1、招投标类(一)一、货 物采购(Procurement of Goods) 在国际贸易中,大宗货物采购常采取国际竞争性招标的方式进行,其主要程序如下: 刊 登招标广告 Issue of Invitation for Bids 资 格预审 Pre-qualification(用于贵重货物、技术性要求高的货物) 发 行招标文件 Distribution of Bidding Document 投 标 Bidding 开 标 Bid opening 评 标 Bid Evaluation 授 予合同 Award of Contract 签 订合同 Signing of Contract 1.1 招 标公
2、告(范例) INVITATION FOR BIDS 招标公告 Date:(of Issuance of Invitation) 日期 Loan No.: 贷款号 Contract No.: 合同号 1. The (Name of Borrower) has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”) in various currencies towards the cost of (Name of Project), and it is intended that part of the proceeds of this l
3、oan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for (Brief Description of the Goods) (the “Goods”) (借 方名称)已经从亚洲开发银行(以下简称“ADB”)申请到一笔以多种货币支付的贷款,准备用于项 目的建设,贷款中的一部分将用于支付符合合同条款下货物(货物简要说明)(以下简称“货物”)的采购。 2. The (Name of Purchaser) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders from member countr
4、ies of ADB for the supply of the Goods for the purposes of the Project. (买 方名称)现邀ADB成员国中合格的投标者就此项目所需货物的供应进行密封投标。 3. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on the submission of a written application to the above address and upon payment of a nonrefundab
5、le fee of (amount). (Mailing Address of Issuance of Bidding Documents) 对此投标感兴趣的投标者请按下述地址提交一份书面申请并交清款额的款项后即可买到一套完整的招标 文件,售款概不退还。(标书发放机构通讯地址) 4. All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or bank guarantee of two per cent (2%) of Total Bid Price OR stated fixed amount, and must be delivered in accorda
6、nce with the Instructions to Bidders on or before (Hours) on (Date), and will be publicly opened immediately thereafter. 所有的招标文件应附送一份投标保证金或银行保函(其金额占总投标总价的2%或标书中规定的比率数额),并且必 须按投标书中所规定的时间于X年X月X日 上午X时 送达。兹定于X年X月X日 上午X时 公开开标。 5. (Name of Purchaser) will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connections with the preparation or delivery of bids. (买方名称)不承担投资者在投标中所发生的一切费用。 Name Purchaser Address: Fax: Tel: 前一页 | 下一页