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1、2013年度优秀员工评选方案The annual excellent employee selection scheme for 2013一、 目的1)给员工创造一个积极向上的工作氛围,调动员工的工作积极性;2)弘扬企业文化精神,充分发掘人才、留住人才,鼓励先进、鞭策后进;3)加强员工对企业的认同感和归属感,同时也为集团的长远发展提供合适的储备人才;Objectives1) To create a positive working atmosphere, arouse the working enthusiasm2) To Carry forward the spirit of our sch

2、ool culture, discover the talenst and encourage the others3) Strengthen the staff to enterprises identity and sense of belonging, as well as the groups long-term development to provide appropriate reserve talents二、评选范围优秀员工评选范围:全体员工;Selection scope:all staff三、 评选标准1)工作积极主动,热爱本职工作,能吃苦耐劳,工作责任心强;2)对本岗位工

3、作技能熟练,并能不断学习和创新;3)未有受到过客人和同事投诉,内无扣罚记录;4)尊重上司及同事,有良好的团队合作精神;5)对客人或同事服务热情,受到过客人或同事的好评和表扬;6)踏实守信,敬校爱校,认同公司的企业文化;Criteria1) Proactive, deeply loves the work, can bear hardships and stand hard work, work a strong sense of responsibility2) Skilled work, and can keep on learning and innovation3) No complai

4、nts by clients and colleagues, no punish record4) paying Respect for your colleagues and has good cooperation spirit5) Services clients or colleagues with passion, received praise of guests or colleagues6) Honest and trustworthy, identify with the company culture四、 评选名额 每个校区和总部各2个名额 Quota of people

5、Each school district and the headquarters has two quotas.五、 评选程序1)各校区根据各自的营业情况,于12月20日-12月27日自由决定选举时间,并选举出年度优秀员工;2)年度优秀员工的选举,需由各校区召开统一的选举会,按分配的名额进行选举,选举采取不记名投票方式;3)各校区和总部第一负责人拥有1票抵3票的权力,第一负责人此项权力只可投给一名候选人,且在未统计投票数前进行投票方可生效;4)票数最多的两位员工为年度优秀员工;5)年度优秀员工产生后,需由校长填写年度优秀员工推荐表(见附件),将优秀员工的相关工作业绩及先进事迹写明;6)人力资

6、源部将年度优秀员工推荐表汇总后交由总部审批;7)年度优秀员工的最终选举结果,人力资源部将在集团年度优秀员工选举结束后公布;。The selection process1) According to respective business conditions, each school district can decide the time for election on December 20 - December 27.2) The Annual excellent employees election, need to be held by each school district un

7、ified elections, according to the distribution of the number of the election, the election to take the secret ballot way3) Most votes of two employees will become the annual excellent employee4) Once the the annual excellent employee is elected,an annual excellent employee referrals table filled by

8、the headmaster is needed.5) The HR will summarizing the tables to the headquarters for approval.6) The result will be announced by HR department after the election.六、 表彰和奖励1)年度优秀员工将通报各部门进行表扬;2)颁发年度优秀员工荣誉证书;3)给予年度优秀员工购物券奖励(金额待定);Commend and reward1) The annual excellent employee will notify each depa

9、rtment for praise.2) The annual excellent employee honorary certificate3) Shopping vouchers to reward. 人力资源部 2013-12-17 5771001803090012095 5790368228596330825771001803090012386 5761373997357606965771001803090013594 5780775799025155125771001803090012387 5771649826018180515771001803090012138 57213119

10、21589183265771001803090012359 5790368223610760535771001803090012356 5761352861437917425771001803090012355 57508786970469327917088100343355274 10122994432583337917088100343355275 10186673293883200817088100343356107 10158115250150052217088100343356108 10100018005987173217088100343354295 10107419414268701717088100343356184 10187866086962880217088100343356185 10177583117408667417088100343356109 10108601437357284617088100343356110 10115220721601491617088100343355237 10102704160570270917088100343355238 10122936486142541417088100343356169 10186220440263571817088100343354928 101760654089788804

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