1、睡谷的传说The Legend Of The Sleepy Hollow1Writer:Washington Irving 17831859(华盛顿欧文)loneoftheearliestromanticwritersinAmericanlheis the first humorist in Americanliteraturelknownforhissketches,shortstoriesandbiographies,hehasprobablymadeshortstoriesgenre(题材)inAmericanliterature.lthefirsttowritehistoryandbi
2、ographyasentertainmentlthefirstU.S.authortoachieveinternationalrenown.(国际声誉)2TheFatherofAmericanLiterature3Sunnyside4The big trees around the house 5The backyard67Heisbestknownforhisshortstories“TheLegendofSleepyHollow”and“RipVanWinkle”,bothofwhichappearinhisbookTheSketchBookofGeoffreyCrayon,Gent.Th
3、e hit book made Irving the first American author to gain real fame in America.8The Legend Of The Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说睡谷的传说9Background The Legend of Sleepy Hollow set in the Dutch culture of Post-Revolutionary War in New York State.It was based on a German folk tale,which original recorded by Kael Musa
4、us.10Characters:Katrina love marriedIchabod Crane rival in love Brom BonesPlaces:Tarry Town(塔里镇)Connecticut(康涅狄格州)1112Plot:There were many stories in the quiet valley-sleepy Hollow.But the story that people believed most was about a man who was headless,rode a horse at night.He rode a horse through
5、the valley,looking for his lost head.13 Near Sleepy Hollow was a village called Tarry Town.The village had a small school and Ichabod Crane was the only teacher in it.Among the students Ichabod taught was Katrina Van Tassel.She was the only daughter of a rich Dutch farmer.Ichabod soon found himself
6、interested in Katrina.But there was also another strong young man named Brom Bones loved Katrina.14So Ichabod made his plan silently and secretly-visited Katrinas farm and made her think he was helping her to learn better.One day Ichabod was invited to a big party at the Van Tassel s home.Brom Bones
7、 also rode to party on his fastest horse.When the music stopped,young people sat together to tell stories about the Sleepy Hollow.And the most feared was about the rider looking for his lost head 15 The story ended and Ichabod began to went home alone He thought there was something white moving in t
8、he tree.and he heard a noise.On the side of the river stood an ugly,big and black thing.It looked like a giant monster.Ichabod saw a headless rider on the horse.His head was resting on the horse 16 The headless man picked up his head and threw it to Ichabod,it hit Ichabod in the face and knocked him
9、 off his horse.Next day,people only found Ichabod s hat.They believed the headless horseman had carried Ichabod away.Much later an old farmer returned from outside and said he saw Ichabod.As for Katrina,her mother and father gave her a big wedding when she married Brom Bones.17人物分析:a headless ridera
10、 headless rider:代表一种:代表一种“超自然的力量超自然的力量”Ichabod CraneIchabod Crane:小说讽刺的对象,他小心眼、迷信、缺乏创造力,:小说讽刺的对象,他小心眼、迷信、缺乏创造力,给睡谷这个自给自足的小天地里带来不和谐的声音。伊卡包德给睡谷这个自给自足的小天地里带来不和谐的声音。伊卡包德克莱克莱恩是外部世界的代表,他被驱逐后,睡谷又恢复了往日的平静,从这恩是外部世界的代表,他被驱逐后,睡谷又恢复了往日的平静,从这个层面上看,在抵抗外部渗透的斗争中,睡谷中的荷兰人赢得了胜利。个层面上看,在抵抗外部渗透的斗争中,睡谷中的荷兰人赢得了胜利。KatrinaKa
11、trina:荷兰农夫的女儿卡特琳娜是睡谷中的女性代表,她的形象:荷兰农夫的女儿卡特琳娜是睡谷中的女性代表,她的形象也不具有积极含义。她爱卖弄风情表面上和伊卡包德也不具有积极含义。她爱卖弄风情表面上和伊卡包德克莱恩谈恋爱,克莱恩谈恋爱,却将伊卡包德却将伊卡包德克莱恩玩弄于股掌间,只是为了把他的情敌降伏得牢克莱恩玩弄于股掌间,只是为了把他的情敌降伏得牢牢的,正如叙述者所言,牢的,正如叙述者所言,“这是一种诡计这是一种诡计”。Brom BonesBrom Bones:他与伊卡包德:他与伊卡包德克莱恩之争的实质是男性力量之争。他克莱恩之争的实质是男性力量之争。他赢得了胜利,但是很快就会被卡特琳娜所束缚,捆住手脚。赢得了胜利,但是很快就会被卡特琳娜所束缚,捆住手脚。18读后感读后感:欧文的作品文笔清新,自然诙谐,富于欧文的作品文笔清新,自然诙谐,富于乐感欧文笔下的乐感欧文笔下的睡谷的传说睡谷的传说具有批判具有批判性,如性,如唐唐.吉坷德吉坷德一样具有极强的讽刺一样具有极强的讽刺意味,但读者同时又为主人公的遭遇深感意味,但读者同时又为主人公的遭遇深感同情。同情。19此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!20