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1、签订协议书注意事项 供应商需提供三份中文产品说明书用于办理免税及清关,说明书与协议书上首页及配置清单中的货物名称和型号须一致,并含有该产品彩色外观图片(需出),如只有外文的,应附中文翻译。若说明书为供应商自行制作的彩色打印版,需要加盖供应商骑缝章并交学校用户每一页签名。 随同购置的附件或配件应列入清单中,不要列在第一页表格中。货物名称及清单应有中文,并且须列明具体数量和单位,国内交货部分要注明。配置清单中货物数量单位为“套”时,应列明“套”内具体货物清单。清单须按照招标或网上竞价结果核对确认并签名。 办理软件免税进口必须含有该软件的安装介质。 甲方“用户单位负责人”是指学院主管该经费、项目的院

2、长;科研经费的经费负责人。甲方联系人:是指后续合同跟进的单位办事人员。 “”代表选择项,选定后删掉其它项。 正式协议书签字盖章前,须将双方拟定的电子版本先发给职能部门初审。联系人及电话: 潘老师 26538960 邮箱地址: 1321286887 请每次草拟协议书时,到实验与设备部主页下载最新的协议书样本。 卖方非中标方的,卖方和中标方需出具双方签章的关系说明文件一式两 份,由买方和买方代理各执一份。 合同编号规则: (11) SDJ XXX 签订年份顺序号(此页不要打印) 合 同CONTRACT合同号 Contract No.: 签订日期 Signed on: 买方:深圳大学Buyer: S

3、HENZHEN UNIVERSITY 地址:中国 深圳南山区 南海大道3688号 邮编: 518060Address: No. 3688, Nanhai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R. China Postal Code: 518060电话:86-755-26538960 传真:86-755-2653 4473Telephone: 86-755-26538960 Fax: 86-755-2653 4473Email:1321286887买方代理:深圳市新拓企业发展有限公司 Buyers Agent:SHENZHEN XINTUO ENTERPR

4、ISE DEVELOPMENT LTD. 地址:深圳市福田区皇岗中路高科利大厦A座四楼 邮编:518033Address:4/F, Block A, Gaokeli Building, Huanggang Middle Road, Futian District, ShenzhenPostal Code: 518033电话:86-755-8836 2179 传真:86-755-8836 2220Tel: 86-755-8836 2179 Fax: 86-755-8836 2220Email:saralhm 卖方: Seller:Address:电话: 传真: Tel: Fax:Email:根据

5、中华人民共和国合同法及深大招( )201 号的招标结果 竞价申购单号: 单一来源采购专用仪器批示,由买方、买方代理及卖方三方订立,就下述商品达成协议:Pursuant to the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the tender results (S.D.Z.( ) 201 ), Purchase (No.: ) at a competitive price and instructions for purchase of special instruments from a single source, the Buyer,

6、 Buyers Agent and the Seller shall conclude the present Agreement in relation to the following goods. 1. 商品名称、规格、数量和总额Article 1 Product Name, Specifications, Quantity & Price项 目Item No.型 号Model产 品 描 述Product Description数 量Qty合 同 总 额 (美元)Contract Price (USD)TOTAL CIP SHENZHEN UNIVERSITY总 额TOTALSays:

7、USD Only.除本合同另有约定外,货物总价已包含购买货物及售后服务所发生的所有费用,包括但不限于运保费、卸货吊装到最终目的地费用、配套资料费、安装调试费用、项目验收时的试剂耗材和强制性第三方监督检验机构的验收检验费用以及免费保修期内的售后服务费用等。Unless otherwise stipulated herein, the total price of the goods has included any and all fees arising from the purchase of goods and the after-sale service, including but n

8、ot limited to the freight and transportation fee, costs resulting from unloading and loading to the final destination, supporting information fee, installation and commissioning fee, reagent consumable materials fee incurred in the project inspection, inspection and test fee imposed by the third par

9、ty supervision and inspection authority as well as the after-sale service fee incurred during the free warranty period. 除非另有规定, “CIP”贸易术语应依照国际商会制定的2000年国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2000)办理。 The terms CIP shall be subject to the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS 2000) formu

10、lated by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), unless otherwise stipulated herein.). 货物原产地及制造商: Article 2 Place of Origin & Manufacturer: 运输方式: Article 3 Mode of Transportation: . 装运港: Article 4 Port of Shipment: 卸货港: Port of discharge: 最终目的地: 中国深圳大学(到具体安装地点)Final destination: Shenzhen University

11、 of China (the specific installation place). 交货期限: Article 5 Time of Delivery:收到信用证后_ _天内交货。(L/C方式,信用证有效期:开证之日起三个月内)Within day(s) upon receipt of the L/C (In case L/C is adopted, such L/C shall be valid within three months since it is opened)合同签订后 天内交货。(/方式)Delivery Time: Within days after signed th

12、e contract.6. 保险:Article 6 Insurance由卖方按合同金额110%投保,保险种类为一切险, 从启运地至最终目的地.The Product shall be covered by the Seller for 110% of total contract value against all risks from the place of departure to the final destination.7. 包装:Article 7 Packing(1) 除非合同另有说明,否则货物须按出口标准的保护措施包装。该包装应适用于长途海运或空运和内陆运输,并防潮、防湿、

13、防震、防锈和耐粗暴搬运。卖方需承担由于不足够或不适当包装而造成货物的任何损害和损失。(1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the goods shall be packed by taking the standard protective measures applicable to the export. Such packing shall be suitable for long distance ocean/air and inland transportation and well protected against dam

14、pness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. Any damage and loss caused by inadequate or improper packing shall be borne by the Seller.(2) 全部包装或包装的任一部分均应满足中国动植物卫生检疫法律、法规的规定。(2) All or any part of the packages must be in conformity with the requirements specified in the sanitary and phytosanitary

15、 laws and regulations of China.(3) 在每一个包装的表面,使用钢印盖上不褪色、易读的包装号码、尺寸、毛重、净重、搬运位置和类似“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮”等警告字样和以下的唛头:( ) SDJXXX/深圳大学(3) On the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, net weight, lifting position, warning words such as “THIS SIDE UP”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”, “K

16、EEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” and the following shipping mark shall be indicated by the use of steel seal so as to be fadeless and easy for reading:( ) SDJ XXX/Shenzhen University ,China. 装运通知Article 8 Shipping Advice货物全部装运后48小时内,卖方应立刻将合同编号、商品名称、尺寸、数量、毛重、发票金额、航班号、运单号和一份包装证明复印件,传真告知买方代理,并邮寄正本发票3份(标明买方是深圳大学

17、)。The Seller shall, within 48 hours after the goods are completely loaded, notify the Buyers Agent of the contract number, product name, measurement, quantity, gross weight, invoice value, flight number, AWB No., and a copy of the Packing Certificate by fax and mail the original invoice in three cop

18、ies (in which the Buyer is Shenzhen University should be indicated).付款方式和时间安排(二选一,不选删除)Article 9 Terms of Payment & Schedule (Please select one and delete those which are not selected)买方通过受其委托的买方代理办理付款,以开具信用证(L/C)货到见单付款或货到验收后电汇(后T/T)两种方式支付。(如采用海运方式,卖方需于船开后2天内电放提单)The Buyer shall make a payment throu

19、gh the entrusted Buyers Agent by means of payment through L/C against the documents upon arrival of the goods or through T/T after acceptance upon the arrival of the goods. If ocean mode of transportation is used, then the Seller should issue the telex release within two (2) days since the shipment.

20、 合同总金额十万元人民币(美元等值)以下货物,合同签订后,卖方和买方代理提供发票给买方,经校内审批后向市财政局申请100货款,待货到安装验收合格后,设备无故障连续运行2个月后,买方代理到银行办理相关付款手续。(后T/T方式) As for the goods with a contract price less than RMB 100,000 (or equivalent amount in US dollars), then after signed the contract ,the Seller and the Buyers Agent shall present an invoice

21、 to the Buyer ,the Buyer shall prepare the materials required for the Application for payment to the Municipal Finance Bureau ,the equipment runs well for a consecutive of two (2) months, then the total contract value shall be paid in 100% T/T upon the Acceptance Report signed and issued by buyer. 合

22、同总金额十万元人民币(含十万)(美元等值)以上的货物,签订合同后,货款分两次付清:As for the goods with a contract price of RMB 100,000 or above (or equivalent amount in US dollars), then the contract price shall be paid in two times after the Contract is signed. 卖方缴纳合同款的 %(合同金额的5% 10%)作为履约保证金给买方,买方收到履约保证金及签定本合同后,通知买方代理开具信用证。第一次付款为合同总金额的70

23、,货到后凭本合同第10条(1)-(9)规定的单据交到银行后凭单付款;剩余30待验收合格后凭本合同第10条(10)规定的单据交到银行凭单付款付清。验收合格后履约保证金转为质量保证金,从验收合格之日起一年后若无重大质量问题,买方将质量保证金无息全额退付给卖方。(保证金以转账方式转到买方的账户,保证金退付依据甲方计财部“退付保证金申请书”办理,下载网址:,“文件下载”)。 The Seller shall pay % of the contract price to the Buyer as the performance security. The Buyer shall notify the B

24、uyers Agent to open a L/C after receiving such performance security and signing the Contract. The first payment shall be 70% of the total contract price and paid against the documents regulated in Article 10.110.9 of the Contract and submitted to the bank and the outstanding 30% shall be paid in ful

25、l against the documents regulated in Article 10.10 of the Contract and submitted to the bank. After the goods are accepted, such performance security shall be converted into the quality security. In case of no major quality issues within one (1) years since the date of acceptance, the Buyer shall re

26、fund such quality security to the Seller in full and without any interest. (The security shall be transferred into Buyers account through transfer. The refund of such security shall be subject to the “Application for Security Refund” issued by Party As Finance Department. Please access to and downlo

27、ad the document). 买方收到设备后,第一次付款为合同总金额的70,货到后凭本合同第10条(1)-(9)规定的单据交到银行后凭单付款;剩余30待验收合格并连续运行 2 个月无故障后出具验收合格报告,凭本合同第10条(10)规定的单据交到银行凭单付款付清。After the equipment is received, the Buyer shall first pay 70% of the total contract price against the documents after submitting those documents regulated in Article

28、 10.110.9 of the Contract and pay the outstanding 30% in full against such documents regulated in Article 10.10 of the Contract and submitted to the Bank after the goods are accepted and runs well for a consecutive of two (2) months and the Acceptance Report is issued. 10. 单据: Article 10 Documents(1

29、) 全套提单注明“运费已付”,收货人是买方。(1)A full set of B/L marked with “freight prepaid” and the Buyer as the consignee. (2) 标明合同号的发票正本5份,同时标明买方是深圳大学(其中3份发货前邮寄至买方代理,另2份:L/C的交银行,T/T的随货同行)。(2) Five originals of commercial invoice indicating the Contract number and that the Buyer is Shenzhen University, among which 3

30、will be sent to the Buyers Agent prior to the shipment and 2 will be shipped to the Bank if L/C is adopted or together with the goods if T/T is adopted. (3) 装箱单5份, 标明包装的数量及每件包装的毛重、净重、尺寸。(3) Five copies of the packing list indicating the number of packages and the gross weight, net weight and measure

31、ment of each package.(4) 由卖方出具的品质和数量/重量证明书2份。(4) Two copies of the Certificate of Quality and Quantity/Weight issued by the Seller(5) 发货后将装运的详细情况通知买方代理并传真副本一份。(5) The Seller shall notify the details of the shipment of the Buyers Agent after the shipment and then fax a copy thereof. (6) 如果包装为木质包装,则卖方

32、需证明外箱上已有IPPC标识,如果包装为非木质包装,则需提供由制造商出具的非木质包装证明。(6) If the package is made of wood, then the Seller should prove that there is IPPC marking on the outer box; otherwise, the Seller should provide the Non-wooden Package Certificate issued by the manufacturer.(7) 保险单或保险证明书2份,一份正本,一份副本。(7) One original and

33、 one copy of the Insurance Policy or Insurance Certificate.(8) 卖方出具的原产地证明副本2份。(8) Two copies of the Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Seller. (9) 买方出具的收货证明,证实货物包装完好无损,且买方签章需为银行预留印鉴。(9) Proof of receipt issued by the Buyer proving that the goods are packed in a perfect condition and stam

34、ped by the Buyer with the bank reserve seal.(10)卖方、买方及买方代理签具的货物验收合格报告,且买方签章需为银行预留印鉴。(10) The Acceptance Report signed and issued by the Seller, the Buyer and the Buyers Agent and stamped by the Buyer with the bank reserve seal. 11. 安装与验收: Article 11 Installation and acceptance:买方在收到设备后,应通知卖方安装验收。卖方在

35、接到通知后十个工作日内完成安装验收。 After the buyer received the equipment,the buyer shall notify the seller to install and accept.The seller shall finish the installation and acceptance within ten(10) working days after receiving the notification.12. 质量保证Article 12 Quality Assurance卖方应保证货物是合法厂家生产和经销的原包装产品(包括零配件),必须

36、具备生产日期、厂名、厂址、产品合格证等。在各方面都符合质量说明书和本合同所规定的性能。卖方也须保证在正确安装、使用和维护的情况下,货物自安装之日起的一年内运转良好。如果买方对卖方所出售的货物验收不合格,拒绝出具验收合格报告,卖方须承担买方和买方代理的所有损失和由此而产生的所有费用。The Seller should guarantee that the goods are such products (including the parts) with the original package as are manufactured and distributed by the legitim

37、ate manufacturers, have the date of manufacturing, name and place of the manufacturer and the Product Certification and comply with such performance stipulated in the Quality Specification and the Contract in all aspects. The Seller should also guarantee that the goods work well within one (1) year

38、since the installation under the condition that they are installed, used and maintained correctly. If the Buyer finds that the goods are nonconforming and then rejects to issue the Acceptance Report, then the Seller should be responsible for any and all losses suffered by the Buyer and the Buyers Ag

39、ent and any and all costs incurred thereby. 卖方须保证所售出的货物为买方本合同所订购之货物(型号,规格,数量,货品),如卖方发错货物,造成买方及买方代理损失,卖方需承担买方及买方代理的所有损失和由此而产生的全部费用。Besides, the Seller should guarantee that the goods (model, specifications, quantity and quality) to be sold are those ordered by the Buyer under the Contract. If the Sel

40、ler delivers wrong goods, thus causing any loss to the Buyer and the Buyers Agent, then it should be responsible for such loss as well as any and all costs incurred thereby. 13. 售后服务Article 13 After-sale Service在自安装验收合格之日起 12 个月的质保期内,卖方需负责由于缺陷的设计、工艺或材料而造成货物的任何过失或故障。卖方对货物负责包修、包换或包退,并承担修理、调换或退货的实际费用。卖

41、方不能修理或不能调换,按不能交货处理。在保修期内,修理的部件和劳动力是免费的。当货物发生故障,买方须迅速通知卖方,而卖方必须在买方发出通知的 5 日内免费为买方修理或更换故障的零部件或设备,除非技术说明书另有说明。The Seller shall, within twelve-month warranty since the installation and acceptance, be responsible for any fault or failure due to the defective design, workmanship or material. In addition,

42、the Seller should also be responsible for the repair, replacement or return of the goods and the actual fees arising from such repair, replacement or return If the Seller can not repair or replace the goods, then it shall be deemed that the Seller cannot make a delivery. During the warranty, the Sel

43、ler should repair the parts free of charge. In case of any failure to the goods, the Buyer should promptly notify the Seller and the Seller must, within five (5) days since the Buyer gives a notice, repair or replace such parts or equipment having a failure for the Buyer free of charge, unless other

44、wise specified in the Technical Description. 免费质保期满后,当设备质量出现偏差,卖方免费校准;当设备质量出现故障,卖方必须在 7 日内到达现场维修,并提供维修所需的零配件,只收取材料成本费用。卖方对设备的操作软件免费升级,终身服务。After the free warranty expires, in case of any deviation in the aspect of equipment quality, the Seller should be responsible for the calibration free of charge

45、; in case of any failure to the equipment quality, the Seller must, within seven (7) days, arrive at the site to conduct maintenance, provide the parts required for such maintenance and shall only charge the costs of the materials. The Seller shall update and provide lifetime service for the operati

46、ng software used by the equipment without any compensation.14. 检验和索赔Article 14 Inspection & Claim发货前,制造厂商应对货物的质量、规格、性能和数量/重量作精密全面的检验,出具检验证明书,并说明检验的技术数据和结论。Before the delivery is made, the manufacturer should make a precise and comprehensive inspection on the goods with respect to the quality, specification, performance and quantity/weight and issue an Inspection Certificate specifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection.卖方在装运货物时应按买方代理要求提供办理清关手续的相关文件,并在货物装运后48小时内以快递形式寄送买方代理。买方代理在办理清关过程中如因政府要求需补充相关文件的,卖方应在买方代理通知后24小时内以快递形式寄送买方代理。如卖方未能按时

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