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1、一、单项选择1_ is Ben doing now? ()He is helping Mr Green in the classroom.AWhereBWhyCWhat2Dont shout, my grandpa _ TV. He usually _ TV on Sunday. ()Awatches; watchesBis watching; watchesCwatches; is watching3_ are your parents cooking? ()In the kitchen.AWhatBWhoCWhere4Whats wrong with _? ()_ has a bad co

2、ugh.Ahim; HisBhe; HimChim; He5When is _ birthday? ()AhisBheChim6You _ go to bed late. ()AshouldBmustCshouldnt7Look! The boys _ basketball or football in the playground. ()Aare playingBarent playingCplayDdont play8Whose jeans are these? ()_ATheyre Lindas.BTherere Lindas.CThey are Linda.DIts Lindas.9W

3、hen is your fathers birthday? ()Its _ the seventh _ October.Aon; atBon; ofCat; of10The Double Ninth Festival is _. ()Ain springBin October or NovemberCin November or DecemberDin October11The eighth month of a year is _. ()AJulyBSeptemberCAugust12Whats Liu Tao _ in the fridge? ()Alook forBlooking for

4、Clooks for13I come to school _. ()Aby bikeBby a bikeCby the bike14There _ some bread and milk in the fridge. ()AisBareChave15Jacks birthday is _ 12th March. Its also the Tree Planting Day. ()AatBinConDof二、用单词适当形式填空16What would you like?Id like _ (drink) some coffee.17Tims birthday is on the _ (twent

5、y) of November.18We should brush our _ (tooth) every day.19Listen, Helen _ (sing) in the next room.20Its seven oclock. We _ (swim) now.21She wants _ (wash) dishes for her parents.22The computer room is on _ (twelve) floor.The Art room is on the _ (eight) floor.23Sam _ (have) many fish, but Bobby _ (

6、not have) any.24The man _ (not know) the way to the hospital. He _ (ask) a driver for help now.25_ (not watch) TV. _ (help) me, please. Sorry, Mike, I am busy.You can ask father for _ (help).26The _ (five) number is seven.27Lily has a cold. She should _ (drink) warm water.28How many _ (tooth) do you

7、 have?Twenty-eight.29Li Xins parents work in Yancheng. They are both taxi _ (drive).30They usually _ (visit) their grandparents and _ (have) a big dinner together.三、完成句子31I like _ (吃面条) for breakfast.32The bus station is on your r_.33Today is Sunday. My mother is doing some h_ at home.34I have a too

8、thache. I cant _ (eat) anything. 35_ Day is on the tenth of September.36We cant find a_ in the fridge. We should go shopping this afternoon.37My friend is _ (寻找一些面包) in the fridge.38Su Hai is very sad_ (wash) the dishes.39Whos _ _ (洗蔬菜) in the kitchen?Mum is.40These mushrooms are beautiful, but they

9、 are b_ for us.四、阅读判断In the State of Qi, King Xuan of Qi loved to listen to Yu music. He announced he would organize a band.A man called Nanguo was excited hearing the news. He bragged (吹嘘) about his playing skills in front of the king and the king let him join the band. Nanguo didnt know how to pla

10、y the Yu. But he knew a way to protect him from being caught. He imitated (模仿) others poses but didnt make any sound when others were playing. He was never caught among three hundred people. Nanguo lived comfortably (舒适地) for a while.After King Xuan of Qi died, his son King Min of Qi succeeded (继任).

11、 King Min of Qi preferred solo (单独的) performance. After Nanguo heard about it, he ran away immediately.1、King Min of Qi and his father both loved to listen to Yu music. ( )2、Nanguo could (会) play the Yu well. ( )3、Nanguo was sometimes caught among three hundred people. ( )4、King Min of Qi preferred

12、solo performance. ( )5、Finally, Nanguo lived comfortably for a long time. ( )五、阅读判断Itisfouroclockintheafternoon.Thestudentsareintheclassroom.Whataretheydoing?BoboisreadingapicturebookwithJohn.Cocoissweepingthefloor.Lucyiscleaningtheblackboard.Cathyisdoingherhomework.Emmaishelpingher.MissZhangistheir

13、teacher.Sheisintheclassroomtoo.Whatisshedoing?SheistalkingwithJack.46、Thestudentsareinthe_.()AplaygroundBlibraryCclassroom47、_arereadingapicturebook. ()ABoboandJohnBBoboandCocoCCocoandJohn48、Lucyis_.()AsweepingthefloorBcleaningtheblackboardCdoingherhomework49、Emmaishelping_withherhomework. ()AJackBC

14、ocoCCathy50、Whichsentence(句子)isnotright? ()AMissZhangisateacher.BMissZhangisintheclassroom.CMissZhangistalkingwithMike.六、阅读理解Hello, my name is Jason. My parents and I live in Shanghai now. My father teaches English and my mother teaches Maths in a primary school. We live in a new house. Its near my

15、parents school, so they always go to work by bus. I go to school by bus too. We go to the same school.I have many Chinese friends. We play games on Saturdays. I often visit my good friend Zhang Wei by metro on Sundays. I teach him English and he teaches me Chinese.51、Jasons father teaches _ and his

16、mother teaches. ()AEnglish; MathsBChinese; MathsCEnglish; Art52、Jasons house is _ his school. ()Afar fromBbehindCnear53、Jason goes to school _. ()Aby bikeBby busCon foot54、Jason and his Chinese friends _ on Saturdays. ()Aplay gamesBplay basketballCplay football55、Jason often visit Zhang Wei _. ()Aby

17、 taxiBby busCby metro七、阅读理解 Last winter vacation, our class went to Xiangshan for a trip. Though (虽然) the weather was a little cold, it was sunny.At 6:00 in the morning we met at the school gate. We took a bus there. On the bus, our monitor told us an interesting story. The story was about an intere

18、sting man. Then three girls in our class sang songs. We were very happy. At about 7:30 we got there. It was a beautiful mountain. There were many visitors. Then we started to climb the mountain. The boys had a climbing race (比赛). Li Ming won the first prize. He got a blue hat. At about nine oclock w

19、e met a famous singer. Qi Hui and Ma Yan even got his autographs (亲笔签名). They were very excited. We had lunch in the mountain. We brought food from home and ate together. After lunch we went to the zoo, because there was a new member (成员) in the zoo. It was a cheetah (猎豹). It came from Africa.Finall

20、y, we took the bus back to school. Although we were tired, we really had fun.56、How was the weather on that day? ()AIt was warm and sunny.BIt was hot and sunny.CIt was cold, but sunny.DIt was cold and cloudy.57、They went to the mountain _. ()Aby bikeBby busCon footDby car58、It took them about _ to g

21、et to the mountain. ()Aone and a half hoursBan hourCforty minutesDhalf an hour59、They had lunch _. ()Aat homeBat schoolCin a restaurantDin the mountain60、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ()AThey were quiet on the bus.BTwo students got the singers autographs.CThey bought food

22、in the mountain.DThe cheetah came from America.【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:本正在做什么?他正在教室里帮助格林老师。由下文答语可知应是对做什么提问,因此应用疑问词What,A哪,B为什么,C什么,故选C。【点睛】2B解析:B【详解】句意:不要喊,爷爷正在_电视。他经常在周日_电视。前句时态为现在进行时,结构为:be+doing,主语my grandpa为单数第三人称,其对应的be动词应用is,watch的现在分词为watching。后句时态为一般现在时,主语He为单数第三人称,谓语应该动词watch的单数第三人称形式watch


24、在操场上打篮球或者踢足球。由句子中look可知句子时态为现在进行时,句型结构是be+现在分词,所以CD是错的,句子中是or,所以句子是否定句,故选B。8A解析:A【详解】句意:这些是谁的牛仔裤?他们是琳达的。根据问句句意可知答句回答它们是某人的。Are these引导的句子答语用代词they回答,排除BC,琳达的 Lindas.,名词所有格形式,排除C,故选A。9B解析:B【详解】句意:你父亲的生日是什么时候?是十月七日。在具体某一天用介词on,在几月的某一天中间可以用介词of连接,故选B。10D解析:D【详解】句意:重阳节是在_。A在春天,B在十月或十一月,C在十一月或者十二月,D在十月。根

25、据常识可知,重阳节是农历九月初九,每年都是十月左右。故选D。11C解析:C【详解】句意:一年的第八个月是_。A七月,B九月,C八月,根据常识可知一年的第八个月是八月,故选C。12B解析:B【详解】句意:刘涛正在冰箱里找什么?横线处的动词用现在分词形式,与is构成现在进行时,looking是look的现在分词,故选B。13A解析:A【详解】句意:我_来学校。by bike骑自行车,固定介词搭配,故选A。14A解析:A【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些面包和牛奶。本题考查there be句型,横线后是不可数名词,be用is,故选A。15C解析:C【详解】句意:杰克的生日是在三月十二日。它也是植树节。A在;

26、B在里;C在上;D的;在三月十二日介词用on,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16to drink【详解】句意:你想要什么?我想喝点咖啡。想做某事would like to do sth,故答案为to drink。17twentieth【详解】句意:蒂姆的生日在11月二十日。twenty二十,11月20日the twentieth of November,日期用序数词形式。故答案为twentieth。18teeth【详解】句意:我们应该每天刷牙。tooth牙,可数名词单数,牙齿有多颗,用复数teeth,故答案为teeth。19H解析:is singing【详解】句意:听,海伦正在隔壁房间唱歌。根

27、据句意可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语Helen是第三人称单数,be用is,sing的现在分词是singing,故答案为is singing。20are swimming【详解】句意:现在是七点。我们正在游泳。swim游泳,根据now可知该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,主语We是复数,be动词用are,swim的现在分词形式为swimming。故答案为are swimming。21to wash【详解】句意:她想要为她的父母洗碗。本题考查want用法,想要做某事want+to+动词原形。故所给动词洗wash用不定式to wash,故答案

28、为to wash。22 twelfth eighth【详解】句意:电脑教室在十二楼。美术教室在八楼。表示楼层时用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,eight的序数词是eighth。故答案为twelfth;eighth。23B解析: has doesnt have【详解】句意:Sam有很多鱼,但是Bobby一条鱼也没有。根据句意可知,该句是陈述句,时态为一般现在时。Sam是第三人称,谓语动词用三单形式,故第一空have变第三人称单数has,第二空have是实义动词,变否定用助动词do,主语是第三人称,do变第三人称单数does,否定形式为doesnt,实义动词用原形。故答案为has;

29、doesnt have。24 doesnt know is asking【详解】句意:这个男人不知道去医院的路。他现在向一个司机寻求帮助。根据句意可知第一句话是一般现在时,主语是the man第三人称单数,动词也用用第三人称单数,故对动词know进行否定要借助助动词doesnt,后加动词原形know,后面一句中now表示正在做某事。用现在进行时,主语+be+动词现在分词+其它。主语是he,be动词用is,后加asking,故答案为doesnt know;is asking。25D解析: Dont watch Help help【详解】句意:不要看电视。请帮帮我。对不起,迈克,我太忙了。你可以向

30、父亲寻求帮助。第一句为祈使句Dont后加动词原形,第一空填Dont watch。Help me,please。请帮帮我。第二空填Help。ask sb for+名词,向某人寻求,第三空填help。故答案为Dont watch;Help;help。26fifth【详解】句意:第五个数字是7。five五,基数词,后跟可数名词复数,根据句意横线处填five的序数词fifth,故答案为fifth。27drink【详解】句意:莉莉感冒了。她应该喝温水。should后跟动词原形,故答案为drink。28teeth【详解】句意:你有几颗牙齿?二十八颗。tooth牙齿,how many后跟可数名词复数,too

31、th的复数形式为teeth,故答案为teeth。29drivers【详解】句意:李欣的父母在盐城工作。他们都是司机。根据句意,可知考查drive的名词driver司机,由系动词are可知该空为可数名词复数形式,driver复数形式为drivers,故答案为drivers。【点睛】30 visit have【详解】句意:他们通常去看望他们的祖父母并一起吃顿丰盛的晚餐。visit看望,have吃,根据usually可知该句是一般现在时,主语They是复数人称,故谓语动词用原形,故答案为visit;have。三、完成句子31eating noodles【详解】句意:早饭我喜欢吃面条。吃面条eat n

32、oodles,like doing sth喜欢做某事,eat的动名词是eating,故答案为eating noodles。32right#ight【详解】句意:公交车站在你的右边。根据句意及首字母,可知考查on your right在你的右边,固定搭配,故答案为right。33housework#ousework【详解】句意:今天是星期天。我妈妈正在家做一些家务活。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词housework家务活,不可数名词,故答案为housework。34eat【详解】句意:我牙痛。我不能吃任何东西。I cant+动词原形(+其他),用于描述自己不能做某事。故填eat。35Teache

33、rs【详解】句意:_节在九月十日。根据题意和常识可知,教师节在九月十日。教师节teachers day,故答案为Teachers。36anything#nything【详解】句意:我们在冰箱里找不到_。我们今天下午应该去购物。根据语境和字母提示可知,anything任何东西,符合题意,故答案为anything。37looking for some bread【详解】寻找,动词短语,翻译为look for;一些面包,翻译为some bread。根据句中系动词is,可知句子是现在进行时,look要用现在分词形式looking。故答案为looking for some bread。38to wash

34、【详解】句意:苏海洗了盘子,很伤心。此题考查不定式,sb is+形容词+to do sth某人做了某事,某人怎么样,根据句意,故答案为to wash。【点睛】39 washing vegetables【详解】句意:谁在厨房里洗蔬菜?是妈妈。洗蔬菜wash vegetables,由Whos可知句子是现在进行时,故动词用现在分词,wash的现在分词是washing。故答案为washing;vegetables。40bad#ad【详解】句意:这些蘑菇很漂亮,但是它们对我们_。根据句意和所给的首字母,可知考查单词bad有害的,形容词,be bad for对有害,固定短语,故答案为bad。【点睛】四、阅

35、读判断41F解析:1、T2、F3、F4、T5、F【分析】短文大意:讲述成语滥竽充数的故事。1、句意:齐宣王和他的爸爸都喜欢听竽。由句子In the State of Qi, King Xuan of Qi loved to listen to Yu music. 可知他们都喜欢听竽。故答案为T。2、句意:南郭会吹竽吹得好。由句子Nanguo didnt know how to play the Yu. 可知他不会吹竽。故答案为F。3、句意:南郭在三百人之中被逮住了。由句子He was never caught among three hundred people. 可知南郭没有被逮。故答案为F

36、。4、句意:齐明王喜欢独奏。由句子 King Min of Qi preferred solo (单独的) performance. . 可知他齐明王喜欢独奏。故答案为T。5、句意:最后,南郭很舒适地生活了很长时间。由句子 After Nanguo heard about it, he ran away immediately. 可知他跑了。故答案为F。【点睛】五、阅读判断解析:46、C47、A48、B49、C50、C【解析】46、根据短文叙述 The students are in the classroom. (孩子们在教室里。)可知在教室里,C选项正确。故答案为C。47、根据短文叙述 B

37、obo is reading a picture book with John. (Bobo和John在看图画书。)可知是Bobo和John,A选项正确。故答案为A。48、根据短文叙述 Lucy is cleaning the blackboard. (Lucy在擦黑板。)可知在擦黑板。B选项正确。故答案为B。49、根据短文叙述 Cathy is doing her homework. Emma is helping her. (Cathy在做作业。Emma在帮助她。)可知是帮助Cathy。C选项正确。故答案为C。50、根据短文叙述 She is talking with Jack. (她正在

38、和Jack谈话。)可知C选项正确。故答案为C。【点睛】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,根据短文叙述来选择正确的选项。六、阅读理解解析:51、A52、C53、B54、A55、C【解析】短文大意:短文介绍了詹森及詹森的父母和中国朋友。51、句意:詹森的爸爸教_他的妈妈教_。A英语,数学;B语文,数学;C英语,美术;根据短文中的My father teaches English and my mother teaches Maths in a primary school.我的爸爸在一所小学教英语我妈妈教数学,可知A选项符合,故选A。52、句意:詹森的房子在学校_。A离远,B在后面,C附近。根

39、据短文中的We live in a new house.Its near my parents school.我们住在一所新房子。它在我父母学校附近。可知C选项符合,故选C。 53、句意:詹森_去上学。A骑自行车,B乘坐公共汽车,C步行。根据短文中的 I go to school by bus too. 我也乘坐公共汽车去上学。可知B选项符合,故选B。54、句意:詹森在星期六和他的中国朋友_。A做游戏,B打篮球,C踢足球。根据短文中的I have many Chinese friends. We play games on Saturdays.我有许多中国朋友。我们在星期六做游戏。可知A选项符

40、合,故选A。55、句意:詹森经常_拜访张伟。A乘坐出租车,B乘坐公共汽车,C乘地铁。根据短文中的 I often visit my good friend Zhang Wei by metro on Sundays. 我经常在星期天乘地铁拜访我的好朋友张伟。可知C选项符合,故选C。【点睛】七、阅读理解解析:56、C57、B58、A59、D60、B【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了去年寒假,我们班去香山旅游的事情。56、句意:那天天气怎么样?A天气温暖阳光明媚。B天气很热阳光明媚。C天气很冷,但阳光明媚。D天气很冷多云。根据短文中的Though (虽然) the weather was a littl

41、e cold, it was sunny.可知那天天气很冷,但阳光明媚,故选C。57、句意:他们_去了山上。A骑自行车;B乘公共汽车;C步行;D乘汽车;根据短文中的We took a bus there. 可知他们乘公共汽车去了山上,故选B。58、句意:他们花了大约_到达那座山。A一个半小时;B一个小时;C四十分钟;D半个小时;根据短文中的At 6:00 in the morning we met at the school gate.We took a bus there.At about 7:30 we got there.可知他们花了一个半小时到达那座山,故选A。59、句意:他们_吃了午

42、饭。A在家;B在学校;C在饭店;D在山里;根据短文中的We had lunch in the mountain. 可知他们在山里吃了午饭,故选D。60、句意:根据文章下列哪项是正确的?A他们在公共汽车上很安静。B两个学生得到了歌手的亲笔签名。C他们在山里买了食物。D猎豹来自美国.根据短文中的On the bus, our monitor told us an interesting story. At about nine oclock we met a famous singer. Qi Hui and Ma Yan even got his autographs.We brought food from home and ate together. It was a cheetah (猎豹). It came from Africa.可知ACD选项不正确,B选项正确,故选B。

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