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1、Review询问原因及回答。温馨提示 why和because1.why表示表示“为什么为什么”,用来询问原因,一,用来询问原因,一般要用般要用because来回答。来回答。Why dont you go to school?Because its Sunday.2.because表示表示“因为因为”,用来回答,用来回答why的问句。的问句。Why are you late?Because I get up late.Because shes going to go fishing.a dresswearingWhy is she?a coatwearingWhy is she?Because

2、shes going to go skiing.Whats the matter?Because I am happy.Why are you laughing?cry-sadWhyareyoucrying?BecauseIamsad.shout-angryWhyareyoushouting?BecauseIamangry.eat-hungryWhyareyoueating?BecauseIamhungry.coatT-shirtdresscapsweaterraincoatshoesfootballbaseballtable tennisbasketballsnowrainwindysunn

3、ycoldhotwarmIts going to Its going to beHarbinBeijingShanghaiXianThe Weather TomorrowGuangzhouHaikouLhasaNew wordraincoat ren kt Watch the CD,then answer.What are Sam and Amy doing?They are playing hide-and-seek.Module 8 Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat?Watch CD and listen for“because”.Read after th

4、e CD together.Retell the text:A:Why are you wearing a raincoat?B:Because its going to rain.A:Why are you wearing a?B:Because its going to .hatbe hotA:Why are you wearing a?B:Because going to .T-shirtImplay basketballA:Why are you wearing a?B:Because going to .t电影院,戏院电影院,戏院 dressImgo to the theatre L

5、ets try.合并句:合并句:She is laughing because she is happy.He is eating the big cake because he is hungry.合并句:合并句:I am wearing a baseball cap because Im going to play baseball.合并句:合并句:BecauseThe girl is sitting on the moon because she wants to pick the stars.合并句:合并句:Why did the girl go into space?Why did

6、the girl throw the butter out of the window?Why was 6 afraid of 7?Why did the dog sit under the tree?Because it didnt want to be a hot dog.Because she wanted to be a star.Because she wanted to see a butter fly.Because 7,8,9.1.Finish your written work and report to the class.2.Talk about the dialogue with your partner.此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!

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