1、妇产科学001 妇产科学 obstetrics and gynecology002 产科学 obstetrics003 妊娠 pregnancy004 幼女妊娠 precocious pregnancy 妊娠年龄小于或等于岁者。005 青春期妊娠 teenage pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy006 孕次 gravidity007 未孕妇 nulligravida008 孕妇 gravida 009 初孕妇 primigravida 010 经孕妇 multigravida 011 假孕 pseudocyesis 012 前次月经 past menstrual
2、period, PMP 013 末次月经 last menstrual period, LMP 014 月经龄 menstrual age 015 受精龄 fertilization age 016 孕龄 gestational age 017 早孕反应 morning sickness 018 妊娠剧吐 hyperemesis gravidarum 019 妊娠纹 striae gravidarum 020 妊娠溢液 hydrorrhea gravidarum 021 黑加征 Hegar sign 022 胎动感 quickening 023 四步触诊法 four maneuvers of
3、Leopold 024 脐带杂音 umbilical souffle 025 子宫杂音 uterine souffle 026 妊娠期 trimester of pregnancy 027 妊娠早期 early trimester of pregnancy 028 妊娠中期 mid trimester of pregnancy 029 妊娠晚期 late trimester of pregnancy 030 过期妊娠 postterm pregnancy, prolonged pregnancy 031 单胎妊娠 singleton pregnancy 032 双胎妊娠 twin pregna
4、ncy 033 单羊膜囊双胎 monoamnionic twin pregnancy 034 双羊膜囊双胎 diamnionic twin pregnancy 035 单绒毛膜双胎 monochorionic twin pregnancy 036 双胎交锁 locked twins, interlocking twins 037 多胎妊娠 multiple pregnancy 038 三胎妊娠 triplet pregnancy 039 四胎妊娠 quadruplet pregnancy 040 五胎妊娠 quintuplet pregnancy 041 同期复孕 superfecundati
5、on 042 异期复孕 superfetation 043 产前 antepartum 044 产时 intrapartum 045 产后 postpartum 046 产前保健 antenatal care, prenatal care 047 预产期 expected date of confinement, EDC 048 胎方位 fetal position 049 产妇 parturient, puerpera 050 未产妇 nullipara 051 初产妇 primipara 052 高龄初产妇 elderly primipara 妊娠年龄35岁者053 经产妇 multipa
6、ra 054 多产妇 grand multipara 分娩次数次者。055 产次 parity 056 初产 primiparity057 经产 multiparity058 胎先露 fetal presentation059 胎势 fetal attitude, fetal posture 060 胎产式 fetal lie 061 纵产式 longitudinal lie 062 横产式 transverse lie 063 胎头浮 floating head 064 胎头入盆 engagement of head 065 胎儿下降感 lightening 066 见红 bloody sh
7、ow, show 067 自然流产 spontaneous abortion 068 先兆流产 threatened abortion 069 难免流产 inevitable abortion 070 不全流产 incomplete abortion 071 完全流产 complete abortion 072 稽留流产 missed abortion 073 习惯性流产 habitual abortion 074 早期流产 early abortion 075 晚期流产 late abortion 076 人工流产 artificial abortion, induced abortion
8、077 流产感染 septic abortion 078 流产儿 abortus 079 葡萄胎 hydatidiform mole, vesicular mole 080 异位妊娠 ectopic pregnancy 081 联合妊娠 combined pregnancy 082 宫颈妊娠 cervical pregnancy 083 输卵管流产 tubal abortion 084 输卵管妊娠 tubal pregnancy 085 输卵管间质部妊娠 interstitial tubal pregnancy 086 宫角妊娠 cornual pregnancy 087 卵巢妊娠 ovari
9、an pregnancy 088 阔韧带妊娠 broad ligament pregnancy 089 腹腔妊娠 abdominal pregnancy 090 子宫残角妊娠 pregnancy in rudimentary horn 091 输卵管妊娠破裂 rupture of tubal pregnancy 092 盆腔积血 pelvic hematocele 093 阿-斯反应 Arias-Stell reaction 简称“A-S反应”。宫外孕时子宫内膜上皮细胞及核呈肥大改变。094 蜕膜管型 decidual cast 095 假临产 false labor 096 先兆临产 thr
10、eatened labor 097 临产 in labor 098 产程 labor 099 总产程 total stage of labor 100 第一产程 first stage of labor 101 第二产程 second stage of labor 102 第三产程 third stage of labor 103 生理性缩复环 physiologic retraction ring 104 颈管消失 effacement of cervix 105 宫口扩张 dilatation of cervix 106 胎头拨露 head visible on vulval gappin
11、g 宫缩时胎头露于阴道口,宫缩间歇时又缩回阴道内。107 胎头着冠 crowning of head 108 胎膜破裂 rupture of membranes 109 胎膜早破 premature rupture of membranes 临产前胎膜破裂。110 胎膜先破 early rupture of membranes 临产早期,宫口开大不到5cm时,胎膜破裂。111 分娩 delivery, parturition 112 足月分娩 term labor, term delivery 113 顺产 spontaneous delivery 114 分娩机制 mechanism of
12、labor 115 衔接 engagement 116 下降 descent 117 俯屈 flexion 118 内旋转 internal rotation 119 仰伸 extention 120 外旋转 external rotation 121 娩出 expulsion 122 早产 premature delivery 123 产力异常 abnormal uterine action 124 宫缩乏力 uterine inertia 125 高直位 sincipital presentation 126 面先露 face presentation 127 胎头过度仰伸 hyperex
13、tension of fetal head 128 额先露 brow presentation 129 颏前位 mentoanterior position 130 颏后位 mentoposterior position 131 持续性枕横位 persistent occipitotransverse position 132 持续性枕后位 persistent occipitoposterior position 133 肩难产 shoulder dystocia 134 肩先露 shoulder presentation 135 忽略性肩先露 neglected shoulder pres
14、entation 136 复合先露 compound presentation 137 头盆不称 cephalopelvic disproportion, CPD 138 骨盆入口狭窄 contracted pelvic inlet 139 中骨盆狭窄 contracted midpelvis 140 骨盆出口狭窄 contracted pelvic outlet 141 扁平骨盆 flat pelvis 142 漏斗骨盆 funnel shaped pelvis 143 均小骨盆 generally contracted pelvis 144 滞产 prolonged labor 全产程大于
15、小时。145 难产 dystocia 146 产科出血 obstetric hemorrhage 147 产前出血 antepartum hemorrhage 148 低置胎盘 low-lying placenta 149 前置胎盘 placenta praevia 150 完全性前置胎盘 total placenta praevia 151 部分性前置胎盘 partial placenta praevia 152 边缘性前置胎盘 marginal placenta praevia 153 胎盘早剥 placental abruption 154 胎盘嵌顿 placental incarcer
16、ation 155 侵入性胎盘 placenta accreta 156 植入性胎盘 placenta increta 157 穿透性胎盘 placenta percreta 158 子宫内翻 inversion of uterus 159 产道裂伤 laceration of birth canal 160 会阴裂伤 perineal laceration 161 会阴阴道裂伤 colpoperineal laceration 162 产后出血 postpartum hemorrhage 163 晚期产后出血 late postpartum hemorrhage 164 产褥期 puerpe
17、rium 165 初乳 colostrum 166 哺乳 lactation 167 母乳喂养 breast feeding 168 产后宫缩痛 after-pains 169 恶露 lochia 170 血性恶露 lochia rubra 171 浆液恶露 lochia serosa 172 白色恶露 lochia alba 173 产褥感染 puerperal infection 174 子宫复旧 involution of uterus 175 子宫复旧不全 subinvolution 176 围生医学 perinatology 又称“围产医学”。177 高危妊娠 high-risk p
18、regnancy 178 妊娠水肿 gestational edema 179 妊娠蛋白尿 gestational proteinuria 180 妊娠高血压 gestational hypertension 181 妊娠高血压综合征 pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, PIH 简称“妊高征”。182 轻度妊高征 mild PIH 183 中度妊高征 moderate PIH 184 重度妊高征 severe PIH 185 先兆子痫 preeclampsia 186 子痫 eclampsia 187 并发先兆子痫 superimposed pre
19、eclampsia 188 并发子痫 superimposed eclampsia 189 暴发子痫 fulminant eclampsia 190 羊水过多 hydramnios, polyhydramnios 191 羊水过少 oligohydramnios 192 痉挛性狭窄环 constriction ring 193 子宫破裂 rupture of uterus 194 妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症 intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, ICP 195 妊娠急性脂肪肝 acute fatty liver of pregnancy 196 妊娠急性黄色肝萎
20、缩 obstetric acute yellow liver atrophy 197 胎儿学 fetology 198 胎儿 fetus 199 胎儿窘迫 fetal distress 200 胎粪 meconium 201 胎毛 lanugo 202 死胎 fetal death 203 滞留死胎 missed labor 204 压扁胎 fetus compressus 205 纸样胎 fetus papyraceous 206 石胎 lithopedion 207 死产 stillbirth 208 新生儿学 neonatology 209 新生儿 neonate, newborn 21
21、0 足月儿 term infant 211 双胎儿 twins 212 多胎儿 multiple fetuses 213 单卵双胎儿 monovular twins, identical twins, monozygotic twins 214 双卵双胎儿 binovular twins, dizygotic twins 215 联体儿 conjoined twins 216 早产儿 premature infant, preterm infant 217 宫内发育迟缓 intrauterine growth retardation, IUGR 218 低体重儿 low birth weigh
22、t infant 219 小于胎龄儿 small for gestational age infant 220 巨大胎儿 fetal macrosomia 221 过熟儿 post mature infant 222 新生儿窒息 neonatal asphyxia 223 阿普加评分 Apgar score 224 胎头水肿 caput succedaneum 225 头颅血肿 cephalohematoma 226 双顶径 biparietal diameter, BPD 227 胎头变形 moulding of head 228 新生儿黄疸 neonatal jaundice 229 无脑
23、儿 anencephalus 230 脑积水 hydrocephalus 231 胎盘 placenta 232 副胎盘 succenturiate placenta 233 环状胎盘 ring-shaped placenta 234 膜状胎盘 membranaceous placenta 235 有窗胎盘 fenestrated placenta 236 轮廓胎盘 circumvallate placenta 237 胎盘粘连 placental adherence 238 胎盘边缘血窦破裂 rupture of placental marginal sinus 239 胎盘梗死 place
24、ntal infarction 240 血管前置 vasa previa 241 子宫胎盘卒中 uteroplacental apoplexy, couvelaire uterus 242 胎盘滞留 placental retention 243 胎盘剥离 placental separation 244 胎盘娩出 placental expulsion 245 母体面娩出式 Duncan mechanism 246 胎儿面娩出式 Schultz mechanism 247 蜕膜 decidua 248 胎膜 fetal membranes 249 羊膜 amnion 250 平滑绒毛膜 ch
25、orion laeve 251 叶状绒毛膜 chorion frondosum 252 羊水栓塞 amnionic fluid embolism 253 脐带 umbilical cord 254 脐带胶质 Wharton jelly, umbilical jelly 255 脐带过长 long cord 256 脐带过短 short cord 257 脐带扭转 torsion of cord 258 脐带缠绕 cord entanglement 259 脐带假结 false knot of cord 260 脐带真结 true knot of cord 261 脐带脱垂 prolapse o
26、f cord 262 脐带狭窄 stricture of cord 263 脐带水肿 edema of cord 264 脐带囊肿 cyst of cord 265 脐带血肿 hematoma of cord 266 单脐动脉脐带 single umbilical artery of cord 267 脐带边缘附着 cord marginal insertion 268 脐带帆状附着 cord velamentous insertion 269 妊娠图 pregnogram 270 泡沫试验 foam stability test 271 卵磷脂与鞘磷脂比值 lecithin/sphingom
27、yelin ratio, L/S 272 雌激素与肌酐比值 estrogen/creatinine ratio, E/C 273 产程图 partogram 274 活跃期 active phase 275 活跃期延长 prolonged active phase 276 活跃期停滞 protracted active phase 277 活跃期宫口扩张停滞 protracted active phase dilatation 278 最大加速期 maximum acceleration phase 279 减速期 deceleration phase 280 减速期延长 prolonged
28、deceleration phase 281 外监护 external electronic monitoring 282 浮球感 ballottement 283 胎心率 fetal heart rate, FHR 284 胎心率监测 fetal heart rate monitoring 285 内监护 internal electronic monitoring 286 早期减速 early deceleration, ED 287 晚期减速 late deceleration, LD 288 变异减速 variable deceleration, VD 289 无应激试验 non-st
29、ress test, NST 290 宫缩应激试验 contraction stress test,CST 291 催产素激惹试验 oxytocin challenge test, OCT 292 羊膜镜 amnioscope 293 羊膜镜检查 amnioscopy 294 胎儿成熟度 fetal maturity 295 胎儿镜 fetoscope 296 羊膜腔造影术 amniography 297 胎儿造影术 fetography 298 妇科学 gynecology 299 月经初潮 menarche 300 乳房初发育 thelarche 301 乳房过早发育 premature
30、thelarche 302 肾上腺功能初现 adrenarche 303 肾上腺功能早现 premature adrenarche 304 阴毛初现 pubarche 305 隐性月经 cryptomenorrhea 306 经血潴留 retention of menses 307 月经过少 hypomenorrhea 308 月经稀发 oligomenorrhea 309 月经过多 menorrhagia 310 月经频发 polymenorrhea 311 月经频多 menometrorrhagia 312 月经淋漓 menostaxis 313 子宫不规则出血 metrorrhagia
31、314 排卵期出血 ovulation bleeding 315 经间出血 intermenstrual bleeding 316 性交后出血 postcoital bleeding 317 无排卵性功能失调性子宫出血 anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding 318 排卵性功能失调性子宫出血 ovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding 319 撤退出血 withdrawal bleeding 320 突破出血 breakthrough bleeding 321 子宫内膜不规则脱落 irregular shedd
32、ing of endometrium 322 功能性痛经 functional dysmenorrhea 323 器质性痛经 organic dysmenorrhea 324 膜样痛经 membranous dysmenorrhea 325 原发闭经 primary amenorrhea 326 继发闭经 secondary amenorrhea 327 子宫性闭经 uterine amenorrhea, amenorrhea due to uterine lesion 328 卵巢性闭经 ovarian amenorrhea 329 垂体性闭经 pituitary amenorrhea 33
33、0 下丘脑性闭经 hypothalamic amenorrhea 331 功能失调性下丘脑性闭经 functional hypothalamic amenorrhea 332 正常促性腺素性闭经 normogonadotropic amenorrhea 333 高促性腺素性闭经 hypergonadotropic amenorrhea 334 低促性腺素性闭经 hypogonadotropic amenorrhea 335 精神性闭经 psychogenic amenorrhea 336 营养不良性闭经 malnutritional amenorrhea 337 运动性闭经 exercise
34、related amenorrhea 338 避孕药后闭经 postpill amenorrhea 339 女性不孕症 female infertility 340 原发不孕 primary infertility 341 继发不孕 secondary infertility 342 无排卵性不孕 anovulatory infertility 343 输卵管性不孕 tubal infertility 344 原因不明性不孕 unexplained infertility 345 免疫性不孕 immune infertility 346 体外受精 in vitro fertilization
35、347 人工授精 artificial insemination 348 胚泡移植 embryo transfer 349 经前紧张征 premenstrual tension syndrome 350 未破卵泡黄素化综合征 luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome 351 耐促性腺激素性卵巢综合征 gonadotropin resistant ovarian syndrome 352 卵泡膜细胞增殖症 hyperthecosis 353 多囊卵巢综合征 polycystic ovarian syndrome 354 卵巢功能早衰 premature ov
36、arian failure 355 绝经期综合征 menopausal syndrome 356 外阴营养不良改变 vulvar dystrophy 357 外阴炎 vulvitis 358 前庭大腺脓肿 abscess of Bartholin gland 359 前庭大腺囊肿 Bartholin cyst 360 外阴阴道炎 vulvovaginitis 361 老年性阴道炎 senile vaginitis 362 滴虫阴道炎 trichomonal vaginitis 363 念珠菌阴道炎 candidal vaginitis 364 宫颈炎 cervicitis 365 子宫颈腺囊肿
37、 Naboth cyst 又称“纳博特囊肿 ”,简称“纳氏囊”。366 盆腔炎 pelvic inflammatory disease, PID 367 急性盆腔炎 acute pelvic inflammatory disease 368 慢性盆腔炎 chronic pelvic inflammatory disease 369 盆腔淤血综合征 pelvic congestion syndrome 370 阴道小肠膨出 vaginal enterocele 371 膀胱膨出 cystocele 372 直肠膨出 rectocele 373 子宫脱垂 uterine prolapse 374
38、膀胱阴道瘘 vesicovaginal fistula 375 直肠阴道瘘 recto-vaginal fistula 376 子宫腔粘连综合征 Asherman syndrome 又称“阿谢曼综合征”,简称“阿氏征”。377 处女膜闭锁 atresia of hymen, imperforate hymen 378 先天性无阴道 congenital absence of vagina 379 阴道狭窄 stenosis of vagina 380 阴道隔 vaginal septum 381 双阴道 double vagina 382 双子宫 double uterus 383 双角子宫
39、uterus bicornis 384 残角子宫 rudimentary horn of uterus 385 条索状卵巢 streak ovary 386 阴道镜检查 colposcopy 387 阴道涂片检查 vaginal smear examination 388 阴道镜 colposcope 389 阴道显微镜检查 colpomicroscopy 390 宫颈刮片 cervical scraping smear 391 宫颈粘液检查 cervical mucus examination 392 宫颈粘膜碘试验 Schiller test 393 宫颈活检 cervical biops
40、y 394 性交后试验 postcoital test, Huhner test 395 宫颈粘液精液相合试验 Miller-Kurzrok test 又称“米勒库尔洛克试验”。396 宫颈管刮片 endocervical scraping smear 397 宫腔吸片 hystero cavity aspirating smear 398 宫腔镜 hysteroscope 399 宫腔镜检查 hysteroscopy 400 后陷凹镜 culdocope 401 后陷凹镜检查 culdoscopy 402 子宫输卵管造影术 hysterosalpingography, HSG 403 输卵管
41、通气术 uterotubal insufflation, Rubin test 404 输卵管通液术 hydrotubation 405 黄体酮试验 progesterone test 406 雌激素试验 estrogen test 407 羊膜穿刺术 amniotomy 408 引产术 induction of labour 409 人工破膜术 artificial rupture of membranes 410 剥膜术 stripping of membranes 411 会阴切开术 episiotomy 412 会阴正中切开术 median episiotomy 413 会阴后-侧切开
42、术 postero-lateral episiotomy 414 会阴修复术 perineal repair, perineorrhaphy 415 转胎位术 version 416 外转胎位术 external version 417 内转胎位术 internal version 418 联合转胎位术 combined version 419 胎头吸引术 vacuum extraction 420 产钳术 obstetric forceps delivery 421 低位产钳术 low forceps delivery 422 中位产钳术 mid forceps delivery 423 高
43、位产钳术 high forceps delivery 424 臀位助产 assisted breech delivery 425 胎臀牵引术 extraction of breech 426 后出胎头产钳术 forceps delivery of aftercoming head 427 剖宫产术 cesarean section 曾用名“剖腹产术”。428 古典式剖宫产术 classical cesarean section 429 子宫下段剖宫产术 low-segment cesarean section 430 腹膜外剖宫产术 extraperitoneal cesarean secti
44、on 431 剖宫产子宫切除术 cesarean hysterectomy 432 手取胎盘术 manual removal of palcenta 433 毁胎术 destructive operations 434 锁骨切断术 cleidotomy 435 穿颅术 craniotomy 436 断头术 decapitation 437 除脏术 evisceration 438 宫颈旁阻滞术 paracervical block 439 宫颈环扎术 cervical cerclage 440 陈旧性会阴裂伤修补术 repair of old perineal laceration 441 处
45、女膜切开术 hymenotomy 442 阴道口扩大术 perineoplasty of vaginal outlet 443 阴蒂切除术 clitoridectomy 444 前庭大腺囊肿造口术 marsupialization of Bartholin gland cyst 445 前庭大腺囊肿切除术 excision of Bartholin gland cyst 446 外阴切除术 vulvectomy 447 外阴根治术 radical vulvectomy 448 阴道隔切开术 incision of vaginal septum 449 阴道切开术 colpotomy 450 阴
46、道成形术 colpoplasty 451 阴道闭合术 colpocleisis, Le Fort operation 452 阴道固定术 colpopexy, suspension of vagina 453 阴道壁修补术 repair of vaginal wall 454 宫颈扩张术 dilatation of the cervix 455 宫颈切开术 hysterocervicotomy 456 宫颈修补术 trachelorrhaphy, repair of cervix 457 宫颈成形术 tracheloplasty 458 宫颈锥切术 conization of cervix 459 宫颈切除术 amputation of cervix 460 宫颈残端切除术 excision of cervical stump 461 曼彻斯特手术 Manchester operation 462 探宫腔术 sounding of uterine cavity 463 刮宫术 dilatation and curettage, DC 464 分段刮宫术 fractional curettage of uterus 465 子宫切开术 hysterotomy 466 子宫肌瘤切除术 myomectomy