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1、小学五年级下册期末英语模拟试题测试题(答案)(1)一、单项选择1Are you _ for your mother? ()Yes. Tomorrow is Mothers Day. I want to write Happy Mothers Day on it.Amaking flowersBmaking a cardCbuying flowers2Its time _ go to school. ()AtoBatCfor3Theres a new film in the cinema. Its funny. ()Really? _ Lets go.AI dont like it.BIm bu

2、sy.CI cant wait.4How is the soup? ()It _. Its bad for me.Asmells niceBis just rightCis too cold5Whats wrong with _? ()He _ a fever.Aher; hasBhim; hasChim; have6My birthday is _ the third of July, and dads birthday is _ July too. ()Ain; onBon; onCon; in7The _ Sunday of May is Mothers Day. ()AtwoBseco

3、ndCthird8What _ the children doing? ()_ reading books.Ais; HesBare; TheyreCare; They9Would you like to see a movie with me on Saturday night? ()Sorry, I didnt _ it. Could you please say it again?AfindBcatchClove10Good ladybirds have _ spots. ()AtenBsevenCno11Whose jeans are these? ()_ATheyre Lindas.

4、BTherere Lindas.CThey are Linda.DIts Lindas.12Is there _ milk in the fridge, Tim? ()Yes, there is _.Aany; someBsome; someCsome; any13Im good _ English. ()AtoBonCat14Liu Taos parents _ dinner in the kitchen now. ()Aare cookingBdo cookingCis cook15Childrens Day is on the _ of June. ()AfirstBsecondCthi

5、rdDfourth二、用单词适当形式填空16Tims birthday is on the _ (twenty) of November.17Look! Dad _ (cook) meat in the kitchen. Hes a great _ (cook).18There _ (be) some apple juice in the fridge.19What _ (be) your uncle?Hes a bus _ (drive).20Today is Marys _ (twelve) birthday. Shes very happy.21I _ (live) in Nanjing

6、, but my friend _ (live) in the UK.22You shouldnt _ (drink) _ (some) juice.You shouldnt eat too many _ (sweet) _ (too).You should brush your _ (tooth) in the morning and before bedtime.23Ten students have _ (they) birthdays in February.24Yang Ling always _ (wash) the dishes after dinner.25Let us _ (

7、go) to the party now.26Ben _ (try) on the black T-shirt and it fits.27Whats wrong with _ (they)?They have a stomach ache.28He wants _ (take) the bus to the supermarket.29Is Liu Tao _ (sweep) the floor now?Yes, he is.30Its six oclock now. Dad and I _ (eat) noodles for breakfast.三、完成句子31Tom goes to ma

8、ny c_ in Zhejiang by train.32The meat s_ good. I cant wait.33My mothers birthday is on the f_ of January. Its on New Years Day.34We have a lot of things to do today, we are too b_.35What is your mother doing?She is s_ the floor.36Teachers Day is on the tenth of S_.37Su Hai is very sad_ (wash) the di

9、shes.38My twin brother _ (住在月亮街).39Walk to _ _ (月亮街) and then you can find the bookshop on your right.40I have a bad t_. My teeth hurt.四、阅读判断Marys family are all at home. Her father, Mr Smith, is sitting in a chair near the window. He is reading a newspaper. Mary is in her room. She is listening to

10、the radio. Tom and Sam, Marys brothers, are not playing. They are doing their homework. Kate, Marys sister, is cleaning her bike. Where is Mrs Smith and what is she doing? She is making some cakes in the kitchen.41、There are _ people in Marys family. ()AfourBfiveCsix42、Mary is in her room. She is _.

11、 ()Alistening to the teacherBwatching TVClistening to the radio43、Kate is _ her bike. ()AridingBcleaningCstanding near44、Mrs Smith is _. ()Ain her roomBsitting in a chairCin the kitchen45、Tom and Sam are Mr and Mrs Smiths _.()AfriendsBsonsCbrothers五、阅读判断Its Saturday morning. Betty is having her brea

12、kfast. Bettys mother and father are with her. On Saturday morning Betty doesnt go to school. She helps her parents do some housework. This morning she says to her mother. Can I help you, mum? Yes, you can help me, her mother says. You can go to Mr. Whites shop. Something is wrong with our clock. Mr.

13、 White mends(修理)clocks. Our clock is in his shop. Is he mending our clock? Betty asks. Yes, her father says. And this morning it is ready. Yes, it is ready. Her mother says, Go to Mr. Whites shop. Take this bag. You can put the clock in it. Betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock b

14、ack home.46、What is Betty doing on Saturday morning? ()AShe goes to school.BShe is having her breakfast.CShe is cooking with her mother.DShe is staying in bed.47、Betty often helps her parents _ on Saturday. ()Ado some cleaningBdo some shoppingCdo some houseworkDdo some homework48、There is something

15、wrong with their _. ()AradioBclockCcarDdesk49、_ is mending their clock. ()AMrs. WhiteBMr. WhiteCMr. BrownDMrs. Brown50、Which is TRUE in the following? ()AThe clock is ready this morning.BBetty goes to the shop to get the clock with a backpack.CBetty and her mother go to the shop together(一起).DBetty

16、and her father go to the shop together.六、阅读理解A Foolish DogA dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth. When he is walking on a small bridge, he looks down and sees himself in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself, “I want to

17、 get his meat. Then I can have two pieces of meat.” He opens his mouth to bark at the dog in the water, and his meat falls into the water.51、The dog is standing _. ()Aon the grassBin the waterCon a small bridges52、There is a _ of meat in the dogs mouth. ()ApieceBbottleCglass53、The dog looks down and

18、 sees _ in the water. ()AyourselfBmyselfChimself54、He opens his mouth to _. ()AlaughBcryCbark55、The dog gets _. ()Aa piece of meatBtwo pieces of meatCno meat七、阅读理解I am a bird. I fly in the sky. I like the clouds. They are pretty. I live in a tree. The tree is near a river. There werent any fish in t

19、he river a few years ago. There was only one tree. I felt lonely. One day, I saw some students. They planted trees. They grew flowers too. I like the trees and the flowers. They are very beautiful. Then there are trees and flowers. There are many fish in the river. The air is cleaner, and the clouds

20、 are whiter. Many birds come. I am happy.56、In the passage, “I” am a _. ()AbirdBtreeCflower57、Where is the tree? ()ABehind the river.BOn the mountain.CNear the river.58、Were there any fish in the river at first? ()ANo, there werent.BYes, there were.CWe dont know.59、Who planted the trees and flowers?

21、 ()ASome students.BSome men.CSome women.60、After reading this passage, what should you do? ()AWater the flowers and trees.BBuy flowers.CWalk on the grass.【参考答案】一、单项选择1B解析:B【详解】句意:你在为了你妈妈_吗?对。明天是母亲节。我想在上面写“母亲节快乐”。A制作鲜花,B制作卡片,C购买鲜花,根据后面要写东西,可知是做卡片,故选B。2A解析:A【详解】句意:该去上学了。Its time to+动词原形,该是做某事的时间了,A选项符

22、合题意,故选A。3C解析:C【详解】句意:电影院上映一场新电影。很有趣。真的吗?_ 让我们走吧。I dont like it. 我不喜欢。Im busy. 我很忙。I cant wait.我迫不及待了。由句子中lets go可知想去看电影,故选C。【点睛】4C解析:C【详解】句意:这汤怎么样?它_。它对我不好。A闻起来很美味,B刚刚好,C太冷了,根据答语中的后一句可知C选项符合,故选C。5B解析:B【详解】句意:_怎么啦?他发烧了。her她;him他;has第三人称单数形式;have原形;根据答语中的He可知问句中用him,答语主语He是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故选B。6C

23、解析:C【详解】句意:我的生日是在7月3日,并且爸爸的生日也是在7月。在日期前用介词on,在月份前用in,故选C。7B解析:B【详解】句意:五月的第二个星期天是母亲节。由常识可知五月的第二个星期天是母亲节,第二应用序数词second,A二,B第二,C第三,故选B。8B解析:B【详解】句意:孩子们正在做什么?_正在读书。问句和答句都是现在进行时,主语the children是复数,be动词用are,答句主语用人称代词they代替,they是复数,be动词用are,They are=Theyre,故选B。【点睛】9B解析:B【详解】句意:周六晚上你想和我一起看电影吗?对不起,我没有_。你能再说一遍

24、吗?A找到,B听见,理解,C喜欢,根据句意“Could you please say it again?”可知,说话人没有听清对方说的话,故应选B。10B解析:B【详解】句意:好的瓢虫有七个斑点。A十,B七,C没有,根据常识可知好的瓢虫有七个斑点,故选B。11A解析:A【详解】句意:这些是谁的牛仔裤?他们是琳达的。根据问句句意可知答句回答它们是某人的。Are these引导的句子答语用代词they回答,排除BC,琳达的 Lindas.,名词所有格形式,排除C,故选A。12A解析:A【详解】句意:蒂姆,冰箱里有一些牛奶吗?是的,有一些。some常用语肯定句,any常用语否定句和疑问句,第一空在问

25、句中用any,第二空在肯定句中用some,故选A。13C解析:C【详解】句意:我擅长英语。be good at擅长,固定搭配,故选C。14A解析:A【详解】句意:刘涛的父母现在正在厨房做晚饭。根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,cooking是cook的现在分词,故选A。15A解析:A【详解】句意:儿童节在6月1日。A第一,B第二,C第三,D第四,根据常识可知儿童节在6月1日,故选A。二、用单词适当形式填空16twentieth【详解】句意:蒂姆的生日在11月二十日。twenty二十,11月20日the twentieth of November,日期用序

26、数词形式。故答案为twentieth。17 is cooking cook【详解】句意:看,爸爸正在厨房煮肉,他是一位优秀的厨师。Look是现在进行时的标志词,其结构:主语+be+doing+其他,主语dad是第三人称单数,be动词用is,cook的现在分词是cooking;great是形容词,后接名词,cook作为名词意为厨师,故答案为is cooking;cook。18is【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些苹果汁。句子是there be句型,时态可为一般现在时,横线后的单词是不可数名词,be用is,故答案为is。19 is driver【详解】句意:你叔叔是干什么的?他是一名公共汽车司机。根据答语

27、可知时态是一般现在时,主语是your uncle,系词用is,根据句意可知是问职业,第二空是词组公共汽车司机bus driver,故答案为is;driver。20twelfth【详解】句意:今天是玛丽的十二岁生日。她很高兴。十二twelve,表示第几个生日用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,故答案为twelfth。21 live lives【详解】句意:我住在南京,但是我的朋友住在英国。I是第一人称,动词用原形,my friend是第三人称单数,所以动词用第三人称单数lives,故答案为live;lives。22 drink any sweets either teeth【详解】句

28、意:你不应该喝果汁。你也不应该吃太多糖。你应该在早上和睡觉前刷牙。情态动词shouldnt后面跟动词原形,所以第一句中第一空填动词原形drink,否定句中将some改为any;too many后面跟可数名词复数形式,sweet的复数形式是sweets,否定句中“也”用either表示;第三句中填名词复数形式,tooth的复数形式是teeth,故答案为drink;any;sweets;either;teeth。23their【详解】句意:十个学生在二月过生日。they他们,人称代词主格,修饰名词应用其形容词性物主代词their他们的,故答案为their。24washes【详解】句意:杨玲总是晚饭

29、后洗碗。根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语Yang Ling是第三人称单数,后面的动词wash用第三人称单数形式washes,故答案为washes。25go【详解】句意:让我们现在去派对吧。let us后跟动词原形,故答案为go。26B解析:tries【详解】句意:本试穿了那件黑色T恤,很合身。fits说明句子是一般现在时,主语Ben是第三人称单数,动词try要用第三人称单数形式tries,故答案为tries。27them【详解】句意:他们怎么了?他们胃痛。they他们,是人称代词主格,with是介词,后面的人称代词用宾格,they对应的宾格是them,故答案为them。28to take【详

30、解】句意:他想坐公共汽车去超市,want to do sth想做某事,故答案为to take。29sweeping【详解】句意:现在刘涛正在扫地吗?是的,他在扫。sweep清扫,该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,sweep的现在分词形式为sweeping。故答案为sweeping。30D解析:are eating【详解】句意:现在六点钟。爸爸和我早餐正在吃面条。根据句意,可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语Dad and I是复数,be动词用are,eat现在分词为eating,故答案为are eating。【点睛】三、完成句子31citie

31、s【详解】句意:汤姆坐火车去浙江的许多_。根据句意和首字母可知可以填city城市,前面有many修饰,用复数cities,故答案为cities。32smells#mells【详解】句意:肉闻起来很不错。我等不及了。根据句意和首字母可知考查smell闻,句子是一般现在时,主语The meat是第三人称单数,动词smell用第三人称单数形式smells,故答案为smells。33first【详解】句意:我母亲的生日是一月一日。今天是元旦。根据首字母和句意提示考查单词第一first,故答案为first。34busy#usy【详解】句意:今天我们有很多事情要做,我们太_。根据题意和首字母提示可知,该空

32、应填形容词busy忙的,故答案为busy。35sweeping#weeping【详解】句意:你妈妈在干什么?她正在扫地。根据句意和首字母提示,考查单词打扫sweep,句子时态是现在进行时,sweep的现在分词是sweeping,故答案为sweeping。36September#eptember【详解】句意:教师节在九月十日。根据句意及首字母S,可知考查专有名词September,意思是九月,故答案为September。【点睛】37to wash【详解】句意:苏海洗了盘子,很伤心。此题考查不定式,sb is+形容词+to do sth某人做了某事,某人怎么样,根据句意,故答案为to wash。【

33、点睛】38lives on Moon Street【详解】句意:我的双胞胎弟弟住在月亮街。根据句意,可知句子为一般现在时,主语My twin brother是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数,住在为live on,月亮街为Moon Street,live的第三人称单数为lives,故答案为lives on Moon Street。【点睛】39 Moon Street【详解】句意:步行到月亮街然后你就能找到在你右边的书店。此题考查专有名词,Moon Street月亮街,故答案为Moon;Street。【点睛】40toothache#oothache【详解】句意:我牙痛得厉害。我的牙齿疼。ha

34、ve a bad toothache牙痛得厉害,固定动词短语,故答案为toothache。四、阅读判断解析:41、C42、C43、B44、C45、B【分析】这是描述Mary一家人正在做的事情的短文。41、句意:Mary的家庭有_个成员。根据Her father, Mr Smith, 她的爸爸Smith先生,Tom and Sam, Marys brothers,Tom和Sam,Mary的兄弟, Kate, Marys sister, Kate,Mary的姐姐,Mrs Smith,Smith太太可知Mary一家有6人,故选C。42、句意:Mary在她的房间。她在_。根据下文She is list

35、ening to the radio.她正在听收音机可知Mary正在做的事情是听收音机,故选C。43、句意:Kate正在_她的自行车,根据Marys sister, is cleaning her bike. Mary的姐姐,Kate正在洗她的自行车,可知她正在清洗,故选B。44、句意:Smith太太正在_。根据She is making some cakes in the kitchen.她正在初级房做蛋糕,可知她在厨房,故选C。45、句意:Tom和Sam是Smith先生和太太的_.根据Mary是他们的孩子,而Tom和Sam是Mary的兄弟可知他们是Smith先生和太太的儿子,故选B。【点睛

36、】五、阅读判断解析:46、B47、C48、B49、B50、A【解析】46、问句句意:贝蒂星期六早上在做什么?根据文中句子Betty is having her breakfast.可知贝蒂正在吃早饭。A. She goes to school.她去上学。B. She is having her breakfast.她正在吃早饭。C. She is cooking with her mother. 她和她妈妈一起做饭。D. She is staying in bed. 她呆在床上。故选B。47、句意:贝蒂经常在星期六帮助她的父母_。根据文中句子She helps her parents do s

37、ome housework.可知她帮父母做家务。A. do some cleaning做些清洁工作; B. do some shopping购物;C. do some housework做些家务;D. do some homework做些家庭作业。故选C。48、句意:他们的_有点毛病。根据文中句子Something is wrong with our clock.可知他们的钟出毛病了。A. radio收音机;B. clock钟表;C. car小汽车;D. desk桌子。故选B。49、句意:_在修理他们的钟表。根据文中句子Mr. White mends(修理)clocks. Our clock

38、is in his shop.可知怀特先生正在修理他们的钟表。A. Mrs. White怀特太太;B. Mr. White怀特先生;C. Mr. Brown布朗先生;D. Mrs. Brown布朗太太。故选B。50、题干句意:下面哪句是正确的? A. The clock is ready this morning. 今天早上钟好了。根据文中句子And this morning it is ready.可知今天早上钟表好了。所以该句正确。B. Betty goes to the shop to get the clock with a backpack. 贝蒂带着背包去商店买钟。根据文中句子Be

39、tty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home.可知贝蒂拿着包去商店把钟拿回家。所以该句不正确。C. Betty and her mother go to the shop together(一起). 贝蒂和她妈妈一起去商店。根据文中句子Betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home.可知贝蒂自己去的商店所以该句不正确。D. Betty and her father go to the shop together. 贝蒂和她

40、父亲一起去商店。根据文中句子Betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home.可知贝蒂自己去的商店。所以该句不正确。故选A。六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、A53、C54、C55、C【解析】51、句意“狗站在_。”根据“When he is walking on a small bridge,”可知选C。52、句意“有一_肉在狗的嘴里。”根据“A dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth.”可知选A。53、句意“狗往下看,看见_在水里。”根据“he looks do

41、wn and sees himself in the water”可知选C。54、句意“它张开嘴_。”根据“He opens his mouth to bark at the dog in the water”可知选C。55、句意“狗得到了_。”根据“He opens his mouth to bark at the dog in the water, and his meat falls into the water.”可知选C。七、阅读理解解析:56、A57、C58、A59、A60、A【导语】本文主要讲述了一只鸟的所见所闻。56、句意:在文中,“我”是一只_。A鸟,B树,C花。根据“I a

42、m a bird.”可知我是一只鸟,故选A。57、句意:树在哪里?A在河后面。B在山上。C靠近河流。根据“The tree is near a river.”可知树在河附近,故选C。58、句意:起初河里有鱼吗?A不,没有。B是的,有。C我们不知道。根据“There werent any fish in the river a few years ago.”可知这里没有树,作否定回答,故选A。59、句意:是谁种的树和花?A一些学生。B一些男人。C一些女性。根据“I saw some students. They planted trees.”可知一些学生种树,故选A。60、句意:读完这篇文章后,你应该怎么做?A给花草树木浇水。B买花。C在草地上散步。根据语篇可知应该多种树,爱护环境,故选A。

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