whats this? Oh, its a toy tiger. Its brown a

23、nd funny. Its for Sam.31、The bag is _. ()ABC32、Here are three white _ and _ yellow pens. ()Aerasers; 3Bpencils; 2Cerasers; 233、How many books? ()ABC34、The toy tiger is _. ()Ayellow and funnyBbrown and coolCbrown and funny35、The pencil is for _. ()ASamBSarahCJohn12 Hello! Im Tom. Im ten. I like dogs,

24、 cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My bag is black, but(但是) my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs and milk. I dont like cake.根据短文内容选择正确答案。31、Tom is _()A6B10C832、Tom likes _. ()Adogs, cats, pandas and elephantsBdogs, cats, pandas and ducksCcats, pandas, pigs and elepha

25、nts33、Toms bag is _. ()AredBblueCblack34、Toms pencil box is _. ()AblueByellowCblack35、Tom doesnt like(不喜欢) _()AeggsBbreadCcake13 阅读理解,选择正确答案。Its eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. Its ten oclock. Mrs. Green usually stays at home in the mor

26、ning. But she is going to the shops this morning. Its nine oclock. Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper at night. But he is reading an interesting book this evening.31、When do the children come to school? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.32、How are they come to school today? ()ABy car.BBy bus.CWalking.

27、33、When is Mrs. Green going to the shops? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 10:00.CAt 9:00.34、When does Mr. Green read his newspaper? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.35、What is Mr. Green do this evening? ()AReading a book.BWriting a letter.CWatching TV.14 Im an English boy. My name is Mike. Im seven years old. I have a b

28、rother, Sam. He is nine. I like animals. I like pandas and bears. Sam likes animals, too. Today is my birthday. Im so happy.31、Whats the boys name? ()AMike.BNick.CSam.32、How old is Mike? ()ANine.BEight.CSeven.33、How old is Sam? ()ANine.BEight.CSeven.34、Mike likes _. ()Apandas and bearsBcats and dogs

29、Cdogs35、Today is _ birthday. ()ASamsBSarahsCMikes15 Today we are in the zoo. Wow, its very big. Look at the monkey. Its in the truck. Its funny. Look at the tiger. Its drinking water. Look at the panada. Its black and white. Its cute. I see many pigs. How many pigs? Lets count. 1, 2, 39! I see 9 pig

30、s. They are fat. They are eating. I like them.31、They are in the _. ()ABC32、The _ is drinking water. ()ABC33、The _ is black and white. ()ABC34、How many pigs? ()ATwoBThreeCNine35、Its in the truck. Its funny. ()A有趣的B可爱的C奇怪的16 I have a pencil box. Its black. There are lots of things (东西) in it. I have

31、a pen. Its red and long (长的). I like it. I have three pencils. They (它们) are short(短的). I have a ruler. Its big(大的). I have an eraser. Its small(小的).31、The pencil box is _. ()AblackBred32、The pen is _.()AyellowBred33、I have _pencils. ()A4B334、The pencils are _.()AlongBshort35、The eraser is _.()AbigB

32、small17 Hello! My name is Tommy. Im very happy today, because (因为) today is my birthday. Im ten years old now. Look! I have a birthday gift. Its a tiger bag. I like the colour. Its yellow and black. My friend Mimi is yellow and black, too. Look! Mimi is coming. Haha, its a cat. Its one year old. Its

33、 cute. I like it very much.31、Today is _ birthday. ()AMimisBTommys32、_ is the birthday gift. ()AA tiger bagBA cat bag33、Tommy likes _. ()Ayellow and blackBwhite and black34、Mimi is a _. ()AdogBcat35、Mimi is _ year(s) old. ()A1B1018 Hello. Im Liu Yang. Im eight years old. I like bread and milk. Look!

34、 I have a bag. Its yellow. This is my dog. Its white. It has (有) blue eyes. I like it.31、Liu Yang is _ years old. ()A7B8C932、Liu Yang likes (喜欢) _. ()AmilkBriceCfish33、Liu Yang has a yellow _. ()Apencil boxBcrayonCbag34、The dog is _. ()AorangeBwhiteCblack35、The _ has blue eyes. ()AcatBdogCelephant19

35、 Mum: Dinners ready (开饭了)!Lily: Mum, Im hungry. Id like some cake and juice.Mum: Here you are. Would you like (你想要) some cake, Lucy?Lucy: No, thanks, mum. Id like some eggs and water.Tom: Can I have some rice and beef, mum?Mum: Sure, here you are. What about you (你呢) , Jim?Jim: A cake and some milk,

36、 please. Thank you, mum.Mum: Youre welcome. And Id like a cake and some milk, too.31、How many children? ()AThree.BFive.CFour.32、Lily is hungry. She wants some _. ()Acake and riceBcake and juiceCcake and water33、Lucy doesnt like eating (不想吃) some _. ()AcakeBeggs and waterCeggs and milk34、Tom wants so

37、me _. ()Arice and beefBjuice and beefCbeef and noodles35、_ and mum both like (都喜欢吃) some cake and milk. ()AJimBTomCLucy20 Grandpa & Grandma: Happy Birthday, Bobby. This is for you.Bobby: Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma. What is this?Grandpa & Grandma: Its a robot.Bobby: Great!Mum & Dad: This yellow j

38、acket is for you, Bobby. Happy Birthday!Bobby: How nice! I like (喜欢) this colour. Thank you, Dad and Mum.John: Bobby, Happy Birthday! This CD is for you.Bobby: Thank you, my friend!Tina: This ball is for you, Bobby. Happy Birthday!Bobby: Thank you, My sister.31、Its _ birthday. ()ATinasBJohnsCBobbys3

39、2、Mum and Dad give (给) Bobby _. ()Aa jacketBa robotCa CD33、Bobby likes (喜欢) _. ()AblueByellowCred34、_ is Bobbys friend. ()AJohnBTinaCTim35、Bobby has got (得到) _ presents (礼物). ()A2B3C4【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1B解析:31、B32、A33、C34、A35、B【分析】短文主要描写了露西的教室。31、句意:露西是_。根据文中句子Hi, Im Lucy. Im ten.可知

40、露西是10岁了,故选B。32、句意:露西的教室是_。A大的,B坏的,C小的。根据文中句子Its big(大的). 可知教室是大的,故选A。33、句意:_是蓝色的。A椅子,B窗子,C桌子。根据文中句子The desks are blue. 可知桌子上蓝色的,故选C。34、句意:她的书包是_。A红色的,B蓝色的,C绿色的。根据文中句子This is my red bag. 可知她的书包是红色的,故选A。35、句意:她的钢笔在_里。A书包,B书,C椅子。根据文中句子Wheres my pen? Oh, its in the book.可知钢笔在书里面,故选B。【点睛】2A解析:31、A32、C33、

41、B34、A35、B【导语】本文讲了萨拉的家人及家人喜欢的水果。31、句意:萨拉来自_。根据“Hello, Im Sarah. Im from the USA.”,可知萨拉来自美国,选项A是美国的国旗,故选A。32、句意:萨拉_岁。根据“Im eleven years old.”,可知萨拉11岁,故选C。33、句意:萨拉是一名_。根据“Hello, Im Sarah. Im from the USA. Im eleven years old.”,可知萨拉是一名学生,故选B。34、句意:萨姆喜欢_。根据“This is my brother, Sam. He is nine years old.

42、He likes oranges.”,可知萨姆喜欢橙子,故选A。35、句意:萨拉的妈妈喜欢_。根据“The woman is my mother. She likes bananas.”,可知萨拉的妈妈喜欢香蕉,故选B。3B解析:31、B32、B33、A34、B35、B【导语】本文讲述了作者在动物园里看到的动物。31、句意:熊猫是什么颜色的?A白色。B黑白相间的。根据“The panda is white and black. ”可知是黑白相间的。故选B。32、句意:长颈鹿非常_。A可爱的,B高的,根据“Look at the giraffe, it is very tall. ”可知非常高。故选B。33、句意:什么动物跑得很快?A马。B熊猫。根据“ Look at the horse, its white, its so beautiful! It can run fast. ”可知是马。

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