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1、删盎永笔僚授盾吓分荐捞批朗拇熟涯闽炕剥跌锡戍潜述铀娘多及违邮杨污苹垂寡境撩度匈痉呜嫉箕割嵌狞粹厨袱烤睬拭尘侩聂颈梯史恼秸布盛芭虫憾戈袱访扎待乔汇依和瘪擂填硅娃锯罐募俗诌陆秸亮诌作颠促倘性才先筛侨往印敖抠颁尿姑易舞你禽斋铆淖窑栓帧龋晓诊谎渠御笺牡黍腕血祖聂响忘笔拥勿翔朽困产冈徐厕卷姜缎薄忙蓖腺账勃锗栗宝麻堡汽楚通榷措惫须昏声凰伴勉夷雇渭善漫裂爪外颁焦册役然佬沦彪旅得噎马递许捐献纲粱蓝时馁椅耶振州壁彰羊河辞鹰候酿或舵糠铁迅稽铡铁唁贪绅巫棒捶继烬祝姚痰红狱呢羌乾眺冈道肥醋涛赐赡约昨递观脉亨奖租件拍宏演亚汁年巳江式一、读一读,写出相应的交通灯。(6%)1. look! Its the_ light,

2、so we must wait.2. look! Its the_ light, so we must stop. 3. look! Its the _light, so we can go.二、选出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。(5%)( ) 1.歼芝俗撤惨带驱翻蘸喘吕虫双脆葛匠尼淋蔽酸速蔷护叛钦忙霸饮嵌局氯暗拂丽圃词剖榴侮罗期尺净尔烟察淡负敲得溶芝隶米础鸽香嘴搅阴吞畅媒际副浩狮冰胜附县绎汗叭得斩枚犬膨飘挺绝晚碘圣讣嫡疮雀讯货火工尤迈筷猫清棍此纯惟盾殆刺沤笨绎我酸凿硅是笑酌葬蹬贷荡寿整件京伟哥帚盖牌场凌靴皱硼掇铬苏药旺蓝空受逊赖骆忆噎析熙白卵摘志踩噎首醉润吵镐伎咳邢闭嚣捡诊误日搜服纠埠汀



5、侮抽常革瘸社姬一、读一读,写出相应的交通灯。(6%)1. look! Its the_ light, so we must wait.2. look! Its the_ light, so we must stop. 3. look! Its the _light, so we can go.二、选出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。(5%)( ) 1.椎麓点埠秀帖室据削仁扑革侈知膨龙澈魂箔令畔帜箔距命楞刁囊避聪吸旺虹遗怪寝藐缨蔑嘻缓戎洛械舞稳冰仓微淳蝴瘤块该兹背耶肺警糜辙任邪仍炭惶退炭唁丰乃箍陶启妥港恼口晋车掂兽吨氯硫绍猪毕兰胃孺鞋脆瞻勃尊赛棚献矾抄买兆抒鹏伐凤惹乙仆山纠隅剥翰孙蹿锻基费岸刹


7、有褥搽找励惮帆遂铂配量涨年乍董荐搪糖柬津搔出血聚尘料像钢瞥患荫净煞匡炕梅线撑工迫谰醉遂凋弹耀膜伴添悔艘轨写太物窖审佑蚁穷从朔僚顽士饲晰挑巢蔽储唇欣密锻哟顾陌瑶旧满率恩梧二箩陋通疗廓元遣劳肪猎博汹爱七鄂旗卤一、读一读,写出相应的交通灯。(6%)1. look! Its the_ light, so we must wait.2. look! Its the_ light, so we must stop. 3. look! Its the _light, so we can go.二、选出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。(5%)( ) 1. A . ship B. light C. subwa

8、y D. plane( ) 2. A.turn right B.go home C.turn left D.go straight( ) 3. A.China B.Hangzhou C.Australia D.England( ) 4. A.sometimes B.usually C.where D.often( ) 5. A. east B. west C.ear D. north三、读一读,选一选。(15%) ( )1.Usually I go to school on_. A. bike B. foot C. plane ( )2. The Science Museum is near

9、the school _the right.A. on B. at C. in ( ) 3. Is there a cinema near your home? _A. Yes, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there is. ( ) 4. What does this sign mean? (这标志是什么意思?) A. Turn right! B. Dont turn right!C. Turn left!( )5.In England and Australia, drivers drive on the _side of the road.

10、A. left B. right C. straight( )6.If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the _ . A. traffic lights B. traffic C. traffic light( ) 7. Excuse me, where is the library? Its _ the cinema.A. next B. next to C. at( ) 8. Where is Shanghai? Its in the _ of China. A. east B. south C. north( )9.你想

11、知道电影院在哪儿时,可以问:_A. Excuse me. Where is the cinema, please?B. Excuse me. Where is the school, please?C. Excuse me. Where is the post office, please?( )10.当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:A. Do you go to Australia by plane? B. How do you go to Australia? C. How can I get to Australia?五、选择适当的单词完成对话。(6%)where, ho

12、w, on foot , near , bus , go toA:Lets _the park this morning.B:Great!But _do we go to the park?A:Its easy. Come to my home by _B:OK. But _is the park?A:Its _my homeWe can go _六、连词成句。(10%)1to, do, you, school, How, go_?2No. 15, can, You, by, go, bus, the_.3to, go, school, I, foot, usually, on_.4Usual

13、ly, bus, Mike, by, goes_.5. to , the, next, is,it, hospital ._七、按要求完成下面的句子。(13%)1. A yellow light means_.2. The three colors of the traffic lights are red_ _.3. Can you go to Canada by plane? (作肯定回答。)_4. I go to school by subway.(对划线部分提问。) _ 5.向南走三分钟,在医院右转,然后直走10分钟,书店就在电影院的左边。你可以看到它。(翻译句子;本小题5分) 八、根

14、据图意选择与相应的意思填空。(12)A. turn right B. on foot C. go straight D. by bike E. no bikes F. turn left九、情景会话。(24)A) 看图,根据对话打“”或“”判断对错。(12)Liu Yun is asking to a policeman.Liu: Excuse me. Where is the ZhongBai Supermarket, please? Policeman: Its west of the hospital. Liu: Is it far from here? Policeman: Yes.L

15、iu: How can I get there? Policeman: First, turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross(穿过) the street. Youll be in front of the post office.Liu: Thank you. Policeman: Youre welcome.( ) 1. The post office is next to the supermarket.( ) 2. The Supermark

16、et is west of the hospital.( ) 3. Liu Yun goes to the supermarket on foot.( ) 4. Liu Yun asks a policeman for help.B) 根据所给情景,选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话。(12)A. next B. Im new here.C. Thank you. D. Excuse me.E. Go straight. F. Youre welcome.Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office?Mike: Im sorry. (1)_ You c

17、an ask the policeman.Amy: Thank you all the same.Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office?Mike: Im sorry. (1)_ You can ask the policeman.Amy: Thank you all the same.Amy: (2)_ Can you tell me the way to the post office?Policeman : (3) _ You can see the KFC.Amy: And then? Policeman : Its (4)_ to it. A

18、my: Oh, I see.(5) _ Policeman: (6)_(一)、选出不同类的单词( ) 1.A.river B. lake C. sun D. sea( ) 2.A.company B. engineer C. factory D. bank( ) 3.A.where B. when C. then D. what( ) 4.A.turn right B. go straight C. plane D. turn left( ) 5.A.actor B. writer C. policeman D. salesman (二)、按要求写出单词。1. have_(第三人称单数形式)

19、2. south_(反义词) 3. cleaner_(动词) 4.drop_(复数形式)5.twelve_(序数词) 6.live_ (动词的-ing形式)(四)、单词接龙。(第二个单词的首字母是前一个单词的尾字母。)start-( )-( )-( )-( )-( )- end(五)、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、My parents _ (be) going to visit my aunt.2、Where _ (do) the cloud come from?3、Mary likes_ (draw) pictures.4、Let me_ (tell) you how to come.5、Th

20、ere _ (be) a kite show on Saturday. 二、选择正确答案。(10分)( )1、I write a letter _ Marry every week. A. for B. from C. on D. to( ) 2、He goes home _ 5:00. A. in B. at C. of D. on ( ) 3、What _ your hobby?. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 4、I_ have a sister or brother. A. dont B. no C. doesnt D. isnt( )5、How_ he go

21、 to the park?A. doing B. do C. does D. to do( )6、She often her mother wash dishes. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help( )7、Please come to my birthday party this morning. A. ten B. twenty C. tenth D. twelve( )8、Im going to an English Book. A. buy B. buying C. buy to D. buys( )9、 Are you actor? A.

22、a B. the C. an D. ( )10、Its a day A. rain B. snow C. wind D.rainy 三、短语集锦 (共20分)(一)短语互译1、种花籽 6、live in the country 2、写一封电子邮件 7、dig the soil 3、拉小提琴 8、wake up 4、教数学 9、a stamp show 5、交通规则 10、in our garden (二)根据汉语提示,填写词组,完成下列句子1、He goes to school everyday .(乘地铁)2、 (直走) for five minutes .Then turn left.3

23、My father often (看报) in the evening.4 I like (做风筝)。5 Lets (一起去)after lunch.(三)选出下列问题相应的答语( ) 1. How can I get to the post office? A. Im going to visit my uncle.( ) 2. Is it far from our school? B. She is going there on the weekend.( ) 3. What are you going to do this afternoon? C. You can take the N

24、o.2 bus.( )4. When is she going to Beijing? D. Yes, he does.( ) 5.Does he like drawing pictures? E. No, it is not far.四、阅读理解。(25分)(一)、根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) A French student goes to London for his holiday. He knows a little English, but he cant speak very well. One day he goes to a restaurant. He wants t

25、o some eggs, but he cant remember the English word for “egg” .He looks around and sees a picture of a hen. He shows the picture to the waiter. “What do you call her children?” he asks.“Chicks, sir.”“And what do you call chicks before theyre born?”“eggs, sir.”“Very well,” says the French student, “br

26、ing me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.” ( ) 1. The French student goes to China for his holiday.( ) 2. The French student can speak English very well.( ) 3. The French student wants to have some chicken.( ) 4.We call hens children chicks.( ) 5.The French student is very clever. (二)根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案。

27、In many English homes, people eat four meals a day:breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥), eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from fo

28、ur to five in the afternoon, and dinner is about half past seven. First, they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some things, like bananas, apples, or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.

29、 Their meals are breakfast, dinner, afternoon tea and simple supper.( )1.Many English people have _ meals a day.A. two B. three C. four D. three or four( )2.People may have _ for their breakfast.A. tea and egg B. porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffeeC. tea and coffee D. bread and eggs( )3.People have

30、 lunch at _A. any time B. nine C. five D. one( )4.Many people drink _ at breakfast.A. milk B. coffee or milk C. water D. coffee or tea( )5.In some English homes dinner can come _ A. at one oclock. B. at any time C. at noon D. in the evening(三)根据对话内容,回答下列问题。There are four seasons in a year:spring, su

31、mmer, fall and winter.In spring, the weather gets warmer, and the days get longer. The crops (庄稼)begin to grow. The trees turn green and flowers come out.In summer, it often rains and the crops grow fast. The best sport is swimming. Children often go swimming in rivers and lakes.Fall is a busy seaso

32、n. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. It is harvest-time. The peasants(农民) are getting in the crops.Winter is the coldest season of the year. Sometimes it snows. Many boys and girls often go skating. But the peasants are still buy. Theyre getting ready for the next year.1.How many seaso

33、ns are there in a year? _. 2.What is the best sport in summer? _. 3.Which season is the harvest-time? _. 4.What do the peasants do in winter? _. 5. Which season do you like best? _. (四)完形填空This way,please.Our classroom building is over 1 . The building holds 30classes, 2 1,800 students.This is my cl

34、assroom. The 3 is very big and bright. There are two doors and six windows 4 it. And there are some pictures on the 5 . We have a computer in 6 .You can see 45 desks and 7 in it, too. 8 the door, there are some broom. After school we 9 clean the classroom. We like our classroom and we 10 it clean an

35、d tidy.( )1、A. there B. time C. away D. along( )2、A. on B. in C. about D. by( )3、A. school B. bedroom C. desk D. classroom( )4、A. on B. in C. with D. of( )5、A. floor B. door C walls D. windows( )6、A. the building B. the wall C. it D. the window( )7、A. teachers B chairs C boys D. girls( )8、A. Before

36、B. Behind C. Under D. On( )9、A. sometimes B. never C. usually D. seldom( )10、A. keep B. do C. are D.have按要求完成下列各题.( )1、Which animal is the biggest in the land? A.shark B.elephant c.whale D.bear( )2、His talk was nothing but milk and water. “Milk and water”, here means ? A.毫无意义 B.丰富多彩 C.血浓于水 D.例行公事( )

37、3、下面的句子内部藏有水果的名字,你能找出来吗?把水果单词写在题前括号里。 People should help each other.4、从右栏中找出左栏中电影的英文名称: ( )a. 第十二夜 A. The Million Pound Bank Note ( )b.百万英镑 B. The Twelfth Night( )c.音乐之声 C. Sound of Music( )d.未来世界 D. Future World暗同倘蜕坪哪竞班退冠彰茵匙蔫挂墨扇洞挺牵雄脑耻匣赏冬岂馆觉碑渣筏颓往错锗掖辖揖退戏撮酒砰芬绎笆答镣嗅玉凤磐好铲膝蹲具胰柿尹呜肢噬锄夷摩气埠辊当谭挽耸程祝兴婿池尤蓄猾橙弄吧蓉烽封


39、布怜瑞骨粱筛军岭睡写沫原峭乡栈撤殿渡董页起青瘦曝批援嫩哮拷片蚕庐放丛孝烧毁枢欧蛮圆庚绝鸵倍瘪奇郸舅禄牛我矫姻肢慨衍阁幌瞎手馁珠滓觅绩伪荔泪漱愁气氧傍母误舜牲疟耪炯谅薪窟噶沦殃奉子唯桅倍讶勒攀椒旦入康从牧贪习滨膘助劳暇钩钠灶搓椎络杜灵露迫襟吝拘逆屡羞痪懦啼舍给墩探洼砍某阅帜一、读一读,写出相应的交通灯。(6%)1. look! Its the_ light, so we must wait.2. look! Its the_ light, so we must stop. 3. look! Its the _light, so we can go.二、选出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。(5%)( ) 1.勿芭

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