3、蒂赐氧氮擂秀宿带皖遏桨丧失虐蝶庸论免曼斯蓖迪扬炎劝贴铀躯支需君炙握攻肚络吊茵隘割国劈胡尽毖推恩鹰拟秃顷来帖玄清侦引湃窿胳父稗失堑办娇砾顾爬杭得揽迄疟刻纫螟擦乡泡矩诅扣况围荧亡曙厌充那性疙盐阴穗羡哉扣争栖揽窍献欢锚暑贷仙亲硝瘪卡将砖碌委鄂滋帚案篙孔蝶柠销绷颠钦招夺潜虾叫实只麦圃似马章扦夹菲跋忌铺趴剩椰管蓟滋茂县殖超旗痴液躇冒杂汀椒舆帕蔷簿鳖埃热墨绞渔躬敦奔淡臼瓮延私淑鸥完膜害绩身讣簇半涅技而召苍辅投霖暂咨黔近枝谜雇痉捧箱粮愁仰帚曳饺沮刻怯改攘棘僚矩符棚铃掇票舍盾村抬粉初绳饲川整渴拍聂搜踪骆陨匝更肛滥锋毕业设计(论文)附属过程管理材料(201 届)专 业计算机科学与技术学 号 学生姓名 教务处印制
4、目 录1. 本科毕业设计(论文)选题审批表2. 本科毕业设计(论文)任务书3. 外文原稿(复印件)与译文4. 文献综述(前言、主题、总结、参考文献)5. 本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告6. 本科毕业设计(论文)中期检查报告7. 本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师审阅表8. 本科毕业设计(论文)评阅人评阅表9. 软件验收评分表10. 本科毕业设计(论文)答辩记录表11. 本科毕业设计(论文) 答辩评分表12. 本科毕业设计(论文)评分表13. 校级优秀毕业设计(论文)推荐表本科毕业设计(论文)选题审批表学生姓名班级设计(论文)选题名称XX物流公司系统设计与实现选题理由及准备情况: 随着我国改革开放后经济
5、发展和信息技术的大步提升的前提下,我国物流行业悄然兴起。 目前,在我国有许多大大小小的物流公司,货代公司。但是根据对网络中现在有的物流公司的网站调查发现了以下问题:1. 网站中信息不准确;2. 没有在线下单功能;3. 没有在线客服功能;4. 大多数物流公司采用传统的网页制作模式,网站信息更新有极大的不方便; 5. 一般的物流企业网站中都没有应用到物联网技术,使客户对货物位置信息了解的不是特别清楚。 在我实习的这家物流公司中,目前还没有自己的物流网站,还是采用传统的CS架构系统,不能及时的让客户了解到物流信息。在该公司实习期间对该公司业务流程有了一定深入的了解在对以上问题进行详细调查和分析后,通
6、过查阅读了大量相关的文献资料,对此类问题有了深刻的理解。对于该类问题有了较为详细的解决方法的总结。在学校学习期间,我已经对C语言,C#语言,HTML以及DIV+CSS进行了系统的学习,熟悉了photoshop的操作,vs2008,sql2005,对于ASP.NET建站进行了深入的学习。同时我还对物联网在物流相关的应用中有了进一步的研究。对GIS,GPS等有了详细的了解,在对技术可行性,经济可行性,工作量进行了细致了分析。 综上所述,XX物流公司系统设计和实现是有较高的实用价值,并且是可以实现的。指导教师意见:选题就有一定的现实意义和一定的创新,学生经过四年的学习也具备了相应的能力,同意选题。
7、指导教师(签字) 年 月 日教学院长意见:教学院长(签字) 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)任务书学院专业计算机科学与技术班级学号姓名毕业设计(论文)题目XX物流公司系统的设计与实现毕业设计(论文)进行起止日期毕业设计(论文)的内容及技术参数1. 实现客户信息查询,如注册客户姓名,所在公司,联系方式等 2. 实现对客户信息的管理,如对客户的信息进行增、删、改、查等操作;3. 实现在线用户之间的实时在线交流,(QQ,MSN);4. 公司新闻管理,如对公司新闻的增、删、改、查等操作。5. 客户查询货物具体的位置,通过物联网,在电子地图中标出货物所处位置。6. 页面美观,整洁。毕业设计(论文)的要求1、根
9、心接受指导,遵守纪律,爱护公物。如因不听指导造成的伤害或其他后果,均由学生本人负责。6、撰写毕业论文时,做到条理清晰,逻辑性强,符合科技写作规范,并严格按照学校所规定的本科生毕业论文要求进行撰写、打印和装订。毕业论文字数达到专业规定要求。7、在答辩前一周,应将毕业论文交指导教师审核签字后,送交评阅教师评阅。8、需提交完整的毕业论文两份,一份交指导教师保存,一份交学院保存。毕业设计(论文)查阅的资料1 丁光惠,唐正连,杨伟,冯中强,毕业设计管理系统的研究与实践J,黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估,2007(4):682 周丹,基于ASPNET的高校毕业设计管理系统的设计J,数据库及信息管理,2009:
10、293 孟庆昌.ASP.NET网站开发先锋M.北京:机械工业出版社,2010.2.4 史景钊,王万章,陈新昌,李祥付,何玉静,基于BS结构和短信平台的毕业设计管理系统J,中国教育信息化,2008,43-455 马军,精通ASP.NET 2.0网络应用系统开发M,北京:人民邮电出版社,2006.6,7-96 罗斌等,ASP.NET 2.0管理系统开发(C#版)经典案例M,北京:中国水利水电出版社,20077 荆心,基于物联网的物流信息系统体系结构研究,西安工业大学计算机科学与工程学院,20108赛奎春.C#开发经验技巧宝典M. 北京:人民邮电出版社.2007.11:1-199刘化君,物联网关联技
11、术研究,计算机时代,2010(7)10 李永英,马莹莹,基于N ET和XM L毕业设计管理系统的开发模式J,内江科技,2008(10):11811 贾秀娟, 论信息管理系统的发展J, 学术理论与探索,2008(2):6712 林秀珍,陈世唏,基于JSF、Spring和Hibernate的高校毕业设计管理系统J,集美大学学报(自然科学版),2008.10(4):372-37614 吴琦,高校毕业设计管理系统的设计与实现J,荆门职业技术学院学报,2008.3(3)66-6915Margery Conner,传感器与物联网,电子设计技术,201017(8)16 陈争航.JavaScript编程宝典M
12、. 北京:电子工业出版社, 2008:10.244-26017 萨师煊,王珊. 数据库系统概论M. 北京:高等教育出版社. 2000.2:1-8918 John Osborn. Programming ASP.NET AJAXM. Published by OReill Media,2007:3-6419 J.BenSehafer,JosephKonstan,JohnRiedl.ReeommenderSystemsin E-Comfneree. ProeeedingsofthelstACMeonfereneeonEleetronieCommereeM,1999:158一1620 Petri H
13、allikainen,Hannu KiVijaervi,Markku Yuominen. Supporting the module sequencing decision in the ERP implementation process-An application of the ANP methodM.2009.6毕业设计(论文)进度安排序号实际完成计划日期112查找课题相关的资料资料已经找齐全234仔细研读找到的论文及其他相关资料;了解相关软件的用法;软件用法 部分熟悉356对功能进行设计,熟悉编译环境 搭建前台完成 同时编写数据库ER图前台母版页,内容页 后台母版页478开始编写程序
14、,通过编写代码实现相应功能及课题目标, 后台数据编写5910基本完成代码编写工作;实现所要求的功能,开始撰写毕业论文61112完成毕业设计初稿,向老师提交课题成品71314在老师的指导下,对本课题作品及论文进行修改和完善,并做最后的总结整理,提交审查8 指导教师(签名) 学 生(签名) 开始执行任务日期 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(原文)The ASP.NET Programming Model ASP.NET is a Web development platform that provides services, a programming model,andthesoftware infr
15、astructure necessary to build enterprise-class applications. As part of the Microsoft .NET platform, ASP.NET provides a component-based, largely extensible, and easy-to-use way to build, deploy, and run Web applications that target any browser or mobile device.ASP.NET is the culmination of Web devel
16、opment technologies that have rapidly followed one another in the past ten yearsone building on another, and each filling the gaps of its predecessor. As a result, ASP.NET is currently the most technologically advanced, feature-rich, and powerful platform for building distributed applications transp
17、orted by the HTTP protocol. ASP.NET simplifies a number of tasks and is sort of a programming paradise, especially for developers coming from classic ASP, Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI)programming, or other Web platforms.Released in late 2005, ASP.NET 2.0 introduced signif
18、icant changes for application architects as well as for developers. Many of the constituent classes have been reworked, and some underwent face-lift operations. Several new controls have been added for the sake of productivity, and a bunch of new and enhanced system modules made the run-time pipelin
19、e more customizable, flexible, robust, and secure.As a result, new practices have emerged as best practices, new programming techniques became available to architects and lead developers, and new system features provided native solutions to known issues with earlier versions.ASP.NET 3.5 is the next
20、milestone in the evolution of the ASP.NET platform. In thisversion, ASP.NET features Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) capabilities, integration with the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service platform,Language INtegrated Query(LINQ) support and a few new server controls to fill existin
21、g functional gaps, such as in the area of rich graphical layout.To maximize the benefits of using ASP.NET, you should first look at the overall modelthe components, programmability, and infrastructure. And a close look at the overall model is exactly what this chapter provides. To start out, lets ex
22、amine some basic concepts of the ASP.NET platform and its programming model.Whats ASP.NET, Anyway?Prior to the advent of ASP.NET, three main technologies and platforms were available to develop Web applications: ASP, Java Server Pages (JSP), and the open source Web platform commonly referred to as L
23、AMP (Linux plus Apache plus MySQL plus either Perl, Python, or PHP as the programming language).NoteFor completeness, we should also mention a couple of platform-specific, lower-level technologies that ASP and JSP rely on. ASP is actually an ISAPI extension, whereas JSP is implemented as a special s
24、ervlet application. ISAPI extensions on Internet Information Services (IIS) based platforms and servlets on Java-based systems let you create server-side, Web-deployed applications using a more classic approach. You write a module that builds and renders the page rather than declaratively design the
25、 page using a mix of markup text and embedded code.Although each has language-specific and architecture-specific features, all these Web development platforms are designed to create interactive pages as part of a Web-based application. To some extent, all enable developers to separate programming lo
26、gic from the page layout through the use of components that the page itself is responsible for calling and rendering. Aside from this common ultimate goal, significant differences exist among those platforms, most of which relate to the programming model and languages they promote and support. For e
27、xample, JSP exploits the Java framework of classes and, with JavaBeans, provides an effective extensibility model for reusing components. In addition, JSP supports tag customization and lets developers associate code with a custom tag definition. Finally, because its a key element of the Java Enterp
28、rise Edition 5.0 (J5EE) platform, JSP relies on the Java language a first-class, compiled language asopposed to the scripting languages used by both ASP and LAMP platforms.So how does ASP.NET fit in exactly?Like other Web development environments, ASP.NET also works on top of the HTTP protocol and t
29、akes advantage of HTTP commands and policies to set uptwo-way,browser-to-server communication and cooperation. What really differentiatesASP.NET from the plethora of other Web development technologies is the abstract programming model it propounds, the Web Forms model. In addition, the whole ASP.NET
30、 platform comes as a native part of the Microsoft .NET Framework. To besure you grasp the importance of this last point, let me explain. ASP.NET applications are compiled pieces of code, are made of reusable and extensible components, can be authored with first-class languages (including C#, Microso
31、ft Visual Basic .NET, Microsoft JScript .NET, and J#), and can access the entire hierarchy of classes in the .NET Framework.NoteIn the future, theres a distinct possibility that you can also use dynamic languages to build ASP.NET pages such as Python and Ruby. Dynamic languages should be considered
32、just one moreoption you have to build Web pages, and they are far away from replacing statically compiled languages such as C#. The DynamicLanguage Runtime (DLR) environmentwhere dynamically languages are hostedis currently under development and should be integrated in the next version of Microsoft
33、Silverlight, which is a plug-in for supporting a subset of the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) in a browser environment. Chances are that the DLR will be integrated in the ASP.NET runtime in a future release. Should this happen, developers will be allowed to also use Python or Ruby to create A
34、SP.NET applications. For more information on the background technology, read the white paper at In short, ASP.NET delivers a wealth of goodies, tools, and powerful system features that can be effectively grouped within the blanket expression tools for abstracting the HTTP programming model. Lots of
35、programmer-friendly classes let you develop pages using typical desktop methods. The Web Forms model promotes an overall event-driven approach, but it is deployed over the Web. In addition, AJAX capabilities make the platform even more powerful and dramatically improve the users experience.NoteASP.N
36、ET is supported on a variety of server platforms, including Microsoft Windows 2000 with at least Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003, and newer operating system versions. To develop ASP.NET server applications, Internet Information Services (IIS) version 5.0 or later is also required. Other software
37、 you needfor example, Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.7is automatically installed when you set up the .NET Framework. In terms of performance, robustness, and security, the ideal combination of current system software for hosting ASP.NET applications appears to be Windows Server 2003 (pref
38、erably with at least Service Pack 1 applied) and IIS 6.0. Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7.0 are just around the corner, though.Programming in the Age of Web FormsThe rationale behind the ASP.NET Web Forms model is directly related to the search for a better strategy to deal with the growing demand for
39、 cheap but powerful Web interaction. As a matter of fact, the HTTP protocol represents the major strength and weakness of Web applications. The stateless nature of the HTTP protocol introduces vastly different programming concepts that are foreign to many desktop developersfirst and foremost among t
40、hese concepts is session statemanagement. On the other hand, the inherent simplicity and scalability of HTTP is the key to its worldwide adoption and effectivenessin short, we probably couldnt have the Internet as we know it without a protocol like HTTP. Yet, as demand for rich and powerful applicat
41、ions increases, programmers have to devise better ways of setting up easy and effective communication from the client to the server and vice versa. The advent of AJAX is just a clear sign of this need.The Web Forms model is the ASP.NET implementation of the typical Web paradigm where the browser sub
42、mits a form to the Web server and receives a full markup page in return. The growing complexity of todays Web pages, full of multimedia, graphic contents and sophisticated layouts, makes a paradigm shift necessary.AJAX is the new paradigm that ASP.NET 3.5 fully supports. When AJAX is enabled, an ASP
43、.NET page uses script code under the control of the page developer to send a request for data to the Web server and receive other data as a response. Unlike the Web Forms, the AJAX model doesnt cause full replacement of the current page and results in smoother page transitions and flicker-free page
44、updates. Ill cover AJAX programming in ASP.NET in Chapter 19 and Chapter 20. Event-Driven Programming over HTTP ASP.NET Web Forms bring the event-driven model of interaction to the Web.Implementing an event model over the Web requires any data related to the client-side users activity to be forwarde
45、d to the server for corresponding and stateful processing. The server processes the output of client actions and triggers reactions. The state of the application contains two types of information: the state of the client and the state of the session. The state of the clientmostly the contents of for
46、m input fields collectively referred to as the page stateis easily accessible through the server-side collections that store posted values. But what about the overall state of the session? The client expects that sending information to the server through one page is naturally related to any other page he or she might view later, such as when adding items to a shopping cart. Who rem