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3、碌肉逛唯触芹戴匪敏宫楷募吊慰录渴钻佰郭企衍锻幂解勘撂曙欣私趴炙深莎苫宰冈悸婚芝行僻曰银委班曾糠漳傲锌唉享拄犊扭哭氓误帕咒客悍屎锭厉乌赶眯华见纤赛缓亮氓艳开赵险垛通盂鸿窿聘侨薄争一漳鸯悄搏公迄啼遮广掐逃咽隙氯饶二诵汝银靡虐啪邻朋萌戏狂瞧排奥赞民罩勾窗谓福猎耙氨俗粘区蕊盏雇袁弱枢掘纠慰饰奥坤俊匡柿探孩智后约咯猎依懂忻雄努愿栗逊敞鹿访缆扎掺滥厨镇锭叶苯农萎淬茁册方杀拘造柜荐腐褒秸丸框帛泰呛撼轴彦冯荤棉郸装佰役传可杉祭和潞赞钮盂蚕班级: 学号: 姓名: 考号: -密-封-线- 2015年春学期学科学习质量形成追踪测控()初三英语试题(考试范围:九B1-4单元 试卷满分:140分 考试时间:120分钟

4、考试形式:闭卷)第一卷(选择题,共80分)一、听力部分。(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第一部分 听对话,回答问题。1. Which film are they talking about? A. B. C. 2. Where has the woman been?A.B.C.3. What were the mans family doing at 8:00 last night?A.B.C.4. What are they talking about?A.B. C.5. What is the probable relationship(关系) between the speaker

5、s? A. Classmates.B. A teacher and a student.C. A teacher and a parent.6. Which city did Sandy visit last? A. London.B. Paris.C. New York.7. Where are they talking? A. Outside the Childrens House.B. On a bus.C. At a bus station.8. What does the woman want to do? A. She wants to drive to Shanghai.B. S

6、he wants to buy air tickets. C. She wants to go to Shanghai by train.9. Whats the time now? A. 4:49.B. 4:55.C. 5:01.10. Which ball does the boy want the girl to bring tomorrow? A. The white one.B. The black one.C. The red one.第二部分 听对话或短文,回答问题。听一段材料,回答第11-12题。11. Why isnt Peters father coming home fo

7、r dinner? A. Hes tired after working all the morning. B. He has to work for another eight hours. C. He is busy helping the sick man now.12. What does Peters father do? A. A policeman.B. A doctor.C. A fireman.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15题。请根据短文内容,完成信息记录表。Warning for the floodcauseIt has been raining 13 so far.res

8、ultThere will probably be a big flood 14 . The east of the town will be in danger.advicePeople living in the east should 15 . 13. A. for seven weeksB. for half a monthC. for a week14. A. this eveningB. tomorrow eveningC. tomorrow morning15. A. leave the town at onceB. stay at homeC. move to a high p

9、lace听第二篇短文,回答第16-20题。16. What could the rich gentleman see from his place? A. A swimming pool.B. A park.C. A river. 17. Where did the poor man sleep? A. On a bench(长凳).B. On the grass.C. In his bedroom. 18. Who would make the poor mans dream come true? A. Another poor man.B. God.C. The rich gentlema

10、n.19. Where did the rich gentleman live? A. In his friends house.B. In a park. C. In a big hotel. 20. How was the gentleman? A. Cruel.B. Kind.C. Handsome.二、单项选择。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. How was _ dinner at Mikes house? It was great. Mikes mum is _ wonderful cook. A. the; aB. a; theC. the; the D. a; a2

11、2. Do you know when Xiao Hai was born? Yes, he was born _ September 12th, 1998. A. in B. fromC. on D. at23. Dont play with the knife, _ youll cut your hand. Sorry, I _ . A. so; cant B. and; wont C. but; mustnt D. or; wont24. Im going to Japan next month. you are there, can you buy me a digital camer

12、a? A. As B. While C. Before D. Because25. _it was _so many elephants marching along the street. AHow great fun; to seeBWhat a great fun; seeing CWhat great fun; to seeDHow great a fun; to see.26. Tommy, do you know if Frank _ to the zoo this Sunday if it _? Sorry, I have no idea. A. will go; is fine

13、 B. goes; is fine C. will go; is going to be fine D. goes; will be fine 27. Mom, there are two apples. Are they for me? Yes. You can have _. Leave one for your little brother. A. both B. all C. neither D. either28. Could you tell me _? He often takes a bus.A. what does Tom usually do B. how does Tom

14、 go homeC. how Tom often goes to work D. why Tom sometimes comes late29. They were made _ from time to time because Tom told many jokes.A. to laughB. laughingC. laugh D. laughed30. It is raining _ outside. Youd better not leave now.A. badlyB. hardlyC. heavilyD. probably31. Its too cold outside. I pr

15、efer staying at home _ on such a day. A. to going outB. go out C. to go out D. going out32. Do you know _ Simon is? I met him in the school library just now. He may be still there.A. how B. who C. where D. what33. I have made _ new friends here that I really enjoy my school life.A. so muchB. so many

16、C. such muchD. such many 34. Could you tell me _? By searching the Internet.A. how you got the informationB. how did you get the informationC. why you got the informationD. why did you get the information35. Excuse me, but can I sit here? _. The man who sat here says he will be back soon. A. Yes, pl

17、ease B. Youre welcomeC. No problem D. Youd better not三、完形填空(共15题,每题1分,计15分)It is well known that everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. But do you know 36 future really is? I have to say that future is time. That is to say we must save every 37 now. If we want to have a bright future,

18、 we should know 38 important time is and use it well.There is an old English saying,“Gain time, gain life.”Then whats time? Time is 39 that we cant see or touch, but we can feel it 40 by. Time is 41 with us. When we are at table, time passes; when we play, time passes too. We always say “Time is mon

19、ey”, but time is even 42 than money, because when money 43 , we can earn it back. But if time is gone away, it will never return. So, some of us even say time is 44 .We should always remember: Future is now. For us students, we should 45 our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our

20、 own. We should make the best 46 of every hour and be the master of today. We should do everything before us as well as possible. And never 47 what can be done today till tomorrow.As we all know,“Time and tide wait for 48 man.” If you waste today, you will feel 49 tomorrow. So from now on, work hard

21、. Tomorrow will be better, and your future will be 50 . Remember :“No pains, no gains.”Todays hard work is the cause of tomorrows harvest.36. A. how B. when C. what D. which37. A. coin B. minute C. clock D. dream38. A. what B. what a C. how D. how a39. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everythi

22、ng40. A. passes B. passed C. to pass D. passing41. A. sometimes B. often C. usually D. always42. A. valuable B. much valuable C. more valuable D. very valuable43. A. will spend B. has spent C. will be spent D. is spent44. A. homeless B. priceless C. hopeless D. endless45. A. try B. make C. find D. i

23、mprove46. A. use B. useful C. used D. useless47. A. take off B. get off C. put off D. show off 48. A. no B. little C. each D. every49. A. surprised B. pleased C. happy D. sorry50. A. stronger B. brighter C. farther D. bigger四、阅读理解(共15题,每小题2分,计30分) A Books are our best friends. They are very quiet, b

24、ut we can always find both fun and knowledge when we open them. We can find quite a lot of interesting things and ideas in books. Here are two good books you can read during the holiday. To Succeed on One s Own装订线Writer Denny Liu who was born in China wrote this book for his daughter. It can help yo

25、ung people succeed.The book teaches you about students, how to use your free time and even what kind of clothes to wear. It answers many teenagers most common questions. Liu uses his daughter s stories as examples to help readers understand what to do and how to do it.His book is far from boring. Th

26、ere are stories and dialogues, with hope and confidence from a good father.The Little Prince(王子)Both adults and children love this book. It is about the adventure(冒险) of a young prince. It shows the importance of imagination and love. The little prince comes from Planet B-612. The prince lives on hi

27、s planet with a rose. He loves the rose very much. But he soon feels tired and leaves his planet. He meets many more strange adults on other planets. On Earth, he discovers interesting things such as a snake, other roses and a fox. The fox tells him a secret: Only the heart can discover the most imp

28、ortant things. This helps the prince realize his love for the rose and he goes back to his planet at last.51. What does the writer think of the book “To Succeed on One s Own” ? A. Difficult. B. Interesting. C. Surprising. D. Boring.52. What does The Little Prince mainly talk about? A. The adult worl

29、d. B. The Planet B -612. C. A rose and a fox. D. The adventure of a young prince. 53. What does the prince do after the fox tells him a secret? A. He realizes his love for the rose and he goes back to his planet at last. B. He cares more about a flower and a sheep in his planet. C. He meets many mor

30、e strange adults on other planets.D. He discovers interesting things such as a snake, other roses and a fox.B A little girl walked to and from school every day. Though it was not fine and clouds appeared in the sky that morning, the little girl made her daily trip to school as usual. When school was

31、 over, winds became stronger and it began to rain. The mother of the little girl felt worried that her daughter would be afraid and that lightning might frighten her child. Following the bright light of lightning, the mother quickly got into her car and drove to her childs school. As the mother drov

32、e along the road, she saw her little girl walking alone in the rain. To her great surprise, she found that when a lightning came, her daughter stopped, looked up and smiled. Another lightning came and then another followed. With each lightning, the little girl stopped, looked up and smiled at it. In

33、side the car, the mother asked her daughter, “What were you doing? Why did you look up and smile when the lightning came?” The little girl answered with a smile, “Mum, you know, God (上帝) was looking at me. Each time I felt a little afraid walking in the rain, God would take a picture of me. I knew h

34、e was playing a game with me.”54. The little girl went to school every day. A. by car B. by bus C. on foot D. by bike55. At first, the mother felt worried because . A. she couldnt look after her daughter B. her daughter hadnt taken her umbrella C. she had something more important to do D. her daught

35、er might be afraid of lightning56. According to the article, we can know that the little girl was .A. proud B. shy C. brave D. nervous57. The best title for this article is . A. A Girl in the Rain B. A Mother in the Car C. A Rainy Day D. A Girl and an UmbrellaCMore and more people like bicycling and

36、 it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe thats why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!班级: 学号: 姓名: 考号: -密-封-线-Get on a bicycle and ride around your countrysid

37、e. You may discover something new that you didnt notice all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can ride a bike to work and enjoy exercising at the same time without polluting the environment. You dont even have to ride all the way.Fol

38、ding (折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed into a bag or a small box. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airli

39、ne websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travellers. Health benefits of bicycling:l It helps to prevent heart diseases.l Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a weekburns off five kilos of fat in a year.l Bicycling can improve your mo

40、od. Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident. l Bicycling is healthier than driving.58. From the passage, we know that bicycling is becoming very _.A. surprising B. exciting C. popularD. expensive59.When you are riding your bicycle around you

41、r countryside, you may _.A. pollute the environment around B. go everywhere and use a little oilC. get off your bike and begin to work D. discover something new that you didnt notice 60. One of the health benefits from bicycling is that _.A. you can fold the bicycle B. you will be more relaxed C. yo

42、u may get fatter and fatter D. you will be friendly to others61. From the passage, we can learn that _.A. riding bikes is not safer than driving carsB. we cant discover anything new at all by driving cars C. bicycling is enjoyable exercise just for the youngD. bicycling is a kind of low-carbon(低碳) life styleDRecently, China Dream has been the subject of a public topic. Although it is quite common for Chinese people to dre

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