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4、项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。1. A.I think so.B.Thank you.C.Its color is too bright.2. A.He is tall.B.I like summer. C.My uncle.3. A.In our school hall. B.At 8:30 am.C.My book.来源:Zxxk.Com4. A.At home.B.Last Saturday. C.The radio says tomorrow.第二节听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的、三个选项中选出最佳选项。

5、听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。5. What does Sarahs aunt do ?A. A doctor B . A teacher C . A dancer6. What does the woman do with those posters? A. Put them up. B. Give them to people in the street. C. Throw them away.7. What will the man do this afternoon? A. Watch a film in the afternoon

6、. B. Go for a riding. C. Help the woman fix her bike.8. Where did Gina go yesterday? A. To a zoo. B. To an old peoples house. C. To a cinema.9. What does the man mean? A. The woman should return the CD by this Friday. B. The woman can have the CD for another day. C. He has another CD and the woman n

7、eednt be in a hurry.10.How many people went to the park last week? A. 4 B. 5 C. 611. What do we know about the man ? A. He has already got up. B. He is very sick . C. He slept late last night12. How often does the woman play football? A. Twice a month B. Three times a month . C. Four times a month第三

8、节听下面段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的、三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第13至第15题。13. What does Helen think of traveling by train? A. Relaxing B .Uncomfortable. C. Pleasant.14. What can we learn from the passage? A. The air ticket is cheaper. B. The girl misses

9、her parents very much. C. The girl always traveled by train.来源:Z+xx+k.Com15. How may Helen spend her Christmas? A. Go home by air B. Go home by train. C. Stay with her friends. 听下面一段材料,回答第16至第18题。16. Where is Mary from? A. The UK B. Japan C. Russia17. What does Mary think of English? A. Its hard. B.

10、 Its easy C. Its boring.18. Why does Akiko think English is a crazy language? A. Because it has many letters. B. Because one letter has different pronunciations. C. Because many people are learning in a crazy way.听下面一段材料,回答第19至第22题。19. Who will hand out advertisements? A. Jeff B. Sally. C. Linda.20.

11、 How many teenagers will fix up old bikes? A. One B. Two. C. Three.21. What will David do? A. Hold a party. B. Put up some signs. C. Go to the hospital.22. Whats their final decision for holding the party? A. They will hold it next week. B. They wont hold it any more. C. They will hold the party thi

12、s weekend.听下面一段材料,回答第23至第25小题。23. Where did Mr and Mrs Black go yesterday evening? A. To the cinema. B. To the supermarket. C. To the restaurant.24. What did they think of the movie? A. Interesting B. Relaxing. C. Boring.25. Why did they want to let their son cry? A. To get all their money back. B.

13、To make him see the movie. C. To give him something to eat. 二. 单项选择26. ( ) Who broke the glass must _ it, it is one of our library rules.A. pay for B. spend on C. give back D. pull down 27. ( ) This computer cant work _. It needs to be fixed.A. mostly B. normally C. hardly D. usually28. ( ) A number

14、 of foreigners come to see the Great Wall every year.Yes. Its not only famous and beautiful but also the _of China.A. riddle B. mark C. capital D. symbol29. ( ) I will not leave you alone. _ I go. I will take you along.A. Wherever B. Whatever C. Whoever D. However30. ( ) Would you like to play baseb

15、all with us this afternoon? _.but my mother is ill. A. I dont care. B. Its very nice of you. C. Of course not. D. My pleasure.31. ( ) I had a pleasant winter vacation with my parents in the north. _ A. Good luck B. Enjoy yourself C. Well done. D. Glad to hear that.32. ( ) When the young man took off

16、 his gloves ,I noticed that _one had his name written inside.A. each B. every C. other D. another33. ( ) Why do you admire her so much? She_ the company from nothing. A. improved B. developed C. decided D. changed34. ( ) _everything and come here , please. I am in bad need of your help. OK, in a min

17、ute. A. Put B. Drop C. Fight D. Take35. ( ) What was troubled you last week? Their _visit threw our plan into confusion. A. unexpected B. believable C. embarrassing D. lively36. ( ) Dad, the pear is too high on this tree. Its out of my _ Dont worry. Let me have a try. A. control B. sight C. wish D.

18、reach37. ( ) Oh! Mum. I hardly tell it is a butterfly on the leaf .来源:学&科&网 Yeah. Some animals _the color of their surroundings to protect themselves. A. take on B .take in C. take off D. take up38. ( ) Congratulations ! Youve got the first prize in the English Contest. _it be true? Its unbelievable

19、! A. May B. Should C. Must D. Can39. ( ) He will not at the party tonight. He will have to attend a meeting. A. show up B. turn up C. take up D. look up40. ( )-Could you tell me ? - Sorry. I wasnt here just now. A. what he says B. what does he say C. what he said D. what did he say 三完形填空Once, a grou

20、p of boys decided to play a soccer game. Each one of them would bring something used in professional matches. So one would bring the ball, another the whistle口哨;汽笛, another the goalposts门柱, others the goalkeeper守门员gloves, the comer flags角球旗, etc. But before the game started, while they were picking

21、the teams, there was a slight 41 . They decided that the boy who had brought the most 42 object would get to pick the teams. 43 , they couldnt decide which had been the most important one, so they thought it would be best to just start 44 , using all the objects, and gradually get rid of what people

22、 had brought, to see which things were truly needful必需的;需要的.The first thing they got rid of was the whistle, because the referee(裁判) could just shout instead. Then they threw the goalkeeper gloves; they managed to save the ball just as well without them. Neither did they really 45 when they stopped

23、using thecomer flags, nor when they replaced the goal postswith a couple of bins. And so they 46 , until finally they 47 the football with an old tin, and managed to keep playing. While they were playing with the tin, a man and his son passed 48 . Seeing the boys playing like that, the man said to h

24、is son: Look, son. Learn from those kids over there. Without even a ball theyre managing to play football, 49 theyre never going to be able to improve playing that way. The boys heard him say this, and 50 that because of their extreme pride and self-centeredness, what could have been a great match h

25、ad 51 a shameful display, which they were 52 enjoying at all. That moment, they decided to put their selfish opinions to one side, and they 53 to start playing the match again, from the start, and with all the 54 equipment. No one thought about who was playing better or worse.Then, they just concent

26、rated on having fun and 55 their game. And it was really a great game.41. A. ceremonyB. appreciationC. argument D. agreement42. A. important B. expensiveC. beautiful D. valuable43. A. However B. SoC. But D. Although44. A. matchingB. playing C. performing D. fighting45. A. watchB. hearC. feel D. noti

27、ce46. A. stopped B. discussedC. continued D. ended47. A. hidB. destroyedC. expected D. replaced48. A. by B. onC. away D. down49. A. even though B. as thoughC. so that D. no wonder50. A. A. recognizedB. realizedC. afforded D. changed51. A. put into B. turned into C. got into D. broken into52. A. near

28、lyB. finallyC. usually D. hardly53. A. agreed B. forcedC. hoped D. refused54. A .proper B. rapidC. impossible D. interesting55. A. dependingB. improving C. appreciating D. opening 四阅读理解 A All I Want for Christmas Is You By Mariah Carey; illustrated by Colleen Madden Age: for 3-7 years Price: $17.99

29、On sale: Dec. 10, 2015 Pages: 32Mariah Careys All I Want for Christmas Is You, one of the best-selling and most famous songs of all time, brings Christmas joy to many listeners of all ages every year. And now its beautiful lyrics will bring the same holiday spirit to readers of all ages in this one-

30、of-a-kind picture book about a young girl whose greatest Christmas wish is for a new little dog! The Only Child By Guojing Age: for 5-9 years Price: $22.99 On sale: Dec. 1, 2015 Pages: 112A little girl-lost and alone follows a stag deep into the woods, and like Alice, down the rabbit hole, she finds

31、 herself in a strange world. And home and family are very far away. How will she get back there? A Bears Year By Kathy Duval; illustrated by Gerry Turley Age: for 4-8 years Price: $18.99 On Sale: Nov. 27,2015 Page: 40In this book, readers will follow a mother bear and her kids through the course of

32、a year. Deep in her den under the heavy snow, Mama and her newborn babies sleep soundly. When spring arrives, the bears wake up, and summer comes, Mama teaches her young ones to fish. Then, in fall, the leaves turn gold, food grows less and less, and the family prepares for hibernation and the comin

33、g winter.56. Who wrote A Bears Year?A. Mariah CareyB. Colleen MaddenC. Kathy DuvalD. Gerry Turley 57. Its Dec.8th. Mr. Black wanted to give his little daughter a book as Christmas present, and hed better buy_.A. All I Want for Christmas Is YouB. A Bears YearC. The Only ChildD. The Perfect Dog58. Wha

34、t does the underlined word “hibernation” mean?A.迁徙B.冬眠C.运动D.物品59. The Only Child is mainly about_.A. a young girls Christmas wishB. the only girl in a familyC. a girl lost her way in a cityD. a lost girl lived in the forest60. We can find the information in_.A. a clothes storeB. a bookstoreC. a movi

35、e theaterD. a school library B The brown owl sat on a branch and watched. He was good at watching. His big eyes blinked (眨眼睛). Down below, a white rabbit played in the grass. The rabbit was very fast. He was too fast to catch. Every time the owl tried to catch the rabbit, the rabbit ran away. The ow

36、l was hungry, but he had to find a way to catch the rabbit. How could he catch the fast rabbit? If he flew down on top of him, the rabbit would see his shadow(影子) and run into his hole. What could he do? Suddenly, the owl had an idea. His eyes got really big, because he was excited. A moment later,

37、he took off. When the owl was flying, he made sure to stay away from the rabbit. The owl didnt want the rabbit to know he was coming. Then, when he came close to the rabbit, he spread his body to change the shape of his shadow! The white rabbit stopped eating grass and looked. Suddenly, there was a

38、black rabbit next to him. The white rabbit looked at it. He didnt know there was a black rabbit near his home. It looked like he could make a new friend! Suddenly, the black rabbit disappeared, and in its place was the owl. The rabbit cried out and tried to run for his hole, but the owl was waiting

39、for him. The rabbit ran right into the owls claws and became his dinner. Sometimes, when you try something new, you can surprise yourself and others. 61. What color is the owl? A. White. B. Black. C. Brown. D. Yellow. 62. Where did the owl sit? A. In a tree. B. In the grass. C. In a hole. D On a roo

40、f. 63. Why couldnt the owl catch the rabbit? A. Because the owl couldnt fly. B. Because the owl was very lazy. C. Because the rabbit was very small. D. Because the rabbit was very fast. 64. What was the black rabbit really? A. A black rabbit. B. The owls shadow. C. Another white rabbit. D. The white

41、 rabbits shadow. 65. What is the meaning of this story?A. We shouldnt always trust other peoples words.B. We should insist that the old ways are always good.C. We should use some new ways to solve problems when the old ones are not successful.D. We should ask our friends to help us when we face diff

42、iculties. CSometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they were sure to be there. They serve some certain purpose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be: your classmate, neighbor, teacher, long-lost frien

43、d or even a real stranger. But you know that every moment they will influence your life in some serious way.Sometimes things happen to you. At the time they may seem terrible, painful and unfair. But later you realize that without overcoming those difficulties, you would have never realized your further ability and advantages. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.The people you meet influence your life, and the success and failure you experience create who you are

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