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1、Unit 3Is this yours?Lesson 51.yours j:z strange strend note nt mine man 你(们)的你(们)的奇怪的奇怪的便条便条 我的(所有物)我的(所有物)pocket pkt 口袋,衣袋口袋,衣袋2.strange1.strange:一是“陌生的”,指本身虽属正常,但对某人来说却是不熟悉的、陌生的;二是“奇怪的,奇异的”,指本身就与众不同2.strange作“奇怪的”解时,可用作定语或表语,比较级是stranger,最高级是strangest;作“陌生的”解时,常用作表语,没有比较级和最高级。3.strange也可作“头晕,不舒服”解

2、4.strange前可用very修饰。6.strange后接介词后接介词in表示表示“在某方面很怪在某方面很怪”,其后接其后接at时表示时表示“在某方面外行在某方面外行”。3.be strange to sth 对不习惯,生疏He is still strange to the job.他还不太习惯这工作。be strange to sb对某人来说是陌生的,未见过听过的Everything here is strange to him.这里的一切对他来说都是陌生的。be strange to sth,be strange to sb 这两个短语在意义和用法上有所区别:前者前者的意思是的意思是“

3、对对来说不习惯来说不习惯”,主语一般为主语一般为人人;后者的意思是后者的意思是“对对陌生陌生”,主语一般为主语一般为事事物。物。4.note1.笔记,摘记 2.短信,短笺,便条1.note的基本意思是“笔记,摘记”,“记笔记”可以说make a note(of),也可说也可说take notes(of),后者更常见。后者更常见。2.note还可作“纸币”解,in notes指“以纸币的形式”,介词in不可用其他介词代替,且notes须用复数形式。note后常可接介词短语、动词不定式或分词短语作定语。4.take a note of是“做笔记”的意思,但如果变成take note of时则变成了

4、“注意”。5.change ones note 改变态度 compare/exchange notes 交换意见go over notes 复习笔记leave a note behind 留下一张便条write a note 写个便条note book 笔记本notes for study 学习参考注解note from 来自的信件6.maketake notes(of)做笔记,记录He takes notes in class.他上课记笔记。of note 值得注意的,重要的,非凡的Washington is a man of note.华盛顿是位著名人物。take note of 注意,留

5、意 Take note of what I say and please dont forget it.注意我说的话,别忘了。7.notev.nt(notes;noted;noting)vt.1.记录 vt.2.注意note down 记下 note sth downYou dont have to note down all the details.你不用记下每一个细节。He noted down the prisoners names.他把罪犯们的姓名记录下来。8.be noted for 因而闻名be noted for sth/v-ingJim is noted for arrivin

6、g late for work.吉姆上班迟到出了名。The cook is noted for his cake.这个厨师以做蛋糕而著名。9.pocket n.袋,口袋1.pocket的基本意思是“袋,口袋”,指衣服上用来装一些常会用到的小物品的口袋。引申可指“口袋里的钱财”“一小片,一小团”等。2.“把手放在口袋里”要说in ones pocket,而不说in the pocket。button pocket 扣上衣袋fill pocket 装满口袋pick pocket 扒窃search pocket 搜口袋10.back pocket 后衣袋deep pocket 富人,有钱人,财富em

7、pty pocket 两手空空的人,穷光蛋keep hands in pocket 不做事,偷懒put hand in pocket 花钱out of pocket 手头无钱,花钱,失败take sth out of pocket 把从口袋中取出11.back bkWhy on earth?:回原处回原处究竟,到底究竟,到底pick up pik p 接(某人)接(某人)training run tren rn 长跑长跑 训训 练练12.pick uppick up 拾起,安排去接,振作起来,好转,加快,学会,染上,逮捕,着火,回到,结识,勾搭,为付款,纠正,接受挑战,收拾残局pick up

8、a foreign language 学会一门外语pick up flesh 恢复体重pick up ones courage 鼓起勇气pick up passengers 让乘客上车pick up some knowledge 偶然获得一些知识pick up tool 收拾工具pick up words and phrases 自学词语13.back1.往后,在后面 2.控制住,忍住 3.恢复;上溯 4.回报1.back用作副词的基本意思是“往后,在后面”,也可引申表示“忍住”“恢复”或“上溯3.back和be连用可引申表示“恢复”;back和beat,hit,fight等动词连用可表示“打

9、退”。4.back作“来回;向后”解时一般不与turn连用。5.注意如果动词本身已经表达了“相反动作”的意思,就不能再用back。6.back用作副词时不用于比较等级。14.answer back 反驳,回嘴,顶嘴;还击bite back 很快忍住说出(秘密或冒犯他人的话blink back ones tears 用眨眼来抑制泪水bring back 带回;归还;使回忆起;恢复bring back to health 使恢复健康bring back to life 使恢复生命call back 回电话;叫回carry.back(to)使回想起date back to 追溯到15.give ba

10、ck 归还;恢复(视力、自由等);反射出,照出go back on(ones word)背弃;食言go back to 返回,归还,退回;重做某事,重操旧业;(冬令制)把钟表调回;追溯,时光返回到hand back(to)交还;物归原主feed back(to)反馈回look back(on)回顾pay back 归还;还清;报复16.belong to bl tuhandwriting hndratto-do listhis hz 属于属于笔迹笔迹工作任务清单工作任务清单他的他的 airport ep:t 飞机场飞机场17.belong tobelong to不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构b

11、elong to sb/sth 1.属于 The black car belongs to him.那辆黑色小汽车是属于他的2.是(某团体、国家等)的成员 We belong to the new club.我们是这个新俱乐部的成员。She belongs to the tennis club.她是网球俱乐部的成员。18.yours strange strange note note pocket pocket mine mine belong to belong to yours19.belong to handwriting handwriting his his to-do list t

12、o-do listairportairportyours training run20.airport pick up pick up training run training run back backWhy on earth?Why on earth?strange21.Listening and understandingWhy is Pauls to-do list in Jacks pocket?What do you think?U03-1 Listening and Understanding.mp322. not

13、e is it?Why is it in Jacks pocket?29.Jack:Thats strange.Whats this note in my pocket?It isnt mine.Is it yours,Daisy?that指的是在时间指的是在时间或空间上距离说话或空间上距离说话人较远的东西,而人较远的东西,而this指的是较近的指的是较近的。mine:第一人称单数的第一人称单数的名词性物主代词,意思名词性物主代词,意思是是“我的我的”在这里在这里mine=my noteThis is my book.This book is mine.yours:第二人称单第二人称单数数/复

14、数的名词性物复数的名词性物主代词,意思是主代词,意思是“你的你的/你们的你们的”30.Jack:strange.Whats this in my?It isnt .Is it ,Daisy?Thatsnotepocketmineyours31.Daisy:No,it isnt mine.Let me see.Oh,it belongs to Paul.The handwriting is his.let+宾格代词宾格代词+do Let me open the door.belong to+名词或者名词或者代词表示归属代词表示归属This book belongs to me.This book

15、 is mine.This is my book.his第三人称单第三人称单数名词性物主数名词性物主代词代词32.Daisy:No,it isnt .me .Oh,it Paul.The is .mineLetseebelongstohishandwriting33.Jack:So why is it in my pocket?Daisy:I dont know.It looks like Pauls to-do list.Let me read it.看起来像看起来像This picture doesnt look like her at all.34.Jack:So is it in my

16、?Daisy:I dont know.It Pauls .me read it.whypocketlooksliketo-do list Let35.pick sb.up接人接人drive to开车去开车去36.37.Jack:Hmm.Give it to me,Daisy.Yes,it is Pauls,isnt it?给某人某物给某人某物 give sth.to sb.give sb.sth.反义疑问反义疑问句句38.Jack:Hmm.it me,Daisy.Yes,it is ,it?GivetoPaulsIsnt39.Daisy:Yes,Jack.Put it back.Jack:Bu

17、t why on earth is it in my pocket?究竟,到底究竟,到底put back放回去放回去40.Daisy:Yes,Jack.it .Jack:But is it in my?Putbackwhy on earthpocket41.Listen again.Then read the dialogue with you partner.Imitate.42.Whats in Jacks pocket?Is it strange?Is it his?Is it Daisys?Who does it belong to?Whose handwriting is it?Do

18、es Daisy know why it is in Jacks pocket?What does it look like?Picture TalkingThats strange.There is a note in Jacks pocket.It isnt his.It isnt Daisys.Oh,it belongs to Paul.The handwriting is his.Daisy doesnt know why it is in Jacks pocket.It looks like Pauls to-do list.43.Whats on the list?Does Dai

19、sy give the note to Jack?Is it Pauls?Does Jack put it back?Picture TalkingDaisy reads the note.Wednesday,18 April8 a.m.-airport 10 a.m.-Mum,Barnet1 p.m.-training run 5 p.m.-ClaireDaisy gives the note to Jack.It is Pauls.Jack puts it back to his packet.But he doesnt know why on earth it is in his poc

20、ket.44.Guided conversation on page211.Answer questions about the text.2.Ask questions about the text.Ask each other these questions.45.U03-2 Pronunciation.mp3i bury carry tidy hurry study worryi-burying carrying tidying hurrying studying worrying46.Grammar 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词讲解形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词讲解练习及答案练习

21、及答案.doc47.数数 单数单数 复数复数 格格主格主格 宾格宾格 主格主格宾格宾格 第一人称第一人称 I me weus第二人称第二人称youyou you you he him theythem 第三人称第三人称she her theythem itit theythem I have these books.=These books belong to me.personal pron.-人称代词人称代词有有人称人称、数数和和格格的的变化变化:48.数数 单数单数 人称人称 第一人称第一人称 第二人称第二人称 第三人称第三人称 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词 my your his/

22、her/its 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词 mine yours his/hers/its 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词 our your their名词性物主代词名词性物主代词 ours yours theirs 数数 复数复数人称人称 第一第一人称人称 第二第二人称人称 第三第三人称人称possessive pron.-物主代词物主代词有有人称人称、数数和和词性词性的的变化变化:49.U03-3 Pattern Practice.mp3I have a computer.This is _ computer.=This computer is _.=This computer bel

23、ongs to _.mymineme50.Julia has a computer.This is _ computer.=This computer is _.=This computer belongs to _.JuliasJuliasJulia51.This is my book.=This book is mine.That is her bag.=That bag is hers.These are our pens.=These pens are ours.52.This is _ mobile.Its _.It belongs to _.mymineme53.This is _

24、 book.Its _.It belongs to _.hishishim54.This is _ car.Its _.It belongs to _.ouroursus55.This is _ house.Its _.It belongs to _.theirtheirsthem56.These are _ CDs.Theyre _.They belong to _.youryoursyou57.These are _ gloves.Theyre _.They belong to _.herhersher58.These are _ shirts.Theyre _.They belong t

25、o _.youryoursyou59.These are _ CDs.Theyre _.They belong to _.our oursus60.Julia has a computer.Who has a computer?This is Julias computer.This computer is Julias.Whose is this computer?This computer belongs to Julia.Who does this computer belong to?61.Who has _?Whose is/are _?Who does/do _belong to?62.Listening You are going to hear four dialogues.Listen.Which one goes with which picture?你将听到你将听到4段对话,它们分别对应下面哪张图段对话,它们分别对应下面哪张图?U03-4 Listening.mp363.Listening is over.Thank you for your listening.69.

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