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1、The Event Effect:MarketingSpring Leadership Conference,2010 Sherwynn UmaliOffice of the Dean of StudentsThe Event Effect:Marketing Marketing is everything you do to place your product or service in the hands of potential customers.Every word you say,how you dress,your nonverbal communication,and how

2、 you carry yourself is part of marketingStep 1:Strategy&Research The key to effective marketing is strategic planning Convey ValueBranding Target MarketingMulti-Channel MarketingApplied Strategies Target MarketingIdentify Your Target Markets-Create Target Market Map Concentrate your efforts for effe

3、ctiveness Customize your approach to reach your marketMulti-Channel MarketingOnlinePrintFace-to-FaceViral MarketingDigital MediaIdentify Key ChannelsConvey ValueWhy should they attend?What does your event provide for them?How is your event different from other events?“We go because weve always gone

4、or we go because how would it look if we didnt go?Give them a reason to attend this particular event!BrandingBranding Confirms your credibility Connects your target prospects emotionally Concretes Loyalty What is your organization or event brand?How do you create a brand?ResearchIf you have a hard t

5、ime identifying these target markets,channels,and behaviors you may need to conduct marketing research.Understanding your market is the best foundation for an effective strategy.Focus groups Surveys Other statistical data Step 2:Prepare and Implement MessagingClear use verbiage that is easily unders

6、tood and free from confusion Concise stay too the point,keep it brief yet comprehensive Consistent use the same or similar wording in each message,remembering your branding Creative be innovative,think about your audience and how to relate to them in a new way Check Youre Messaging -Does it reflect

7、your brand?-Are the unanswered questions?Which Billboard is Clear and Concise?Which Billboard is most Creative?UCI ExamplesYour Call to ActionPrint-Create&Distribute,follow the UCI Posting PoliciesWord of Mouth/Viral Marketing-Utilize existing networks and target marketsOnline-Campus Communication(A

8、nteater Weekly,Today UCI,Organization Websites),Social Media,Email,Niche Sites,Blogs,Other Viral Sites-(digg,youtube,etc)On Campus/Face-to-Face-Ring Road,Classroom Announcements,Tabling at other eventsPress Release/News Media-New U,KUCI,Daily Pilot,OC Register Digital Media-ASUCI MarqueesPromotional

9、 Material-giveaways,door prizesLets Talk GreenMarketing cost money!Corporate Funding/Sponsorships Donations Fundraising Go Green,Save GreenWhat marketing channels are green?How can you use green print marketing?Use your existing resourcesTrue optimization in event marketing is about creating new val

10、ue with existing resources Step 3:Evaluate and AnalyzeKeep track of attendance data Post event surveys for attendees feedbackAnalyze to improve for the next year RewindStep 1:Strategize and ResearchTarget MarketingMulti-Channel MarketingConvey ValueBrandingStep 2:Prepare and Implement5 Cs of Messaging(clear,concise,consistent,creative,check your messaging)Step 3:Evaluate and Analyze此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!

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