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1、His Politeness Is Her PowerlessnessLOREM IPSUM DOLOR11 INTRODUCTION2When they talk.When a GUY talks to a GIRLWhAT THE guy MEANTWhAT THE girl UNDERSTOODWhen a girl talks to a guyWhen THE girl REALLY MEANTWHAT THE guy UNDERSTOOD3Background InformationDeborah TannenOccupation:Academic and professor of

2、linguisticsPublished:20 books and over 100 articles This pasage is from the bookYou Just Dont Understand42Why are womens way of talking misinterpreted?5Differences between male and femaleDifferences between male and femaleWomen:avoid appearing“superiority.”Men:appearing“superior”.Women:build relatio

3、nships.Men:give information,solve problems,show expertise.Women:want to reach consensus and consult.Men:want to get straight and choose without consulting.6Interview a couple What is the meaning of being very polite The man said:SubservienceThe woman said:Sensitivity.73Does Indirectnessreflect power

4、lessness?8question1.Gee,I really need a 1.Gee,I really need a few things from the few things from the store,but Im so tired.store,but Im so tired.question2.Can you come to 2.Can you come to my home and help my home and help me fix my me fix my computer?computer?Indirect=Powerlessnessquestion3.I dont

5、 want to 3.I dont want to see you again.see you again.indirectpowerlessness|?9question1.Will you please go 1.Will you please go to the store for a to the store for a pack of cigarettes?pack of cigarettes?question2.I cant go shopping 2.I cant go shopping with you,because I with you,because I want to

6、play games.want to play games.Direct=Naturalindirectpowerlessness=?10Point 11.The reason offered for this is power:The woman doesnt feel she has the right to ask directly.3.They dont want to superior,they just want to let everyone get along well with this king of indirect way.2.The explanation for a

7、 womans indirectness could just as well be her seeking connection.Right=GenePoint3Point 211TWO SITUATIONSTWO SITUATIONSSituation 1A wealthy couple and their maidsSituation 2 Parents and their children12Situation 1It is cold here.It is dinner time.Having dinner served.Raising the temperature.13Situat

8、ion 2when we are misbehaving.Then parents show up.144 indirectness in different cultures15FOURCULTURESMADAGASCARTHE USAJAPANGREEK16Greek:indirectness was appropriateWould you like to go to the party?It means she wanted to go!17Japan:indirectness is an art1.Determine 2.Accept3.Several repeated exchan

9、ge4.Answered in politely18America:directness is a valueIt is different from Japanese culture.19MADAGASCAR:Indirectness=high statueseWomen:Women:direct style is clumsy and crudeMen:indirect style is regard as better205 SummarizeBy 王振鹏王振鹏21Part I(1-2)Part II(3-5)Structure&Main ideaPart II(6-9)22Status vs.SupportAdvice vs.UnderstandingOrders vs.ProposalsIndependence vs.IntimacyInformation vs.FeelingsConfict vs.CompromiseDifferent Conversational Rules by Which Men and Women Play23Thanks24此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!25

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