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1、英语小学五年级上学期阅读理解专项模拟综合试题测试题(带答案)一、阅读理解Hello, Im Jack. Im a student. Im from Australia. I have many hobbies. I like reading books, climbing, dancing and playing computer games. I play computer games with friends and we play on line on Saturday afternoons. I also like playing ping pong very much. And I

2、play well. My friend Nick is good at playing ping pong, too. We often play it on Sunday afternoons together. Of all the hobbies, I like dancing best. I often go dancing on Saturday evenings. Sometimes I dance at the party with my friends. I m really good at it. I dance the tap and the jazz. I also d

3、o the hip-hop. Im a very good dancer. My hobbies always make me happy.犇1、Jack has _ hobbies. ()AsixBfiveCseven犇2、He plays games _. ()Aat the partyBon SundaysCon line犇3、Dancing is Jacks _. ()AfriendBjobChobby犇4、Jack can do _ different types of dances. ()AfourBthreeCtwo犇5、Jack and Nick _. ()Aboth play

4、 ping pong wellBall play table tennis wellCboth play tennis well二、阅读理解Jim comes from the US. He lives in China. He gets up at about 6:30 and has breakfast at seven. After breakfast he says goodbye to his parents and goes to school. He usually walks to school, because his home is near the school. His

5、 first class begins at eight. He has lunch at about 11:30. After that he plays with his friends. He likes to play football. School is over at 4:00. He usually goes home and does his homework. He watches TV after dinner. And then he goes to bed at 10:00.犇1、Jim is from . ()AChinaBthe USCthe UK犇2、Jim i

6、s a . ()AteacherBstudentCdoctor犇3、Does Jim go to school at 7:00? ()AYesBNo.CWe dont know.犇4、Jims home is the school. ()AnearBfar fromCin front of犇5、Jim likes to play . ()Acomputer gamesBchessCfootball三、阅读理解Miss Jones teaches English in a school. She walks to school in the morning. The boys and girls

7、 in Miss Jones class are young. They like Miss Jones very much. One day Miss Jones walks to school as usual. It is a very cold windy morning in December. The cold wind blows (吹) in her eyes, and the tears (眼泪) begin to run down her cheeks. She goes into the classroom. It is nice and warm. A boy sees

8、 Miss Jones, comes to her and says kindly, “Dont cry. School isnt that bad.”犇11、Miss Jones is a _. ()AcookBfarmerCteacher犇12、Is it a bad day that day? ()AYes, is does.BYes, it is.CNo, it isnt.犇13、The boys and girls in Miss Jones class _ her. ()AhateBlikeCdont like犇14、Its not _ in the classroom. ()Ac

9、oldBcoolCwarm犇15、Why does Miss Jones have tears? ()ABecause she doesnt like school.BBecause cold wind blows in her eyes.CBecause she doesnt like the job.四、阅读理解One day, a wolf (狼) sees a rabbit running in the forest. He wants to catch her, but at that time the rabbit goes into a hole. Then the wolf t

10、hinks of (想出) a good idea.“The wolf is dead (死的). The wolf is dead,” he shouts. Then he starts to pretend (假装) he is dead.The rabbit hears and thinks, “Ah? Is the wolf dead?” So she shouts, “Ive heard the wolfs mouth is open when hes dead.” When the wolf hears this, he opens his mouth quickly.“Ah, h

11、es really a cheat (骗子)!” the rabbit says.犇16、The wolf sees a one day. ()AwolfBrabbitCdog犇17、The rabbit goes .()Ainto a roomBunder a treeCinto a hole犇18、 starts to pretend he is dead.()AThe wolfBThe rabbitCThe fox犇19、At first the wolfs .()Amouth is closedBmouth is openCeyes are closed犇20、The wolf at

12、last.()Acant eat the rabbitBcan eat the rabbitCis dead五、阅读理解What can you do with your food? In Australia, there is a mother. She can make food into cartoon characters. She makes this food for her son. Her son is picky about food. But he likes the food his mother makes. So the mother always tries her

13、 best to make her son enjoy eating. She can make cartoon characters like Micky Mouse, Elsa, Superman and so on. Her food is fun. It is also very green and healthy.犇1、What can the Australian mother do with food? ()AShe can eat a lot of food.BShe can make food with toys.CShe can make cartoon character

14、s with food.犇2、Who does she make food for? ()AHer husband.BHer son.CHer daughter.犇3、What does the underlined word “picky” mean? ()A挑剔的B讨厌的C热衷的犇4、Does the boy like the food that his mother makes? ()AWe dont know.BYes, he does.CNo, he doesnt.犇5、How is the food that the mother makes? ()AIts nice but oi

15、l.BIts beautiful but not yummy.CIts green and healthy.六、阅读理解阅读理解。The Best JobLucy is a lazy (懒惰的) girl. She doesnt study hard (不努力学习), and she doesnt help her mother with the housework (家务), either (也不). “What are you going to be when you grow up, Lucy?” Mother asks. “Youre too lazy. No job will eve

16、r fit (适合) you.” “But I know one,” says the girl, “ Im going to be Father Christmas (圣诞老人).” “You want to be Father Christmas?” Mother is surprised (惊讶). “But why?” “Because he works only one day in a whole year (一整年只工作一天).”犇26、Lucy is a _ girl. ()AlazyBhard-workingCgoodDpretty犇27、Lucys mother think

17、s _. ()ALucy can find a good job.BLucy cant find any job.CLucy isnt too lazy to get a job.DLucy will work hard in the future.犇28、Lucy wants to be _. ()Aa teacherBFather ChristmasCa writerDa Christmas worker犇29、Lucy wants to do that job because _. ()Ashe likes Father Christmas very much.Bthat job fit

18、s herCshe works only one day in a yearDthat job is interesting犇30、Which sentence is true according to the text? ()ALucy wants to be Father Christmas so she isnt lazy.BLucy is too lazy to find any job.CLucy doesnt study hard, but she likes to help her parents with the housework.DTo be Father Christma

19、s is a good job.【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、C犇3、C犇4、B犇5、A【分析】本文讲述了杰克和他好朋友的爱好。犇1、句意:杰克有_爱好。A六,B五,C七,根据I like reading books, climbing, dancing and playing computer games. I also like playing ping pong very much.可知他喜欢读书,爬山,跳舞,玩电脑游戏和打乒乓球。共五个,故选B。犇2、句意:他_玩游戏。A在聚会上,B在星期日,C在网上,根据I play computer games with friend

20、s and we play on line on Saturday afternoons.可知是在网上,故选C。犇3、句意:跳舞是杰克的_。A朋友,B工作,C最喜欢的,根据Of all the hobbies, I like dancing best.可知他最喜欢跳舞。故选C。犇4、句意:杰克会跳_种不同的舞蹈。A四,B三,C二,根据I dance the tap and the jazz. I also do the hip-hop.可知是三种舞蹈。故选B。犇5、句意:杰克和尼克_。A乒乓球打得都很好,B表达错误,C网球打得很好,根据 I also like playing ping pon

21、g very much. And I play well. My friend Nick is good at playing ping pong, too.可知他们俩都擅长打乒乓球。故选A。【点睛】二、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、B犇3、B犇4、A犇5、C【解析】三、阅读理解解析:犇11、C犇12、B犇13、B犇14、A犇15、B【分析】短文大意:主要讲一个寒冷的冬天的早上琼斯老师因风流泪的事。犇11、句意:琼斯老师是_。A厨师,B农民,C老师,根据原文Miss Jones teaches English in a school.可知她是一位老师,故选C。犇12、句意:那天天气糟糕吗?A语法

22、错误,B是的,它是。C不,它不是。根据原文It is a very cold windy morning in December.可知那天天气刮着寒风,故该句要做肯定回答,故选B。犇13、句意:琼斯老师班里的孩子们_她。A讨厌,B喜欢,C不喜欢,根据原文They like Miss Jones very much.可知孩子们很喜欢琼斯老师,故选B。犇14、句意:教室里面不_。A冷的,B凉爽的,C温暖的,根据原文It is nice and warm.可知教师里面很暖和,不冷,故选A。犇15、句意:琼斯老师为什么流眼泪?A因为她不喜欢学校。B因为冷风吹进她的眼睛。C因为她不喜欢这个工作。根据原文

23、The cold wind blows in her eyes, and the tears begin to run down her cheeks. 可知她流泪是因为冷风吹进她的眼睛,故选B。【点睛】四、阅读理解解析:犇16、B犇17、C犇18、A犇19、A犇20、A五、阅读理解1、C犇2、B犇3、A犇4、B犇5、C【分析】本篇文章主要介绍了一位能把食物做成卡通形象的妈妈。犇1、句意:这位澳大利亚妈妈能用食物做什么?根据In解析:犇1、C犇2、B犇3、A犇4、B犇5、C【分析】本篇文章主要介绍了一位能把食物做成卡通形象的妈妈。犇1、句意:这位澳大利亚妈妈能用食物做什么?根据In Austr

24、alia, there is a mother. She can make food into cartoon characters.可知她能用食物做出卡通人物。A她能吃大量食物。B她能用玩具做食物。C她能用食物做出卡通人物。故选C。犇2、句意:她为谁做食物?根据She makes this food for her son.可知她为了她的儿子做食物。A她丈夫。B她儿子。C她女儿。故选B。犇3、句意:划线单词“picky”是什么意思?根据Her son is picky about food. But he likes the food his mother makes.可推断出她儿子对食物很

25、挑剔,划线单词意为挑剔的,故选A。犇4、句意:这个男孩喜欢他妈妈做的食物吗?根据Her son is picky about food. But he likes the food his mother makes.可知男孩喜欢妈妈做的食物。A我们不知道。B是的,他喜欢。C不,他不喜欢。故选B。犇5、句意:这位妈妈做的食物怎么样?根据Her food is fun. It is also very green and healthy.可知她做的食物绿色且健康。A它很好但有点油。B它很漂亮但不好吃。C它是绿色且健康的。故选C。六、阅读理解26、A犇27、B犇28、B犇29、C犇30、B【分析】本

26、文主要讲了懒女孩-露西。犇26、题干句意:露西是一个_女孩。根据“Lucy is解析:犇26、A犇27、B犇28、B犇29、C犇30、B【分析】本文主要讲了懒女孩-露西。犇26、题干句意:露西是一个_女孩。根据“Lucy is a lazy (懒惰的) girl.”可知露西是个懒惰的女孩,A懒惰的,B工作努力的,C好的,D漂亮的,故选A。犇27、题干句意:露西的妈妈认为_。根据“Youre too lazy. No job will ever fit (适合) you.”可知露西的妈妈认为没有工作适合她。A露西能找到好工作。B露西找不到工作。C露西不懒,找不到工作。D露西将来会努力工作的。故选B。犇28、题干句意:露西想要成为_。根据“Im going to be Father Christmas (圣诞老人).”可知露西想成为圣诞老人,A一名老师,B圣诞老人,C一名作者,D一名圣诞工人,故选B。犇29、题干句意:露西想要做那个工作因为_。根据“Because he works only one day in a whole year (一整年只工作一天).”可知因为她认为那个工作一年只工作一天,A她非常喜欢圣诞老人,B那个工作适合她,C她一年只工作一天,D那个工作很有趣,故选C。犇30、题干句意:据短文,哪个句子是正确的?根据全文可知露西太懒了,找不到工作,故选B。【点睛】

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