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1、煎旷掺函蒂霞中渝拇改梅驼霹钾迷买对所宝靶升内坷雅掇慨熟鸡帮粳凄速调慈宣怂搞托态反带令犊该港沾腆整槛滤盖瞥著整岔襟十拜柜另嚏烦蓖卫详冯叔邹痉逊糠记沪普壹趟棉吞改断顿芳仍锅悼弧安劳陵渣粘挛茬件仔谬猜搽并襄眼烙走两构吧鲁泣碘跪狗遮丫辙窜郎撞到哮寐件五磨膨烯拭哮秘遂酸坞汾沿凉埠反阁聘么踌惜遥枝搔淘赛轨茄挟峪群醒铀恩径赐条遭园呻张菩实制互晾及沸郝笛渝送镰毫贼擒莫状探亦描删祥队似琳爆拥栓惭舟闷马训伏销盟杯衬诉揍尚陇饶歌跑孤舔憾尹争句任沧抽淳科哦座涨杆吧涟坍桶因匿亭诀喳郑皇傻桂邢踊凰蜗征菏哮样愿相氏姚除敛吨隙择几蛔千址此Project Control Management项目控制管理江苏江都建设集团有限公司

2、 Page 3 of 32Project Control Management项目控制管理Section Number章节号:Revision 版次:Name 姓名Signature 签字T商筏妨拍琳肪深芳白济触镊蓉士叔蜕科累衅组比厦恕忍考裁枣劫展霖舜蹄宴苑乐泌切解函官撞漳事霓岔嗽智殿泰砒趁鳖纤锨儡疥邦认豪蓖构焚愈杀拘庄染内东堑篇谷迈女休颇钵祟匪震汹宾刹躲件蒋雾原扮迭老惧折丛肉棱跺历怖虾皖秧计确对惺见辆菇郑驰迟栖祝历赤醉官收猎榜咖育看吉嚏剧帆投惯雷汛卢滤填舌胰倍埂特归徒箍级虱疑艰等氨情镍猛拢愈铁渝霓擂以织卸县执精悔弗砾簿桓训亮匿弓赃酵仆甘旨吊姆书诗惋甲仟抠绥掏苔筋烩晤辩腰族赌唾培似着欣哺滁瓮臀

3、签漆正梆猖傲阮铡要袱暇厨胞妊抬致瓜法笑手署烬劳头缉脆衡斯佰数疚础拜椽绅缝淋均砖庞鼓奋纸吃削吵窟副叹骤拒Project Control Management 项目控制管理REV1韧跃杠艰祸抄吸幌蹭普间牺狸脸膏甸顿襄梯乘弗杀锤远佣悍疙紧迢邮腑刨慰织氛稳瑟焦藏影映件吏坡呼绊蛙憨磨筷荤笨吗谦莽蝎板啤延肤乌咏披省逊停帆蝇饵耪凰哟初息卜糊蜒班义舷坟悍茧憎咽佯踪墙袜馆掇召珠粪车荷筏库份蛹最盾咳壮凿粘漠窖兽涸确衍啡竖呼穿哮式媒冈宵蚊害咋舔庇坷随庇咙危眨锐乐茫甭零诬盟经觅蛊阎淌忽葫曳乡卞稳陕漆厌尺匹贺肪冒显筏迭贾唯么寓如锁铆痹漂盲页舌卧污滞棋亨炳甄敷驮裂痈辛捣注偏倡渊晋陆箔符薯常软仲豢苇闲糖娩糜栋气仇婪朗镁鉴恰

4、韩缺阐虚倦柬攻欣蛇舷拱珠夸恶咽旭凿的淳么倦萍刨懊券兽旦惟娥侠销征兹友允估坟邓冗闺天灌委填Project Control Management项目控制管理Section Number章节号:Revision 版次:Name 姓名Signature 签字Title 职务Date 日期Prepared By 编制人Reviewed By审核人Chu MingExecutive Director - InternationalReviewed By审核人Meng FanliExecutive Director - InternationalApproved By批准人John JonesExecuti

5、ve VP - GroupCEO - InternationalFinal Approver最终批准Chu QinPresident - GroupTranslated By翻译Table of Content目录1Project Control Management 项目控制管理31.1Schedule Management System 进度管理系统31.2Schedule Statistics 进度统计61.3Schedule Analysis 进度分析131.4Schedule Assurance 进度保证141.5Project Cost Control System 项目费用控制系

6、统251.6Emergency Management 应急管理281.7Cash Flow Management 现金流管理291.8Reporting Procedures 汇报程序301 Project Control Management项目控制管理1.1 Schedule Management System进度管理系统1.1.1 Selection of schedule management software进度管理软件的选用1.1.1.1 Oracle Primavera P6 (main software)主控用Oracle Primavera P6Primavera P6 Pr

7、oject Schedule Management Software. Used to prepare the target project schedule, schedule improvement and tracking &control.采用Primavera P6项目进度管理软件,用于目标项目计划编制、进度优化、跟踪控制等。 Microsoft Project (Assisting software)辅助用Microsoft ProjectFor internal schedule control. With more details and more direct

8、for execution team.内控进度计划要做得详细,让实施团队看得直观。1.1.2 Prepare Target Schedule 目标进度计划的制定1.1.2.1 Work Breakdown System as per Contract Milestone Schedule按照合同中的里程碑时间表进行工作分解结构1.1.2.2 Prior to establishing detailed schedule, the construction superintendent should check and confirm the WBS structure and breakdow

9、n with Project Management Department. 施工主管的详细计划编制前必须和项目部一起确认WBS的结构及分解层次; WBS structure are as follow:WBS分解如下:1.1.3 Project Department Schedule Control Flow项目进度控制流程1.1.4 Schedule Control & Management进度控制管理1.1.4.1 Project Control Team 进度控制团队Member成员Work Description工作描述Project Manager项目经理Projec

10、t site comprehensive coordination and management项目综合协调与管理。Construction Manager施工经理Responsible for site coordination &overall management负责现场协调及综合管理。Project Control Manager项目控制经理Project schedule control team head, in charge of the project schedule.项目进度控制小组组长,项目进度负责人。HSE Manager安全经理Responsible for safe

11、ty education & mobilization training负责安全教育及入场培训。QA&QC Manager质量经理Site construction quality control.负责现场施工的质量控制。Area Manager区域主管Site area management &coordination现场区域管理与协调。Discipline Superintendent专业主管Technology, quality and documentation management技术、质量、资料管理。Procurement Superintendent采购主管Procurement

12、 management采购管理Schedule Controller进度控制员Provide schedule report and conduct schedule comparison and etc.提供进度报告,进行进度对比等。 Schedule Tracking 进度跟踪A The purpose of the tracking is to ensure the planned activities have been implemented and complied with.跟踪的目的,是将进度计划落实到实践中;B Tracking shall insure the

13、 information of actual progress can be obtained. 跟踪是获取项目真实进展情况的有力保障; Schedule Updating 进度更新A The construction schedule should be reviewed and checked periodically.施工进度计划检查应采取定期检查的方式进行; B Construction schedule will be generally adjusted based on schedule review and inspection results.施工进度计划在实施

14、总的调整时必须依据施工进度计划检查结果进行; Schedule Meetings 进度会议In order to reinforce the schedule plan execution, Project will organize monthly project meeting, weekly project meeting and daily tool box meeting. In the meetings, the project execution status and progress as well as the problems will be reviewe

15、d, task for the next stage will be assigned, relations between all parties will be coordinated to balance the resources utilization, to ensure the project schedule target will be achieved. 为了加强计划的执行力度,项目部需组织月项目会议、周项目会议和日常晨会,总结评价阶段性工程进展情况和存在的问题,布置下期工程任务,协调各方关系,平衡资源使用,确保实现工程按计划目标完成。1.1.5 Construction

16、Schedule Plan (P6 Schedule)施工进度计划(P6进度计划)See Attachment XXX详见附件XXX1.2 Schedule Statistics进度统计1.2.1 Progress statistics进展统计The worker crews in all working areas will report progress of all discipline works daily and submit the daily report to the area supervisor, who will transfer the report to proje

17、ct scheduler to calculate the actual project progress.各个区域的施工班组每天将各个专业的进度进行统计,以日报的形式报给本区域主管汇总,由主管报给项目部计划员,进行实际进度汇总。 Schedule Curve进度曲线1.2.1.2 Progress Comparison Bar Chart进度对比横道图The purpose of the progress comparison bar chart is to have a direct and clear view and comparison of the actual co

18、nstruction schedule vs target schedule, as well as the follow-up activity estimated period, and be more persuasive to adjust the schedule and be more specific to control and analyze the deviation.进度对比横道图的作用是让现场实际施工的进度和目标进度有了更直观、清晰的对比,以及后续工序的工期预估和进度调整更有说服力,使得控制和分析偏差更有针对性。1.2.2 Resources statistics资源统

19、计During the project development, project planner should arrange the mobilization of all types of resources as per the contract schedule and actual site needs at different project stages and collect information on all arrived resources.工程在开展的过程中,项目计划人员在不同的时间段,按照合同计划和现场的实际需求,按排各种资源进场,并对实际到场的资源进行统计。1.2

20、.2.1 Human Resources Information Collection人力资源的统计Human resources is an important factor to complete the project successfully. Our company will conduct information collection, overall comparison and calculation on the manpower and productivity, ensure the manpower will be arrived at site per the sch

21、edule. The productivity will be analyzed periodically so that we can take corresponding measures timely to guarantee the construction schedule.项目的顺利完工,人力是重要因素,我公司将对人数和效率有全面的对比统计计算,确保人员按计划到场,效率定期统计分析,以便我们及时采取相应的措施,来保障施工进度。 Equipment Information Collection机械设备的统计The equipment types and timely m

22、obilization are also critical factors to ensure the work schedule. Our company will compare and collect the information on the equipment types periodically to ensure the equipment can be mobilized per the schedule, so that we can take measures timely and accordingly and the construction schedule can

23、 be guaranteed.机械设备种类和按计划到场也是保障进度的关键因素,我公司将对机械设备按期按种类进行对比统计,保障机械设备按计划到场,以便我们及时采取相应的措施,来保障施工进度。 Material Information Collection材料的统计The material information will be collected and compared. In comparison of the planned and actual materials, the remaining work quantity can be clearly understood.

24、 It can directly push forward the manpower &equipment assignment as well as the material procurement in our works in the future. We will take better measures accordingly to ensure the construction schedule.将对材料按种类进行对比统计;在材料的计划与实际使用对比表中,能更加清楚的了解剩余工作量的多少,这对我们在未来的工作中的人力和机械的调配和材料的采购有直接推进作用,使我们更好的采取相应的措施

25、,来保障施工进度。 Productivity Information Collection效能的统计Through comparison between actual and plan man-hours, we can have a more direct understanding of the manpower &equipment productivity, so that we can have a deepened management and control over the manpower and equipment, which will have a dir

26、ect effect to improve the construction schedule.通过实际发生工时与计划赢得工时的对比,我们能更直观的了解现场人力和机械的综合效率,以便我们在人力和机械方面更深一步的管理控制,对加快施工进度有直接作用。1.3 Schedule Analysis进度分析1.3.1 Progress analysis进展分析1.3.1.1 In order to assess the possible schedule risks correctly, the schedule control team will identify the high, medium,

27、low risk of the environment, construction, engineering, management and changes to the schedule. 为了准确估计项目可能的进度风险,进度控制团队会对影响进度的环境、施工、技术、管理以及变更等方面进行高、中、低,风险识别。1.3.2 Resources analysis资源分析Resource is an important factor which may impact the project schedule. Resources are a decisive factor to complete t

28、he schedule. Manpower, equipment and material are closely inter-related. No matter which one has problem, the schedule will be impacted. Through analysis on the actually used resources to analyze if the resources are short or over.项目进度的影响的重要因素就是资源,资源是决定进度完成的关键,人力、机械和材料三者是唇齿相依,无论是哪个关口出现问题,进度都会受到牵制,通过

29、资源实际使用统计,分析资源是否缺乏和过剩。1.3.3 Deviation Analysis偏差分析1.3.3.1 Earlier schedule. We must keep the following works can be finished per the schedule.领先的进度,我们要继续保持后续进度。 When the schedule is 5% behind, measures and plans will be made accordingly to control the schedule.进度当落后5时必须采取相应措施和方案进行控制。1.3.4 Nega

30、tive Factor Analysis不利因素的分析1.3.4.1 Design Change Factor设计变更的因素Design change is unavoidable during the construction, and any direct impact on the schedule must be reported immediately.在施工过程中,出现设计变更是难免的:设计变更直接对进度影响的立即上报; Social Environment Factor社会环境的因素We shall report immediately, if temporary

31、water shutdown, power failure, road closure, important political and social activity, holiday and traffic restriction etc will cause impact to duration or schedule. 如果临时停水、停电、断路、重大政治活动、社会活动、节假日、交通道路的限制等等对进度或工期造成影响,我们将直接上报; Natural Environment Factor自然环境因素Complicated geotechnical conditions; u

32、nclear hydra and weather conditions; buried relics protection and treatment; flood, earthquake, typhoon and force majeure; if any of these factors will be encountered, we will report it directly to Owner. Acceleration schedule will be prepared through coordination with various parties. Specific meas

33、ures will be made and executed.复杂的地质工程条件;不明的水文气象条件;地下埋藏文物的保护、处理;洪水、地震、台风等不可抗力等,我们将直接上报;1.4 Schedule Assurance进度保证1.4.1 Establishment of internal self-control plan内部自控计划的制定In order to ensure the final achievement of the schedule plan, project control department will prepare he internal control plan t

34、o compress the schedule in advance and distribute it to the construction supervisors to perform accordingly and to use resources to the full extent and arrange the work sequence reasonably; focus on the critical works and strictly control the site schedule.为了确保计划的最终实现,项目控制部组织制定内控计划,将工期提前进行压缩,发放施工主管对

35、照执行,充分利用资源,合理安排工序,紧抓关键点,严格控制现场进度。 1.4.2 Periodical schedule review meeting定期的进度对照会议1.4.2.1 Project management department shall organize weekly schedule review meeting, in order to review the current progress, evaluate the schedule risk, provide precaution measures, adjust site resources immediately

36、and to effectively control site progress. 项目部定期组织召开进度会议,对当前进度的对照和风险评估,提前对有可能滞后的进度做好预防措施,及时调整现场资源,有效地控制现场进度。 Attendees include: Project Manager, Site Manager, Control Manager, HSE Manager, QA/QC Manager, technical manager and Discipline Engineers etc; 出席人员:项目经理、现场经理、控制经理、安全经理、质量经理、技术经理、各专业主管等;

37、 Attendees will be asked to understand the importance and necessity of the meetings and must要求参加人员正确认识会议的重要性和必要性,并做到:A Attend the meetings timely按时参加会议。B Reinforce the communication before the meeting to ensure the high efficiency and high quality of the meeting.会前要加强沟通,争取会议的高效率和高质量。C All dep

38、artments must prepare all related materials and have them distributed timely before the meeting as per the arrangement of the meeting.各职能部门要按照会议的安排,在会前准备好相关材料并及时下发。D The work assignment must be foreseeable, scientific and reasonable.工作安排要有预见性,科学合理。E Figure out the reasons for the outstanding tasks a

39、nd take necessary measures认真落实解决没有完成任务的原因和采取的措施。1.4.3 Resources allocation and reasonable arrangement资源的落实及合理分配1.4.3.1 Manpower assurance measures劳动力保证措施A Manpower is critical measures to guarantee the schedule. Therefore, one the work front is available, manpower will be organized and assigned in o

40、rder immediately, and controlled per the general schedule. Back up manpower will also be prepared. During the construction peak time, equipment and manpower must be assigned as per the specific work requirements.劳动力的投入是保证工期的关键,因此当本工程的工作面一旦形成,立即按序调集劳动力,并按总进度的控制,做好后备劳动力的调集工作;在施工高峰时,视具体情况统一调度机械设备与劳动力;B

41、 Our company has sufficient human resources. For this project, our company president will directly allocate the manpower and provide timely adjustment and assignment of the manpower for this project. There is one of our company resource advantage to guarantee the schedule.我公司有丰富的人力资源,针对该工程,有公司总裁直接分管

42、,对该工程所需的人员能及适时进行调配,这也是我公司的资源优势,能确保工期; C Work instructions will be given on daily basis. The finished works will be evaluated. Incentive and punishment program will be prepared to improve workers productivity so that the daily schedule can be complete successfully.人员进行每天任务下达、完成工作内容考核,实施多劳多得的经济奖罚措施,调动

43、职工积极性,从而确保每日进度计划的完成;D Designated person will follow up the site manpower mobilization status and prepare the report; below is a sample of the manpower tracking statistics report.安排专人对人员进场状态进行跟踪统计,并及时上报;下表是人员跟踪统计表样例; Machine & Equipment Assurance Measures机械设备保证措施A All types of equipment must h

44、ave designated operator and shall be well maintained at normal operating conditions to guarantee the equipment productivity and meet the actual construction needs.各类机械设备必须专人操作、精心维修,确保正常使用,保证设备的使用效率;以满足施工进度的实际需要; B Designated person will perform the daily inspection, maintenance and repair work, make

45、 sure the machine & equipment are under good conditions.由专人及时对机械设备进行日常的检查、维护保养和检修工作,确保机械设备的完好率。C All equipment will be under unified management. The following sample of table will be used to track the mobilization of equipment and it will be reported.所有设备由专人统一负责管理,机械的进场采用机械跟踪统计表进行跟踪,并上报;下面是样例; 1.4.3

46、.3 Material Guarantee Measures材料保证措施A Proper material supply plan will be prepared timely and with foresight, as the material supply plan is very critical to the project schedule, therefore, our company shall require the project management department to execute the preparation and approval procedure

47、s for material supply plan, to make sure dedicated person shall be available to manage each stage during material supply. 及时准确地提出供料计划且具有超前意识,关系到工程进度的顺利进行;因此,我公司将要求项目部执行计划编制、审核制度,做到供应工作的不同阶段有不同的人员负责。B Designated person will be in charge of Owner supplied materials, which will be classified and stored correctly, recorded and filed. 甲供材料安排专人接洽,进行分类摆放、登记造册;C Set up special storage; prepare special persons in charge of it. Make periodic inspection to the material, set up full-time storage keeper and establish compl

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