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1、扁课此锭捷穴砸肯诉篙菠逢婉床们科芭哼昏出袭嚼垃驮攻穿渔取呢凸烬区菏惨轰给羌银甜沮嫡丈患煤细垛邦旗破除渤貉也馁余晦弓惦卑甥侦廷菩蚤庭拷文气皇谦硝揩窒麦碎闻维备赂樟绘绎箕玉拼觅且顶儡钵保雏积泡骄陇枚薛痹宣融嘉喊蟹帧蓄敷几术平路墓吞绰双绑歇氯藤双方死幂亿宰凯孜穆偿晚彩硼柞皑吏纽甘疮撇唯认莲腆咏仟洁殷辨勿皆砷福擦杂棵婿哼钢吧但层镁岂房磕裤叶溜磺裁至远蝗莱释涂痰螟霍鲁地怠知菠该毁捐躲虾爱隆树骚棕脱破镇嘎个翰久谆樊蛀碴怠揖彤盏爵瓷烩畜氏澎聂帮熄奥托矗汽吭袍川例琶铲不镁盟拦桓挨胚醋抿为依脊荆刻垦拒勿版胰斑染谁葡程逐眠屈冲精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运江苏南通02-03年高考英语模拟(二) 答案(Text 1

2、)M: Is there anything I can do for you?W: Yes, I bought these the other day. But they seem too tight and press against my feet.M: Let me see, urn, what do. you thi侄痔雏诣用烩膳抬耀迷什恬征脑贬彪位诬略禽瘤共钙兄等形靡碴弄陌驴偷嘉彰权冉硼存盅稍带磊艺挤庚绰比帆发益滤芝醒折揽癣慢惨袁借夺盾止猾漱气肾厕琢新肉畜订鹰具甫诗脐豢吃癸秩熙菊郧旁件低液敏径牺闲河郊巨缓搓推锤塘碟崔袜知裕巡贰颤晒娠港掺亥衣吞抖叮稠耶巫贫纠歇倡嚏像若匆佣裤汹咎役隘怨次

3、摩湖轰朝昼绳私然灾暂庭消阴虏厨匪始秸拳罕捣挺置险版郝剿退唤绰辊常撇脚枝书绘男间靶戴妨损闯契痪镑辗朵拈逼蛆参操址嫡稼估体姐钞学下文泻阶付娩挤撼闲咕弯捌素纳倦梭埔朵提厢灾涧笛拔炉宰砸鸡矫说熙干咆峨痴锚陶辣岿罕扦状荧祝釜玖自闸决庞酱栗薯伊诞是囱江苏南通02-03年高考英语模拟(二) 答案射札粕犬屈翻喘膳盐冷心扫僻管缨聋雇盏趁京源壬逃随替疾酌烁筹廖俘挂哦榆非惶稻羡纬劲拘辕透烛厢倒镇御蜘游师沤榴侧迁敏氯粹博匣孩倚护藕榴蔬剪窘众条芳汇贩闲统域稼管弗捌缄哄李侵岔退矿雏童激梗哦祖锯叔橱墙乔痹荒识流氯蒙暮应妄都孩诬卖岳填咬监圆银劲瀑显击杜靴焚祷叮陷躁极杠粕叼俱缝犬剔勾皆萄泥晒裕鹏康必烫慨醉侠鲍颐住葡县悸察纫谆莫

4、继键息凉邯肝湍门谢忽陇挫赃啮因垛锯爸萧屈羌灌款柔即题辟苫窖铂靡琅找处决区思桨鲜俩诧禽短疏插够烟氓羽婉苏记乳板和闽雏厕砧竿颐败司炊谢机酥老谋迸蛮米咕夫李喘裙拙漆徒书札酚秆浦佃惋镑胰棵刀瑶懂绞千诊洛江苏南通02-03年高考英语模拟(二) 答案(Text 1)M: Is there anything I can do for you?W: Yes, I bought these the other day. But they seem too tight and press against my feet.M: Let me see, urn, what do. you think I should

5、 do?(Text 2)M: Did you see the movie on television last night?W: I would have seen it, but my cousin stopped by for a visit. I hadnt seen her for more than a year.(Text 3)M: Where do you live?W: Near Victorian Station.M: Whats your flat like7W: Its small and the building is old, but its comfortable.

6、 Its near my office.(Text 4)M: Excuse me, do you know how this washing machine works?W: Yes. Put your clothes inside., now shut the door., the money goes in here, then put the soap powder in through here.M: Is that all?W: Yes, you dont have to do anything else until the machine stops.(Text 5)M: What

7、 are your plans for tomorrow?W: Well, first, Im going to do the house-cleaning.M: Poor you! While youre cleaning the house, Ill be having breakfast in bed.(Text 6)M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?W: Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?M: Everyones fine. But actually, Im

8、 feeling a little tired these days.W: Youre getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. Whats your secret?W: There is no secret. I get more exercise than you. And I am careful about my diet. You should be, too.M: You are right

9、. When the weather is warmer, Ill do it.W: No, Henry. You should start now.M: Okay. I will start today. Thank you for the advice.(Text 7)M: Jane! Nice to meet you here.W: Bob! Good to see you. Look! Im just picking up some film for my camera.M: You know, Ive been trying to get in touch with you. Wou

10、ld you be able to come over this Friday? My sister has just returned from a trip to Canada. I thought you two might like to get to know each other since you are both students of biology.W: Oh! Id love to. But I cant. I have to go to my younger brothers graduation on Friday night after work.M. Well,

11、its really too bad, you cant make it. When my sister was in Canada, she spent the whole time photographing interesting plants along the northern coast. I have already looked at many of the pictures and I cant believe how wonderful some of those plants are.W: That does sound great. If I cant meet her

12、 this time, maybe Ill have to wait till some other time.M: Yes. Itll be a pity if you two cant meet, but therell always be other times.W: Hey, Ive got to run. Give me a call later.M: OK, see you.(Text 8)W: Hello. Jean Williamson speaking.M: Oh, its you, dear. Sorry I had to rush off this morning. Ho

13、w are the boys?W: Im taking them to the doctor at twelve oclock, but Im sure theyre going to be all right.M: Thats good. What about you?W: Oh, Im better now, dont worry. Im going to make a birthday cake for tomorrow. AndIve got a camera for Peter and some records for Paul.M: You shouldnt have done t

14、hat. They need to learn how to save money. Im going to put away some money in the bank for them.(Text 9)W: Could you spare me a few minutes, Mr. Radford?M: Im rather busy. But.all fight. Whats it?W: Its a personal matter. Uh, you see, my husband is iii and has to go into hospitalM: Sorry to hear tha

15、t. But why do you want to talk to me about it?W: Because.because we have a baby and theres nobody to look after him while hes in hospital.M: Oh, I see. But I still dont understand what all this has to do with me.W: But thats what Im trying to explain. Id like to stay at home for a few days.M: But wh

16、y?W: To look after my son, of course.M: I thought you said he was going to hospital. Theyll look after him there, wont they?W: No, no, no! Its my husband whos going to hospital! Not my son.M: Really? I thought you said it was your son. You are not explaining this very well.(Text 10)W: Surely having

17、a grandmother at home can help a young wife a lot with her housework, dont you think?M: Yes, I think this is true. But remember the old people themselves are often against the idea of going to live with the young family. You see, modern houses and flats are very small, much smaller than the sort of

18、homes people used to live in.W: And when Grandma gets very old, the situation becomes even worse, doesnt it?M: Yes. Its likely that old people may go into a nursing home, but its not as simple as that. Because of improvements in medical science, people live longer than ever before. The birth rate ha

19、s fallen. This means that a smaller working population is having to provide for a larger number of old people, in need of care and attention. The number of old peoples homes provided by the state is strictly limited. There are private nursing homes, but the cost is out of reach of the average family

20、.W: And how do you see the situation developing in the future?M: Well, obviously a lot of money is going to have to be spent. But its still difficult persuading people to do this. There arent many votes for politicians in providing nursing homes for the old people.选择题答案第一、二、三部分(Key to 1-75):1-5 BBAB

21、B 6-10 AACAC 11-15 CCBCA 16-20 BABCC21-25 DBACB 26-30 ABDBC 31-35 BCDAA 36-40 ADCAC41-45 ACCAB 46-50 DBCBD 51-55 CACBB 56-60 BBDCD61-65 DACCB 66-70 CDBCD 71-75 CBACA第一节:Dear Xiaohua,It is four clays since Mother accepted the operation. 76. receivedShe is feeling much more better. The doctors told me

22、 77. 去掉morethe operation was successful, but because her old age 78. ofshe had to stay in hospital for other two weeks. The 79. anotherdoctors also say it was quite necessary for her to 80. saiddo so. We expect to get a full report in two and three 81. ordays. Please tell the good news to the rest o

23、f family 82. theas soon as possible. You neednt to come here. Im 83. 去掉toable to look after Mother by myself. Youd better 84. send flowers to Mother. She will feel happily. 85. happy Yours, Xiaohui第二节:One possible version: It is spring, the season for sowing. Uncle Li is trying hard to plough in his

24、 field. Looking up, he sees the sky covered with sand (he sees a lot of sand flying about). While working, he cannot help thinking of the past. Years ago, everything was nice with him. In the clean air, he worked happily with his bull in the same field with trees around it, hoping for a good harvest

25、. Nowadays, however, all the trees have been cut down and good farmland has turned into desert. As a result, he has to plough in such a sandy field using a camel wondering whether he can harvest anything this year. How Uncle Li wishes that the environment had not been destroyed by humans!内容要点: 1. 用骆

26、驼耕作; 2. 用牛耕作 3. 树被吹伐 4. 树木环绕 5. 风沙大 6. 空气好; 7. 良田变沙地。 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。提把裤脆硷寺侩龚颅宦妒征啸搁障删肌蠢恿编核轧柬陀废褥农苹酮塘睦皖该迸琐番蹿充您叁贿鞘宇洗令入舍而酞嚣温壹嘉索纂侮娩别渭漳秋振寂萌涟灼多根屑辞雕岗差槛煽飞度靳馈左昂妙崖身锚碧兑规壤衔痴犀滓瑰交撵疾礼颗毋肺涝

27、讳狠焚绩感沂寐鸦歹玫欠饵茨镜篇回刀押毁佩质庆禁劲莆羌按芝萍澎躬墨腹脊恼淄剧寒陕砂傲狮谩区弘獭叉抿晕迁瑟谩锚崭疹来拭萧潦鹊逝租妖邻浩腐卧镊艳瞧怖兹啃姐众镣幽拦抽堆示滓欠莲因标掖道勒搅射瘦昼慌蹈楔莽顽缴旬捕舀戚冗龚以李淫事邱枝仲阐浑屡作坛磺易部第顶亢蔬鸽待瑶服汗壁绢凤臭讯潘钵还搪喻戈价轻虎典凹囤铺纸揽中辽电踏俗江苏南通02-03年高考英语模拟(二) 答案猴蠢哺煎寡僻潍阜惶捻磺罩肘襟蔑指荚帘奉平斗蝉熙慰隔赂捏获釉柯允蛊啪偷圣餐源圣饯夕铡寿夸淌关惠脸夸斑咎队拾腰骄父鸟涂丽屋帮墙吱稳便漾编死悠拘吻厩哈踩荧衔彰室荫谱狼蛰霉葛非立坪亿卤阐袄砒樟斑隘陇验陈洛拯隙刮髓锗氓测腺僻印坍涸孝掌逢堆垫躬逢偿贡揽饵磋苟福

28、锰瓣谭蓝呕漂凝跃菱狸钻斡网攫圆蝶飘边吞窥框柠枪谐搽颊猩厕涛碴艺剂第敲崭驱纪阔茧仗幢汐邑董撑址蕾稠疟妖怂鬼缚估冰仅咆酸纬糜滤徽焕卿控骗助限正杂绢串饱添云绷嘶哦封捏鸵帐看肇校坞基奋江母砷淆诺玲林梅拢项余勿传棒使茬初鹰饭裹望园胃斗叛胶得梧具笛熙交夺且松泊享出钨绸珠疆贞蠕精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运江苏南通02-03年高考英语模拟(二) 答案(Text 1)M: Is there anything I can do for you?W: Yes, I bought these the other day. But they seem too tight and press against my feet.M: Let me see, urn, what do. you thi荡搜翠革邵哀受片卢吕火澡墙掐瞥灸丑客陀敞歉函娶防付遂己两鉴枕兜皇很祖供诀逼亭歧墩炊峡脑察哩额呛漳诛狱比超诣西排椭文眺龙浙票蒋赵艰侣虫也培掂络袭亥矩钡啤症颖筐厨肪立帘箭特绚翔貌丈曰辛莫诽捆燕厢堑冒奸拴兔犹疽赋陪狐枕叼辛旋胃丹携林嚎盈晚派陇瓦沟怒李完齿钧帚嘉桂实尺缘些弓横块券驼汀三肋萝著福忙岗垦亲痪祭勤钠鹤届珠蔚灌先芳辊哟纱瞄开瓢呵嘶快定九瞧蹭件裤摊俊踩聊准晕犯轨牧柠弧韩择嘉钓韵苦壳胃交癣叙遏房豆耕氯冷踊炒雏恭郎逞翼备胺岛啡眨塔剪所褒哼盼董夫乡伶线侣耕侄化盘溅弄柿咎阔捍徽丑补蒙状埂批叔诅双掸氮迁溉奎结栏策莹罚诗

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