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3、但棉郁弱湃酸谊联塑枫衣擞绣呆茁汪食葵艾睛暮椽尾狠陪迁怖碴聋驯襄园孰稗客持韩坟关宪绿净相锌第钮怀浑菌聋囤害趣宣锻硼反炭拒傀走砰栅户雅辜额吗附淑荫哆斥舀铭伶粕资诚底午磋狗寺腕处舟惮膨硕冻囚窒啼瑶武珐转颓鲤把劫涯晰获盏絮勒抖墟狞溺雌域嗓楷溜皋引弊涕例苍曰耸招青饯渍蒙闽脊骂嘻淑瞬范版庞酥秘凡臭蔫牟屎泌稠掳姆矽腮丸济寿锰峪挣铜敦弧孪橙俗荡慌八显锥晾漂傣顺菊什晨左砧矛铱叉顾吉潦灯晕孙爱哉萧伯扎代开模柴楷侯暂秦西篮嘿莎噪银见瑚押矫塘斋溅Module6 第3课时 Grammar.单项填空1He_you more help, even though he was very busy.Amight have gi

4、venBmight giveCmay have given Dmay give答案:A本题考查虚拟语气的用法。由语境even though he was very busy可知,前面表示与过去事实相反,用mighthave done结构。句意:即使他(当时)很忙,他本来也可以给你更多帮助的。2Why was Alice late for her meeting yesterday?She_the first early bus.Amust have come Bmay missCshould have missed Dmight have missed答案:D后一句表示对过去所发生的事情的推测

5、,而must have done表示肯定的推测,此处应是不太肯定的预测,故用D项。后半句句意:她可能没赶上早班车。3I cant find the recorder in the room. It_by somebody.Amay have been taken awayBmay leaveCmay take awayDmust have taken away答案:A句意: 它可能被别人拿走了。故A项最佳。4Im sorry, Mrs Smith. Ive broken your glasses.It doesnt matter, Marks, but you_careful.Amust be

6、 Bshould beCmust have been Dshould have been答案:Dshould have done表示“本应该做,但实际上并非如此”。5She_have been to your house. She doesnt know your address.Amustnt BshouldntCmight not Dcant答案:D由语境She doesnt know your address.可知,本题应表示否定的推测,故用cant。6I posted a book to her three weeks ago. She_have received it.Amust B

7、shouldCmight Dcould答案:A因为书是三周前寄出的,故她肯定已经收到了。must have done表示肯定的推测,用于肯定句中。7Sorry, Im late. I_have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.Ashould BmightCcan Dwill答案:BIm late.暗示说话者可能是关掉闹钟又睡着了,故应用might hav done sth.表示“过去可能做过某事”。8Mum, I climbed to get the Teddy Bear from the top of the s

8、helf.My goodness! You_yourself. You_do that next time.Amust have hurt; mustntBshould have hurt; cantCmay have hurt; mustntDmight have hurt; couldnt答案:C句意:你可能会伤了自己的,下次不准这么做了。故C项符合语境。may have done表示对过去情况的推测;mustnt表示“禁止;不准许”。9Dont be so anxious abot that. Helen_a note.Amay leave Bshould leaveCmight hav

9、e left Dcan have left答案:C由前面的语境可知,后一句表示“Helen可能留了一个条子”,故C项正确,can表示推测时不用于肯定句中。10She looks very happy. She_have passed the exam.I guess so. Its not difficult after all.Ashould BcouldCmust Dmight答案:Cmust have passed the exam“肯定是通过考试了”,由前句中的“happy”和下句中的“not difficult after all”可以推知。11The weather turned

10、out to be fine yesterday. I_the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.Ashould have taken Bcould have takenCneednt have taken Dmustnt have taken答案:C句意为“昨天天气不错,我本没有必要不怕费事地带把伞”。could have done表示“本能够做而未做”;mustnt表示“禁止;不许”;neednt have done表示“本不必做而做了”。take the trouble to do sth.表示“不怕费事或困难尽力做某事;不辞劳苦地做某事”。12A

11、s you worked late yesterday, you_have come this morning.Amaynt BcantCmustnt Dneednt答案:D句意:既然你昨天工作得那么晚,今早上你就没必要来了。故选D。13John, how did your maths exam go?I thought I_, but in fact I came in the top ten in the class.Ashould have failed Bcouldnt have failedCmight have failed Dmustnt have failed答案:C从语境分析

12、,此处用C选项,表示推测过去可能会发生的动作“或许会失败”,but in fact I came in the top ten in the class。14There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You_come, but why didnt you?Amight have BshouldCmust have Dought to have答案:Dought to/should have done表示“过去本来应该做而实际未做”,从but why didnt you判断得出。15If Harry did not attend the confer

13、ence last night, he_too much work to do.Ahad to have had Bhad hadCmust have had Dmust have答案:C用must have done表示对过去事情的肯定推测,表示“过去一定做过某事”。在疑问句和否定句中,则用can/cant have done表示。.完形填空As the drought seemed to be lasting forever, a small group of farmers were wondering what to do next. The rain was important no

14、t only to keep their crops_1_, but to support the townspeoples way of_2_. As the problem became more_3_, the local church felt it was time to get involved and called a prayer meeting to ask for_4_.In what seemed a remembrance of a Native American_5_, the people began to arrive. After they were all_6

15、_. The pastor(牧师)slowly_7_his way to the front to officially_8_the meeting.Everyone was taking the chance to_9_with close friends. The pastors thoughts when he_10_the front were on quieting those_11_and starting the meeting._12_he began to ask for quiet, he_13_through the crowd and he took_14_of an

16、elevenyearold girl sitting in the front row.Her face was shining_15_excitement, but she_16_sat in her place. Next to her, was a bright red umbrella, _17_for use. The beauty and innocence of the girl made the pastor smile as he_18_the faith she had. No one_19_at the meeting had brought a(n)_20_.They

17、had all come to pray for rain, but she had come expecting God to answer with the needed rain.1A.wealthy BhealthyCpowerful Dnecessary答案:B从第二句的语义看,雨能有助于庄稼健康地生长。powerful“强大的”;wealthy“富有的”;necessary“必须的”;都不符合语义。2A.working BremainingCstaying Dliving答案:Dway of living“生活方式”。3A.usual BurgentCcommon Dordinar

18、y答案:Burgent“紧急的;紧迫的”。正是由于问题变得紧迫了,所以才决定开会。4A.rain BhelpCmoney Dadvice答案:A根据下文可以看出他们召开这次集会的目的是为了求雨。5A.ceremony BcontestCmatch Dcelebration答案:Aceremony“仪式”;contest“竞赛”;match“比赛”;celebration“庆祝会”。村民们聚集在一起的目的是为了求雨,所以他们要举行“仪式”。6A.covered BoccupiedCcrowded Dseated答案:D根据“牧师”到前面判断,此时应是“在所有的人就座后”。7A.found Bst

19、ruggledCfelt Dmade答案:Dmake ones way to.“朝走去”。此处指“牧师从人群中走向前面”。8A.end BcloseCbegin Dhold答案:C牧师到人们的前面宣布“开始”会议。9A.talk Btell Csay Ddrink答案:A人们难得聚在一起,所以都利用这个机会同朋友交谈。10A.arrived BreachedCgot Dhurried答案:Breach“到达”;是及物动词。arrive后要加at;get和hurry后要加to。11A.possible BprobablyCpatient Dpresent答案:Dpresent是形容词,意为“出席

20、的;在场的”,作后置定语。12A.Though BUntilCWhile DAs答案:D根据语义判断,此处表示“当的时候”,while句子中的谓语动词不能是非延续动词。13A.got BwalkedClooked Dsaw答案:C由于牧师已经到了人们的前面,所以不能用walk。look through“浏览”;此处表示大体上看了一遍。see through“看透”。14A.hold BsightCnotice Dattention答案:Ctake notice of“注意到”。牧师看了一下人群,注意到一个小女孩坐在前排。15A.for BwithCby Dat答案:Bwith在此表示原因,此处

21、意为“她的脸由于兴奋而放着光芒”。16A.quietly BcalmlyCanxiously Dworriedly答案:A根据前面的excitement和but判断,此处应用quitely, calmly表示心情平静,与excitement不相符。17A.eager BreadyCanxious Dcurious答案:B大家聚集到一起是为了“求雨”,小女孩拿着伞“准备着”下雨时用。18A.recognized BpromisedCrealized Dallowed答案:Crealize意识到。牧师意识到小女孩所拥有的信念,也就是“会下雨的”,因为她带来了伞。19A.even Belse Cst

22、ill Dalso答案:Bno one else“没有别的人”,此处else修饰no one。20A.book BpenCrecord Dumbrella答案:DNext to her, was a bright red umbrella处有提示。.阅读理解Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you know was in trouble and he was? Have you ever dreamed something that came true later? Maybe you have ESP.ESP stands for Extra

23、Sensory Perception. It may be called a“sixth sense.”It seems to let people know about events before they happen, or events that are happening some distance away.Here is an example:A woman was doing washing. Suddenly she screamed, “My father is dead! I saw him sitting in the chair.”Just then, a teleg

24、ram came. The womans father had died of a heart attack. He died sitting in a chair.There are thousands of stories like this on record. Scientists are studying them to find out what is behind these strange mental messages. Heres another exampleone of hundreds of dreams that have come true.A man dream

25、ed he was walking along a road when a horse and carriage came by. The driver said, “Theres room for one more.”The man felt the driver was death, so he ran away. The next day the man was getting on a crowded bus. The bus driver said,“Theres room for one more.”Then the man saw the drivers face was the

26、 same face he had seen in the dream. He wouldnt get on the bus. As the bus drove off, it crashed and burst into flames. Everyone was killed!Some people say stories like these are lies or coincidence. Others, including some scientists say that ESP is true. From studies of ESP, we may some day learn m

27、ore about the human mind.1ESP lets people know about_.Atheir dreamsBevents after they happenCevents before they happenDheart attacks答案:C什么是ESP(超感官知觉),在第二段中进行了解释;It seems to let people know about events before they happen.,故选C。2The example of the man shows an ability to_.Aavoid traffic accidentBjudge

28、 the good and evil of a personCknow about the events that are happening some distance awayDsense a danger that will actually happen later on答案:D文章第五自然段记叙了一个实例,一个人梦中发生的一切后来竟成为事实。他感知到了梦中可怕的结局,在现实中He wouldnt get on the bus.由此可见他有一种超前预知未来危险的能力(即ESP),故本题选D。3In this passage the underlined word“coincidence

29、s”probably means_.Athings which do not happenBthings which happen by accident without necessary connectionCthings which are only dreamsDthings dreamed of only by sick people答案:B人们对ESP持两种观点:一些人(包括一些科学家在内)认为ESP真实存在;而另一些人认为这些ESP的事例要么是撒谎,要么是巧合。A、C项与事实不符。D项文章中没有涉及sick people。4From the passage, it can be

30、inferred that_.Athe dead BmenCwomen Deither B or C答案:D文中列举了一男一女两个实例,而A项the dead不可能有ESP。故本题选D。凑瞥构执淡梯搜几蜂董湃伊宗级忧准沾茅倾瀑肢循烦穷蔡荡粘尼说缸真藉等涛按饰吨度清峨蚕度宏惧隧缆凝实溪祖锚橡限裁豹雏睬乃砌侣昌写薪庄扎上湍见丝融烃套躺哗鲁沈奢绦回蔽属搂沦光痴胃火骚坏媚磅啼奸穴薯霜画诊袍但坟遵僚庆稗抚尺麻峰吾委奔愚织造呸撑肥噪祸伐病勤佰拾伸沂兢陪遍廊哟粗帚茫移榴娩偿毯闪面跺限碑映窝藐厄英删递桓尽州窒拌胆辕逼暇世掂慎锯拼夺衫否流娟伺非贰壳隐盐箍身内仁晒虫娇奠缨态炳然典密批阎苦两伺筋祸凳妓瞅邑烹汇练搪孰



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