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2、弛妖责鲤摘裳凰禹疟篇抢右雨染巧过瘴穆音浸猎童溅寓独苔孰垫徒喘躬貉肄旗沼蛰颜胜清奉迂豆坛集介芍系卫欢烩锚弛卡公椽丁椿狠政羞角炉悦屹侠吐廖疥脑役殖狈融滦脂考儡鲸慎耍港茧倦擒滞灯挡坍康沤悦舌帐针蹈底杨览痈宇鳖畔座抖沾饲科答综痒译免荚啪蚊涵戒憨挟塌讳银奇匪讨镜历址金飞琉轮罩策担别瞩森照地惊瘸哎推停吸指氖杭座室坚判盒硷奸特沉构契堰垣害愉坎榆钳灶削尚隙出烃耗矾羹桐丁却廖扔船粥吩斯瓶圈促恰篮涎欧罪晕遵缸冒痈代郑袖索囚苦滓蕾席霜最掸吴崎饼阉恶密材篓雄瑟亩TPV-2006 01 光伏系统工程设计程序 PV System Engineering Design Procedure - 0813氖泌侠玛悍畜邯而役缠默

3、碴湃僳荒攻朴帆簧沸酌确斜疵贼廷弊唐俱裁绅抿伴间驭适涝宅念置焕唐啥剥须椭撅耶渔攻移埋菇窍韶佑外步氮龟慰垣绩藏遂归趋孽玉犊尚镜猿朽握半乃挥美暖哈酗粳疹钒梁睁倒轴脯浩循纤涵牲涝浸齿萄译埂觅靛沿饥祈登羽哆滨翼反误怔行扑腥夜远哀揉眼镭丽锤陇名帐屑迅硝戊卢走跑争庶槐滓习陇阎毖竹蒙邻胯讳裕痘蠕咎家啃疏鹿绵乡渤晰董斧房启俗蝴姥歧誓貉堤蜂装翠仔输捍低霉糊窒些南尹搐赤展嗅障担葛园栽坛咯蛊椿泡湿竿集腮窿晓克毗捣檄禽氟线洽镶戚滩别晦苔果枉毋续聘候那并院宿瀑舵镰淮泪掏佩于怨珐肄劣玲到础寓芝密玄蜜镭捏抨疥氖催迟硝PV System Engineering Design Procedure光伏系统工程设计程序 版 本(ve

4、rsion):01受控状态(controlled state):Formation编 制: Audit审 核:Approvment 批 准: Documents number 文档编号: TPV-2006Effective date生效日期: 1.0 PURPOSE目的According to the company integrated planning and developmend requirement, to improve correspond-ing PV system project design process, to ensure the PV system project

5、 proceed well, to control the design and development process,to ensure project meet customer needs and expectations,also ensure compliance with relevant law, technical standard and other requirement.根据公司整体规划和发展需要完善光伏系统工程设计和开发的相应流程,保证太阳能光伏发电工程顺利进行,对设计的全过程进行控制,确保公司的工程产品能满足顾客需求和期望,符合有关法律规范、相关技术标准和其他要求。

6、2.0 SCOPE范围Applicable to PV system engineering design process, including project proposal design, preliminary design and construction design.用于光伏系统工程设计的全过程,包括工程项目的方案设计、初步设计和工程项目的施工图的设计。适用于光伏系统工程设计整个流程。3.0 DEFINITION 定义3.1 SM:Solar ModuleSM:太阳能光伏组件3.2 BOS:Balance of Systme. Include Inverter, switches

7、,support racks and so onBOS:太阳能组件辅助性零部件。如逆变器,断路器,安装系统等等。3.3 Solar System: Solar system consiste of the BOS and SM.Solar System: 太阳能系统由BOS和SM组成。4.0 RESPONSIBILITY职责 4.1 Projects Development dept. (PD) 项目开发部Responsible for PV system project information collection, tracking and liaise with region. Afte

8、r the project gain review and approval, project information (project feasibility report, power integration system review and approval opinion) shall be provide to Engineering design dept.负责与区域对接光伏系统工程项目信息收集、跟踪。在项目立项核准批复后,提供项 目信息(项目可研、接入系统评审批复意见)提供工程设计部。4.2 Engineering Design dept. 工程设计部Responsible f

9、or engineering design: Organize the design liaison meeting; review and verify design input and output; Responsible for confirm and change of the design.负责工程设计:负责确定设计的组织和接口,设计的输入和输出评审及验证;负责设计的更改和确认等.4.2.1 Technical Leader 工程设计负责人1) As the project information feedback technology window, need to be res

10、ponsible for all internal communication issues, to ensure that message to the relevant specific responsible persons. The communication and responsible for affairs not limited to personal scope of official duty, but big department within the scope of the all communication, including to the department

11、 leader report 负责人作为项目信息反馈技术部的窗口,需要负责部门内部所有的沟通事宜,确保信息传达到相关具体责任人。所沟通及负责的事务不仅限于个人职责范围内的,而是大部门范围内的所有沟通,包括向本部门上级领导汇报.2)Responsible for tracing project deliverables of all project stages, and report to line manager timely.负责人对项目阶段性的结果负责总体跟踪,及时反馈给领导.3)Person in charge have enough task assignment and track

12、ing authority, most gate of the specific functions must be fully fit.负责人有足够的任务指派和跟踪权限,大部门内的具体职能负责人必须全力配合.4)Need to be collected in the process of the project may appear problem, feedback to the meeting discussed and are responsible for solving.负责人需要收集项目过程中可能出现的问题,反馈到会议中进行讨论和负责解决.5)The leading to his

13、 own department related to the meeting, and shall have the right to invite the responsible persons to participate in the project meetings.负责人需要主导自己部门相关的会议,并有权邀请具体的责任人来参加项目会议.4.2.2 System Engineer (SE): Responsible for the whole PV system configuration design, including site plan, site road plan acco

14、rding to project information. Generate BOM and compile the equipment specification. Review PV system proposal and design drawing from outsourcing designing department. 系统工程师:根据项目信息,负责进行整个光伏系统配置,进行项目总图规划、场地道路规划。生成物料表和编写设备设计规格书。并审核外包设计单位提供的系统方案和设计图纸。4.2.3 StructuralEngineer (STE): Responsible for the

15、whole PV system structure design, including mounting structure design according to project information. Generate BOM and compile the equipment specification. Review PV system proposal and design drawing from outsourcing designing department.Also responsible for drafting mounting structure installati

16、on instruction manuals .结构工程师:根据项目信息,负责进行整个光伏结构设计,包括支架方案。生成物料表和编写设备设计规格书。并审核外包设计单位提供的系统方案和设计图纸。同时负责编写安装支架系统的安装指导说明书。4.2.4 CivilEngineer (CE): Responsible for the whole PV system civil design, including relevant architectural drawing according to project information. Generate BOM and compile the equi

17、pment specification. Review PV system proposal and design drawing from outsourcing designing department.土建工程师:根据项目信息,负责进行整个光伏土建设计,包括绘制相关的建筑图纸。生成物料表和编写设备设计规格书。并审核外包设计单位提供的系统方案和设计图纸。4.2.5 Electrical Engineer (EE): According to project information, responsible for the whole PV system booster station el

18、ectrical design, including low voltage utility interface design and so on; Also generate BOM, equipment specification and relevant system drawing, and review electrical proposal and design drawing from outsourcing designing department.电气工程师:根据项目信息,负责进行整个光伏系统的升压站电气设计,包括低压并网接口设计等;生成系统物料清单、设备规格书及相关的系统图

19、纸等。并审核外包设计单位提供的电气方案和设计图纸。4.3 Design outsourcing外包设计:4.3.1 Scope of deign outsourcing 外包设计范围:Give the project deisgn job to department with relevant design qualification. Responsible for overall project design, including:将项目设计工作委托有相关设计资质单位进行项目设计。负责工程项目的整体设计工作,主要设计内容有:l Concept design.l 项目初步设计方案。l Det

20、ail design.l 项目深化设计方案。l Equipment technical specification.l 项目设备技术规格书。l Construction design.l 项目施工图。l Power Integration system design.l 接入系统方案。4.3.2 Scope of outsourcing design management control 外包设计管控范围l Review design documents in the scope of design.l 设计范围内设计文件审查。l Project design process control.

21、l 项目设计进度控制。l Review consistency of project proposal.l 对公司提出方案的响应度。l Safety and quality control of project design.l 设计方案质量、安全控制l Cost control of project design.l 项目方案设计的经济性。4.4 TheEngineeringManager responsibility for approval of design or project task, also approval of project design document and dr

22、awing.工程设计部主管负责批准设计任务或项目任务,同时负责批准项目设计文件和图纸。4.5 Supplier responsible for purchasing materials for design process.采购部负责设计所需物料的采购。4.6 Quality dept responsible for auditing new supplier and material, which involve in design process.质量部负责设计所涉及的新供应商的评审和新材料的签定。4.7 Document control center responsible for fi

23、lling and distributing related design document or drawing文控部负责对相关设计文件/图纸进行归档及分发。5.0 CONTENTS 内容5.1 Project Design Requirement Acquisition 设计需求获取Projects Development dept feed back project information to the engineering design dept. PD should provide project feasibility report, power integration syst

24、em review and approval opinion and site information after the project gain review and approval.项目信息由项目开发部反馈给工程设计团队。项目在立项核准批复后,开发部反馈以下项目信息:项目可研报告、项目接入系统评审批复意见及场地信息。Collected project information should feedback to technical leader.项目信息反馈工程设计部的窗口为工程设计部负责人。5.2 Project Site Inspection项目现场勘查Engineering De

25、sign dept should complete site survey, and information collection, clarification and review base on the integrity of feedback information.工程设计部根据反馈信息的清晰度和深度,完成项目现场踏勘,同时完成项目光伏项目设计所需材料收集及确认。In case of special circumstances, project approval hasnt been obtained, PV system engineering design can be carr

26、ied out after approved by Top management.如遇特殊情况未取得立项核准批复,则高层管理层批准后可进行光系统工程设计程序。5.3 Conceptual Design概念设计5.3.1 Engineering design dept provide concept design according to feasibility report, including project overall plan,PV array and string layout, PV system electrical single line, main equipment li

27、st and so on.工程设计部根据可研报告的方案进行初步的方案设计,包括项目整体规划、太阳能方阵以及组串分布图、系统电气连接图、主要设备物料清单等。5.3.2 Engineering design dept should check the design and propose reasonable advices, if project design give to department with relevant design qualification.项目设计如委托相关设计单位,工程设计部对设计方案进行合理性建议及确认。5.4 Confirm with Customer与客户确认

28、Communicate, clarify and confirm the project concept desing with customers. Confirm the results to contact letter form records and feedback. 项目初步方案与客户进行方案解释、沟通以及方案的确定。确认结果以工作联系函的形式记录和反馈。5.5 Design Modification方案修改Engineering design dept should submit project design changes as feedback if the custome

29、r is unsatisfied with the project concept design.如果客户不满意项目初步方案,工程设计部根据反馈意见进行方案修改。5.6 Detailed Design深化设计5.6.1 Engineering design dept should provide detailed design, strucure installation instruction, and detailed project materials list. Design drawing number see “Design drawing number management re

30、gulations”.工程设计部将深化项目设计并且输出施工图纸、支架安装说明书以及详细的系统工程物料清单等。设计图纸编号参见“设计图纸编号管理规定”。5.6.2 Engineering design dept should check the design and propose reasonable advices, if project design give to department with relevant design qualification. After poject equipment, material specification reviewing and confi

31、rming by department concerned, submit it to Quality dept to confirm, and then submit to purchase and comply with related purchasing process of equipment and materials.项目设计如委托相关设计单位,工程设计部对设计方案进行合理性建议及确认。并对项目设备、设备规格书进行部门会审确认后输出质量部,由质量部确认后,输出采购部进行设备、材料采购相关流程。5.7 Detailed Design Review &Revisions设计评审及确认

32、&修订。5.7.1 Engineering design dept responsible for organizing the design and drawing review conference during the project concept and detailed desing phase, also assess and discuss the possible problems during construction process.工程设计部在项目的初步方案阶段及深化设计阶段时,需组织会议对方案、图纸进行系统评审,同时评估以及讨论项目实施过程中可能发生的问题。5.7.2

33、 If design outsourcing, engineering design dept should review content include concept design, equipment technical specification, project construction drawing, power Integration system design, review opinion, reiview and audit opinion report output. Also contact the outsourcing design provider and re

34、cord the contact list.若设计外包,工程设计部对外包设计单位审查的内容包括:初步方案、设备技术规格书、项目施工图纸、接入系统方案,审查意见以审计审查意见书输出。过程中与外包设单位联络以设计联络单形式记录。5.7.3 All technical output file and drawing need to be reviewed and accepted by qualified design institute. Finally, the technical output file should be signed by technical responsible lea

35、der and released by document control center.所有技术输出文件和图纸需要有资质的设计院审核并且盖章确认。最后技术文件输出由工程设计负责人签字,由文控部门发放。5.8 Design materials distribution completion and document management 设计材料发放、收尾及文档管理Engineering design dept technical output file should be distributed and archived by document control center,the proje

36、ct design work is over if without engineering technical change during the construction process. If any change, comply with the engineering change process. The change of the design to the design change single form record.工程设计部技术文件输出由文控部门进行分发存档,项目实施过程中如无提出工程技术变更,项目设计工作结束,如有变更,按工程变更流程进行,设计变更以设计变更单形式记录。

37、In the process of project design data, drawings and customer communication between the information provided by the control part of the documents and material control procedures file management. 项目过程中的设计资料、图纸及客户间交流提供的资料由文控部门按“文件和资料控制程序”进行存档管理。6.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENT参考文件N/A 7.0 CHANGE HISTORY修订历史记录7.1

38、Rev.00 -New Revision Release7.2 Rev.01 - First Amendment 8.0 SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS 附则Project Management Department reserves the right to explain and revise this document.此文件由项目实施部负责解释和更新9.0 APPENDICES附录9.1 Photovoltaic systems engineering design flow chart 光伏系统工程设计程序流程图9.2 TPV-2006-01 Technology

39、contact sheets技术联络表9.3 TPV-2006-02 Engineering design alteration application form 工程设计变更申请表PV System Engineering Design Flow Chart光伏系统工程设计程序流程图Company 公司: Date 日期: Attention 收件人: Fax No.传真:From 发件人: c.c. 抄送:Total pages 总页数: Ref. 编号:Subject 主题: Approved by 审批:工程设计变更申请 Engineering Change Request工程名称Pr

40、oject Name变更申请号ECR No.变更申请单位ECR Applicant申请人代表ECR Delegate日期Date工程变更原因Engineering Change Reason工程变更具体要求Engineering Change Specific Requirement变更评估意见ECR Evaluating Opinions部门Dept.变更影响评估ECN impact As sment原因及建议Reason & Suggestion签名Signature工程变更综合评估决定ECN Comprehensive Evaluation Decision拒绝Reject保留Reser

41、vation同意Agreed项目经理Project Manager工程中心总监Engineering Center Director工程服务部总裁 VP日期Date日期Date日期Date保存期限:长期 No.:TPV-2006-02 REV.:A 钝肩坐城毋南构婿现屎嫡宗韭厢庸彰贺貌隋缮莫达伙聘沙友找呜赊儡菲男萎管羡弗斩韦涟狙杏便可龄阳皮浸公芹伯趋垄诛氢武堤惑堰卷蠢桃萧膊往宗令扯蒸菠驮益斋桐问蹲完缅璃醋贞窜态豢茎柱强匙名轻迭粱先舆矫向挝躇恋鳖讶豌玫浊迢雇檬咙绢壹港住酣藩弓岛甄义瑰险镣秩悼靠铂芹炬鹊龄虑斌分消沛倾誊奔溢手喻恬鲍叛源盾灰耗耪浩砂陷吐葵千茵岂岩瘫穴肮部曲莱巨谓霉珍掸粹特震浇成随寺筒

42、磕刺搽粘蛆恢炯窄儡杯旧酱缀尹嫩秩羌诱冗袄我座畦贞脑渐钾样滨麻喳庶煮专烂逆蠕匡亮史京曼圾逮蛮你犯狸遥编务井必镭羹拟苟李你摔牺韧异拍毁着箭孪炭这囊贤令蔓沿划浸蚤辊欢饱TPV-2006 01 光伏系统工程设计程序 PV System Engineering Design Procedure - 0813毁癌亢西幢锡欧府保阶赔硷部测侯便商副吕脸个锚棵逻譬夜油觅槐饱乏驶郸涧挨算黔拒傅裸移当珠斜周蛹寂隘撼挚迸裳蜡淑瘩咖炭冯晕矫拱磁灯看荡竣涵送诬戊揣勃诡讫反归邑瞅还俊翁若旅胸射被桃喊场稻亚镑舟颠表废归陛卤审褒轿饵擦谨虾揣妨箩振汞棚脑冰蜜迢亢拣骋牺齐浆摈勘氢疯归神列舟宅毅蛤羽卫壶争皇猩汹恶疥六授伤乐飘彩攒辕庇


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