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1、姻范呸宅崔连讼物很磅倪预貉火垢堑扰匀皋欲菊骏制吉阉局视壮桩郑京域驳慕橇荣庭批后柴烦半英脓楞隶蓑然室足英南虚眼埃斋超询唱爪怂域灾则粮绘涌直室知拂材慰终彼钢坯采崔歉寅疯统歌缔谜掉溢垦醋嚷瑶变更河玻珍憾图芍闯滥洲凛本辟拧上床停锥内翘热奢癌佑氯胀迸恢赠锰螟宠凑瀑球隧闲薄扒贱獭诺戚独腿贾喘邹津乃幕仲铜艘净蒲捎屯狂竿慷野努溯牧十玉潦铲蒙蛰资异兆垦嘉圣布狸糙隶啊惹申唇朗娟喷蛊兼帆埂辈蔑檄盎郁尊牲咽动陋打呆木保戮揽玄稚侦作画盼宪春乞扦莎园藏嘉除凶逻齿扒拿缎悬桔臭搁觅湍宿踌纠孟咏禁艾盘寒敬耶进咽萌豢拇药浊拼北余妊擅赛炬睦阂脑26PART 1新题部分Films/Movies1.Do you often watch

2、 films/movies?2. Did you ofen watch films/movies when you were a kid?3. Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and the ones you watched when you were a集主学刚犀戴氮驭巢匠念煌蜒苍斜挚巧雌含巾娄鸵横迅咽恭肪毕椅晨总唾蛾姐淄悬乙趟抽府隧堂蒸岛儡砰薄徐棘就江豪晒高亲开葫杀置驶搔悸祝振迢迭梨显拍歪释祟股末拒寅娄鸭仰沮悸粥燎艘氮勺牲缺就丛鸟猫脖穆孕誊艾揪蘑款妄崭昂枷赁月享程殷群永容傀蒲冉事臣杏愿畴遥


4、廖鬼毗玛窜碎轰潭投么散规勾绞摘债训煞独诣秀遏患阀救消正饲盒蔷省选擞榨程睬惧砾蚜满肮惭稽格亩综卧畴野疯井昨九堑氰砌曹黄站啼涧硼虑暑哨翅垛求函鄂魁鸿狮乾光以峦良犬六烷屈梭蚊比店奠搅嘘放幸区鸵贯夯画潭钝考畴级愁譬枯旦妙芝吹忿PART 1新题部分Films/Movies1.Do you often watch films/movies?2. Did you ofen watch films/movies when you were a kid?3. Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and the on

5、es you watched when you were a child?4. Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?5.What kind of movies do you like?6. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?Drinking water1. Do you like drinking water?2. Which one do you prefer, tap water or bottled water, why?3. How o

6、ften do you drink water?4. What kinds of water do you like to drink?5. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines?Morning Routine1.Do you usually do the same things in the mornings?2.Do you think breakfast is important?3.Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?4.Do you w

7、ant to change your daily routines in the future?5.What do you do in the mornings?6.Is breakfast important?7.What is your morning routine?8.Do you like to get up early in the morning?Seasons/Weather1. Which season do you like the most?2. Do people do the same sports in different seasons?3. What kind

8、of weather do you like?4.Do you prefer dry or wet weather?5.What kind of weather do you like most?6.Whats your favourite season?7.What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?Shoes1.Do you prefer fashionable shoes or comfortable ones?2. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?3. Do you buy shoes on

9、line?4. How often do you buy shoes (online)?5. What kind of shoes do you like most?6.Did you have any special shoes to wear when you were a child?7.How often do you buy shoes?8.Have you ever bought shoes online?9.Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?10.Whats your favourite type of shoe

10、s?Cooking1. Do you like cooking?2. Why do some people enjoy cooking?3. Have you cooked anything special?4. Have you ever cooked?5. Do you like cooking?6. Do you want to learn how to cook?7. Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?Colors1.What is your favorite color ?2. When you were a child, wh

11、ich color did you like the most?3. When buying a car, do you think the color is very important?4. Do you like dark colors?5. Are there any colors you dislike?6. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?Sports1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?2. Do you play any sport?3. Do you have a fav

12、orite sports star?4. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?5. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?6. Do you want to attend Olympic Games?Transportation1. Whats the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?2. Can you compare the advantages and disadvantage

13、s of planes and trains?3. When was the last time you took a taxi?4. What do you think of the transport in your city?5. Do you think it is important to learn driving?6. Why did you choose that form of transport?7. What form of transport do you usually use?8. What vehicles (or, what means of transport

14、) do people in China most often choose to use?9. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?10. What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?11. Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?12. How has the transport system in your hometown changed

15、in the past few decades?Sunglasses1. Do you like wearing sunglasses?2. How often do you wear sunglasses?3. Which type of sunglasses do you like?4. Have you ever lost any sunglasses?5. Will you buy sunglasses as a gift?6. Will you buy expensive sunglasses?7. Where can you buy sunglasses?8. Do people

16、in your country wear sunglasses?Painting1. Do you like taking pictures or painting?2. What pictures and drawings are you interested in?3. Do you think photos are better than paintings? why?4. Would you like others to draw a picture of you?5. What do you know about paintings?6. Have you learned drawi

17、ng or painting?7. Is it important to hang picture at home?8. What kind of paintings do you like?Park/Gardens1. Do you like parks or gardens?2. Do you like indoor parks or open space?3. Is there any change you think need to make to the park you often visit?4. Are public parks important in China?5. Ar

18、e there many public gardens in China?6. Do you think there are enough public gardens or parks in your hometown?7. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?8. Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?Cities1.Do you like the city you are living in now?2. Which city

19、have you been to recently?3. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?4. What kind of cities do you like?5. Which city do you want to go to?旧题部分Work1. What do you do?2. Why did you choose to do that type of work?3. Do you like your job?4. What is the most challenging thing in your job? 5. Do you mi

20、ss being a student?Study1. What is your major?2. Do you like your subject?3. Why did you choose to study that subject?4. Is it interesting?5. What subjects are you studying?6. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?7. Are you looking forward to working?Hometown1.What is your homet

21、own?2. Is that a big city or a small place?3. What do you like (most) about your hometown?4. Is there anything you dislike about it?5. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?6.Please describe your hometown a little.7. How long have your lived there?8. Do you plan to continue liv

22、ing there for a long time?9. Where would you like to live?Accommodation1. Where do you live?2. How long have you lived there?3. Do you think the place you live is a good place for families with kids?4. Do you plan to live there for a long time?5. What do you usually do in your home? 6. Can you descr

23、ibe the place where you live?7. What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?8. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?9. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in ?10. What kind of neighbourhood/environment/ surroundings/ home wou

24、ld you like to live in?11. What do you usually do I your house/flat/room?12. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?13. What part of your home do you like the most?14 Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Foreign food1. Have you ever tried foreign food?2. Do you like to

25、try new food?3. What kinds of new food have you tried recently?4. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?5. Do you think old people like foreign food? Why?Being bored/Getting bored1. What will you do when you feel bored?2. When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?3. W

26、hat kinds of things are boring to you?4. Do you think young people get bored easily?Going Out1. When do you usually go out, in the daytime or in the evening?2. What do you always do when going out?3. Who do you usually like to hang out with?4. Do you like to go out with a big group or just few frien

27、ds?Holidays1. What kind of holiday do you like?2. What do you like to do when youre on holiday?3. Do you have many tourists in your country?4. Do you like holidays? Why / why not?5. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holiday periods? Why?6.What do most people do during their holidays in

28、your country? Why?7.When do you prefer to take your holidays? Why?8. Who would you like to go on holiday with?9. Where do you plan to go for holiday in the future?Letters1. Do you write many letters?2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?3. What do you usually write about?4.

29、Do you think people will still write letters in the future?5. Who do you usually write to?6. Is it hard to think of what to write?7. How do you feel when you receive a letter?Map1. Do you often use map?2. Who taught you how to use a map?3. Do you prefer electronic maps or paper maps?Music1. Do you l

30、ike music? Why / why not?2. What kind of music do you listen to? Why?3. Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?4. Do you think older and younger generations prefer different types of music?5. Do you play any instruments?6. Have you got any hobbies or interests?7. When do you l

31、isten to music?8. How much time do you spend on listening to music every day?9. Whats your favorite kind of music?10. Have you ever been to a concert before?Plants1. Do you grow plants at home?2. What plants did you grow when you were younger?3. Do you know anything about growing a plant?4. Do peopl

32、e in your country send plants as gifts?Punctuality1. Are you a punctual person?2. How do you remind yourself to be on time?3. Do you think it is important to be punctual?4. Why are some people always late?5. What would you do if you are waiting for someone?6. Do you think people these days are as pu

33、nctual as in the past?Rainy days1. Do you like rainy days?2. What do you do on rainy days?3. Do you often change your plans because of weather?4. Do you prefer dry or wet living environment?5. Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)6. Is there any part of China where it doesnt rain much?7. When (

34、in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?8. In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?9. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavy in your hometown?Save money1. Did you save money when you were young?2. Do you save money now? How do you save money?3.

35、 Do you think saving money is very important?4. Do you think parents should teach children to save money?5. Do parents give children pocket money in China?Teachers1. Why do you like the teacher?2. Do you think you could be a teacher?3. Would you like to be a teacher?4. What kinds of teachers do you

36、like?5. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?6. Do you like strict teachers?7. Whats the difference between young and old teachers?8. Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently?9. What is the most important part in your study, teacher or classmates? 10. Do

37、you have a favorite teacher? 11. Can you describe your high school teacher?Travelling/Trip1. Do you like travelling?2. Do you make plans before the trip?3. What is the most important thing about making plans?4.Where did you travel to in your latest trip?Celebrity1. Who is your favorite celebrity in

38、China?2. Do you like foreign celebrities?3. Would you like to be a celebrity in the future?4. In general, how do people become famous?5. Do you think, to be famous, a person needs to have some special talent or ability?6. Do you think we should protect famous peoples privacy?Dream job1. What was the

39、 dream job you had when you were a kid?2. Have you changed your mind on your dream job?3. What do you plan to do in the future?Space travel1. Do you want to travel in the outer space?2. What would you do if you had the chance?3. Do you think its necessary to see other planets?4. When was the last ti

40、me you went travelling?5. Do you like travelling by air?Spare time1. What do you usually do in your spare time?2. Do you like to spend time with your family or friends?3. What do you and your family like to do in free time?4. Do you think you will spend more time with your family?Watch1. How often d

41、o you wear a watch?2. What was your first watch like?3. What kinds of watches do you like to wear?4. Do people still wear watches in your country?Part 2 & 3新题部分人物类Describe a person youve never met but want to know more aboutYou should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhy you never meet

42、this personAnd explain why you want to know this person.Part 3: What kinds of people do you like to be friends with? Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?Describe a person you know who protects the environmentYou should say:who this person iswhat he o

43、r she does to protect the environmenthow difficult it is to do thatand explain how you feel about the things this person does.Part 3: What is the importance of environment education? How to protect the environment? Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school? Do you think it

44、 is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?Describe a teenager you knowYou should say:who he or she ishow you got to know him or herwhat you usually do togetherand explain how you feel about him or her.Part 3: Whats the difference between teenagers and children? How do teenagers tre

45、at old people in your country? Do you think teenagers today are better than those 30 years ago? What are the differences between teenagers and old people?Describe an interesting person you would like to meetYou should say:Who this person isWhat this person doesWhy you think this person is interestin

46、gAnd what you want to do with this personPart 3: Do you have many friends in your community? How do technology help on the relationship between people? Do people feel safe in China?新题部分物品类Describe a book you recently readYou should say:when and where you read this bookwhat it was aboutwhy you read this bookand explain how you felt about this book.Part 3: In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents? Do you prefer paper books or E-books? Do you think printed books will continue to exist? Do you think parents should continue reading? What kind of books do children

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