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1、一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 Hi, Im Lucy. Im a girl. Im ten. Look! This is my classroom. Its big(大的). The desks are blue. The chairs are yellow. This is my red bag. Its in the desk. My English book is on the desk. Wheres my pen? Oh, its in the book.31、Lucy is _. ()A8B10C932、Lucys classroom is _. ()AbigBbadCsm

2、all33、The _are blue . ()AchairsBwindowsCdesks34、Her bag is _. ()AredBblueCgreen35、Her pen is in the _. ()AbagBbookCchair2 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Hello. Im Amy. Im from the USAIm ten years old. Look. This is my family. The woman is my mother. She likes bananas. The man is my father. He likes oranges. The little

3、 boy is my brother. He is six years old. His name is Mike. He likes pears, watermelons and milk. The girl is me. I like apples and pears.31、Amys mother likes _. ()AorangesBbananasCpears32、Amys father likes _. ()AorangesBbananasCwatermelons33、Amy is _ years old. ()AsixBfourCten34、Mike doesnt like_. (

4、)ApearsBbananasCmilk35、Mike is _ years old. ()AsixBfiveCten3 This is my room (房间). A ball is under the bed. Two books are on the bed. A chair is under the desk. A toy boat is on the desk. A bag is in the desk. Look! Strawberries are on a plate. How many strawberries? One, two, three. Ha! Seventeen s

5、trawberries!31、A ball is _ the bed. ()AonBinCunder32、Two books are _ the bed. ()AonBinCunder33、A _ is under the desk. ()AballBbagCchair34、A toy _ is on the desk. ()AboatBcarCdog35、How many strawberries? ()A15、B16.C17.4 My name is Chen Jie. Im a girl from Jinhua, China. Im eleven years old and Im a s

6、tudent.I have a happy family. My father is very tall. My mother is thin and beautiful. My sister is ten years old. She has big eyes. She likes grapes and she likes purple. She has a purple bag. Look, its on the bed.31、How old is Chen Jie? ()A11、B15、C10.32、Chen Jie is a _. ()AteacherBstudentCbaby33、C

7、hen Jie is from _. ()AChinaBUKCUSA34、Where is the purple bag? ()AIts in the book.BIts in the desk.CIts on the bed.35、Chen Jies sister likes _. ()ApearsBgrapesCoranges5 One day Mr. and Mrs.White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the th

8、ings in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt

9、 their car.31、Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _. ()AfishingBshoppingCbusiness32、They stop their car _. ()Aat the parking spotBnear the seaCnear the store33、They want to put the things _. ()Ain a big bagBin their carCin others car34、Mr. White cant open the car, so _. ()Athey walk homeBthey ask a policem

10、an to helpCthey call a taxi35、The car _ their car. ()AisntBisCare6 看图,选择正确的答案。31、Li Kuns sister is_. ()ALi HongBLi MeiCWang Lan32、Li Gangs sister is _. ()AWang LanBLi MeiCLi Hong33、Wang Lans brother is _. ()AWang DongBLi GangCWang Rong34、Li Meis mothers mother is _. ()AZhou XinBWang DongCFang Hua35、

11、Li Hongs father is Li Kuns _. ()AbrotherBfatherCgrandpa7 A: Hello, this is my new friend David.B: Hello, David. Nice to meet you. Im Wang Bing.C: Nice to meet you too, Wang Bing.B: Look at this new cap.C: Its nice.B: Thanks. Its for my sister Wang Hong. Tomorrow (明天) is her birthday.A & C: Oh, thats

12、 great.31、_ is B()AWang BingBDavidCWang Hong32、David is As _. ()AsisterBbrotherCnew friend33、The cap is new and _. ()AredBniceCbig34、Wang Hong is _ sister. ()AAsBWang BingsCDavids35、Tomorrow is _ birthday. ()AWang BingsBDavidsCWang Hongs8 Hello, Im Bob. Im a boy. Im ten. Im a student.Hello, Im Nick.

13、 Im thirty. Im a doctor.Hi, Im Amy. Im a woman. Im a teacher.31、There are _ people in the passage. ()A2B332、Hello, Bob. Are you ten? ()AYes, I am.BNo, Im not.33、Hi, Nick. Are you a teacher? ()AYes, I am.BNo, Im not.34、Im Amy. Im a _. ()AdoctorBteacher35、Hello, Im a student. Im _. ()ABobBNick9 This i

14、s my room. Look at it. It is big. My desk is near (附近) the window. There are (有) many books on the desk. My bag is in the desk. My books, pens and rulers are in the bag. I have a toy car. It is under my bed. I like it very much.31、My room is _. ()AbigBsmallCnot good32、Many _ are on the desk. ()Apens

15、BrulersCbooks33、My bag is _ the desk. ()AonBinCunder34、My toy _ is under the bed. ()AtaxiBcarCbox35、My _ is not in the bag. ()ApencilBrulerCpen10 Hello, Im Daming, I m a boy. My father is a driver. My mother is a farmer.31、Daming is a _. ()AgirlBboyCcat32、His mother is a _. ()AteacherBfarmerCnurse33

16、、His father is a _. ()ApupilBdriverCboy34、A pencil is _. ()Ain my handBin his earCin his mouth35、His schoolbag is _. ()Ain his classroomBin the bagCin the desk11 Hello! My name is Chen Jie. Im seven years old. Look at my bag. Its green. I have an eraser and three pencils in my bag. I have a brown ca

17、t. Its (它的) name is Mimi. Its funny (有趣的). I like it. My cat likes fish and milk. Im a happy (快乐的) girl.31、Chen Jie is _ years old. ()A6B7C832、I have a _ bag. ()AblueByellowCgreen33、I have _ in my bag. ()Atwo pencilsBan eraser and three pencilsCthree erasers34、My cat is _. ()AfunnyBwhiteCblack35、My

18、cat likes _. ()Afish and milkBmilk and riceCfish and eggs12 This girl is Linlin. She is ten. Its her birthday today (今天). She has (有) two presents. Look! This present is from (来自) her mother. What is it? Oh! Its a book. Now it is on the desk. Her father gave (给) her a cat kite. It is blue. Linlin li

19、kes (喜欢) the presents.31、Linlin is _. ()A9B10C1232、Linlin has two _. ()ApresentsBblackboardsCbirds33、The book is from her _. ()AteacherBgrandmaCmother34、Now the book is _. ()Aon the chairBon the deskCin the book35、Her father gave her a _. ()ABC13 Hello! Im Liu Yang. Im a boy. Im nine. Im a pupil. My

20、 English teacher is Ms Zhang. She is a good teacher. I have a good family. My father is a doctor. My mother is nurse. My grandpa and Grandma are farmers. I have a cat. Its a yellow cat. Her name is Mimi. We all like it.31、Liu Yang is a _. ()AgirlBboyCteacher32、Liu Yang is _. ()AtenBeightCnine33、Liu

21、Yangs (刘洋的) father is a _. ()AteacherBdoctorCdriver34、Liu Yangs grandpa is a _. ()AfarmerBteacherCpoliceman35、Liu Yangs cat is _. ()AblackByellowCwhite14 Hello! Im Jack. Im ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My dog is black,but(但是) my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow.

22、I like bread, eggs, and milk. I dont like cakes.31、Jack is _.()A6B10C832、Jack likes _.()Adogs, cats, pandas and elephantsBdogs, cats, pandas and ducksCpigs, cats, pandas and ducks33、Jacks dog is _.()AredBblueCblack34、Jacks pencil box is _.()AblueByellowCblack35、Jack doesnt like(不喜欢) _.()AeggsBbreadC

23、cakes15 Hi! Look at me. I have two small (小的) eyes. I use (用) them (它们) to see. I have two big (大的) ears. I use them to hear (听). I have a nose. I use it to smell (闻). I have two hands. I use them to catch (抓) the mouse (老鼠) . I like to eat (吃) fish (鱼). I use my mouth to eat it.31、I use my _ to hea

24、r. ()AearsBeyesCnose32、I use my nose to _. ()AsmellBeatChear33、I use my hands to _. ()Acatch mouseBseeChear34、My eyes are _. ()AbigBlongCsmall35、Who am I? ()ABC16 Sarah: How old are you, John?John: Im 9 years old.Sarah: John, this is my brother, Sam.John: Hi, Sam. Happy birthday! How old are you?Sam

25、: Im 7 years old. Look, I have a green pencil box.John: Wow! Its nice. Can I have some juice, please?Sarah: Here you are.31、John is _ years old. ()AfiveBeightCnine32、Sarahs brother is _. ()AJohnBSamCMike33、Sam is _ years old. ()AsevenBtenCsix34、Sam has a _ pencil box. ()AredBorangeCgreen35、John woul

26、d like some _. ()AmilkBjuiceCwater17 Hi! My name is Mike. Im nine years old. I like orange. I like cake and juice. I have a blue bag. I have a brown pencil box, seven books, two rulers, three erasers and eight crayons. I have a black cat. Its small. Its funny. I like it.31、Im _ years old. ()A7B8C932

27、、I like _. ()AyellowBcakeCmilk33、I have a _ bag. ()AblueBredCorange34、I have _ erasers. ()AtwoBthreeCseven35、The cat is _. ()Anot funnyBwhiteCblack and small18 Hello. Im Liu Yang. Im eight years old. I like bread and milk. Look! I have a bag. Its yellow. This is my dog. Its white. It has (有) blue ey

28、es. I like it.31、Liu Yang is _ years old. ()A7B8C932、Liu Yang likes (喜欢) _. ()AmilkBriceCfish33、Liu Yang has a yellow _. ()Apencil boxBcrayonCbag34、The dog is _. ()AorangeBwhiteCblack35、The _ has blue eyes. ()AcatBdogCelephant19 Hello, I am Mrs Bear. We will have a party. Here are many gifts(礼物) for

29、 my friends. One green bag, three red rulers, four yellow erasers, two black pencils and ten books. How many crayons? Six. Look! Whats this? Oh, its a toy tiger. Its so cool. Its for my friend, Mr Elephant.31、The bag is _. ()AredBgreenCyellow32、Mrs Bear has six _. ()ApencilsBcrayonsCerasers33、The to

30、y tiger is _. ()AcoolBniceCfunny34、How many gifts? () _.A25、B26.C27.35、The toy tiger is for _. ()AMrs BearBMr TigerCMr Elephant20 Hello, Im Liu Wei. Look! This is my family photo. I have a brother and a sister. My brothers name is Liu Chen. Liu Xian is my sister. We are students. Liu Xiaomin is my f

31、ather. He is tall. Zhao Fan is my mother. She is beautiful. My father has a brother. Liu Xiaojun is my fathers brother. So he is my uncle. My grandpas name is Liu Guoqing. Chen Jie is my grandma. We all live together. And we all love one another.31、There are _ people in Liu Weis family. ()A7B8C932、L

32、iu Wei is _ brother. ()ALiu XiaojunsBLiu XianaCLiu Xiaomins33、Liu Chens mother is _. ()AChen JieBZhao FanCLiu Xian34、Liu Guoqing is Liu Weis _. ()AfatherBgrandmaCgrandpa35、画线单词“uncle”的中文意思是“_”。()A叔父B姨母C堂哥【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1B解析:31、B32、A33、C34、A35、B【分析】短文主要描写了露西的教室。31、句意:露西是_。根据文中句子H

33、i, Im Lucy. Im ten.可知露西是10岁了,故选B。32、句意:露西的教室是_。A大的,B坏的,C小的。根据文中句子Its big(大的). 可知教室是大的,故选A。33、句意:_是蓝色的。A椅子,B窗子,C桌子。根据文中句子The desks are blue. 可知桌子上蓝色的,故选C。34、句意:她的书包是_。A红色的,B蓝色的,C绿色的。根据文中句子This is my red bag. 可知她的书包是红色的,故选A。35、句意:她的钢笔在_里。A书包,B书,C椅子。根据文中句子Wheres my pen? Oh, its in the book.可知钢笔在书里面,故选B

34、。【点睛】2B解析:31、B32、A33、C34、B35、A【分析】短文大意:你好。我是艾米。我来自美国。我十岁了。看。这是我的家人。那个女人是我妈妈。她喜欢香蕉。那个人是我父亲。他喜欢橘子。那个小男孩是我哥哥。他六岁了。他叫迈克。他喜欢梨、西瓜和牛奶。那个女孩就是我。我喜欢苹果和梨。31、题干句意:艾米的妈妈喜欢 _。根据“She likes bananas. ”可知,妈妈喜欢香蕉,故选B。32、题干句意:艾米的爸爸喜欢 _。根据“The man is my father. He likes oranges.”可知艾米的爸爸喜欢橘子,故选A。33、题干句意:艾米 _ 岁了。根据“Im Amy

35、. Im from the USA. Im ten years old. ”可知艾米十岁了,故选C。34、题干句意:麦克不喜欢 _。根据“His name is Mike. He likes pears, watermelons and milk.”可知麦克喜欢梨、西瓜和牛奶,没有提到香蕉,故选B。35、题干句意:麦克 _ 岁了。根据“He is six years old. ”可知麦克六岁了,故选A。3C解析:31、C32、A33、C34、A35、C【导语】本文讲述了作者房间里的物品位置。31、句意:一个球在床的_。A在上,B在里,C在下面,根据A ball is under the bed

36、. 可知是在床的下面。故选C。32、句意:床的_有两本书。A在上,B在里,C在下面,根据Two books are on the bed.可知是在床的上面。故选A。33、句意:一个_在书桌的下面。A球,B书包,C椅子,根据A chair is under the desk.可知是椅子。故选C。34、句意:一个玩具_在书桌的上面。A小船,B小汽车,C狗,根据A toy boat is on the desk.可知是玩具船。故选A。35、句意:有多少个草莓?根据One, two, three. Ha! Seventeen strawberries!可知共有17个。故选C。4A解析:31、A32、B

37、33、A34、C35、B【导语】本文介绍了陈洁及陈洁的家人。31、句意:陈洁多大?根据“Im eleven years old and Im a student.”,可知陈洁11岁,故选A。32、句意:陈洁是一名_。A老师,B学生,C婴儿,根据“Im eleven years old and Im a student.”,可知陈洁是一名学生,故选B。33、句意:陈洁来自_。A中国,B英国,C美国,根据“My name is Chen Jie. Im a girl from Jinhua, China.”,可知陈洁来自中国,故选A。34、句意:紫色的包在哪?A它在书里。B它在书桌里。C它在床上。

38、根据“She has a purple bag. Look, its on the bed.”,可知紫色的包在床上,故选C。35、句意:陈洁的妹妹喜欢_。A梨,B葡萄,C橙子,根据“My sister is ten years old. She has big eyes. She likes grapes and she likes purple.”,可知陈洁的妹妹喜欢葡萄,故选B。5B解析:31、B32、C33、B34、B35、A【分析】略6B解析:31、B32、C33、C34、A35、C7A解析:31、A32、C33、B34、B35、C【导语】本文主要讲了新朋友和新帽子。31、句意:_是B

39、。根据B: Hello, David. Nice to meet you. Im Wang Bing.,可知B是王兵,故选A。32、句意:大卫是A的_。A姐姐/妹妹,B哥哥/弟弟,C新朋友,根据A: Hello, this is my new friend David.,可知大卫是A的新朋友,故选C。33、句意:帽子是新的和_。A红色的,B漂亮的,C大的,根据B: Look at this new cap. C: Its nice.,可知帽子是新的和漂亮的,故选B。34、句意:王红是_妹妹。根据B: Thanks. Its for my sister Wang Hong.,可知王红是王兵的妹妹

40、,故选B。35、句意:明天是_生日。A王兵的,B大卫的,C王红的,根据Its for my sister Wang Hong. Tomorrow (明天) is her birthday.,可知明天是王红的生日,故选C。8B解析:31、B32、A33、B34、B35、A【导语】本文介绍了鲍勃,尼克和艾米的个人信息。31、句意:文章中有_个人。根据全文可知有3个人,故选B。32、句意:你好,鲍勃。你十岁吗?A是的,我是。B不,我不是。根据“Hello, Im Bob. Im a boy. Im ten.”,可知鲍勃十岁,答语为肯定回答,故选A。33、句意:你好,尼克。你是老师吗?A是的,我是。B

41、不,我不是。根据“Hello, Im Nick. Im thirty. Im a doctor.”,可知尼克是医生,答语为否定回答,故选B。34、句意:我是艾米。我是一名_。A医生,B老师,根据“Hi, Im Amy. Im a woman. Im a teacher.”,可知艾米是一名老师,故选B。35、句意:你好,我是一名学生。我是_。A鲍勃,B尼克,根据“Hello, Im Bob. Im a boy. Im ten. Im a student.”,可知鲍勃是一名学生,故选A。9A解析:31、A32、C33、B34、B35、A【导语】本文介绍了作者的房间。31、句意:我的房间是_。A大的,B小的,C不好,根据“It is big.”,可知作者

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